Walmart customers



  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.

    You can't say that people fall on tough times, situations change.

    If someone makes the choice to have 4 kids, they are responsible to make or have saved enough money to support those kids in a healthy lifestyle.

    Wow... You do realize that you can't plan for everything right? Things happen that you don't expect, haven't planned for, etc.

    Maybe that woman with four kids was married. Maybe that father had a great job. Maybe that father got killed in a car accident. Maybe that woman used the money they had saved to get them by... pay the mortgage... funeral.. whatever. Maybe that woman with the four kids took in a friends children, siblings children, etc who lost a parent and she is doing the best she can with some extra people around. What if the parents had saved money but a medical issue happened to one of them or one of the children and they spent their savings to save that persons life? There are a lot of things that can happen. Stuff happens. You can't always plan life. Things happen you don't expect that can completely turn your life upside down.

    Yes, This.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    I can't fit into Abercrombie.

    guess i am not a cool kid.

    5' 11" size 12 at the moment.

    besides, i like Walmart.

    i get free stuff there all the time with coupons.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    I can't fit into Abercrombie.

    guess i am not a cool kid.

    5' 11" size 12 at the moment.

    besides, i like Walmart.

    i get free stuff there all the time with coupons.

    Coupons ftw!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    People on low incomes need to work hard to stretch their money every month. Foods with lots of carbs but little of any other nutrients are cheap and filling. If you were a parent of 4 young children, and you had only $25 for groceries, I bet you would be buying a lot of bread, macaroni, and other starchy foods to fill those little tummies. I agree with the poster who said that the OP knew this would be inflammatory. If the OP is too "depressed" when going to WalMart and seeing these people, I'm sure he is free to go elsewhere.

    I have no sympathy for a woman who had four kids she knew she couldn't afford.

    You can't say that people fall on tough times, situations change.

    If someone makes the choice to have 4 kids, they are responsible to make or have saved enough money to support those kids in a healthy lifestyle.

    Wow... You do realize that you can't plan for everything right? Things happen that you don't expect, haven't planned for, etc.

    Maybe that woman with four kids was married. Maybe that father had a great job. Maybe that father got killed in a car accident. Maybe that woman used the money they had saved to get them by... pay the mortgage... funeral.. whatever. Maybe that woman with the four kids took in a friends children, siblings children, etc who lost a parent and she is doing the best she can with some extra people around. What if the parents had saved money but a medical issue happened to one of them or one of the children and they spent their savings to save that persons life? There are a lot of things that can happen. Stuff happens. You can't always plan life. Things happen you don't expect that can completely turn your life upside down.

    Yes, This.

  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    This thread should be called let's see how many ignorant, predjudiced, unkind, judgemental *kitten**oles with insecure insulting personalities we can all get in one place at the same time. Not "Walmart something-or-other."

    PS: pajama wearing girl, you rock!!:)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...while I decide which side of the argument I'm on.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    ...while I decide which side of the argument I'm on.

    Oh this could be fun.
  • canoe4you
    canoe4you Posts: 8 Member
    I am fat and we are poor. Our family income for 4 was 15k last year. We do not get any government help either. The cheapest food IS fattening. Dollar menu at Mc donalds and every other fast food restaurant. Hated to eat there but it was cheeper than fresh vegetables and fruit to feed 4. Ramen noodles were a staple. I would add eggs to make it go further. I was and still am one of those Walmart people. I was also one that wore pajamas. Know why? Because I have not bought clothes for myself in 8 years. The PJ's were a Christmas gift (my only gift) from my husband who got them at WM for $4.50.
    I am so glad that you pious wealthy, thin people are doing so well that you find entertainment in people who are less fortunate. You stand in judgment and refuse to walk in someone else's shoes. Flame me if you want

    I was in a similar situation, it was much cheaper to feed my family off of the dollar menu at mcdonalds than to buy from walmart unless we were buying ramen for a few years. My situation has changed for the better now and so I am trying to get my life and weight straightened out. These people who have never had to choose between getting full off of $1 and paying for medicine or diapers or paying $3-5 for a pint of strawberries will never understand.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Interesting, when I shop I get what I need and get out. I don't go to wal-mart (which is rare) to people watch and shake my head about the certain overweight customers it attracts. You don't know if they're just starting a fitness journey, or if they are there to buy high calorie items. Look around you, for years we've been warned that America is getting too fat, why would it shock you that there are larger people at the grocery stores lol.

    Also, I think it has to do with where you live. I live near the beltway (DC, MD, VA) and generally people here are fit because the majority of us here are employed by the government. The military has very strict rules on that and we have a lot of parks and trails nearby. I'm still overweight and personally it would annoy me that someone was shopping and judging me based on how fat I and others are. I also am at the beginning of my journey. No one ever stops to look at the skinny fat or unhealthy thin people who are shopping at the same store. Ohhh because there are no visual clues. That makes sense.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    This must only be an American phenomena in Canada I have yet to see these "Walmart people"

    I think that people set out to look for these "Walmart People" subconsciously, and then when they see someone at Walmart who fits this bill they immediately recognize it and remember it.

    It's like people who say ...ummm idk of what a good example would be...they hate how immigrants to America don't know English. When in fact, they have this stereotype in their head so every time they see an immigrant who doesn't speak English they immediately remember it and it strengthens the correlation in their head and further promotes the stereotype in their own head, where as when they see an immigrant who does speak English it doesn't make as big of impact on them.

    I remember reading something along these lines in a psych class...may be off but could also be part of it.

    Yeah it doesn't take a lot to subconsciously recognize someone like this...
    weird is weird.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You probably just noticed the overweight more because to you that is outside normal or is disturbing.

    People of walmart isn't about fat or poor people, though they often fit. It's about people doing/wearing weird sh#t in public.
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    This must only be an American phenomena in Canada I have yet to see these "Walmart people"

    I think that people set out to look for these "Walmart People" subconsciously, and then when they see someone at Walmart who fits this bill they immediately recognize it and remember it.

    It's like people who say ...ummm idk of what a good example would be...they hate how immigrants to America don't know English. When in fact, they have this stereotype in their head so every time they see an immigrant who doesn't speak English they immediately remember it and it strengthens the correlation in their head and further promotes the stereotype in their own head, where as when they see an immigrant who does speak English it doesn't make as big of impact on them.

    I remember reading something along these lines in a psych class...may be off but could also be part of it.

    No, the Walmart people are real. Never fails, whichever one you go to. Except Canada, apparently.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    lots of people in pajamas

    I HATE this. This is one of my peeves- people going out of their house in pjs. They are officially saying, "I give up on life. I just don't give a damn about myself or anyone anymore!" It's the epitome of lazy. It's one of the signs of the downfall of society when people can't even get dressed when they go out of the house.

    I am being overly dramatic, but I HATE THAT.

    I hate it too. And their pajamas often look dirty. I wonder if they go home and sleep in those dirty PJ's too.
    Yes, I am judging.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    Maybe setting a good example by purchasing healthy, wholesome choices is the example you should worry about setting for children. Kids pay attention to their parents decisions more than anyone else's, so don't worry about anyone but yourself and maybe other parents will catch on when they notice that parents who make healthy choices have healthy kids.

    Concerning yourself with other people's deemed "questionable" lifestyles won't do anything except make you a food/store snob.

    ETA: I just reread what I wrote, and I want to clarify that I wasn't aiming that directly at you OP. Just in general think that people should just worry about themselves. People will do what they do and we will do what we do.

    Wow, I am kind of surprised because of what you say. I am not American and don't live there and maybe don't quite understand, but are you saying that people should only selfishly worry about themselves and maybe their close family and not show any concern for friends, neighbors, fellow citizens or the state of health of the country they live in ?

    So when I was behind a family of 5 at the grocery store and they had two shopping carts full of junk food (ramen, chips, candy, cookies, etc) and were getting candy bars and bottles of soda for each of them at the checkout line I was supposed to express my concern to them? They probably would have punched me in the face.
  • kbsd456
    kbsd456 Posts: 20 Member
    WOW WOW WOW, i was already expecting the post itself to be awful but to read all those judgmental,nasty, stereotypical comments was unexpected. What have we come to? You shouldn't judge people by the way they look and that is the most important thing you can teach your child! You don't know the individual person's story. You don't know if they have a medical condition, maybe they had an injury that lead to bedrest and weight gain, maybe they just gained weight as a consequence of a depression. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN THROUGH. What bothers me the most is by the way you wrote your post, that you clearly consider obese or overweight people to be worth lessf or less-than because of their size. If you think you help the situation with your judgment, well you don't.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Got this shirt at WalMart.

    Buys same groceries at WalMart as they have at Publix.

    Buys fresh produce at WalMart because it's cheaper.

    Sees only normal people at WalMart (and two freaks: my high school friend's ex husband and my cousin's wife, but they shop everywhere else, too, and I've only seen them on the POWM website, not IRL, and both did it on purpose to make the website)
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    I rarely go into walmart.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I shop at walmart all the time, I sometimes wear yoga pants (or my black pjs) because the trail I like to jog is right down the street from wal mart. I have to drive a good ways to get to them so why not kill two birds with one stone. I can't spend a lot on clothes to work out in, sorry if they aren't fancy enough for some of you. I assume from reading this that if some of you were to see me at walmart you think I was lazy and had just gotten out of bed. The truth is I have usually just gotten done with a 2-4 mile jog and stopped in at wal mart to pick up a few things.

    I also notice people of all shapes, sizes, genders, and races at wal mart, or any other store for that matter. Maybe I just try not to be as judgmental as some of you because I know how it feels to be a big girl and I was judged all my life for it.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    How did I find this under "Motivation and Support"? I thought the whole idea of this site was to support people, not tear them down.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    WOW WOW WOW, i was already expecting the post itself to be awful but to read all those judgmental,nasty, stereotypical comments was unexpected. What have we come to? You shouldn't judge people by the way they look and that is the most important thing you can teach your child! You don't know the individual person's story. You don't know if they have a medical condition, maybe they had an injury that lead to bedrest and weight gain, maybe they just gained weight as a consequence of a depression. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN THROUGH. What bothers me the most is by the way you wrote your post, that you clearly consider obese or overweight people to be worth lessf or less-than because of their size. If you think you help the situation with your judgment, well you don't.

    ^^ THIS!

    I found the OP and most of the comments here VERY JUDGEMENTAL and full of biased stereotypes. I'm a Senior Accountant and my husband and I are BLESSED that we are still employed and are able to make ends meet in an economy where many people have lost their jobs! No way does that give us a right to be judgemental and to snub our noses at those who are not as fortunate or those who have 4 children (because as others have said, YOU dont know their situation as to how they got their and more importantly, ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS)!! My husband I make decent money and we CHOOSE to shop at Walmart because we prefer to be prudent with our money. In short, many of the people here being judgemental dont necessarily appear (to me) that you're in a position to judge anyone - I mean you're on MFP to lose weight yourself!!

    How about worrying about teaching your children to RESPECT everyone and to have compassion for those who may not be as BLESSED as you are?? Stop being judgemental and MIND YOUR OWN FREAKIN' BUSINESS!!