Time for a rant.



  • PartyKardy
    PartyKardy Posts: 172 Member
    You have to do what you can live with and be happy with. Find ways to get in food you love without blowing the whole day away. Experiment with different exercises to see what you like and remember that at some point you said it wasn't worth it to not workout and eat poorly and made this choice to change.

    I realize I'm young, and I'm not super wise, but I have been overweight since I was 12 years old and thus have been trying to lose weight since then. I've went through being over tired from working out too much, to eating disorders from being too restrictive and just plain eating food I didnt like and quitting 3 days in.

    Life is about balance, why would fitness be any different? You got this, you can definitely make it.
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    I just ate 2 plates at a Chinese buffet, I feel better :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Chalk it up to it just being one of those days.

    I was tired of being over 200 pounds. I was tired of getting winded doing the simplest of things. I was tired of feeling old.

    And look, you had chinese food. Why didn't you bring some to share?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You don't have to run. Get a bike, it's easier on the knees. Or swim. Lifting weights also works wonders. Find some things that are actually fun for you to do.

    How many calories are you allowing yourself? If you're cheating all the time then I'm guess your settings are too low. If you can figure out how many calories you were eating before, then simply work on reducing it slowly to allow your body to adjust. There is no need to rush into intense workouts and very low calorie targets.
  • tumblr_m2gpemuDZA1qj972zo1_500.gif

    Take a day off, refresh your mind. We have all been there.

    Aww ... :(
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    im tired of people saying they are d oing cheat days and they dont care and they arent recording it
    im tired of hearing about people getting drunk
    im tired of people not logging in in ten days- which mean s they are eating junk while i am working my butt off
    im tired of deleting people off here cuz they arent really or motivated

    You must have a great friend.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    OP there are a lot of days where it looks like you don't eat any of your exercise calories. No wonder you're hungry and frustrated. Try eating some of them (at least 1/2).
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    im tired of people saying they are d oing cheat days and they dont care and they arent recording it
    im tired of hearing about people getting drunk
    im tired of people not logging in in ten days- which mean s they are eating junk while i am working my butt off
    im tired of deleting people off here cuz they arent really or motivated

    You must have a great friend.

    I'm going to have to cool it on my IDGF days, my beer and whiskey drinking, my trips to McDonald's and my pizza delivery nights, 'cause you know I might be disappeared . . .

    OP - the trick is to focus on sustainable change. Work on improving. Be serious about that but make sure that they are changes you can maintain for life.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Find active stuff you enjoy doing so that it doesn't feel like a chore. Take a day off when you need a day off. Eat pizza when you want pizza.
    Don't think of this as some kind of program you need to do for 3 months, and then you're done. Do it sensibly, because buddy, you're in this for life.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    im tired of people saying they are d oing cheat days and they dont care and they arent recording it
    im tired of hearing about people getting drunk
    im tired of people not logging in in ten days- which mean s they are eating junk while i am working my butt off
    im tired of deleting people off here cuz they arent really or motivated

    You must have a great friend.

    I'm going to have to cool it on my IDGF days, my beer and whiskey drinking, my trips to McDonald's and my pizza delivery nights, 'cause you know I might be disappeared . . .

    OP - the trick is to focus on sustainable change. Work on improving. Be serious about that but make sure that they are changes you can maintain for life.

    Off with your head!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Also it looks like your intake is a bit low.

    I would suggest maybe joining this group...there is some good reading there.


    If you like you can post a topic and ask questions about your intake/activity, etc.
    Maybe if you had that straight you would feel better.:smile:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    OP there are a lot of days where it looks like you don't eat any of your exercise calories. No wonder you're hungry and frustrated. Try eating some of them (at least 1/2).

    This is good advice. If you aren't fueling yourself properly you'll be more likely to have days like this (that's been my experience). Enjoy your exercise calories - you worked for them.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    OP there are a lot of days where it looks like you don't eat any of your exercise calories. No wonder you're hungry and frustrated. Try eating some of them (at least 1/2).

    This is good advice. If you aren't fueling yourself properly you'll be more likely to have days like this (that's been my experience). Enjoy your exercise calories - you worked for them.

    ^ Great point here. OP, if you're eating less than you did before you started, then that's improvement. Eat back at least 1/2 your exercise calories and track what happens. If you're not losing at a reasonable rate (about 1 pound per week) after that, then drop your calorie intake by 100-150 a day and track it again. This isn't a race and you want to keep it doable.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    im tired of people saying they are d oing cheat days and they dont care and they arent recording it
    im tired of hearing about people getting drunk
    im tired of people not logging in in ten days- which mean s they are eating junk while i am working my butt off
    im tired of deleting people off here cuz they arent really or motivated

    You must have a great friend.

    I'm going to have to cool it on my IDGF days, my beer and whiskey drinking, my trips to McDonald's and my pizza delivery nights, 'cause you know I might be disappeared . . .

    OP - the trick is to focus on sustainable change. Work on improving. Be serious about that but make sure that they are changes you can maintain for life.


    (And IDGAF days have never killed anyone)

    *takes a sip of her 3rd drink tonight......*
  • REDROBE_69
    REDROBE_69 Posts: 48
    You are having one of those days. Hang in there! Also, listen to everything that BEACHIRON just told you...he just gave you excellent advice. You'll be alright.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Dear Lord get a grip, bro.


    Maybe this will cheer ya up.
  • AnnieH_4512
    AnnieH_4512 Posts: 1,422 Member
    When I was counting calories, it was very tedious and boring, and it pretty much got me nowhere. When I started focusing on lowering my carbs... everything changed. I've lost 12 pounds in about 40 days, and it's all due to watching my CARBS, not cals. Tonight for dinner I had a taco salad (no chips), with virtually no carbs. I eat BLT lettuce wraps everyday (amounting to about one carb), tilapia, steak, chicken, etc. It's a lot easier, effective, (and more fun) than obsessing over my calories.
  • AnnieH_4512
    AnnieH_4512 Posts: 1,422 Member
    If you seriously want to drop a few quick pounds, just eliminate carbs for a few days... it will melt off. Focus on meats, dairy, and vegetables. Knowing that I can eat bacon everyday and LOSE weight... does it get any better?
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    I get that way. It's usually when I've been overworking my body. I'll find my food cravings are up and I'm extra tired. Well, then I eat more and take a day off. I try to eat healthy still, or keep the bad food to a minimum as I don't want to go bonkers, but I want to really enjoy something I'm not normally allowing myself to have. I try to balance carbs and protein these days. I usually need the carbs to kickstart my energy levels and the protein still to maintain muscle repair. I met somebody one time who dieted and lost a ton of weight. His secret was he allowed himself a cheat day at the end of the week. It wasn't a fit everything in that'll fit thing, but just a meal where he ate what he wanted. Said it kept him on track all week. I haven't done this but choose just to listen to my body. I usually do something like swim on Saturday and Sunday where M-F I weightlift and do cardio.

    I have to be careful not to burn myself out as I've found in the past that burning out means several weeks to a month of not doing something, such as running. By the time I start again I've lost my edge and need to work a few weeks getting it back. Then I think of all that effort and training I lost by just overdoing it. Had I maintained healthy rest periods I would've maintained my gains and never slacked off.