30th time I have caught my husband stealing my pain meds!



  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Hey, lying and stealing are not the good foundation for a marriage. JS.

    And no, I am not married. And probably will never be.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.


    BWAHAHA Oh Stanley... :)
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.


    Are you terribly surprised after some of the mean, rude and downright judgmental replies she got. People please remember just cause you can't see someones face doesn't mean you aren't talking to a real person with real feelings.

    You're new here I'm guessing.

    Not at all I have been here nearly a year. The OP has also been on here a year with 150 posts. Not a troll. I am quite often disgusted by the replies some people put on here because they are safe behind their computer screens.
  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.


    Are you terribly surprised after some of the mean, rude and downright judgmental replies she got. People please remember just cause you can't see someones face doesn't mean you aren't talking to a real person with real feelings.

    You're new here I'm guessing.

    Not at all I have been here nearly a year. The OP has also been on here a year with 150 posts. Not a troll. I am quite often disgusted by the replies some people put on here because they are safe behind their computer screens.

    Wanna fight? :laugh:
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    I don't think that you should divorce your husband over this. You obviously need to help him get through this. If you address it and he makes no effort then I could see you proceeding with divorce but at this point it sounds like you haven't even talked to him about it. Talk to him, remove the temptation, and get him some help. Then, if you have to love him from afar, so be it.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I think most importantly, why are you asking strangers in an online weight loss forum what you should do with your husband/marriage? Seriously?!

    There seems to be a trend here

    I assume people ask this stuff here for unbiased opinions in regards to the situation as presented.

    I have asked similar things in ensure that my feelings that I was having a hard time admitting were valid, and so asking people and giving details without too much personal detail I got some responses that helped me face my situation.

    Honestly it sounds like he has an addiction and with addicitions in can go a few different ways.

    * He can admit he needs help and will accept the help provided and follow through with his plan and become the man he used to be, the man you loved
    * He can admit the problem, ask for help but then not follow through landing him back in the cycle of addiction
    * He can admit the problem but not want help
    * He can decide that he doesn't have a problem and continues the addict cycle

    It is up to him if he wants to get help and use it, and I think that should be the basis of a decision to leave. If he gets the help he needs and stays clean and you have your husband back the way you loved him then why would you leave?

    If he cannot clean up or refuses to then I would say that is good reason to leave and never look back.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.

    Are you terribly surprised after some of the mean, rude and downright judgmental replies she got. People please remember just cause you can't see someones face doesn't mean you aren't talking to a real person with real feelings.

    You're new here I'm guessing.

    Not at all I have been here nearly a year. The OP has also been on here a year with 150 posts. Not a troll. I am quite often disgusted by the replies some people put on here because they are safe behind their computer screens.
    Then you must be absolutely mortified when you step outside into the real world.

    Btw, longevity of account does not correlate to whether or not someone is a troll. And judging from your post count, yes, you *are* new to the forums.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The troll deactivated Peeps.

    I know this but still think this point needs to be made. This is a quit cold turkey situation for both parties. Husband is clearly an addict stealing from a sick wife 30 times.

    Wife (OP's) pain clearly isn't managed if it took her so long to catch on that she was refilling too frequently, furthermore, her Dr. or pharmacy should have caught on. Too much looking the other way, too little actual problem solving. She needs a real solution, possibly surgery. Hubby needs a 12 step. Only bothering to say after deactivation in case anyone else ever finds themselves in these murky waters during a pain medicated injury. IF it's murky and confusing, it's probably time to get some clarity. Fast!
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    I think most importantly, why are you asking strangers in an online weight loss forum what you should do with your husband/marriage? Seriously?!

    Bingo!!! ^^ this lady winz the internet!
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.


    Are you terribly surprised after some of the mean, rude and downright judgmental replies she got. People please remember just cause you can't see someones face doesn't mean you aren't talking to a real person with real feelings.

    You're new here I'm guessing.

    Not at all I have been here nearly a year. The OP has also been on here a year with 150 posts. Not a troll. I am quite often disgusted by the replies some people put on here because they are safe behind their computer screens.

    Wanna fight? :laugh:

    Not really! I'm a lover not a fighter and I have more compassion in my little finger than some of the people on these boards have in their entire body.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Assuming you've rejoined the site under another name so you can continue reading this thread....
    I think I'm divorcing him.
    I think you'll stay. If the 29th time didn't do it for you, I think the 30th won't either. Don't talk about it. Be about it.
  • shawaniea
    shawaniea Posts: 25 Member
    1replace your pills with some cheap viatmins, 2 catch him in the act get help before divorce he could be saleing them i mean does him seem like hes on drugs or
  • FeleciaMiller
    FeleciaMiller Posts: 68 Member
    I don't know you personally but anytime you need to chat/vent im here. We need to be there for each other in ALL THINGS.
    ~More than willing to befriends with you.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I live this life of good karma and want to raise my kids the same. What does that say about me staying with someone who lies and steals?

    That i should step up my game...How YOU doin'?
  • HykerGurl
    HykerGurl Posts: 18 Member
    I gave my drug addicted husband 2 chances to quit while he was living at home with me and the kids. I finally kicked him out and said I would give him a year to figure it out but had to want it for himself. After 6 months I gave him an at home drug test (PDT 90, it is a hair test). It came back positive for several drugs...most concerning and alarming was HEROIN! Thank GOD we weren't not living together anymore when I found that out. We had 3 children and I have not seen him since 1999. I have awesome kids that are functioning parts of society. Two already graduated from high school and on to college and working. One is still in high school. He is something we never talked about or looked back to say "what if" because we are a tight happy family. There would have been no happiness with him in our lives. My kids have never asked to see him and he has never come looking for us.

    Had I let him stay...chances are he would have brought down me and my children. He now has multiple children with multiple women. I never got child support and still do not. I have never received government or state assistance either, I did it on my own. My children have and always will be my life. I brought them into this world so they are my responsibility...not some grown man that makes bad choices. Let him go make bad decisions on his own and embrace your children. Children should ALWAYS come first and my kids know they are mine ♥ Stay strong and I hope your back gets better!
  • shastacrystal
    shastacrystal Posts: 262
    I agree with this as well and to add to it....when you got married you said for better or for worse NOt until you have a drug problem. Dont give up so easy! Help him, unless you dont love him enough to stick around and do that. Perhaps do it for no one else other than your kids!!!
    I live this life of good karma and want to raise my kids the same. What does that say about me staying with someone who lies and steals?

    Get him help. In the meantime, keep the pills hidden and/or locked away.

    After a full page of responses, it seems odd I'd be the first person to suggest this. ^^ Seems pretty obvious to me...
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    "I gave my drug addicted husband 2 chances to quit while he was living at home with me and the kids. I finally kicked him out and said I would give him a year to figure it out but had to want it for himself. After 6 months I gave him an at home drug test (PDT 90, it is a hair test). It came back positive for several drugs...most concerning and alarming was HEROIN! Thank GOD we weren't not living together anymore when I found that out. We had 3 children and I have not seen him since 1999. I have the most kids that are functioning parts of society. Two already graduated from high school and on to college and working. One left in high school. He is something we never talked about or looked back to say "what if" because we are a tight happy family. There would have been no happiness with him in our lives. My kids have never asked to see him and he has never come looking for us.

    Had I let him stay...chances are he would have brought down me and my children. He now has multiple children with multiple women. I never got child support and still do not. I have never received government or state assistance either, I did it on my own. My children have and always will be my life. I brought them into this world so they are my responsibility...not some grown man that makes bad choices. Let him go make bad decisions on his own and embrace your children. Children should ALWAYS come first and my kids know they are mine ♥ "

    This is more eloquently what I wanted to say.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    To clear up no I'm not a drug addict, I have 4 herniated discs in my neck and I am severe chronic pain with chronic migraine. So yes, I do have pain meds to help me through my really bad days, but an addict no!

    Get a better hiding place. Then get him counciling.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    BreeNJesse has deactivated their account.

    Are you terribly surprised after some of the mean, rude and downright judgmental replies she got. People please remember just cause you can't see someones face doesn't mean you aren't talking to a real person with real feelings.

    You're new here I'm guessing.

    Not at all I have been here nearly a year. The OP has also been on here a year with 150 posts. Not a troll. I am quite often disgusted by the replies some people put on here because they are safe behind their computer screens.
    Then you must be absolutely mortified when you step outside into the real world.

    Btw, longevity of account does not correlate to whether or not someone is a troll. And judging from your post count, yes, you *are* new to the forums.

    I don't know what world you live in but in mine people aren't so jaded. And just because it happens here doesn't make it alright. This was not a joke post but someone in pain. And maybe they weren't really but you don't know that so maybe it would be best to put the snarky comments on another post.
This discussion has been closed.