I need your opinion on how to respond to a text...



  • leiann2003
    leiann2003 Posts: 16 Member
    I think you need to cut ties. The whole friendship/relationship seems inappropriate.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    bump so i can read it all!
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
  • brboydjr
    brboydjr Posts: 43 Member
    Damn! Just call her husband and talk to him about her to see what's going on! No one probably knows her better than him. Maybe he can help you out with this.

    I think you should go and visit her husband and tell him that you're mad at HIS wife for hanging out with other guys instead of you. But wait until someone is around with a camcorder. I'll want to see what happens once it's posted to youtube.
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
    So the woman you want to cheat on her husband with you is cheating on you with her guy friends? Stop. Just stop.

    You clearly missed the part where I said that I've never made a move on her and that I have no intention in the world of being involved in an extra-marital affair.

    Then why are you mad? Just let her be. You obviously have feelings for her.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Damn! Just call her husband and talk to him about her to see what's going on! No one probably knows her better than him. Maybe he can help you out with this.

    This is excellent advice!! LMAO!!

    or ask one of her other friends who are boys
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I got through 2 responses before I had to write this. WHY THE EFF DO YOU WANT THAT STUPID DRAMA IN YOUR LIFE??? Seriously man, you sound like a highschool girl who's bf is the head of the cheerleading squad. Women are crazy (ask me, i'm a woman) and this woman sounds like she's bat *kitten* crazy. Stop it! walk away! Find a decent female friend that ONLY wants to be your female friend! Stop with the drama, or just sleep with her.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    So the woman you want to cheat on her husband with you is cheating on you with her guy friends? Stop. Just stop.

    LMAOOOOOOO!!! good one!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    This, like the other responses, is total speculation, but let me say that she has other male friends and perhaps she's looking for something that you're not willing to provide. She's put you in the friend box, where you want to be, but she's out looking for more from her other male friends. She probably likes you enough and respects your feelings enough to tell you a little white lie so you don't judge her behavior or get hurt that she's found a boyfriend on the side. Again, total speculation but it sounds like this to me.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    The venom coming out of some of the women in this thread is almost shocking. So much estrogen.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    She obviousley had the hots for you and wanted more which you didn't (good for you) so she's moved onto somebody who she can cheat on her poor husband with!! Sounds to me you're better off without so called "friends" like her!!!
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    The biggest problem I see with this scenario is that a married woman is seeking guy friendships other then her husband it's a big red flag right there...now say if you became her friend and included her husband in your guys friendship then alright that's cool. She is looking for someone and wants attention...better off run before you get entangled in something that will leave scars. Be nice at the gym but that is all and explain it to her. If she doesn't like it then she is not someone you want to have around.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    This made me giggle!
  • brboydjr
    brboydjr Posts: 43 Member
    So the woman you want to cheat on her husband with you is cheating on you with her guy friends? Stop. Just stop.

    You clearly missed the part where I said that I've never made a move on her and that I have no intention in the world of being involved in an extra-marital affair.

    You clearly are lying to yourself If you get that upset about a MARRIED woman hanging out with other guys. You sound like you're having an emotional affair. It's just as bad if not worse than a sexual affair with a married woman. Atleast if it were just sex your emotions and feelings wouldn't be in it. Not to mention your feelings wouldn't be hurt from her hanging with other guys.

    Where is her husband when you guys are doing all of this hanging?
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    It's not okay with her to be such close friends with a man who isn't her husband. She shouldn't be "hanging out" with you at all, nor her other male friends, unless her husband is there. Seriously. What are y'all thinking?

    Really?! So, if I get married I have to cut out of my life all of my male friends and stop hanging out with them unless my husband is also with me?! Really?!

    I happen to think that the OP and his friend may be treading on some thinning ice given the apparent sexual tension, but to assert that married women shouldn't hang out with male friends without their husbands being present? In what century are we living?!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Fact: guys don't have female friends unless they're attracted to them. IMHO, as others have said, this is a dangerous situation and you totally need to be honest with yourself and let go.

    BS, I was asexual in all my friendships. I was the "fat friend that listened" so no they didn't want to have sex with me, and i knew there was something fundamentally wrong with each and every one of my friends that would prevent me from being attracted to them. So no it's not a FACT.
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    It's not okay with her to be such close friends with a man who isn't her husband. She shouldn't be "hanging out" with you at all, nor her other male friends, unless her husband is there. Seriously. What are y'all thinking?

    Really?! So, if I get married I have to cut out of my life all of my male friends and stop hanging out with them unless my husband is also with me?! Really?!

    I happen to think that the OP and his friend may be treading on some thinning ice given the apparent sexual tension, but to assert that married women shouldn't hang out with male friends without their husbands being present? In what century are we living?!
    I So Agree!!! I'm not going to ask my husband if its okay to hang with my friends!! Just like he doesn't ask if he can hang with his friends!
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    So the woman you want to cheat on her husband with you is cheating on you with her guy friends? Stop. Just stop.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Fact: guys don't have female friends unless they're attracted to them. IMHO, as others have said, this is a dangerous situation and you totally need to be honest with yourself and let go.

    BS, I was asexual in all my friendships. I was the "fat friend that listened" so no they didn't want to have sex with me, and i knew there was something fundamentally wrong with each and every one of my friends that would prevent me from being attracted to them. So no it's not a FACT.
    They still wanted to have sex with you. Don't fool yourself.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    It's not okay with her to be such close friends with a man who isn't her husband. She shouldn't be "hanging out" with you at all, nor her other male friends, unless her husband is there. Seriously. What are y'all thinking?

    Really?! So, if I get married I have to cut out of my life all of my male friends and stop hanging out with them unless my husband is also with me?! Really?!

    I happen to think that the OP and his friend may be treading on some thinning ice given the apparent sexual tension, but to assert that married women shouldn't hang out with male friends without their husbands being present? In what century are we living?!

    It is one thing if you have male friends that your husband is aware of and he is aware of what you are doing, however, this situation does not sound at all like that.
    We are living in the 21st century where infidelity seems the norm, sexual promiscuiety is socially acceptable, divorce rates are at an all time high....yeah, awsome stuff!!