Were you treated differently after losing alot of weight?



  • Jucinator
    Jucinator Posts: 8
    Well, I'm most definitely in the middle of my journey, but at school I'm known as "the crazy girl who doesn't eat" (which is obviously not true :-D).
    Once I did a small presentation. I wore white T-shirts. I heard some guys talking afterwards that "did you see that girl? I could see her obliques, that is hardcore".

    I'm from a small village where everyone knows everyone, and the old ladies commented that "don't get too skinny" and "you're very pretty now, stop losing weight". That was kinda funny.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I think I am treated differently in general but of course some of that may be becouse I feel better about myself overall and I carry myself differently. Some women seem to take 2nd looks at me, I am happily married but still gives me a nice feeling. My sex life with my wife has definently gotten different for the good I might add due to me being more physically fit, I dont think anyone was actually rude to me not in my face anyways but yes generally speaking I am treated differently people seem to be friendlier to me. Is it right? but it is what it is.
  • Jeeenjohnson19
    Jeeenjohnson19 Posts: 54 Member
    Yup definitely!
    I was unemployed the whole time I was overweight, once I had lost 50 pounds I somehow managed to get a job? Not sure if I had gained confidence, or sometimes getting a job is based on looks!
    I have also been "hit on"...alot! I never used to get hit on...EVER. Me and my boyfriend (who i've been with almost 6 years now, so he has seen me at my biggest and now at my smallest :)) met as friends first and our relationship built from there, so he didn't even technically hit on me lol!

    One negative thing is I may have lost one of my close friends, she came in to where I work a few months ago saying she'd call but never has. She didn't say anything about my weight loss when she saw me (I hadn't seen her that much while I was losing weight but we kept in contact through texting etc) but I saw a "startled" expression, and since then she hasnt bothered to even text! Deffo think a bit of jelousy? (her weight has always been very up and down)

    Just my experience anyway.
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    I so agree with you. Everyone should get respect and treated fairly until they demonstrate they do not deserve it. :smile:
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Being a southern boy and a geek at heart combined with being heavy has always given me negative attention the last decade. I was 6'4" at 250lbs with probably no muscle weight at one point about 5 years ago. Let's just say it was very hard to attract female attention and I didn't get much respect from others either.

    Now I am running at 220 lbs as of today. I also have a lot more muscle weight. However my stomach is still a bit ignorant so my pooch is till around though it is getting smaller at a snail's pace. At this point in my life, I am starting to receive a lot more feminine attention now which is still relatively new to me so I do not know how to take it sometimes. I also generally get a lot more respect from others. I attribute this to my fitness as well as the fact that being a geek at heart is starting to gain popularity with the modern world becoming so into technology.

    Funny how the world works....
  • PepperRocks
    Totally treated differently. I have never seen so many guyz drooling over me. Life has never been so rocking :)
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I lost 62lbs and I do believe you attract a different type of man after you lose weight. And yes definetly many more stares. My family was always supportive. I had friends that were jealous and it motivated them to start their own healthy lifestyle, but overall my experience has been great.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Absolutely. I think I am just more approachable in general. People are more likely to talk to me everywhere - in line at the grocery store, pumping gas, etc. No one ever talked to me before. Now, they do all the time. It's kind of strange for me though since I got used to being ignored. I don't really know how to talk to strangers.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    For those of you that have lost a lot of weight tell me if people acted different towards you or if you noticed any other changes with yourself.

    Did you get more stares?

    Did you get negative or jealous reactions fromn friends/family?


    Yes, a lot more stares, strangers talking to me, and some men making crude comments.

    I have been lucky, my friends and family are all supportive. Though now people don't understand when I say I want to lose about 5 more pounds, and make "obsessed" comments.

    I have said before that this is like a social experiment BIG time. People in the general public treat me very differently and I don't always know how to react.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    After I lost over 100 pounds, people quit looking through me. Men started looking AT me. Once, when I was 48, I had a kid who couldn't be more than 22 hit on me. I was chatting with him..he started the conversation, while I was waiting for my husband to bring the car around after an evening of dancing. When I got up to go, and said my husband was probably waiting, he said, "Awww..that makes me really sad. I was trying to pick you up. You tell your husband you've still got it." I kissed him on the cheek and told him he had probably had too much to drink, but thank you for making my day. Heck, I think it probably made my year!
  • jltaft21
    jltaft21 Posts: 34 Member
    The last time I lost 30 pounds my family also was negative about me losing weight. I started off at a size 14/16 and ended up at a size 8. You would have thought I was a size negative 3. They were so dramatic about how skinny I was, when actually, I was just eating healthy and exercising every day. This is not the norm for my family where everyone is overweight. My sister is morbidly obese.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I'm told by my co-workers that I smile more, I don't really, but what I have figured out is that I carried so much weight in my face I looked like I was scowling or angry if I wasn't smiling. so they think I look happier. I have noticed a big difference in how strangers treat me from men holding the door to both men and women being more polite at of all places the gym. I've had quicker service from cashiers and more polite interactions with sales people as well. I'm not even to goal yet but when I make it I'm wondering if there will be more differences.
  • ClearAsMud94
    Since losing 120 pounds, people have definitely treated me with more respect and admiration. I don't receive many direct compliments or comments in general, but whenever my mother comes home from the bar, she'll go on for 20+ minutes about how some guys were down there asking about me, saying how "hot" I've gotten, etc. It's kind of creepy (they're all MUCH older than I am), but it still makes me giddy to know that people take notice of my efforts. =)
  • LisaGore1
    LisaGore1 Posts: 41
    I've lost 136lbs so far and I have noticed a difference in the way I am treated out in public. more people will talk to me being courteous and what not. as before no one would talk to me and at times I got lots of dirty looks cause i would knock something over with my hip. as far as family and friends well yes they too treat me differently.I always get wont that make you sick now that you dont eat it anymore....No I eat it just not as frequently as before. or sorry I dont have the foods you eat as I'm not dieting like you are....I'm not dieting I'm eating healthy and its a lifestyle that i have chosen. or I could never eat rabbit food like you just to lose weight.....I dont eat rabbit food I eat good healthy food that tastes great maybe if you learned how to make healthy food taste good you would want to too. I have not even been recognized by people who had not seen me since I was 300lbs. I even had my neighbor apologize to me for not recognizing me when he saw me out jogging one day. I told him not to apologize cause that makes me feel good knowing i have accomplished what I set out to accomplish to actually look like a average citizen.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Yup! I have an uncle tell everyone up north where he lives that I photoshop my photo's that this really isn't me. He has never been this cruel to me. I understand that he seen me like the week before I got control of my life and I was really big then, but he is dead serious, he don't think that the girl in my photo's is really me, he does know its me but he thinks I have photo shopped myself, now I do have photoshop but going in there and taking THAT much off me, I would not look right if I tried, I'm not good at all at photoshop lol.

    Then my cousin (this uncles daughter) she likes to find a way to put me down, she'll say things like "You are looking good but you still have a gut" or one time she said "Why in the world would you post half naked photos on facebook?" now understand that the photos go in an album called "Body transformation" for my weight loss photos. I'm in sweat pants and a sports bra, then the current photo in a bikini top and shorts, sorry I've seen a lot worse on facebook. She's went as far as saying I look like a porn star.

    I have a friend who I use to be really close with, but now she don't want much to do with me. She don't invite me to go anywhere, I made a girls night out thing and wanted her to join but she hasn't said nothing so I doubt that'll happen. It use to really bother me that she pushed me away, but now I think I'm over it.

    My husband can't keep his hands off me lol. I like this one haha..

    My mom asks me for weight loss advice. I have other friends who either come to me theirself for weight loss advice or refer people to me for weight loss advice. I love those as well.
  • Vgrindle
    Vgrindle Posts: 23
    Yeah I have noticed more smiles and people noticing me when I am at work, as opposed to when I was at my heaviest and got no kind of attention from anyone. I have only lost 29 pounds (295 to 266) but it has made a whole worlds difference and it makes me feel good about myself and motivates me to push forward.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    I used to be very scrawny, people now call me things like "big man", to which I respond "not big enough".

    Their idea of big is so mediocre.
  • nwilson91
    nwilson91 Posts: 70
    I think most of it is because I act differently. I'm am more confident about myself and have no problem being assertive if I need to be. It's truly a mental change as well as phiscal for me. I walk a little taller, hold my head up and look like I am someone who is strong and confident!!!! :)


    I've gained and lost 50+ lbs before and am still amazed - the treatment is night and day.

    In my head, I've remained the svelte, fitness professional, but try coaching adult gymnastics when you don't look like you can do anything remotely athletic.

    There are thousands of little signs, small perks and so forth that add up to a completely different world. I get flirted with/hit on, by guys and girls. I get more compliments for things unrelated to physical traits/feats. People who look at me tend to smile.

    But... I also teach college, and strangely I've found that when I'm overweight, my students like me more. When I'm fit they seem to think I'm a jerk; when I'm overweight, apparently I'm "jolly." LOL.
  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    Heck yeah - I actually get looked at in the face versus a stranger looking at my body in disgust or disbelief. I have always been a very outgoing and warm person that does not know a stranger - but now when I strike up a conversation I get responsed to versus grunts or nods. It's a different perspective for sure from those that I have never met and do not know I have lost over half my body weight. As for those that know me, during the first 200 lbs. lost I got alot of encouragement, support and compliments - like they could not believe a lazy non-moving person like me could accomplish something that requires more than a little physical effort. Now I still get a bunch of kudos and attagirls from those that have true feelings for me as a person and great intention. Those that were just in it to see me fail or wanted to lose weight themselves, and have expressed their intent to me and then have not lost weight or even tried in the 1.5 years I have been doing this - they say very little and treat me as though I have some type of disease they don't wish to catch!
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    For those of you that have lost a lot of weight tell me if people acted different towards you or if you noticed any other changes with yourself.

    Did you get more stares?

    Did you get negative or jealous reactions fromn friends/family?


    I lost 60# 2 years ago and the way people treated me differently was amazing. They smiled at me, they initiated conversation, guys checked me out... I had complete positives from family which was awesome. I let them all know I was on this journey and they did things to help me be successful.

    Although, all the stares, smiles and conversations could have resulted in my increased self confidence and the way I carried myself too :) a 2-way street for sure!