Walmart customers



  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I don't know if this really needs to be about Walmart. General perception is skewed by the two extremes of photoshopped fitness models in media and the "average" (overweight-obese) real people.

    I absolutely agree with this...
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    lots of people in pajamas

    I HATE this. This is one of my peeves- people going out of their house in pjs. They are officially saying, "I give up on life. I just don't give a damn about myself or anyone anymore!" It's the epitome of lazy. It's one of the signs of the downfall of society when people can't even get dressed when they go out of the house.

    I am being overly dramatic, but I HATE THAT.

    I concur! Huge issue for me if you can't be bothered to put on clothes or worse a bra, to leave the house. Come on people.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    I shop at walmart every week. And Ive never noticed a difference in products from a normal grocery store. They sell unhealthy foods, healthy foods, paper product and all the toiletries you could ask for. A store doesn't control what people eat anymore than a restaurant does. It is up the individual person to make the right choices. Shop the outer rim of the store.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I love people of WM. Makes me feel like a really neat dresser when I go in jeans, a nice TShirt and my boots!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.

    You can't say that people fall on tough times, situations change.
  • ejsmom02
    ejsmom02 Posts: 8 Member
    WOW..I hate what this topic has become. A bunch of stereotypes and judgements being thrown around. A general observation is one thing, but to assume you know what someones life is like or what their life could/should be is sad. Live and let live. I hate I took the time to read this. Have a good day all.
  • konfidentialglitter
    konfidentialglitter Posts: 9 Member
    I am not sure if it is airing everywhere, but I've seen a couple of commercials for WalMart with professionals (engineers, lawyers etc) talking about why they shop in WalMart. It seems that even WalMart is aware of the reputation they have as being the shopping destination for low-income people. Interesting.

    Are they the ones where they compare the savings if you were shopping at jewel?
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Being badly dressed and maybe over weight is just bad choices don't know peoples stories where they've been what health conditions they have...I have shopped at Walmart worked there and I am not low income and I am healthy I also shop at all the other stores and especially GNC.
    Unfortunately I have been dirt poor as a child but my whole family was skinny my mom made everything from scratch and we hardly ever got sweets.... We never shopped at Walmart!
    So judging people on how they look and where they shop isn't an accurate depiction of their circumstances.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    Two of my children are in the normal weight range for their ages. But my youngest is over weight. Since I have been making better choices about my food he has started questioning me about calories and healthy food vs unhealthy food. I think the choices we make are more influential than the people they see in other settings.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I am fat and we are poor. Our family income for 4 was 15k last year. We do not get any government help either. The cheapest food IS fattening. Dollar menu at Mc donalds and every other fast food restaurant. Hated to eat there but it was cheeper than fresh vegetables and fruit to feed 4. Ramen noodles were a staple. I would add eggs to make it go further. I was and still am one of those Walmart people. I was also one that wore pajamas. Know why? Because I have not bought clothes for myself in 8 years. The PJ's were a Christmas gift (my only gift) from my husband who got them at WM for $4.50.
    I am so glad that you pious wealthy, thin people are doing so well that you find entertainment in people who are less fortunate. You stand in judgment and refuse to walk in someone else's shoes. Flame me if you want
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.

    You can't say that people fall on tough times, situations change.

    If someone makes the choice to have 4 kids, they are responsible to make or have saved enough money to support those kids in a healthy lifestyle.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    lots of people in pajamas

    I HATE this. This is one of my peeves- people going out of their house in pjs. They are officially saying, "I give up on life. I just don't give a damn about myself or anyone anymore!" It's the epitome of lazy. It's one of the signs of the downfall of society when people can't even get dressed when they go out of the house.

    I am being overly dramatic, but I HATE THAT.

    I get dressed in my pajamas. That's right, I get out bed, currently wearing jammies and I shower, do my hair, my nails, make myself look nice ... Cause I am not lazy and I do care about me.
    Then, I put on my favorite pair of camoflauge pajama pants, slip on shoes and brown T-shirt and go throughout my day. I do care about me but I could care less what people think of me. I love my jammies.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.

    You can't say that people fall on tough times, situations change.

    If someone makes the choice to have 4 kids, they are responsible to make or have saved enough money to support those kids in a healthy lifestyle.

    Wow I hope you never have something unforseen happen.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.

    You can't say that people fall on tough times, situations change.

    If someone makes the choice to have 4 kids, they are responsible to make or have saved enough money to support those kids in a healthy lifestyle.

    Wow... You do realize that you can't plan for everything right? Things happen that you don't expect, haven't planned for, etc.

    Maybe that woman with four kids was married. Maybe that father had a great job. Maybe that father got killed in a car accident. Maybe that woman used the money they had saved to get them by... pay the mortgage... funeral.. whatever. Maybe that woman with the four kids took in a friends children, siblings children, etc who lost a parent and she is doing the best she can with some extra people around. What if the parents had saved money but a medical issue happened to one of them or one of the children and they spent their savings to save that persons life? There are a lot of things that can happen. Stuff happens. You can't always plan life. Things happen you don't expect that can completely turn your life upside down.

    And for the OP, not everyone who has a lower income is overweight. And don't generalize people who shop at walmart. If you think you are too good for Walmart than don't shop there.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Way to be a judgemental D-bag.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Interesting! When I go to Walmart, I really only notice other customers when I have to wait in line to checkout. I don't see anymore unsightly people than anywhere else. Perhaps it's your neighborhood. :)