200+ (Week 33) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- I have some goals based on weight and some based on actions. Like when I get down to 220, I'm going to take a day of PTO for no reason. I'm going to log my food every weekday for 4 weeks and I'll get a pedicure. I've become INCREDIBLY slack about logging everything. Its like I log food while I'm sitting here at work and then I get home and spend all night on facebook.

    Heck yeah I'd love to have a group trip! I have a tent thats SUPPOSED to sleep 10, but really, 4 would be comfortable in it with luggage and all. (10 people can sleep if there is no luggage and no room to move lol). Yup, I'm totally up for a vacation with brand new experiences and new friends :bigsmile:

    We have a break from the heat today and its not supposed to rain, but there are a few dark clouds overhead. I'm hoping I can take Lexi to the park and do day 1 c25k with her. She'll like that. Its been MONTHS since I've taken her to the park (although I did take her on two charity walks). I should make myself some new c25k music so I feel more refreshed when listening to it. I've been "trying" c25k for like, 2-3 months now and never got past week 3.

    oh, and good news! the bff was put on a new pill and will start joining me at the gym again! YAY!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well ladies I too am bowing out of the gym tonight. I have a headache and am crabby a bit. I need to go to Target and get a few things. I've already logged my cals for the day and still have some to spare. Plus I'm going to go do some weeding in the backyard or take my daughter on a walk or something. So that should be good enough for today.

    Have a good night everyone!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Lacey...love the new pic....and speaking of pics...I had her aunt and uncle take one of Victoria and myself yesterday...I'll have to go downstairs and get the camera and post them!!!

    I had a blast ,Victoria is so sweet and her family just wonderful...I felt so special and it was a wonderful start to a perfect day...we ran and talked and before I knew it ...time/miles were up, so much fun running with a pal. Victoria I do hope you'll thank you Aunt and Uncle again for me, they made me feel like one of the family!!....Gals, after our run, I was allowed to shower and then came downstairs to a wonderful breakfast....waffles and fresh blueberries & strawberries....YUM! Oh, and her Uncle made a chick pea salad...that I fell in love with! Victoria's Mom is a very sweet lady too, both have a sweet, warm welcoming smile!!

    I had the best Birthday ever!!
    Victoria...hope you were able to sleep sound in your own bed last night....rest up girl! Your driving times are crazy!!:flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Debra!!! I made it safely home and started today out right with an hour long bike ride. Today will be busy with work. I can't wait for the weekend to just relax around the house.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey everyone...just checking in. I'm busy at work today and there is some fishy stuff going on in my warehouse I need to get straightened out but not sure how to go about it just yet..so I have to think on it for a while. Fun times, fun times.

    I'm going for sushi at lunch today. YUM. And I WILL be working out tonight.

    Next week my daughter will be at her grandparents house all week long (boo and yeay at the same time :cry: :bigsmile:) SO I a plan on taking the two yoga classes Tues and Thurs night at the gym, and maybe the zumba right after. Also my gym started belly dancing classes on Fridays so I'd like to try that too. Sounds like fun!
    I always feel guilty staying at the gym for the classes because I have a hungry kid when she gets out of school...but I might start premaking more meals on the weekends so they can eat when they are hungry those two nights every week.

    Okay, gotta get back to it..
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Can't believe I didn't go on MPF at all today! Tells you how crazy it's been.

    My check in from yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1854 eaten/0 burned/-553 day/-3174 week

    As I said before, I wasn't able to work out, cause of my late group, then pub trivia (thus the calories- was luckily good the rest of the day!).

    Group went well. None of my women showed up. Just me and 4 guys- interesting interactions. Anywho, today I was super busy at work- not much time to do much else or relax- thus the no MPF all day. Weather was perfect temperature again and then it starts to rain later this afternoon. Dang it! The world is against me running outside apparently. ARGH!!! That just killed any additional motivation I had. I did go to the rec center but only pulled out a little over 30 min on the elliptical (though did have it on crosscountry, which is more of a workout for me)- was not feeling it. I'm out of routine and I need to get back in it. Will continue to be a busy week at work for the rest of the week and then next week is move in at the new place, so things might be a bit discombobulated with me for a bit.

    Plus I'm up another pound this morning. Thank you very much. *continues to grumble* Crankypants today, definitely.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Went to zumba tonight. Burned 872 cals in that one little hour. The class was PACKED this week and I am so thankful that Amber is re-motivated to go back to the gym. I might take tomorrow off from the gym, but I'm not sure. I need new shoes and the bff says Rack Room Shoes has a BOGO 50% off sale going on now.

    I'm doing good about getting back to logging all my food and exercise. I seriously haven't logged EVERYTHING like this for several months. I would log breakfast, lunch and snacks (if I logged at all), would exercise and just kinda keep track of the rest of my calories in my head. But I like seeing that "if every day is like today, you will weigh XXX in 5 weeks" It said 215.9 today :bigsmile: Thats hard to imagine but why not??? Why do I think its impossible for ME to lose 40-50 pounds in 6 months? I see a lot of people doing it. I think I'm scared that I will try and fail. Oh well....I'm done sitting back and making excuses about why I'm losing so slowly. I'm back on the 100% trying to lose weight wagon. No more half assing around
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    I have a pair of jeans, brand new, only wore then once on my trip to Canada. They are similar to above but a little lighter, decoration on the pockets is just about the same. They are super cute. I bought them in a size 20 and they were at the time too big in the waist but I made it work for the trip as I got them for like $39. If anyone wants them I will gladly ship them to you free. Let me know!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Dern the double post! oh well I will make this one my daily tidings.

    Work ended up being as crazy as I thought and I left feeling totally dejected and bleh. I forced myself to go the gym and ended up exercising for 51 minutes and burned 479 cals according to my HRM. Yeay me! It felt really good to go and even though I didn't walk out of there feeling 100% better I did come home in a much better mood than had I went straight home after the day I had.

    Deb and Victoria I am so glad that you guys had a great time meeting up and running together!

    Kristina have fun at pub trivia! I miss doing things like that.

    Kendall - good job on going back to the gym. I've learned over the years that if I rely on someone else to go with me, I will never get there. But it sure is nice to have someone to talk to you while you work out!

    Brunnettewife - I've watched Dance Your @ss Off a few times and it was good. I always forget its on though. I am so looking forward to True Blood starting Sunday on HBO that I can't hardly stand it!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Rain is it good or bad? It's cramping my run this morning but I wont have to water the garden... Yeah, I know I own a treadmill so I really have no excuse not to run. I just really want to give a good post to my super pals.

    Here's my check-in for the last few days. Sun 30 min walk outside in blasted heat 1655 consumed and under by 24. Mon 2968 consumed and over by 884 with 4 mile run with Debra. Tues 2382 consumed and over by 293 with 60 min bike ride.

    Lacey - love the new picture!!! Exercise or spending time with your daughter - that's a hard call. Sometimes it is important to our mental health to feel better so that we will have more quality time with family. If it's only twice a week, maybe you can find a way to make it to the gym classes. Good luck. I've heard of Tapata but it kind of scares me. I may try it once I'm down closer to my goal weight. In the fall, I want to start P90X.

    Blombie - Great job "getting back on the wagon"!!! I've hopped on with you for the next month and am going to make a good effort to get back in weight loss mode. I believe you can lose the weight and keep it off!!! You're now less than where I was when I started and in 7 months went from 237 to 189... Look at how far you've already come. It's okay if it takes 9 months to lose the weight. The goal is to lose it and keep it off. The slower it comes off, the more likely it is to stay off. About C25K - Just Do It!!! You are in shape - just jump right back in at week 3.

    Kristina - I feel for you on the business at work. I'm sending some bottled sunshine and positive thoughts your way!!! Put those cranky pants in the garbage.

    Debra - glad to hear your son did so well and hit you a "birthday homer"!!! Your day sounded wonderful. It's so nice to have the blessing of friends and family. I thought of you biking to/from those tanning sessions as my thighs were on fire after my bike ride yesterday - you're amazing.

    Brunettewife - great job on the C25K. I've come to learn that exercise only happens when I "MAKE" time for it. I really have to schedule it. Then there are days like this morning when I choose not to do it knowing I have a date with mom to exercise tonight at 6. On the weekends, I try to get up and get in a good workout early in the day. I wish you better luck next weekend. Just pop in anytime you can make it. It is hard to be in several groups. Sunday is fine day for weigh-in for this group if you want to post it.

    Amber - great to hear from you. Good job on the salad choice.

    Carolyn - hope all is well. I miss you!!! How's the running and job hunt? Here's a shot of motivation for you - I'll pull the wagon over and you can jump on with Kendal and me.

    Melody - take it one day at a time and success will build on success. Before you know it, 10 pounds will be gone forever.

    Cynthia - Good luck getting outside to exercise. I bet your son would love to take walks - a slow pace walk looking for slimy critters or wild flowers is still exercise and better than sitting on the couch.

    Have a great hump day. I'm to shower and get ready for work.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in from yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1840 eaten/384burned/-951day/-4125week

    Not as much cardio as I wanted. Will need to do more today- again, hopefully a run, if not some elliptical- maybe some strength training.

    My schedule is a bit more flexible today at work, though still have a fair bit of things to accomplish. It looks like I MIGHT be moving into a new office of my own, which would be pretty sweet, but the higher ups are mulling it over, so I don't want to get too excited yet about it. It would be extremely helpful having a dedicated place I could talk with clients in.

    Hope everyone's doing well. The weight went down a wee bit this morning, hopefully on a downward trend after the routine TOM gain. I am not a fan of seeing the 190s still. Will try and work my tushie off the next two days to hopefully have a better weigh in this week. I know I won't reach my fitness goals for this week, but want to get at least close. I'm exhausted though. 2 long work days have wore me out- I feel like it should be Friday already, not just Wednesday. I really hope the weather is okay today so I can run cause at the rec center around the time I would normally go the 2 peeps from the BL will be there meeting folks, sharing tips, etc, and I know it'll be crazy around there and don't want to deal with that.

    Kendal- glad you enjoyed Zumba and that your friend will now be working out with you again. An exercise buddy can be super helpful- I wish I had someone here for that.

    Lacey- Glad you still got the gym, even though you were exhausted! Nice job!

    Victoria- I'm not a fan of the rain, because I really don't feel the treadmill running (unless I specifically want to work on speed training), so rain puts a wrench in my plans when I really have the motivation to run. Argh! I really want to do another 5 miler- or at least 4 (I haven't run outside in a couple of weeks),and the longer I go, the more anxious I get about doing it and my ability to do so. Don't want to get out of my training. I want to get up to that 10K distance!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Rain. I could live without it. I planted my garden and already some of the plants are turning yellow from too much water. My bleeding hearts and my begonias are also dying from too much water. But then again its rained here literally for three months straight with no end in sight and there is an eternal grey sky. No sun. Depressing. Maybe that is part of my issue this week! LOL.

    Trying today to stay in my office and away from people so I don't have to deal with the drama. I'm already cranky as it is. At least its Wednesday, that is a good thing right??

    More gym tonight. My goal is to get to 500 cals in 50 minutes. That should be doable because I was almost there last night. But man, did I ever have to push myself on the elliptical to hit 300 cals in 30 mins. Wow. Talk about some HIIT training!

    Victoria - Tapata scares me too but it is an interesting exercise routing that is for sure. I'll stick to some HIIT right now keeping in mind the same kinds of principals I guess.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Correction: going to bank and going home. Skipping gym...daughter has been teary and very sensitive all week and I'd like to spend a little extra time with her tonight hanging out and having fun.

    Plus i am tired.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    ok so i went shopping because i really needed some shorts. i am into a 20 (YAY!!!!!!) where i used to be a tight 22. the 20s actually felt comfy but a tiny bit big in the waist. but i was afraid to get a smaller size because of my tummy. i also got 2 new bras that i really needed. we had olive gareden for dinner but i ate so much salad and half of a flatbread that i only ate about 1/2 of my dinner. i sent the other half home with my boyfriend. my totals today are 2398 to maintain/ 1900 allowed/ 1785 consumed/ under by 115

    well i have to get up early tomorrow night every one!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just wanted to say Hello everyone, I've had a little internet problem (so my fault...un-ticked some thing that I shouldn't of!) took me a while to figure out what I did....

    I have been doing some outdoor landscaping this week....plus more mowing....but the weather here has been great for it!
    Hope your all doing well!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning gang!!! Amber - great job on smaller clothes. Debra - I'm tired just reading about all that rock moving. I need to spend some time in my yard this weekend. Lacey - Thank goodness today is Thursday which means the weekend starts tomorrow. Doesn't it feel like this week is dragging? Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Yesterdays check-in 2667 eaten and over by 916 :blushing: It was the beer's fault combined with popcorn and a good movie. DH and I needed an evening together. I must, I must do better tonight. At least the scale was still at 186 this morning - which means I didn't gain weight while in Nashville!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- YES this week is going by unbelievably so! Don't know why, but it's unbearable. Seriously don't know how I'm going to make it through today AND tomorrow.

    Amber- yay for fitting into smaller clothes! It's always a fantastic feeling. Way to go!

    My check in from yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1892 eaten/666 burned (tehehe)/-1181 day/-5306 week

    I FINALLY was able to get a run in outside. Did 4.7 miles, which I was pretty proud of, as I haven't run outside in a few weeks. Wanted to hit the 5 mile mark, but I'll definitely take this. Added an extra couple blocks to my normal longer route, which turned out to be a bit interesting, because that small section turned out to be uber hilly- like at one point, a very steep long hill only about a mile and a half into my run. It wasn't pretty. Got about halfway up and had to powerwalk the last bit of it. Was able to run the rest of the way. Felt great to get out there and that the weather cooperated.

    Will get some form of last chance workout today- either at the gym, or might attempt another outside run if the weather holds up. The weight is slowly getting back to where it was pre-TOM, which is good. I'm hoping for a maintainence or only a slight gain this week and hopefully a decent loss next week for the final week of the challenge. I'm sort of bummed I only had a 7-pound loss as my goal this challenge and I hit 5 pounds and just have struggled to get those final two. Come on body! Get with the program!

    Hope everyone's day goes well! I feel like I'm already in need of a serious nap (or caffeine jolt!)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I don't know what came over me this morning. I curled my hair and am wearing my new, silky, butterfly tank top. Its low cut and it is racerback so I had to wear a somewhat uncomfortable bra but whatever! Its cute!

    ugh....drama drama drama at work....this dude needs anger management courses
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    they sent the guy home until HR can instruct my manager whether or not to terminate him.

    crazy crazy morning
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeah. If this week goes by any slower....good lord!

    I've come to the conclusion that I have completely lost the will to get to the gym. The first four weeks I get, things were busy, life was crazy, etc. But I've been home almost a month now from Canada and there really are no excuses. I've only gone once this week!! Gah! I blame part of it on this crap weather that is never ending. I've noticed that both my husband and I are feeling very crabby and am wondering if it is lack of sun!

    Anyways, with Gracie at her grandparents house next week I am going to take the opportunity and work out like a fiend. I'm going Tues & Thurs to do the yoga class and then try the zumba class as well. And I'll hit the cardio up the rest of the week. Gotta get back into it.

    I falled off the wagon hard last night. Falled falled falled. I had curly fries, pizza and caesar salad. Plus the icecream bar at home. I'm over by about 700 cals. But I did it by choice. I was craving a plate of fries like nobodies business. The curly fries weren't what I wanted but at least they were fries! LOL...

    Still have been a good girl and haven't weighed. Saving that for tomorrow morning.....crossing fingers and toes.