Time for a rant.



  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Wow, you guys have been busy on here. I got a lot to read. Ill take a look and respond, My favorite thing about this website is all the support people give. Its really awesome. Thank you all for your support. I feel refreshed already. :)
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    suck it up princess
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    You're doing great, and I really can't add anything that hasn't already been said on this topic. Just know that we are all rooting for you. Don't give up. :drinker:
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    BeachIron.....My calorie goal is 2000. My BMR is 1747 and my TDEE is 2905.
    I rarely have cheat days, usually only one a week. I don't really even have cheat days but days where I will eat a meal out and not pay attention to calories. I guess I could bump it up to 2500?

    Allons.....I don't usually eat my exercise calories. Some days I do. I've though about eating half of them back and going from there. I guess I'm just so in a rush to lose weight and body fat that Im being too strict on myself.

    Crankstr.....I joined the group and Ill check it out and I will watch the video as well. Thanks.

    Taylormom.....Ill look into my carbs as well. The only number I have really been paying attention to is calories. I don't even really know much about what carbs are and what they do.

    Mchoss...thanks bro lol
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I just wanted to second BeachIron's suggestion of upping your calorie intake.

    I get the urge to binge when I undereat, and I end up miserable as well. I've learned the hard way that being miserable is NOT required to lose weight and get fit. That's not to say it's painless, but you should not be feeling this bad on a regular basis. If you are, you're doing something wrong, and it's time to change it up a bit.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Hormones = Man period. Welcome to the club! :explode:
  • phoenixrizez
    phoenixrizez Posts: 50 Member
    I JUST had this exact same conversation last night! You are NOT alone and this damn weightloss journey is just that...a journey #hanginthere
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    I JUST had this exact same conversation last night! You are NOT alone and this damn weightloss journey is just that...a journey #hanginthere

    A big pain in the *kitten*...that's what it is lol

    Lots of confusing numbers and equations and this and that...
  • CakePlate
    CakePlate Posts: 27 Member
    Amen to that. We've all been there, but if you really need to be more healthy, don't give up.
  • RedHeadMoo
    RedHeadMoo Posts: 11
    woah buddy. Slow down, and a wink from a fellow Washingtonian. ;)

    From my own insane experience with Insanity I can say that a big calorie deficit is not a good thing on that.
    Lyle McDonald has a great write up on too much cardio at a too large of a deficit being defeating. I will grab a link here shortly.

    With that said, I saw very little results and was feeling JUST like you are right now. I upped my calories...drastically. I felt better and started seeing great results. I was anywhere from 200-400 deficit on any given day. 500 was too much. I had days when I ate anything that wasn't nailed down.

    Once I started eating more, I saw amazing progress. Didn't lose too many LBs but I lost over 15" on the first round. I was also lifting 3x a week, mostly compound. That was last summer.

    I'm not saying the rules of thermodynamics doesn't apply here. Lyle himself doesn't even understand this issue fully. He sees it time and time again and his books talk a lot about it.

    Here you go:
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    I noticed you're currently working through Insanity.

    I did Insanity as well. It did wonders for my fitness-- but not as much in terms of aesthetics. The majority of my workout time is now dedicated to weight lifting, and I feel like the results have been much better; and without the torturous, heart-attack inducing, knee-sheering, energy sucking workout, that is Insanity.

    Granted, it definitely improved my fitness, and I was able to build up the courage to go back to the gym from it. Also, plyometrics will definitely be reincorporated into my workouts when I start cutting, but I would reconsider your workouts depending on your goals, not just workout because you want to finish X many days of some arbitrary program.

    I say all this because I feel like the Insanity program encourages more strain than necessary (which can lead to wearing you out). If your goal isn't to see how hard you can push your heart in a plyo/HIIT workout, you can probably do something else and get a better result : )
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    @RedHeadMoo: Wow, I hadn't seen your post until after I had written mine-- but your experience mirrors what I wanted to say in my post : ).
  • RedHeadMoo
    RedHeadMoo Posts: 11
    @RedHeadMoo: Wow, I hadn't seen your post until after I had written mine-- but your experience mirrors what I wanted to say in my post : ).

    :) So glad to hear it got your buns back in the gym lifting. :)

    Our experience over at the BB forums is pretty rampant. The advice to eat more is rarely taken well. LOL.

    I still love the workouts though. I love the intensity like that but I just have to eat a truck load. I'm pretty sure I considered eating my kids at one point.
  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    @RedHeadMoo: Wow, I hadn't seen your post until after I had written mine-- but your experience mirrors what I wanted to say in my post : ).

    :) So glad to hear it got your buns back in the gym lifting. :)

    Our experience over at the BB forums is pretty rampant. The advice to eat more is rarely taken well. LOL.

    I still love the workouts though. I love the intensity like that but I just have to eat a truck load. I'm pretty sure I considered eating my kids at one point.

    Haha, thank you! It's been really great. I wish the cardio-junkie me of two years ago would have actually listened to the advice of seriously pick up weights a long time ago.

    Their community is past the point of needing to discuss the serious, scary, scary dangers of eating only 1200 calories over there ; )

    And I agree. They're still really nice if someone horrible happens and you can't make your way to the gym ;_; ...
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Also it looks like your intake is a bit low.

    I would suggest maybe joining this group...there is some good reading there.


    If you like you can post a topic and ask questions about your intake/activity, etc.
    Maybe if you had that straight you would feel better.:smile:

    All that info makes me anxious and gives me a headache.
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    I noticed you're currently working through Insanity.

    I did Insanity as well. It did wonders for my fitness-- but not as much in terms of aesthetics. The majority of my workout time is now dedicated to weight lifting, and I feel like the results have been much better; and without the torturous, heart-attack inducing, knee-sheering, energy sucking workout, that is Insanity.

    Granted, it definitely improved my fitness, and I was able to build up the courage to go back to the gym from it. Also, plyometrics will definitely be reincorporated into my workouts when I start cutting, but I would reconsider your workouts depending on your goals, not just workout because you want to finish X many days of some arbitrary program.

    I say all this because I feel like the Insanity program encourages more strain than necessary (which can lead to wearing you out). If your goal isn't to see how hard you can push your heart in a plyo/HIIT workout, you can probably do somethingt else and get a better result : )

    I at least want to finish insanity, maybe doing workouts every other day. Then I will reconsider my exercise approach. I'm going to up my calories from 2000 to 2500 and eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of my workouts. I'll see how that works for me. I don't necessarily want to lose weight but body fat.
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    When I change my goal manually to 2500 it says I will lose .1 lbs a week. when I have MFP do it, it gives me 1930 calories a day and -1 lb a week. How should I change my goals?
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Also it looks like your intake is a bit low.

    I would suggest maybe joining this group...there is some good reading there.


    If you like you can post a topic and ask questions about your intake/activity, etc.
    Maybe if you had that straight you would feel better.:smile:

    All that info makes me anxious and gives me a headache.

    Then reread it a few times because Sara and Sidesteel are AWESOME! There info is research based and who wouldn't want to look like them! :wink:
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    When I change my goal manually to 2500 it says I will lose .1 lbs a week. when I have MFP do it, it gives me 1930 calories a day and -1 lb a week. How should I change my goals?

    I agree with Crankstr- go to the Eat, Train, Progress group and create a thread about your calories and macros settings. It is soooo worth it. I am working with one of the and went from a 6 month plateau to losing weight and a boat load of inches. They know what they are talking about!!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Sounds like you need a cheat meal.