200+ (Week 33) Let's Get Moving in May!

Hey everyone! It's that time of the week again. Please check in with your weekly weigh in by Sunday evening so pinbot can update our chart.

Here's my quick check in for today:
2407 calories needed to maintain
1710 eaten/320 burned/-1017 day/-3790 week

Exercise: Did 30 min of strength training (a new thing for me. i know i know), and 23 min on the elliptical (3.1 miles)

So, per theory, I could be down about a pound this week, which is a miracle, considering the eating and lack of exercise because of my trip home. I don't think that'll happen tomorrow. I'll be content with whatever. I worked hard the two days I was back in town this week and will continue to do so in this upcoming week.

Good luck everyone! *group hugs*

Only 2 more weeks left in this challenge, so, where's my whip crackin' emoticon when I need one??


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    couldn't fine a whip cracker, but thought u might enjoy this one: http://www.myemoticons.com/emoticons/images/msn/smiley-in-action/weightlifting.gif
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    wait a minute--check out crack whip at http://talk.wwwomen.com/misc.php?do=showsmilies

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay - I need my real computer to check that out. Maybe next week when I get back home. We safely made it to Fort Wayne tonight. Here's my quick check-in before I crash. Consumed 1997 and over by 338. During work, I made a conscious effort to do exercises (single leg squats and calf raises, some upper body t-band, etc) with my patients and I walked my tush off during pit stops. Today was 6 hours driving. Tomorrow is 8 EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- that's a whole lot of driving! Good luck! Weird to think that two states so close together could take so long to drive through.

    Check in for the day 190.0 (+0.6)

    I'll take it. I'm a bit perturbed that after my foray into the 180's, the scale said 190 this morning, but I know I'm on my way back down, as I was hovering at 189.something for the past couple of days.

    Didn't hit my exercise goals for the week, as I thought so.
    Goal of 5/7 working out: NOPE. Only hit 3/7
    Goals of 2 3+ mile runs: NOPE. Zero.

    Definitely need to get back on the bandwagon this week. Plus TOM is coming soon, and that will make for such a glorious weigh in. :grumble:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think it was a combination of low blood sugar and over exertion. But an hour long kettleball class with that lady is ridiculous to begin with. The trainer is an INCREDIBLY BUFF woman and she doesn't give you different impact levels. She wants everyone to do what she does. umm....20 crunches with a 10 pound weight?? I can't do one crunch without a weight! Plus I wasn't even using the kettleball for most of the time I was in there (woo! all 18 minutes :indifferent: )

    Today my left upper arm, just about the entire lower half of my back and a muscle on the outside backside of my left thigh are KILLING ME. My neighbors here at work are giggling at my expense cause I'm groaning everytime I move. lol UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH.
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Oh Kendall sounds like you are really sore! I'm surprised she didn't have different levels or something.

    Kristina you can get back on track girl :) Today is a new day and a beautiful Friday at that (that's what I keep telling myself anyway LOL)

    Victoria is sounds like you are doing great despite the long drives!

    I lost 1.6 pounds this week which isn't bad considering I didn't push my reset button a full week ago. Off to do day 1 of Couch 2 5 K
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all :) Just stumbled upon your thread and thought I wouldn't be a lurker and at least say hi :) I didn't know if this was a public group that anyone could join at any time. Have a great weekend all!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi all :) Just stumbled upon your thread and thought I wouldn't be a lurker and at least say hi :) I didn't know if this was a public group that anyone could join at any time. Have a great weekend all!! XoxoxoX Bru

    Hi BrunetteWife! We are always welcoming new members! We are in the middle of a 6 week non-weight focused challenge. Everyone came up with their own goals (exercise, logging, etc). You can weigh in anytime between Friday and Sunday- PinbotChick keeps the chart for us. And you might want to add Akasullengirl as a friend cause she starts a new thread for us each week on Thursday night. Jump right in and let us know how you are doing! Any issues you are dealing with? We are here to help!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Aww, well thanks fothe warm welcome!! I am not a weight focused person, but more of a healthy track and good feeling :) I weighed in Wed (ALthough I usually weigh in Sun mornings, but being away for the weekends pushes my days all over the place) and I weighed in at 230. I started the site in April at 243. I did start C25k this week. The first day was rough and I wanted to quit but I pushed forward and finished the week :) Next week aside from starting and finishing Week2, I plan on walking to my local mall (about a mile away) and back as well as walking around the mall. I'm averaging 19min/mile walking, I'm hoping to get that number down by the end of July/early Aug which will be in time for me to (hopefully) complete C25k :) Thanks again for welcoming me in :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Brunettewife - I think you would find this group a great fit then if you are concentrating more on health than on weight loss. I'd say we all want to lose weight but this challenges goal was more health focused in my opinion. We took the stress of "I HAVE to lose weight this week" out of it and decided to focus on just exercising and eating right.

    For me it has totally worked! I know I had the stomach flu last Saturday and that could be part of it, but I lost like 3.5 lbs this week!!! Holy. Hell! I will cautiously take it and work hard next week to stay within my eating limits and add in a bit more exercise. Despite what we decide the challenge is next time, I am still going to focus on my weight loss like this instead of having a goal to lose X lbs per week. It just works better for me. Thats two weeks in a row now where I've lost more than 1 lbs for the first time in ever. So I don't know if I finally hit my caloric intake sweet spot or what, but yeay!

    Weight last week: 208
    This week: 204.5

    I might have a gain next week but I WILL be diligent over the weekend and log my cals and start back at the gym Monday like a good girl. Although I think I am going to only aim for about 300-400 cal burn max. I can always add more exercise if I hit a plateau. I don't want to be at my max and then be left wondering what I can do to get going again.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good afternoon my superpals!!! On the road again just keeps playing in my head. My day started great with a 4 mile run so I should be on track with cal despite my aunt's attempt to plump me up with breakfast (eggs, muffins, yogurt, fruit and an awesome chick pea salad!!!) I never eat 500 cal for breakfast but I did today. At least we have healthy snacks in the car.

    Great job on the losses Cynthia and Lacey!!! Welcome to the group brunettewife!!!

    Ahhh - Kristina (((((big hug))))) did you bring your bike back?? Next week you'll be back in the 180s. Get those shoes on and take a run.

    Kendal - she doesn't sound like a very good instructor. The soreness means you worked hard. If possible stretch, stretch and stretch. I think I'll buy a kettleball DVD to use mine.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I think it was a combination of low blood sugar and over exertion. But an hour long kettleball class with that lady is ridiculous to begin with. The trainer is an INCREDIBLY BUFF woman and she doesn't give you different impact levels. She wants everyone to do what she does. umm....20 crunches with a 10 pound weight?? I can't do one crunch without a weight! Plus I wasn't even using the kettleball for most of the time I was in there (woo! all 18 minutes :indifferent: )

    Today my left upper arm, just about the entire lower half of my back and a muscle on the outside backside of my left thigh are KILLING ME. My neighbors here at work are giggling at my expense cause I'm groaning everytime I move. lol UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH.

    It sounds to me like this chick is so "proud" of herself that she maybe doesn't think to make sure everyone in her class is comfortable. That is too bad. Things like that put me off classes.

    I'd love to try out kettle bells.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Brunettewife- Welcome to the group! Just jump right on in!

    Lacey- congrats on the weight loss this week! That's fantastic. Work on logging all those calories this weekend!

    Victoria- way to get a long run in on a travel day. I'm uber impressed with your dedication. And yes, I did bring my bike from home, and hope to start adding it to my exercise routine once I move to the new place. I think I need to bring it in for a tuneup as I haven't used it in years.

    Today's gone okay. I was not feeling on my leancuisine lunch I had brought (seriously need to grocery shop), so went to the place next door and got some pretty fantastic split lentil soup (yay fiber!) and some hummus and pita. Uber yummy, and totally hit the spot

    Not sure what to do for dinner tonight. Will try and throw together something from what I have left at home and will hopefully go grocery shopping tomorrow for a couple of recipes to make for the upcoming week. This weekend is a big Greek festival in town with amazing food, which I'm so looking forward to this weekend. Yums! Also, restaurant week is coming up in a couple of weeks, which is super great. Lots of the big places in town will offer specials $12/lunch or $25/dinner for multiple courses that are usually way mroe expensive. The cheaper places will over 2/$12 or 2/$25. I've got three places I'm going to that week, so I will seriously need to watch what I'm eating otherwise then.

    Plan to go to the rec center after work today. I'm pretty tired though, and muscles are a bit sore from yesterday. Plus, I've got my clinic's walking group kick off tomorrow morning, and that's right next to the rec center, so I should be able to go tomorrow. I'm totally trying to talk myself out of it. Meh. I really just want to go to sleep. Haha. Weather is still just a smidge too hot to run outside, but we'll see.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Girl I will GLADLY throw you some rain. It has seriously been raining here since I got back from Canada. Almost a month now.

    I am wondering if I will even be planting a garden this year. The growing season is getting shorter and shorter and I don't know that it will be worth it or not. Grrrrrrr
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry Victoria, some of this will be copy and paste from 7/7 group...just wanted to catch everyone up........

    I received my evaluation from the online fitness trainer guy...my goodness..it is 64 pages long and I ran out of ink to the printer, so far I have just skimmed it over, but it looks like my schedule will be changing up a little....he suggests that I up calories over a period of a month to reset my metabolism (since I have had trouble with staying stuck in the weight loss department)...he also suggests backing off exercise at the same time....it's all carefully outlined as to what he wants me to do...I am going to give it a shot, it's only 1 month...he also suggests that I hide the scale for a month because it is very possible that I could gain...
    I just know that in the past 10 or so months I have only been able to loose and keep off about 15 pounds...yes, that is pounds gone and for that I'm grateful, but I honestly feel for my workouts it should be more regular, I have always wondered if I had messed up my metabolism....for a while my calories were really low...as a matter of fact I lost nothing for around 5 months...and it wasn't until I upped the calories a little that I started loosing again....but I always end up backing off.....well, this time it is all lined out for me and I will be giving it an honest effort.....My workouts might be light, as a matter of fact in week 4, he wants me doing nothing more than a leisure walk....I want to keep up here with you guys, so I will practice my stretches on that week....I CAN"T NOT exercise, I know me....I will get lax and 1 day will be 2 will be 3 months before I know it...so even though he suggest no exercise that 4th week, I will still walk and stretch, I will just keep the heart rate low....

    So I will not finish this challenge.....sorry guys, but I am going to try my best to leave the scale in the closet for the next 5-6 weeks...I am thinking long term here and most of you know that I have struggled with the stuck scale...if re-setting the metabolism helps...I'll do what every it takes....
    I hope I can still hang around and offer support and I will share more of the information he gave me as I go though the program, he even sent some recipes....he really stresses the importance of healthy low/fat protein options...I'm not big on crab and lobster, but I will give these a try...it is only 4 weeks...I will be increasing my calories over 4 weeks while backing off of the exercise by 25 % each week, on the 4th week he suggest no exercise at all, but like I said above, I know I can't do that...so I will be walking and stretching.....

    Lacey...Woo-hoo on your weightloss girl!!!!! So happy for you!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Kristina, glad your home safely!!!
    Kendal....those kettleballs look scary to me, I can picture cracking myself in the face with one....:laugh: :laugh:

    Carolyn...hope your doing well, haven't hear from you in a bit...unless I missed you......

    Welcome everyone new...you'll love everyone here:bigsmile:

    Victoria.....stay safe, can't wait to meet you on Monday and your Mom and Aunt too!!!! I seen you did 4 miles today....Your Superwoman!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Debra - glad you finally got your answers. You better stick around and cheer us on and keep us updated on your progress!!! I hope it works and you may want to try 2 months.

    My check-in for today 2068 eaten and under by 102. In addition to my jog, we spent 30 min walking around a car show this evening. My dream car is an old red Sting Ray Corvette!!! (drools-I blame Prince and the 80s for my obscession(sp?))
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Deb I think from reading your posts the past several months I've been a part of this group that the guy gave you some pretty sound advice. I agree that not exercising would be hard in that fourth week so walking is a good option.

    As for the group challenge goals, could you maybe make a goal of reporting to the group your progress each week and maintaining that as a goal, rather than weight loss? I think a lot of us chose this challenge to do the same thing...sticking more to health goals rather than that "must lose x lbs per week". Just a suggestion at least :)

    I know that the next challenge I am gonna stick my focus more to that kind of thing as it seems to be working for me right now. Get down into the mechanics of weight Loss and all.

    Victoria that corvette! I don't know that I have a dream car....but right now my fav car is the Chrysler 300. I'd love to have a black one with cream leather interiors and big rims. They just look all mobsterish to me like a new wave **** Tracey car or something lol. I have a Toyota 4runner that rocks and I never thought Id want s car, but yeah...I def want that car! And now I have that dong in my head, I'm glad I love it!

    Kristina yummmmmmmmmm greeeeek food !!!!!!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    bump for tomorrow. i dont have the energy to post much tonight
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I will take yesterday morning's weight of 229 for this week. Up a pound. Ugh. But I went over to the bff's house last night and we had japanese for dinner, so today's weight was horrendous. I woke up fairly early (for me) and was going to get the yard mowed even though my arms, back and legs still hurt, but can't get the mower started. UGH AGAIN. Now I'm sitting around waiting for a couple hours for my dad and brother to come over. I wanted to go out and take photos today but the mid-day sun is the worst lighting...might have to try to go out this evening. (if other plans don't come up)

    Got my new clothes today. :bigsmile: They are super cute! Anyways, thats about it for now
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    This morning the scale says 206. I don't know what number is right but I'm still showing a loss so I will take it.

    I'm going to get in the shower and then take Gracie and go buy a few veggie plants and marigolds so www can spend the day put side. Its overcast but supposedly is going to be sunny at some point. That would be nice.

    You all have a good day! I'm going to log my breakfast like a god garland then get going.