200+ (Week 33) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good afternoon superpals!! Kendal - how do you live with this heat and humidity? It's 93 here - it sucks. DH says it's 62 at home. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- yeah, you get used to it....or you know when you should stay inside and crank the ac up.

    I got out and mowed the yard today. SWEATED LIKE A PIG cause its to freakin hot but thats good. I realized when I was 3/4 of the way done with the back yard that my leg, back and arms didn't hurt. I'm thinking the physical activity stretched out the muscles.

    Anyways, I need to get a shower and go get some new tires. UGH. I hate expensive car maintenance. :grumble:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Hi all! Still holding at 199, again this week.
    my motivation seems to be going to the toilet, but I am hanging with it. I think it is all the rain we have been having.....it sucks.....I want it to get sunny. still, i try to not give myself excuses.
    Deb, thanks for asking about me....I am still around,but just dont seem to have as much time to check in each day like i used to.
    glad to see your all doing well. And for what it is worth Deb, I see no problem with you getting away from the scale for a few weeks. some believe you shouldn't even weigh in once a week. Do what YOU need to do, you know we all love you!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Can I join in too? I so don't like being in the 200's (and I have a long way to go once I hit 199!). I'm really trying not to focus on the scale here too... I did buy a scale but I'm really trying to just focus on making some good decisions.

    My weekly goals are always in my signature. Major focus for this week is trying to find a consistent time to walk/run outside. This is a really busy week so it will be a challenge! I can always fit in a workout DVD or some Wii practice... but I am going to start a (really modified) C25K plan and I need to find some time to exercise outside to be able to do that. I am a mostly SAHM with a 4 year old so finding time to exercise outside is the real challenge -- more so this week since I am working more than usual and probably won't be home until 6:00 most nights. I'm glad it is staying light outside longer!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    melody- of course u are welcome to join. we are in the middle of a non weight oriented challenge right now. but just jump right on in and start posting. most of us just give an update of are day and how we are doing and some of us are posting our totals for calories each day. but what ever you want to update feel free.

    victoria- its not the heat its the humidity. lol! i live in southern Alabama and it is freaking 91% humidity right now.

    well i had a really good day today i had a salad for dinner and i put a Caesar dressing made with evoo. oh it was sooooooooooo good. here are my totals for today
    Totals 1,318
    Your Daily Goal 1,900
    Remaining 582
    well i need to get to bed so i can get up for church in the morning. night all and keep up the fabulous work
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello Ladies, just a quick post and I have to get moving today...I have been super lazy today, the week just wore me out and we were at the ball diamonds yesterday for 12 hours...goodness!

    Welcome everyone new, the gals here are awesome and so supportive, we'll get through the ups and downs together!

    Carloyn, glad to hear your holding tight to 199....some day I'll be there to join ya!! Sorry about all the rain....that gets to me after a while too...give me some sunshine!!

    Lacey, I have been thinking about those tamales on the grill all week since you mentioned them...I'm going to have to get me some.....my grandma (she passed away last Oct.) she made the best ones every Christmas eve......her daughters got together and tried to make some, but they just were not the same, I miss them....

    Kristina, I meant to send out some virtual high fives on getting your apartment...I don't think I did....well maybe I did, but I;m excited for you, and glad you made it home safely...when did you say you were able to move in?

    Kendal...I'm a big at sweating too.....got to love that mowing for torching calories!

    Amber, that was a good day....way to sticking at it!

    Victoria, hope your trip is going well, your on the road all day again today right? See you tomorrow morning!!!:bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Man, I don't post for a day and a half, and I feel like I miss so much! Here are my check ins for the past 2 days

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1574 eaten/0 burned/-833 day/-833 week

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1723 eaten/0 burned/-684 day/-1517 week

    Yeah, you see that big fat zero burned each day? Yeah, bummer. I did do walking group for work, but I took the smaller loop with the slower patients, which only was 0.6 miles and it was a slow walk, so I didn't count it and didn't do anything afterwards.

    Today was the Dexter Ann Arbor run, which I had thought about doing at one point, but didn't end up signing up. There's a 5K, and 10K, and a half. I'm thinking in terms of a soft goal, I'd love to be able to run that half this time next year. I think I'd be ready. I need to continue to step up my running though. It's finally a decent temperature outside, so I hope to get a run in today- maybe a long one too. First, the roomies and I are going to Taste of Ann Arbor for lunch, which should be very yummy. Will run later in the afternoon. Will let y'all know how it goes.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- Sounds like that's quite an evaluation that you got! Please stick around here and check in and so we can know how you're doing! We'd miss you terribly!! *mwah* Oh, and as for the apt, I get the keys June 14th. Yay!

    Kendal - yay for new clothes! I hope all fit and are super cute!

    Carolyn- hey, it's still under 200! Hang in there! I think I hovered right around the 199 mark for a few weeks as well.

    Melody- welcome to the group!!

    Amber- yay for having a good day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Was all hip for the outdoor run, got my shoes on, got to the end of the block and saw the threatening clouds and turned back. Was super bummed, as I was actually craving one (go figure).

    Got to the rec center instead, did a 10K on the octane fitness, and a 5 minute cooldown on the treadmill. Felt good. I really want to get my run on though. I'm hoping for the weather to hold out this week so I can do that. As you can see with my signature, I updated with my new running goals. In October, I'm hoping to to the 10K (I know I'll be ready by then), and perhaps running one even sooner, and next summer to up to a half-marathon. By then, I should be down much more weight, so it won't be as much pressure on the joints for the longer training runs.

    Eating was sort of meh today, but oh well. Next week is my last full week in my current apartment! Tomorrow is going to be hella long, cause I have a new group starting up in the evening. Blech. Hope everyone's weekend is going well! :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good evening super pals!! Welcome Melody!!!

    My course is done and I'm headed home - YEAH.. it looks like I'll fet to Fort Wayne around 1 am. Debra's due around 8 am to run. I hope to take a nap as we go. Silly me forgot TN is an hour behind East Coast time. So I'm getting less than anticipated sleep. If I never see a car again I'll be happy. Unfortuneatly, my father in law has retired and purchased a Chevelle and DH wants to drive downstate Father's Day to see it. We hope to spend only 1 night. I'm actually tired of traveling and missing home.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Stats from today:
    Needed to maintain: 2150
    Calories Eaten Today: 1449 (though I'm not ruling out grabbing some cheese/crackers, I'm a little hungry and still have about 200 to reach my usual daily calories!)
    Exercise Calories: 247 (35 min of Wii tennis... I'm not even counting those! I do move around sometimes and count it but not tonight!)

    I was proud of myself today... woke up late, grabbed breakfast (which I wouldn't have done before) of a 1/2 pb sandwich and glass of milk, ate lunch @ church (which was actually breakfast food, I knew that beforehand and was able to plan), ate cake at a baby shower (because I knew I had calories to spare and not just because it was the thing to do), ate my healthy pre-planned supper and so far that's about it for the day. I procrastinated too long to exercise outside but did a little Wii (and grocery shopped for an hour and a half... can I count that as exercise?) :) . I'm prepared for the week ahead food-wise (and the week is much busier than usual, so that is important) and my main goal is to fit in exercise. :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Melody - I count shopping as exercise. You can too as long as you haven't figured it into your daily activity level. My daily level used to sedentary but I recently bumped it to lightly active since I've been doing more (probably since I feel better from having lost weight). By the way.- welcome to our group (I can't remember if I welcomed you or not / I figure twice is better than not at all!!!)

    My check-in for Sunday. First, we safely made it to Fort Wayne (whew - wipes sweat from brow) it was rough since driving after dark is difficult for me. 1583 cal consumed and under by 86 with 30 min walking this morning (and 4 hours of driving).

    Well I've got 1 more group to quickly ckeck-in with then off to bed. Debra will be here at 8 for our run (it's her b-day by the way!!!).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy Birthday Debra!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: I'm jealous that Victoria gets to see you on your birthday and I don't :blushing: I hope the two of you are having a fabulous time!

    Well, the week has begun. Blech. And no surprise, my monthly visitor arrived yesterday. I didn't eat fantastically yesterday, but I was up three pounds this morning. That sounds just about right for this TOM. Argh! The only bright spot is that at least this happens the week BEFORE final weigh in for our challenge.

    As I mentioned previously, today is a long day, as I have evening group tonight. Going to pub trivia afterwards, which I'll totally need (minus the calories I'll eat there). Don't think I'll get to the gym today. It's a bummer about group tonight, cause it looks like it'll be a perfect weather day for running. Why when I'm motivated to do so, does my schedule need to be so hellacious. ARGH! *shakes fist at universe*
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all... this weekend proved to be rough as there was no where to walk (except the store and it wasn't very long) and we were suppose to be at a bbq and ended up going to eat out all weekend b/c the food was 'bad' as they said :( So no activity this weekend was horrible and I couldn't wait to get home yesterday so I could go out for a walk and then dance later. I did manage to get in a 20min walk and a 43min dance but it did not make up for the weekend. I'm not really 'beating muself up' for the weekend as it wasn't completely my fault for not doing much this weekend, but man my weigh in showed my inactivity. I did finish W2D1 of C25K this morning..whew!!! It kicked my butt and I love it!!! It's suppose to rain almost all week, and without a treadmil, it looks like a week of dancing :) Speaking of, I missed the first week of DYAO (I think) b/c the the episode I found is The Final 25-LA or Bust and it comes on Oxygen tonight at 10 (central). I thought it didn't start til tomorrow night... :/

    Anyway, I usually weigh in on Sundays but here everything is recorded earlier so I think I'll weigh in Wed and Sun, IDK, I think I have joined too many groups to keep up with!! So if you don't see me here as much, don't worry, I'll be around :) If I can't post every week (or so) I'll try to get in every other week.. if nothing else, just don't record me and I'll just be here for support :) Have a wonderful and healthy week!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Monday. Bleh. Saturday got the garden in and yesterday it rained. :cry: I am hoping that the weather will finally start to get warmer soon. Its effing JUNE already! Come on! LOL. Even the people here in Oregon that actually enjoy the rain are starting to get cranky because of it. So its time already.

    I too started my period yesterday. I'm a little bloated but I am not getting on that scale. I will wait until Friday.

    I did okay with cals. Saturday I went over but I did work out in the garden. My whole body is sore from it. Wow. Yesterday I feel like I ate more than I am remembering. I am hoping that as the day goes I will remember and log it all. Oh, I remember something already. I should still be okay. And hey, at least I logged everything right! About time I got the weekends going again!

    Today I have to leave work a little early to get some documents signed and am hoping to make it to the gym. I really want to do some HIIT training on the elliptical today.

    Have you guys heard of Tapata traning? It sounds like super duper hiit. It is a four minute work out. 20 seconds going as fast and as hard as you can, 10 sec. rest. And you repeat that for 4 minutes. Even people in great shape are dying half way thru it. Anyways, the whole thing is that about half way through the work out you have essentially sucked in enough oxygen (anaerobic versus aerobic) that your body starts burning fat. From the sounds of what I've read online people have had great success doing it..but because it is such an intense work out you should only do that for the day and be done.
    I'm not to the level I can do Tapata but I want to start "training" for it. So hence tonight I'm gonna do some hiit on the elliptical.

    Happy birthday Deb!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Deb! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I paid all my big bills this Friday and my bank account is scaring me. I didn't get paid this week so the balance looks really small, but it motivated me to reapply for those 2nd jobs that needed to be reapplied for. I think I applied the first time in February, so all the applications had timed out. (you know, they only keep the application on file for 60 or 90 days...) I will have to be more diligent about making follow up calls this time. I really need to get a second job. God has really taken care of me the past 6 months but I need to make sure I do everything I can to help move His plan along.

    This weekend pushed me back up to 230. :embarassed: :frown: It could also be the pre-TOM issues. That will be starting any day now...already started to feel the BLAH set in.

    I can't believe our 6 week challenge is almost over. My "goal" was one pound a week so I think it was set for 226 this time. UGH. I don't know why I've become so unmotivated to work out anymore.

    Hopefully if I get a second job, that'll help me get back on track. I've decided I'll just have to start wearing my hrm to my second job and average out how many cals I burn in a typical shift.

    I wish my bff would start going back to the gym with me again. That really helped more than I knew.

    [\rambling] <--html code for "end rambling" haha
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm trying to come up with some goals/rewards to work towards. What do yall suggest?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey super pals!!! Debra and I had a great time and ran 4 miles. She was able to stay for a nice visit. My suggestion for a reward - save money for a group super hero trip. I'd love to meet as a group for a weekend. I can just picture us hiking, running, biking, doing zumba, etc as a group.

    My brag of the day - size 12 jeans!!!! Not 1 but 2 pairs (one Levi and 1 jones of New York). Mom and I had to stop, shop and buy at the outlet store as we passed it. Mom's brag - her first pair of size 14 jeans.

    I'll catch up later. We still have 5 hours more driving :(
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Oooh, i'm loving the idea for a group getaway! haha- I totes could use one of those, and it would be great to hang out with everyone!

    Victoria- size 12??? :noway: That's Fabulous! I can't even remember the last time I was a size 12- probably my freshman year of high school. It's amazing what different body types will be in terms of sizes. I'm still not in 14s really- 16s are comfortable mostly, and I think there's only 5 pounds difference between us! Way to go for your mom as well! WooWoo!

    Seriously bummed with not enough time to get my exercise on today (unless I don't want to go to bed until midnight), so calories won't be pretty today. Will go so well with my TOM gain. Totally grumpypants today- par for the course for this time of the month.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Deb - the tamales at Costco are in with the fresh foods/cheeses. Grilling them seriously adds something wonderful to the tamale. I'd like to try my hand at making my own but it seems scarey, lol.

    Kendall - Maybe you could take the focus off losing weight and put the focus on working out X days per week the next challenge? Or eating right X days per week? Then you could do rewards every two weeks...like manicure, pedicure, massage...and at the six week challenge if you meet your goal maybe a new outfit? Does your city have a beauty school you could go to? They are inexpensive and a good way to get all that stuff done.