5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge

TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
New challenge for the new year. If I can lose 5 pounds a month in less than a year I will be at my goal weight. If you want to lose more but join this group that would be great also. Who's with me? I want to find a group that is supportive and gives great advice on eating and working out. Weigh ins will be on the first of each month. Support and ideas as often as you want. Let's make this a healthier new year!


  • That is my goal too. my wedding is in 4 months. I would like to be down 20 by then!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Awesome...lets do it!
  • What format do you want to do? Every day - list our prior day consumptions (calories, fat, fiber and protein) and exercise? and post +/- on Mondays on weigh ins?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not looking for anything formal just reporting what we are eating or doing that are helping to reach your goal.

    So my first goal is to lose 5 pounds (if I lose more great) during the month of January. So how am I going to do that...

    Goal #1....track each and every calorie eaten, and stay in my calorie range!

    Goal #2 ....exercise 5 days a week and burn at least 600 calories a day through exercise.

    Goal #3...start doing my weight lifting video every day...alternating between upper and lower body

    Goal #4 Run a 5K by June..(need to look for one in the area and register)
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    I'd like to join too! 5 pounds a month seems reasonable and I definitely need a support network :blushing:

    What weight lifting vid do you have?
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    I'd like to join, my resolution is to not have a weight loss resolution next year. This year I lost 36 lbs, so I have 30 more to go!
  • I'd like to join too... 5 pound a month sounds good.
  • Count me in:smile:
    I just found the fitness pal site yesterday. Is there a particular "place" I can look to always find the group?
  • Count me in:smile:
    I just found the fitness pal site yesterday. Is there a particular "place" I can look to always find the group?

    Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right!
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    i'm in! my stupid bathroom scale needs replaced, so i have no idea how accurate it is....grrr! but i have been eating right and exercising, so i guess if i just keep that up, i'll lose.

    skin tight, if you go to the community tab and then to my topics, this thread should be there.

    good luck everyone!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I am in! I was looking at a lb a week, but hoping for a little more, so five lbs. a month is great! I just redesigned my plan for the fourth time in 2 years.

    *Long term goal - loose at least 25 lbs. Goal target, early June.
    *Short term goal - loose 10% of my current weight which is 16 lbs.

    How will I do this?
    1) Tracking calories, but also watching carbs and sodium, etc.
    2) Exercise - Top of the list is the 10,000 Step Challenge. I have my pedometer on me right now (falling short of the daily goal though!) & Use my wii Fit Plus for motivation and consistency in "moving and getting fit"
    3) Relax and enjoy the ride. Everytime I have tried to loose weight I have had unrealistic goals

    Ultimate Goal: Wear my wedding dress (informal wedding) for a dinner out with my husband on our 4th anniversary on June 30, 2010, and I hipe fits even better than it did in 2006!

    Good luck to all. :smile:

    Pam Benison
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Count me in, too. I just joined this site yesterday, and I feel very motivated. 2010 is the year that I'm finally going to take charge of my fitness situation. 5 pounds a month sounds like a great goal. My total goal is 40 pounds. I'd love to lose as much of that as possible by summer, but then again, I'm reasonable and I understand that it might take a while. Progress is progress!
  • whidbeyweight
    whidbeyweight Posts: 43 Member
    I need to commit! I have been stand still for 2 months~ but I guess that is good for the holidays?! 5lbs a month for 2-3 months, perfect. thanks!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'd like to join too! 5 pounds a month seems reasonable and I definitely need a support network :blushing:

    What weight lifting vid do you have?

    Its an older one by Kathy Smith called lift weights to lose weight. I like it because you just need some dumbbells and and ankle weights. There is a 20 minute upper body workout and a 20 minute lower body. I had it on vhs but found it on DVD on Ebay.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I need to commit! I have been stand still for 2 months~ but I guess that is good for the holidays?! 5lbs a month for 2-3 months, perfect. thanks!

    I have been playing with the same 5 pounds since last March. I'll lose it and then there is some "event" in our lives and I regain it and then lose it...I am stuck in a loop....

    On a positive note I ordered my Christmas Present last night....a new Nordic Track Treadmill. My favorite exercise is walking, but I hate being cold. Well here in MN that means I stop walking from late November til March. It was a gift that my husband I bought for each other.... he is training for a marathon in June and I want to run my first 5K in June. Here's to a little over a pound a week.:drinker:
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    I'd like to join too! 5 pounds a month seems reasonable and I definitely need a support network :blushing:

    What weight lifting vid do you have?

    Its an older one by Kathy Smith called lift weights to lose weight. I like it because you just need some dumbbells and and ankle weights. There is a 20 minute upper body workout and a 20 minute lower body. I had it on vhs but found it on DVD on Ebay.

    Thanks, I'll look into it. I've been trying to go to the gym at least 3x a week for cardio (treadmill mostly); I know I need to add some strength training. I have the 30 day shred dvd and should probably just us it - haha...

    I've had (very) slow steady weight loss since joining mfp and managed to maintain thru the holidays, now I NEED to get serious about this and actually follow thru...

    my (initial) plan is:
    to track calories - keeping processed sugars and sodium to a minimum
    cardio at least 3 x a week
    30 day shred 2x week
    drink water or tea instead of sodas
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Lets weigh in every Friday just to stay accountable but use the first of the month as our official tracking guide.

    I need a good night's sleep I find it much easier to "cheat" when I am tired!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    This sounds great! My average since I started MFP and before the holidays hit was losing 5 pounds a month. I would LOVE to be down to 170 or below by the time summer starts. And losing 30 pounds by the end of June shouldn't be too hard if I keep at it. So I'm also in!

    *Workout 6 days a week, burning at least 500 calories a day (4 cardio, 2 strength).
    *Make smarter food choices.
    *Not deprive myself of anything, but make sure if it's "bad" that my portions are small and I work hard for them.
    *Write out rewards for every 10 or so pounds lost.
    *Focus more on taking it a day at a time rather than stressing about what happened yesterday and what's going to happen tomorrow.

    Good luck everyone!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    This sounds great! My average since I started MFP and before the holidays hit was losing 5 pounds a month. I would LOVE to be down to 170 or below by the time summer starts. And losing 30 pounds by the end of June shouldn't be too hard if I keep at it. So I'm also in!

    *Workout 6 days a week, burning at least 500 calories a day (4 cardio, 2 strength).
    *Make smarter food choices.
    *Not deprive myself of anything, but make sure if it's "bad" that my portions are small and I work hard for them.
    *Write out rewards for every 10 or so pounds lost.
    *Focus more on taking it a day at a time rather than stressing about what happened yesterday and what's going to happen tomorrow.

    Good luck everyone!

    I like that you plan to reward yourself every 10 pounds. So many want to wait until they reach their goal weight but I think it is important to reward those small steps that will eventually lead us to our goals.
  • I'm in!! I need a small goal like this. t should be easier to attain and stay motivated.

    How am I going to do this??
    Get moving!! 30 minutes of movement every day
    Better food choices
    Starting 30 Day Shred with the hubby tomorrow
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