50 shades of grey, yo



  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I can only just shake my head when I hear of or see women reading this. Its soooo poorly written, there is tons of better erotica out there. And that someone called this book a game changer is hilarious though, bdsm is not new.

    Oh and that it started as free twilight fan fiction online is particularly off putting. But hey...to each their own.

    The lady who wrote this crap is making $$$$$$$, good for her I guess.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member

    I'm going to try to explain this....If you actually read the entire series, he never ONCE makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. The ONE time in the ENTIRE series that he hurts her she literally ASKED him to. Now, does that mean she's an idiot? Yes. lol But its a BOOK. She's NOT REAL. I think it's hilarious that the majority of the people that are so angry about the book haven't even read it or have only read the first book. Their relationship changes immensely throughout the series and by the end you actually feel sorry for Christian. Women like it because it's the story of what many women dream about....to change the "bad boy" into a loving, caring family man. On top of that he's gorgeous, rich, and apparently a God in bed. It's that simple.

    Now, am I saying it's a great book that everyone should read? No. I'm just saying it's not nearly as horrible as people make it out to be and I'm kind of confused as to why so many people are so angry about it lol.

    Who's angry? We're just remarking on how god-awful stupid it is.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Read them and loved them. Though I have to admit by about the middle of book three I was craving more of a plot. But overall I really enjoyed them.

    I just have one question............Where can I find my own personal Christian Grey? :love:

    ^^^^^ I so agree ^^^^^ where is my own Christian Grey...

    Out of curiosity....what is it that you gals love so much about him? I'm asking honestly, not in a *****y manner.

    I'm going to try to explain this....If you actually read the entire series, he never ONCE makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. The ONE time in the ENTIRE series that he hurts her she literally ASKED him to. Now, does that mean she's an idiot? Yes. lol But its a BOOK. She's NOT REAL. I think it's hilarious that the majority of the people that are so angry about the book haven't even read it or have only read the first book. Their relationship changes immensely throughout the series and by the end you actually feel sorry for Christian. Women like it because it's the story of what many women dream about....to change the "bad boy" into a loving, caring family man. On top of that he's gorgeous, rich, and apparently a God in bed. It's that simple.

    Now, am I saying it's a great book that everyone should read? No. I'm just saying it's not nearly as horrible as people make it out to be and I'm kind of confused as to why so many people are so angry about it lol.

    I used to like men like Christian Grey....but then my shrink said I was co-dependant and I got help :embarassed:
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member

    I'm going to try to explain this....If you actually read the entire series, he never ONCE makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. The ONE time in the ENTIRE series that he hurts her she literally ASKED him to. Now, does that mean she's an idiot? Yes. lol But its a BOOK. She's NOT REAL. I think it's hilarious that the majority of the people that are so angry about the book haven't even read it or have only read the first book. Their relationship changes immensely throughout the series and by the end you actually feel sorry for Christian. Women like it because it's the story of what many women dream about....to change the "bad boy" into a loving, caring family man. On top of that he's gorgeous, rich, and apparently a God in bed. It's that simple.

    Now, am I saying it's a great book that everyone should read? No. I'm just saying it's not nearly as horrible as people make it out to be and I'm kind of confused as to why so many people are so angry about it lol.

    Who's angry? We're just remarking on how god-awful stupid it is.

    I've never read the book. But I think most people don't like it because of not only how poorly written it is, but because it seems to be a kind of "deer in the headlights" woman with a dude that's good in bed and "gorgeous", but kind of treats her like crap. Could be wrong, though ...
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Read them and loved them. Though I have to admit by about the middle of book three I was craving more of a plot. But overall I really enjoyed them.

    I just have one question............Where can I find my own personal Christian Grey? :love:


  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Never was interested in it, the review is hilarious! Not the first of its kind either!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I'm going to try to explain this....If you actually read the entire series, he never ONCE makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. The ONE time in the ENTIRE series that he hurts her she literally ASKED him to. Now, does that mean she's an idiot? Yes. lol But its a BOOK. She's NOT REAL. I think it's hilarious that the majority of the people that are so angry about the book haven't even read it or have only read the first book. Their relationship changes immensely throughout the series and by the end you actually feel sorry for Christian. Women like it because it's the story of what many women dream about....to change the "bad boy" into a loving, caring family man. On top of that he's gorgeous, rich, and apparently a God in bed. It's that simple.

    Now, am I saying it's a great book that everyone should read? No. I'm just saying it's not nearly as horrible as people make it out to be and I'm kind of confused as to why so many people are so angry about it lol.

    Hmmmm ok. I wasn't sure whether it had to do with the dom/sub aspect or the "changing a bad boy" aspect for some people. Interesting points :)
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Edit: Plus, movies based on books never do the books justice....so a movie may be the best thing to ever happen to this book.

    That's true most of the time, but not always: "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton was done justice by Martin Scorsese, and Daniel Day-lewis and Michelle Pfeiffer had a lot to do with that too! Also "Silence of the Lambs" was made admirably, IMO. And HBO's version of "Lolita" was STUNNING (sorry Kubrick--yo ish was good too, just not in keeping with the book so much for obvious reasons...). Sorry for nerding out, but this is a subject close to my hort.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    OP - loved the review so much I read the review of the sequel. Thanks!

    You're welcome, but don't forget there's a review of the third one as well, which features a gif so spectacular my very good IRL friend is raving about it.

    Yes, we are THAT dorky. SHUT UP!
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Read them and loved them. Though I have to admit by about the middle of book three I was craving more of a plot. But overall I really enjoyed them.

    I just have one question............Where can I find my own personal Christian Grey? :love:

    ^^^^^ I so agree ^^^^^ where is my own Christian Grey...

    Out of curiosity....what is it that you gals love so much about him? I'm asking honestly, not in a *****y manner.

    I'm going to try to explain this....If you actually read the entire series, he never ONCE makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. The ONE time in the ENTIRE series that he hurts her she literally ASKED him to. Now, does that mean she's an idiot? Yes. lol But its a BOOK. She's NOT REAL. I think it's hilarious that the majority of the people that are so angry about the book haven't even read it or have only read the first book. Their relationship changes immensely throughout the series and by the end you actually feel sorry for Christian. Women like it because it's the story of what many women dream about....to change the "bad boy" into a loving, caring family man. On top of that he's gorgeous, rich, and apparently a God in bed. It's that simple.

    Now, am I saying it's a great book that everyone should read? No. I'm just saying it's not nearly as horrible as people make it out to be and I'm kind of confused as to why so many people are so angry about it lol.

    I hate to be douchey, but for all of your mention about being so confused about how angry everyone else is about this, I must point out that I am confused as to why YOU are so affected by everyone else's opinion...? haha For someone telling everyone else to stop taking it all so seriously, you seem to be taking all THIS rather seriously yourself since you have posted basically the same sentiment repeatedly. Do you have some personal attachment to the book? This is just a forum on the interwebs where people can ramble without the filters or everyday life--ironically, it seems that you are the one who must take this less seriously. Know that I say that with love...

    As for all of the comments of concern about the women who seem to be really admiring Christian etc., while they could certainly be off-base for some women, I think they are genuinely coming from a place of concern for our fellow ladies. We live in a world where if you are not resolute in your love for yourself, it can be SO EASY to be crushed, mind and soul. Sadly, in many cases, there is a super fine line between kink and lack of self-respect...
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I'll say it again because AGAIN MFP is c**kblocking me, but if you loved the review, FR me because you're awesome!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    I'm going to try to explain this....If you actually read the entire series, he never ONCE makes her do anything she doesn't want to do. The ONE time in the ENTIRE series that he hurts her she literally ASKED him to. Now, does that mean she's an idiot? Yes. lol But its a BOOK. She's NOT REAL. I think it's hilarious that the majority of the people that are so angry about the book haven't even read it or have only read the first book. Their relationship changes immensely throughout the series and by the end you actually feel sorry for Christian. Women like it because it's the story of what many women dream about....to change the "bad boy" into a loving, caring family man. On top of that he's gorgeous, rich, and apparently a God in bed. It's that simple.

    Now, am I saying it's a great book that everyone should read? No. I'm just saying it's not nearly as horrible as people make it out to be and I'm kind of confused as to why so many people are so angry about it lol.

    You seem to be very defensive of this book! I don't see much anger on the thread, just people expressing their opinions about (what they perceive to be) bad art.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Edit: Plus, movies based on books never do the books justice....so a movie may be the best thing to ever happen to this book.

    That's true most of the time, but not always: "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton was done justice by Martin Scorsese, and Daniel Day-lewis and Michelle Pfeiffer had a lot to do with that too! Also "Silence of the Lambs" was made admirably, IMO. And HBO's version of "Lolita" was STUNNING (sorry Kubrick--yo ish was good too, just not in keeping with the book so much for obvious reasons...). Sorry for nerding out, but this is a subject close to my hort.

    Rarely, do them justice....and we can only pray this holds true for 50 Shades :wink: :laugh:
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    I've been in a BDSM relationship and can assure you that 50 Shades isn't one. The writer didn't do any research.

    Actually, I think she did do some research, but probably all she did was Google "BDSM" and see what came up. I doubt she actually went so far as to talk to people who were a part of the lifestyle or anything because that just would have been too much work... God forbid she actually work hard to make this book about something like this as accurate as possible. People already think that BDSM is screwed up anyway... and this does nothing to change those people's opinions. Christian is not a good Dominant... at all.

    I don't know too much about BDSM, but I do know that it all comes to down to a mutual agreement between both parties involved and trust... Ana and Christan have NEITHER.

    In writing, you're supposed to write what you know or at least research it thoroughly if you don't know... and E.L. James totally failed at that, in my opinion.

    I've taken the time to talk to several people who are into BDSM about this, so I know what I say is probably accurate to a certain degree. If only E.L. James had not been so lazy to do the same... the book would have been A LOT better in terms of the BDSM elements at least. It would probably had still sucked because of the writing and lack of a plot that doesn't revolve around sex... and I don't think there would be any way to redeem Ana from being a pathetic excuse for a person either, but Christian may have been a better character.

    And for the chick(s) who want their own personal "Christian Grey", please get some psychological help. Seriously.

    I totally agree with you on that. Christian Grey is not the kind of guy that women should aspire to be with. I have a feeling that if a guy like him actually showed up, many women who swoon over Christian Grey would run away from his real counterpart. I mean, this man doesn't simply want to control Ana in the bedroom, he wants to control EVERYTHING she does; both in the bedroom and outside it as well. How many women could honestly admit that they would want to give up control of everything in their lives to a guy like him?

    That's my problem with these books... if people were just reading it, I could handle it, but when women start swooning over a guy that FORCES an innocent and naive woman into something that she may or may not want that's when I get mad. Ana clearly tells him no, but he does it anyway.. using the excuse that she really wants it, so it's okay. Which is a bunch of crap... it's her body... even if she secretly wants to be treat like that, that doesn't give him the right to do it if she says no.

    To anyone who likes the books, I am not insulting you for liking the books. I personally don't care if you like the books...honestly, I think it's great that you like them. We can't all have the same opinions about everything, so I understand that some people like these books. I'm just stating my opinion about why I dislike these books so much. I'm not trying to offend anyone or start an argument.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    There are two types of people in this world, ones who can get past the terrible, repetitive, poorly written, and poorly everything that this book is, and those who can't.

    Honestly, if you can get past the abuse and self hate contained therein, more power to you. It is just a fantasy after all!

    From the OP " He wants the girl slim and in shape, yet he won't stop trying to force her to eat!" Have you seen photos of the author? It kind of explains the food fetish.
  • quixotic84
    quixotic84 Posts: 66 Member
    Ugh don't do it! Or at least don't take the books seriously. They f up the bdsm stuff badly and portray dangerous displays of non consent that would get legitimate SM-folk banned from "play spaces". As someone moderately in "the scene" and as someone whose closet set of friends is a professional dominatrix and her spouse/24-7 "slave" (I just was at international ms leather 2012 as one of her support staff) I KNOW what safe, sane, and consensual bdsm looks like and this set of books could get a curious uneducated person killed.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I love this review! It sums up my feelings on the matter perfectly :laugh:
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    that is so great lmaooo *bumppp*
  • lifeissweet89
    HAHA!! :laugh:

    Those GIFs were HILARIOUS! And I must say that I agree with most of what she was saying.

    I read all 3 (yes, I am still mentally stable) and although I'm not an avid reader, I still noticed how badly written this book was. And don't even get me STARTED on the repetition of certain phrases such as "Oh my" and the constant 'scowling'.

    I had to FORCE myself to read the last one because I had people who wanted to borrow the book and I hate starting something and not finishing it. Definitely not planning on reading them again.

    The ONE thing I didn't agree with was the fact that he was 'abusive'. The character, Ana, agreed to do all of what he proposed an let him know when to stop SO it's not like he forcing her. Just my opinion though.

    Everything else I agree with though.

    What I was really thinking to myself the whole time was: Is this what it has come to in order for a woman to get off? Because although the actual STORY had it's exciting parts, the (constant) sex is what was really getting these women to keep reading.

    Honestly, just watch porn. It's more exciting. Don't be ashamed :wink:
  • missmatildamoonshine
    missmatildamoonshine Posts: 17 Member
    Ugh don't do it! Or at least don't take the books seriously. They f up the bdsm stuff badly and portray dangerous displays of non consent that would get legitimate SM-folk banned from "play spaces". As someone moderately in "the scene" and as someone whose closet set of friends is a professional dominatrix and her spouse/24-7 "slave" (I just was at international ms leather 2012 as one of her support staff) I KNOW what safe, sane, and consensual bdsm looks like and this set of books could get a curious uneducated person killed.

    ^^^^^ Agreed! ^^^^^