Misconceptions of Organic food(s)



  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member
    I do not disagree with you and I obviously do not disagree with the research and evidence.

    However, the produce I eat is still 90% organic. There are many other reasons why I, and others, choose to buy organic produce.

    You are more than entitled to eat anything you want. If it's not for "safety" or "extra nutrition" mind if I ask what the other reasons are?

    Taste. Most conventionally grown fruit tastes like **** to me. I find organic has more flavor. Good examples are bananas, apples, and berries. After eating organic for a while, there is a noticeable taste and often a texture difference to me. I’m a food snob, and I like my food to taste good. The taste difference alone is worth the cost difference to me.

    I think there is still some controversy around whether or not it’s “better for the environment” or will help us combat climate change, so those are not huge reasons for me.

    And as I think about it more, choosing local is far more important to me than choosing organic. They just often come together, and I have better reasons for eating local than I do for eating organic produce. I will nearly always choose organic for other food products though. I do avoid GM foods for reasons other than taste or nutrition/health.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So? What's your point exactly? That we should all gobble down regular GMO food sprayed with MORE pesticides?
    Very logic.

    lol @ pesticides = GMO

    thank god I can wash pesticides off

    What makes you think you are an organic person?
    You take medication dont you?

    Where did you see that I said pesticides = GMO. Can't read?
    maybe i cant

    but what harm can the pesticides do ingested in small amounts? I am sure ingesting some of the bugs can be much worse than a pesticide depending on the type

    Quite possibly. I don't know what, if any, harm I eating pesticides will do. I doubt anyone really does, which is the biggest problem IMO. And I'm sure it would vary by pesticide.

    Some bugs would likely be much more beneficial to eat though. The UN is promoting edible insects as the best solution to world hunger.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    So? What's your point exactly? That we should all gobble down regular GMO food sprayed with MORE pesticides?
    Very logic.

    lol @ pesticides = GMO

    thank god I can wash pesticides off

    What makes you think you are an organic person?
    You take medication dont you?

    Where did you see that I said pesticides = GMO. Can't read?
    maybe i cant

    but what harm can the pesticides do ingested in small amounts? I am sure ingesting some of the bugs can be much worse than a pesticide depending on the type

    The small amounts accumulate over time. Our liver and kidneys are not made to filter those kind of man-made chemicals.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I buy organic pastured meat/eggs/dairy because it is more nutritious, and because when I drive by the land o lakes farms and see the cows that never leave their stalls it gives me a sad. I buy organic fair trade bananas/sugar/chocolate/coffee, because it's easily available to me, it fits in my budget, and I feel like less of a jerk. I try to support local farmers- many of whom choose to grow organic produce because there is a market for it. If I had to choose between organic and pastured/local/fair trade I would choose the latter, but around here at least they tend to go hand it hand.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    So? What's your point exactly? That we should all gobble down regular GMO food sprayed with MORE pesticides?
    Very logic.

    lol @ pesticides = GMO

    thank god I can wash pesticides off

    What makes you think you are an organic person?
    You take medication dont you?

    Where did you see that I said pesticides = GMO. Can't read?
    maybe i cant

    but what harm can the pesticides do ingested in small amounts? I am sure ingesting some of the bugs can be much worse than a pesticide depending on the type

    The small amounts accumulate over time. Our liver and kidneys are not made to filter those kind of man-made chemicals.
    Says you.
    Now provide some evidence because I'm not taking your word for it since your credentials amount to "Internet Poster".
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    The small amounts accumulate over time. Our liver and kidneys are not made to filter those kind of man-made chemicals.
    just stop it
  • skinnydreams1997
    skinnydreams1997 Posts: 48 Member
    saving this for lator
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Thank you! i'm very glad someone finally did a post abt this!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I buy organic pastured meat/eggs/dairy because it is more nutritious, and because when I drive by the land o lakes farms and see the cows that never leave their stalls it gives me a sad. I buy organic fair trade bananas/sugar/chocolate/coffee, because it's easily available to me, it fits in my budget, and I feel like less of a jerk. I try to support local farmers- many of whom choose to grow organic produce because there is a market for it. If I had to choose between organic and pastured/local/fair trade I would choose the latter, but around here at least they tend to go hand it hand.

    This is my ideal, though I don't always reach it. The OP doesn't really address either animal products (proven deficiencies) or GMOs (no conclusive evidence supporting safety, which for me, means we should be more wary than we are).

    I agree that the science isn't there on plant crops AND it is not really economically sustainable or equitable globally. But if local is organic, or if organic tastes better in a given instance, I'm buying that.

    I remain baffled that anyone ever believed that organic fruits and vegetables were nutritionally different. I'm not really sure anyone did - it seems like a straw man argument offered by the pesticide and corporate farming industry to discredit organics. I'll believe you if you show me evidence that an organic group advocated organics as nutritionally superior, but I've never personally seen it.
  • anxietygirl
    anxietygirl Posts: 70 Member
    I do try for organic with some options, like the Dirty Dozen in the produce section. But to me it's way more important to get it local and non-GMO than any kind of an organic option. I will pay a few cents more for heirloom tomatoes at the Farmer's Market, you know? But the 'organic' label can be used as a kind of greenwashing, so I'm careful about that.

    We are transitioning into grass-fed and more ethically treated regional/local beef. I'm working on chicken as well, but that's been tougher to find, oddly. Luckily we eat mostly vegetable focused meals anyway, so the meat's more for protein and flavor than to be the center of the meal.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    We are transitioning into grass-fed and more ethically treated regional/local beef.

    This always makes me happy. There is more supporting evidence that grass fed beef is healthier for you(kinda obvious) but we will be happier and our food will be happier.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    okay, but organic DOES mean NON-GMO. that alone is worth the extra cost to me.

  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    So? What's your point exactly? That we should all gobble down regular GMO food sprayed with MORE pesticides?
    Very logic.

    lol @ pesticides = GMO

    thank god I can wash pesticides off

    What makes you think you are an organic person?
    You take medication dont you?

    Where did you see that I said pesticides = GMO. Can't read?
    maybe i cant

    but what harm can the pesticides do ingested in small amounts? I am sure ingesting some of the bugs can be much worse than a pesticide depending on the type

    The small amounts accumulate over time. Our liver and kidneys are not made to filter those kind of man-made chemicals.
    Says you.
    Now provide some evidence because I'm not taking your word for it since your credentials amount to "Internet Poster".

    Why do I need to do the job for you?
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I do not disagree with you and I obviously do not disagree with the research and evidence.

    However, the produce I eat is still 90% organic. There are many other reasons why I, and others, choose to buy organic produce.

    You are more than entitled to eat anything you want. If it's not for "safety" or "extra nutrition" mind if I ask what the other reasons are?

    Taste. Most conventionally grown fruit tastes like **** to me. I find organic has more flavor. Good examples are bananas, apples, and berries. After eating organic for a while, there is a noticeable taste and often a texture difference to me. I’m a food snob, and I like my food to taste good. The taste difference alone is worth the cost difference to me.

    I think there is still some controversy around whether or not it’s “better for the environment” or will help us combat climate change, so those are not huge reasons for me.

    And as I think about it more, choosing local is far more important to me than choosing organic. They just often come together, and I have better reasons for eating local than I do for eating organic produce. I will nearly always choose organic for other food products though. I do avoid GM foods for reasons other than taste or nutrition/health.

    and tomatoes! i thought something was wrong with my mouth when my regular tomato tasted like nothing. got me some organic tomatoes, delicious! like eating sunshine.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I'm shocked at the number of people that seem to think organic means homegrown or available at Farmer's Markets. I'm not sure if they even tie it to pesticides, or just think no one local would use pesticides.

    My biggest beef is the pesticides that are systematically wiping out the honeybee population.

    I'm alergic to bee's so... :wink:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I do not disagree with you and I obviously do not disagree with the research and evidence.

    However, the produce I eat is still 90% organic. There are many other reasons why I, and others, choose to buy organic produce.

    You are more than entitled to eat anything you want. If it's not for "safety" or "extra nutrition" mind if I ask what the other reasons are?
    i bet its environmental and animal treatment like myself

    Fair enough, just curious. :drinker:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    So? What's your point exactly? That we should all gobble down regular GMO food sprayed with MORE pesticides?
    Very logic.

    GMO & pesticides are mutually exclusive. My only point is that most people have this common misconception of what food labeled as "Organic" actually means and/or is.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    My only opinion on this subject is the experience of a friend of mine.... She was in kidney failure and wanted to delay dialysis as long as possible and live as long as possible in hopes of receiving a kidney transplant. She got away from all chemicals, including cleaning supplies, bath products, make-up, and ate only organic foods. This was to reduce the amount of toxins her kidneys had to deal with.... Her doctors were amazed that she could live with such a low level of kidney function and she was able to delay dialysis for over a year after the Dr. was SURE she would need it. She also relates the direct correlation of eating non-organic or using a chemical product to feeling really bad for days after. She did finally receive a transplant and is doing very well. I know that she had a major health issue that made her not be able to deal with non-organic foods but it makes me wonder if there is something to organic eating. Do I eat organic... uh, no. Guess I have yet to find my compelling reason to go to the trouble it would take to make that happen!!! I do grow many of our vegetables, and we have hens who eat plenty of bugs and grass for our eggs and to provide the fertilizer for the garden!!!.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I buy organic pastured meat/eggs/dairy because it is more nutritious, and because when I drive by the land o lakes farms and see the cows that never leave their stalls it gives me a sad. I buy organic fair trade bananas/sugar/chocolate/coffee, because it's easily available to me, it fits in my budget, and I feel like less of a jerk. I try to support local farmers- many of whom choose to grow organic produce because there is a market for it. If I had to choose between organic and pastured/local/fair trade I would choose the latter, but around here at least they tend to go hand it hand.

    This is my ideal, though I don't always reach it. The OP doesn't really address either animal products (proven deficiencies) or GMOs (no conclusive evidence supporting safety, which for me, means we should be more wary than we are).

    I agree that the science isn't there on plant crops AND it is not really economically sustainable or equitable globally. But if local is organic, or if organic tastes better in a given instance, I'm buying that.

    I remain baffled that anyone ever believed that organic fruits and vegetables were nutritionally different. I'm not really sure anyone did - it seems like a straw man argument offered by the pesticide and corporate farming industry to discredit organics. I'll believe you if you show me evidence that an organic group advocated organics as nutritionally superior, but I've never personally seen it.

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The small amounts accumulate over time. Our liver and kidneys are not made to filter those kind of man-made chemicals.

    Better cleanse then.