

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday evening to all! I just spent about an hour or so going back and reading the last few pages of posts and I still didn't get to my last post! I hope I can keep up with this thread as I don't have a lot of time most days to sit and read everything - let alone reply! I work full time in the accounting department of an insurance company. I'm also a student pursuing a long belated degree - 2 classes at a time. I've been taking classes for 3 years now (year 'round) and have 2.5 more semesters to go to earn my 2 year degree. :laugh: I spent the majority of the day today sitting at my computer trying to make sense of my statistics homework. I discovered that when I am confused and can't wrap my mind around what I need to understand and when I am frustrated - I eat. Sooooo - really bad results in the diary today. My mid-term is tomorrow. Hope I can keep the stress snacking to a minimum - I can't afford 2 days like this!

    I, too, have multiple cats. My 12 year-old is getting stiff and doesn't like to travel from one end of the house to the other. Many times I pick him up and carry him to his food. I'm hoping the litter box won't have to move into the bedroom - yuck! But he's my big sweet boy - 22 pounds of crotchety fluff - and I'll do what needs to be done to keep him happy.

    petalsandpaws - you are in my thoughts and prayers and I'll hold you both in my heart. Such heartbreaking news...

    Have a good night - I'm off to bed!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello all - sounds like a busy weekend for everyone. I've just been fussing around the house. Had sorted out some things to take to Goodwill and finally got there yesterday----so did everyone else! There was a line at the donation dock. I was mildly surprised but they handled it quite well and I was off again. Also cleaned out my magazine rack. I swear things just multiply in there. Got everything thinned out now. Yeah. Finally tackled part of the refrigerator. All those odds and ends that I "just can't throw out" and then I find they're 6 months outdated---yep, all gone now and the shelves are cleaned. Laundry is also finished.

    Time to pack for my trip North. That is to look after my dad's acreage and take him from Assisted Living to 4 appointments the first part of the week. This is a very trying ordeal. But I won't go into details.

    Time to zip to the store for a few things.

    Oh, and I bought some odd-colored heirloom tomatoes earlier in the week and while they were good, they weren't anything outstanding so I think I'll just go back to the ordinary red ones.

    Wishing everyone well. :drinker: :drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning Sweeties :flowerforyou:

    I didn't get around to making pickles yesterday but spent an hour reading through recipes. :grumble: I never did locate the one I'd used years ago for horseradish pickles, so I gave up. The cukes are still in a bag on the kitchen table, yelling at me, If they don't stop that nonsense soon, I'll grab each and every one of them and toss them right into the compost pile. That'll teach 'em! :laugh: The next batch of pickling cukes will be ready in a week, I'll make my annual few quarts of dills.

    Spent 3 hours in my yard yesterday morning, being a good little flower girl, deadheading, thinning, staking, pruning, weeding, watering. It's a glorious sight out there right now, all colors of dahlias blooming! :love: Also white and ruby cosmos, purple coneflowers, black and blue savia, lovely-scented stocks, purple and lavender larkspur, zinnias, rudbeckia, alstromeria, dark red snapdragons, blue godetia, yellow coreopsis, blue bachelor buttons, gorgeous tall white phlox and of course a few towering sunflowers. The beds were in dire need of attention, I was pooped afterwards! I could easily spend another 3 hours out there this morning and still not get everything done. Ah, summer. :wink:

    Linda, you're absoluetly right about eating small meals every 3 hours or so. Thanks for the reminder. I tend to wait too long to eat, especially on weekends. Then I'm starving and of course eat too much. Yesterday I was a little piggy! :blushing: When I totaled up my calories for the day and saw 1650....yikes. :noway: Oh well, I feel good, had fun, stayed busy, and had a blast at the river with the dogs in the afternoon.

    Off to the gardens, time to pick those beans. Everyone have a wonderful Sunday!

    :smile: jb
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Sue -- Congratulations on going back to school! What are you working towards? I did it a few years ago (Masters in Ed.) while working full time, and it was hard but exciting. I snacked constantly while I was reading and especially while I was writing papers. Near the end of school, after gaining many pounds, I started chewing gum instead. I kept a box on my desk with several different flavors so when one got old and tired I could switch it up.

    Check in with us when you can, and keep up your hard work! You'll be glad you did.

  • mom3kidz
    mom3kidz Posts: 2
    Newbie here - just retired, looking for inspiration and encourgement to push to better health in my new life chapter. Very glad to find this site.

    Just starting C25K tomorrow morning. But I've never been a runner, not much of a walker, for that matter. Not sure I can do this, but don't want to start my retirement sitting down. I've downloaded the podcasts from NHS, got the shoes ready and a Nike running app that will track my distance, speed, etc. All I need now is to do it....

    Any suggestions?

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Sunday, Hoping this next week is better than last. Had a massage scheduled for Tuesday and she asked if I could reschedule for Thursday. Thursday comes and she has to cancel as she has no day care. She has been doing my massage for 5 years and the past 6 months she has been flaking on me....so frustrating. I found someone who could do one on Saturday and 2 hours before appointment she calls to say she has a fussy baby and maybe we can work thru it...MMM I think not, I am paying you to work on me, and concentrate on me....so found another one who will accommodate me on Monday/. I get them about every 4 weeks and my body knows when it is time, my neck and shoulders are burning.

    Haven't stepped on the scale in a couple of weeks, got on yesterday and lo and behold, I have lost the same 3 lbs that keeps coming back.

    Petalsandpaws so sorry to hear your story. Cancer is a mean disease, it takes so many nice people from us. Positive thoughts your way.

    This is my last week of full 8 hour days, next week starts my new schedule change so I can watch those 2 beautiful grandkids of mine. Looking forward to it. One employee puts on the happy face and so glad you can do that for your kids, then talks about me behind my back.....people really? My paycheck is no concern of yours.

    Sorry ladies, sometimes just typing this stuff makes you feel better.

    Made some apple cinnamon water to drink today, been filling my pitcher with items to change the taste of water..

    Off to see the kids and grandkids, keep up the good work.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Just wanted to dropped in to say hi. I hope every one is having a good. Sunday. Every thing is going ok today. Sunday is a busy day for us. But I need a nap not sure it will happened maybe bed early tonight. Food going okay need to try to get a workout in. Trying to figure out what. To fix for dinner today I guess I keep hoping that the food fairies will come in in just do it.

    Thank you for your posts. Take care each of you.
  • silvermamma
    silvermamma Posts: 14 Member

    My name is Debby and I'm 58. May I join this group? I need all the motivation I can get~
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    Hello! I am new to this thread. I am 61 years old and have 4 grown children-the last starts college in August- so I will be an empty-nester; just me and the dog. My doctor has me on a very stick meal plan as all my numbers were very high. I had my physical the end of March and started on this food plan the 7th of July. I had lost 20 lbs last year and keep that off. I was reading your posts and you found this group to be very supportive and motivating.

    I was reading someone's post regarding eating every three hours - yep I have to eat between every 2 1/2 to 3 hours - and was told to never let myself go more than 4 hours as it will mess up my blood sugar and fat burning cycle. I also have to drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water daily. Some days are ok but others it is hard to accomplish.

    Thanks for letting me share.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!
    Welcome Beverly,Deb,and Debbie:flowerforyou:
    Just want to update you all.
    We are going to be moving in the next week or so.This is the 3rd move since we lost our house last aug.We are moving in with a friend so my daughter can stay in the school she is in now.We had been living with son,DIL,grandaughter and other son.It has been challenging but rewarding to see my granddaughter everyday.
    So if I don`t post much,know I`m here for you all.
    Exciting but overwhelming.Another friend is moving also,so we are helping each other.
    have a good week.No news on Daughter`s kidney stone procedure yet.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Had a very productive Sunday...got the grocery shopping done, puttered in the kitchen since it was sort of cool (for July) . Yesterday I made choc chip brownies for Saturday lunch with my mom and sister...they were too tempting sitting on counter so put them in freezer and next week I will vacuum pack them...then I can leave them alone...I sometimes wonder if I have never grown out of being a child!! I am hosting book club which is next Monday, so made an ice cream cake using fat free frozen yogurt. I have had a craving for this lately so this will help to get it out of my system and move on.

    The sun came out late this afternoon so I was able to get the pool vacuumed ...our pump motor died when I was away...hubby said it happened the day I came home, but I think that is when he noticed it!!! :noway: so Thursday I shocked the pool to get rid of the algae and today vacuumed it so now we are nice and clear. When I was done I did my pool jogging. (Next time won't wear the strapless top...thank goodness the neighbors have tall fences!) :blushing: so did a couple sets of grapevines..felt good since I did more floating than swimming on vacation.

    Back to routine tomorrow..need to get on that recumbent bike and start thinking about August goals!

    Have a nice evening. Hugs and high fives we are getting good at this journey!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Beverly, Debbie and Deb and all of our Newbies. We are so glad you have found us:smile:
    :happy: The more ladies we have on our journey the better.:heart: I really enjoy all of the stories about your home towns, we have such a diverse group of ladies here.:smile:
    :flowerforyou: I am just stopping by to let eveyone know Matthew is home from the hospital. He is so happy to be home and I just wanted to thank everyone again for all the prayers and well wishes.:smile: I am so glad to be home but am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow:huh: after being out for a week. With the end of the month reports due, beginning of the month paperwork and reports I know I am going to have some late nights until I get caught up. So if you don't hear from me for awhile I am probably under a pile of paperwork. :laugh: LOLOL
    :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening everyone:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , you've come to the right place for great motivation and inspiration!!!!

    I hope everyone has had a good day! Mine would have been great except the dreaded headache has returned:angry: , I really think these headaches have a lot to do with my allergies, both ears were hurting and my face felt awfully sore:grumble: , I took a Zyrtec and my nose spray, I feel some better but I'm extremely tired now (thanks to the Zyrtec , I'm sure):yawn: .

    Hope everyone has a great night, and sweet dreams:smile::yawn: .

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just a short note to say thank you for the thoughts and prayers from all those who sent them. Unfortunately the news is not good. The cancer has metasized to the brain, with to many tumors to count as quoted by the doctor. Chemo has been stopped and radiation to begin next tues, for 10 straight days, excluding weekends. This to give my wonderful man 5 to 6 months if we are lucky.
    Right now it hurts to breathe.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to you and prayers for strength for the days ahead:heart::heart:

    love & prayers

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Sherry -- how do you make apple cinnamon water? It sounds like that might help me get through more water every day. I struggle to get through 6 glasses a day, and I know I need more than that.

    Today was a pretty good day until dinner. My darling 16-year-old son was moping around so we went to the driving range to hit golf balls and practice chipping and putting. I don't play golf, but have tagged along enough to fake it. We had a nice 2-hour outing on a beautiful afternoon, and his mood improved tremendously. I needed to be reminded that he still likes spending time with me, even though he pretends not to. It was sweet.

    Grocery shopping (three stores to find everything I needed). Put everything away and fixed two more new recipes for dinner from the Reader's Digest diet. Is anyone else trying that? I was so tired from being outdoors in the heat that I ended up ruining both recipes. Dinner was so bad I had to throw it away. We all had a good laugh, but I was so frustrated. I just wanted to throw in a frozen pizza or something quick and easy instead of sticking to the plan. Whine, whine, whine. Instead I scrambled some eggs, even though it wasn't on the plan. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right?

    Hope everyone has a good Monday, whether you're going back to work or starting your retirement, or anything in between! :flowerforyou:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Will catch up more tomorrow

    Still no baby DIL, grandsons #1 & #2 and DIL's mom all have croup:sick:

    Now we are hoping that grandson #3 waits for his momma to get well.

    Until tomorrow moening

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    So I went back to read my goals for July - I really need to post them somewhere so I can see them everyday:

    My July goals:

    *To walk at least 5 days each week. [Did this one. I exercised every single day. Most days I walked my 2.65 mile circle. Three days that I was away at a workshop, I worked out on the elliptical or treadmill each day for 30 minutes. If I make it tomorrow and Tuesday, I won't have missed a single day.]
    *To log my food daily, regardless of the amount. [Did this one, too]
    *To take my vitamins religiously (am usually a real slacker at this. I hate pills.) [Nope, still a slacker. Reading it made me go take them for today. Even so, the eating right and exercising has made me feel fantastic. In all honesty, I forgot that this was one of my goals. I'll write them down and post them for August.]
    *To lose at least 5 lbs, hopefully more. (I'd like to lose 75 lbs total. I'm about 10 lbs up from the low I hit last fall. I'd sure like to be back there before school starts back in August.) [Yep, made it!]
    *To participate in this thread for motivation. [Not as much as well as I would have liked, but I have been here. Thanks!]
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, did an hour of training games on the Wii today. Tomorrow yoga and then the extremepump class.

    The one Y by us just got in TRX equipment. Wonder when they'll have classes? Hope it's early.

    Just got around to taking those cherries that I pitted and froze yesterday out of the freezer. I decided to just put them into a plastic bag, the bag is so much more flexible so I can get more in the freezer.

    Jessica left around noon today, she probably won't get home until around 7. I didn't realize how much she liked the corn on the cob or I would have bought more at the farmer's market!

    Welcome thisgirl, burn. Beverly, Debbie (of course you can join!), Deb

    jane - I'm glad you're moving. You weren't happy but making the best of the situation. Hopefully, this will work better for you.

    Polly - I never heard of the Readers Digest diet. Tell me more about it.

    Had a pretty productive day. Got up, exercised, read the paper and had breakfast, made salsbury steaks and pork chops for later in the week, then made chocolate chip cookies for Vince, then helped him cut more weeds, took a quick shower and then went to WalMart for just three things (that is the only place I can get the flour I need), home to make dinner, then cleaned my ears and watched a bit of TV, now off to bed.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    who needs to go to the library tomorrow (I'll give the soup kitchen the rest of the butterscotch bars). I ordered the "Sweatin to the Oldies" DVD, they got it in so I need to pick it up. Want to check it out before I buy it.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    WOW , Michelle, you have so much energy! I am wiped out today from yesterday,being in the heat for 3+ hours. All I did was take Sammie to the gun range, to shoot a round of trap.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    It is amusing to watch the 4 men that she shot with. They range in age from 20-60.Some have been shooting trap for years. She went out there and did better than all of them. She shot a 21/25. She just started shooting trap 3 months ago. The men were flabbergasted at the end! A 15 year old girl beat them all!! Now what men??:noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am going to help Sammie wash the dishes, and then off to bed, and the trap range in the morning. My daughter really wants to go to the 2016 Olympics in Rio for trap shooting! Dream big! Go Sammie!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies, This is the best place to be!

    Rose ,glad your GS is doing so well.

    Barbie, you are so active,,,,,,,,,,,enjoy that sunshine before the winter comes! :wink: :wink:

    Meg- glad that the NACL level is low. I know that if I eat salty stuff, I feel aweful the next day1:sad: :sad:

    Well, tomorrow is weigh in day. I am not feeling confident about this weight loss day I don't know why? Maybe because I have not really had any good exercise for a while. But it is, what it is. I like something Barbie, said

    "If your moving, you are losing!! Keep logging and moving, and talk with you all tomorrow! Heres to a good week and new goals for August! Hugs

    Linda-Aka SundanceB:heart::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AshleygardnerSandiego
    Good for you. We can do it... got the eating part down but have to move more to get that old metabolism back up and running. Good luck to all. Hang in there... it will be worth it!