What's your opinion on Lean Cuisines?

I love lean cuisines because of the different choicesnof food, and how they teach me portion control, but I was talking to someone and they said that they don't don't like them because they are high in sodium. I was curious on everyone elses views on them. So is it a yay or nay for you?


  • GabrielMaestas
    GabrielMaestas Posts: 88 Member
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    Nay. I used to eat them when I was on Weight Watchers because a lot of processed foods are supported by them. On WW, you just worry about "Points". Not about the true nutrition of the food like on MFP.

    The sodium is just blegh. I've learned since then to just take the time to cook my own meals and I'm seeing more weight loss that way.

    Sure, if you're in a tight spot and need a quick fix it's not the worst choice for you. But I wouldn't eat them all the time.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    No. Fresh is best and you know exactly what your putting in! X
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    Personally, I love Lean Cuisine.. It is convenient for me to throw one in a bag for lunch and I don't have to worry about cooking or measuring anything. And there is such a variety that I never get bored with eating.
  • I lost 80lbs incorporating lean cuisine in my diet.. I guess everyone is different but its a YAY for me :)
  • If it were not for Lean Cuisine I would probably starve. They have not killed me yet so I suppose they are safe to eat. : )
  • 45taylor
    45taylor Posts: 21 Member
    Yes they have a TON of sodium. I like a few of them and when I eat one I can tell I am retaining fluid from sodium overload.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I really think these are a personal choice (like most everything when it comes to losing weight). I do eat them - not everyday, but I do. I keep them in my freezer for the nights I don't feel like cooking, have to work late or am simply busy, busy, busy. I don't see them as anything bad - yes, they have preservatives in them and higher sodium, but there are worst things out there to eat in my opinion. And if they help someone master portions or help keep someone on track - they are worth it.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I love lean cuisines because of the different choicesnof food, and how they teach me portion control, but I was talking to someone and they said that they don't don't like them because they are high in sodium. I was curious on everyone elses views on them. So is it a yay or nay for you?

    Nay times 10. I'll eat one now and again if there's nothing else, but they're kind of crap for me. High sodium, not really veg friendly. Cooking fresh is best!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I have a lean cuisine every so often but i like the healthy choice cafe steamers and the ones full of veggies better. They have a higher nutritional value percentage and lower sodium. More expensive though obviously lol my nutritionist taught me what to read when looking at these packages.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    They are high in sodium. Some of them have more than my favorite Hungry Man dinner (1640mg sodium). They also changed the noodle in the lasagna. Other than those, I don't have a problem with them.
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    I've lost 95% of my weight during the 4 months by eating mainly Weight Watchers food, asmentioned they are great for portion control, nutritional info availability and variety when you don't have time to cook or just can't be bothered.

    I just drink lots of water to offset the sodium. Been working ok for me.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Nay. Way too much sodium, overly processed, and not filling at all. I guess if you're in a time crunch it's better than nothing.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Not my cup of tea, but if they taste good to you, satiate you, and fit into your calorie and macros, then why not.
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    I lost 80lbs incorporating lean cuisine in my diet.. I guess everyone is different but its a YAY for me :)

    Agree completely, although I prefer smart choice meals over lean cuisine.

    I understand why some people are against them but if you've come to this site and you're used to eating a big mac, large fries and drink for lunch every day and you switch to a lean cuisine, or any similar meal, then you're making huge positive change. I'm sure making everything fresh is obviously the nutritionally healthier decision but not everyone has the time to do that for three meals a day, seven days a week.
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    Where is the' "That was filling" said no one ever about lean cuisine ' gif when you need it?
  • fueledbychange
    fueledbychange Posts: 132 Member
    Nay!! While they're marketed as good, healthy, diet food, they're bad! Tons and tons of preservatives go into those things, and they have way too much sodium. Stay away from them if you can.
  • mmychal
    mmychal Posts: 69
    I want real food in my food. There are so many awesome vegetables, nuts, dairy products, lean protein and spices to choose from that I could never go back to eating processed meals like Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice.

    I respect the fact that they're "quick and easy" but the great flavors of the foods I eat are light years ahead of the stuff that comes out of a box.

    I'm sure the calories are fine in these pre-prepared meals but I can't stick to an eating plan if I sacrifice taste and nutrition and there's simply plenty of both in real food.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    Now and then I eat them when I'm in a hurry and putting my lunch together. There are only a couple that I eat though. A couple of the chicken ones that are low in sugar. Fresh is best.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    On the fence.

    I ate them a LOT when hubby was deployed (it was just me and the baby, no time or energy to cook a real meal!). I lost all my baby weight quickly. It's hard to cook for one person and these do fit in nicely with portion control.

    I think every now and then, it's not bad. But if you have time on the weekends or whatever to cook up a big batch of something healthy and freeze it into individual portions, it would be much better for you.
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    Nay! If you like the portion control save the plastic container and reuse it for home made meals.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I feel if you are going to buy pre-made meals Lean Cuisine are one of the two best. Weight Watcher meals being the second one. Then you do have to watch the sodium levels They have to add sodium and other preservatives to help them with their shelf life. If you have the time do what I plan on doing take one day a week precook all the items for the week put them in containers or zip lock bags and heat them from there. In the long run it's going to be cheaper and definitely more healthful. I will know what is in my foods. Good luck on what ever you decide to do.
  • uk, get ready to be hungry 30 minutes later.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    It's a great quick meal for me every now and then, good variety, but mindful of the sodium.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    I love them for lunches at work. Easy to grab in the morning and heat up at work.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I use to eat them a lot until I realized that they aren't very healthy. They may be low in calories, but because they are processed not the best unfortunately.
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Big. Giant. NAY. Cook for yourself.....lean protein and fresh veggies. You can do this. Make up your own portioned meals and freeze them. Way healthier and cheaper to do it yourself.

    Best wishes!!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    nay. They're so much saltier than everything else I eat and - I'm sorry- I think they taste gross. I'm a better cook than that.

    A friend of mine - who is almost as wide as she is tall (she's a very small woman) buys them by the case and ONLY eats them.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    They're a no for me. I can find something with the same amount of calories, less sodium, more flavor, and in larger portions, and that's been the dealbreaker for me.
  • Get_Me_Fit1
    Get_Me_Fit1 Posts: 194
    Nay! If you like the portion control save the plastic container and reuse it for home made meals.

    Greatt idea!!!