How do you stay motivated to work out?

nc90 Posts: 83 Member
Does anyone else struggle with this?

I've been on MFP since Sept 2011, albiet on and off, but lately I feel like even though I have the motivation to work out, putting it into practice is so much harder. There are so many times throughout the day I plan to go for a run when I get home, or lift, and really push hard to make this weight loss happen.

But then I get home after an 8-11 hour day depending on if I volunteer at the hospital, and it's time to figure out dinner and spend some time with my bf, and before I know it, I'm ready for bed to wake up and do it all again tomorrow. I know it's a matter of changing, and just buckling down and doing it, but in the moment I can always think of 1001 excuses.

I think another part is that I used to run about 4-5 miles almost every day. And there came a point where I was able to run for 60 min (never thought I'd see that happen!), and then I started to lift, and then I started to see real change. I feel like I keep kicking myself for ever stopping, and remember telling myself back then that I would never let myself get this way again.

I see all my friends doing such great things with working out and making their goals happen, and I feel so lame that I can't seem to get my butt into gear.

So I guess my real question is, does anyone else struggle to get motivated? How do/did you overcome this?


  • sonivmartin
    sonivmartin Posts: 24 Member
    I struggle with motivation all time and am still working out how to overcome it. I love the feeling I get when I am finished working out...but putting it into action...I struggle. For me what is working right now is I have asked my friends to give me a hard time when I don't go to the gym. I'm lucky in that my company pays for part of my gym membershp so a lot of us girls from work go at lunch. So for now...they are giving me crap if I don't go. I know people say to find what you love to do and it isn't hard...I don't always agree with that...I love the classes that I take...but hate that I can't do everything that the instructor does. great words of wisdom here...but wanted you to know you aren't along with staying movtivated!
  • jealous_loser
    I just know that if I do not do something activity wise, I start feeling sluggish and gross. The actually doing it, yea, I guess it is hard, but there should be a half hour-hour a day that you can do something. Maybe try something with your boyfriend? I go running or play tennis with mine now. Or we go for a walk when we don't feel like doing something intense. Get him in on it maybe and you might find more motivation to get out.
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member
    If I don't get up early and work out - it doesn't happen!
  • rward007
    rward007 Posts: 32
    It's all about priority for me. I know that I can squeeze out an hour for myself everyday and I (usually) choose to spend it exercising. I think the mental challenge is wanting to workout vs feeling like it something you should do.

    I used to spend my down time watching TV or playing video games on a weeknight, but now I'd rather spend it at the gym. It helps me relieve stress and decompress. I don't see it as a burden, I look forward to going to the gym when I leave work.

    I also go workout with my girlfriend as often as I can so that we can spend time together and get our workouts in because we both have busy schedules.
  • iwannabefit8
    If I don't get up early and work out - it doesn't happen!

    i feel the exact same way! i won't end up working out if i don't do it first thing. every time i say "ill work out later" i stop myself and change into my work out clothes immediately.
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    It's funny you mentioned this. Just this morning at 5 am my husband and I got out of bed to start Month 2 of Insanity and half way through sweating our butts off we both agreed that we wouldn't be able to keep going without the other. He's been my number one motivation!!!
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    I struggled until I decided to work out every day. Then, after about 15 days, working out right after I woke up became the norm. Now I'd skip a shower before I skipped working out and I NEVER skip a shower. Hate the stinky!! :P
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I try to schedule all my workouts at least a week at a time. So if I'm tempted to skip, it's not just in general skipping a workout but rather I know exactly what workout I'll be missing. On work days, I bring my gym clothes to work, change at work, and go straight to the gym or pool, or run/bike as soon as I get home. I know if I go home and sit for even a minute, it makes it harder to get back out. But I think the biggest thing is setting goals that I want to achieve. I started running - first 5ks, the 10ks, then triathlons, then half marathons. So I'm not just working out, but training for something specific. I know that in order to be ready for X race, I have to follow my training schedule. So that motivation plus my structured schedule really does keep me on track.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I struggled with consistency until I started getting up early to work out. Some days it's hard to drag myself out of bed, but I know that if I get it over with, I won't be stressed when life takes over later in the day and there's no time.
  • Larence
    Larence Posts: 37 Member
    After a 12 hour shift at the hospital I work at. I go to the gym that we have on site. That makes it a lot easier. No matter how tired or blood shot my eyes are. It's something I have to do. My motivation is wanting to see different results when I look in the mirror and see myself.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I actually just go and do it. In other words I prioritize me and my own health instead of worrying about everyone else's needs like I used to always do. I also dial in to the fact that I always feel good after I workout.
  • duncanryan
    duncanryan Posts: 122 Member
    I also find it difficult to make it to the gym or work out on a daily basis. I find it easiest that when I get home from work, I do not do anything except put my gym clothes on and turn around and leave. If I sit down for a minute, I can kiss the workout goodbye. I think my wife would tell you the exact same thing. She doesn't even come home from work, she takes her gym clothes with her and changes at the gym. No real earth-shattering words of wisdom here, just telling you what works best for me! Good luck!
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    I also sometimes have a hard time getting motivated. But what I try to do is hit it hard during the work week...I am lucky that I have a schedule that gets me home before the wife and kid...So when I get home from work I head straight to the basement and get in a workout on the elliptical before dinner. Then it has just become a habit that as soon as I am done eating dinner I do NOT go sit down and relax...I keep myself busy doing other things until my dinner has had time to settle. Then I head back down and do another workout on the elliptical.

    I have found that especially if I sit down and relax a little, I am going to have a harder time getting up and doing the workout.

    Then on the weekends, I take it a little easier on myself...I get exercise other ways like golf and doing outdoor activities. Then it doesn't seem as much like I am getting a "workout",
  • abadaba
    abadaba Posts: 44
    I have a schedule down pat that works for me, but change is also what I need! I usually work out right after work except for water aerobics days since the class is in the evening. I am constantly trying to challenge myself, whether it be how fast I walk/elliptical/bike, the intervals/incline, the classes I am willing to try (Jazzercise, kickboxing, Zumba) or whatever. Keep it interesting and more importantly, keep it fun!
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    My motivation comes from my kids - A whole hour without them!!
    On a slightly more serious note - If you can't get up half an hour earlier to do it, put your kit in the car and do it on the way home from work, because if you are anything like me - Once I am home I am not going out again unless there is wine and gossip involved.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    I find something that I'm not able to do yet and that motivates me to keep going until I reach my goal, then I just set a new goal. I've just recently finished the C25K and have moved on to the B210K.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I do struggle with self-motivation occasionally, especially when I am still sore from my last strength training 48 hours ago and it's time to lift again. It gets harder sometimes since I work out in the evenings. The body is screaming for rest and chocolate chip ice cream (or donuts) while the mind is urging me to work out. At times like this, I work out anyway because I know myself very well: if I allow myself to lapse just once, I will allow myself to lapse a few more times and then I'll be royally screwed.

    The other factor that pushes me to work out anyway is my deep-rooted fear of returning to what I once looked like. I think of that version of me and it's enough to get my yellow butt in gear.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I was in a funk like this for a full month!

    Finally, I started looking at more fitspo and had my bf drop me off at the gym on the way home from work one day (so that I couldn't chicken out and drive myself home after 10 minutes). Low and behold, I fell in love with the feeling I get after a good burn, and was obsessed again. I put motivational pictures on my phone's wallpaper, and set timers at 4:30pm, 4:40pm, 4:45pm, etc. with messages to myself basically saying "GET YOUR WORK OUT IN TODAY, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!"
    I was the only person holding me back.

    If you're worried about getting dinner ready, throw something in the crock pot before you leave for the day so that you come home to a fully cooked meal.

    Find a fun class to sign up for so that you have to be there at a certain time.

    Make time for yourself.

    Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.

  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    My motivation is that I look at exercise and good nutrition the same way that I do in regards to brushing my teeth. Is it exciting to pull out my tooth brush and start brushing? No! Same for exercise. So what happens if I stop both? My teeth become gross and one day they will be rotted away. So I must brush my teeth (and floss) daily! Same with exercise and good nutrition, if I don't apply these to my life...... I will gain weight and also have other problems like high cholesterol and diabetes. So the answer is simple... stop the excuses and just get it done! Even if you can only get 10 or 20 minutes in it's better than nothing. But my guess is we all have time! You got time to log on the facebook, I bet! Get your priorities in order and just get it done. The rule in our house is you can't sit down at night until you've earned the right to do that with your exercise!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Food. I eat my exercise calories. So, if I want to eat more, I have to work out. It works very well for me.

    My other tip is to put your workout clothes on the minute you get home. Even if you're not working out until later, put them on. If I'm in my workout gear, I'm MUCH more likely to actually do it.