How to I tell my Boyfriend..



  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Tony Stark.. I guess that makes me a hypocrite, because I loved Iron Man. He, however doesn't have a cape or pointy ears, and is a genius to go along with it.

    That's Robert Downey Jr's playboy charms :p I'm not sure if you would enjoy the Tony Stark especially in the old animated series. In my eyes they're on par in terms of intellect (despite forever having the biggest crush on Batman). They have completely opposite demeanor, though.

    I used to wake up at 6 am at the weekend (I was 8) just to watch Batman: The Animated Series ( -.-. It was probably aired at a more convenient time in the US.
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I guess they must be similar intellectually - I recall in Iron Man and Avengers Tony Stark had an energy source similar to Wayne's in TDKR.

    I loved Spiderman as a kid, comics and all.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Just tell him. He will get a chance to watch it with you. If he likes batman he will want to watch it with you.
    I don´t understand why you would be afraid to tell him you haven´t seen any of the movies...well I haven´t and I honestly I have no desire to watch them.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    The guy in the wheelchair is Dr. Xavier.

  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    Just tell him, it's just a movie. I've never seen ANY of the Batman movies and I don't intend to because it doesn't interest me. Seriously just tell him.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I guess they must be similar intellectually - I recall in Iron Man and Avengers Tony Stark had an energy source similar to Wayne's in TDKR.

    I loved Spiderman as a kid, comics and all.

    Yes, like Kurstee said in Nolan's movies it seems like everything Batman has is mostly developed by Fox (Morgan Freeman's character). That's mostly a shortcut to prevent the movie from dragging too long. In comics he does most of his toys. How can you not love a man in black cape? :p

    Spiderman is pretty young compared to most first generation comic heroes. Genius, good looking, sarcastic, entertaining and always the loser in romantic relationships with inner conflicts makes him the perfect boy next door!
  • scottbad
    scottbad Posts: 33
    Lie. Tell him you've never seen it, but you always wondered....If you don't like the movie, just fake it. Yeah, there are people that actually don't like it.