Why did you gain weight?



  • gemmalianne84
    I've never been a slim girl but after I had my daughter I really piled on the pounds. It was too easy just to grab a bag of crisps to snack on than make something filling and healthy to eat. Thankfully I found MFP and it's really helped me get back to a healthier weight! I'm still going!
  • sweetpea5445
    sweetpea5445 Posts: 36 Member
    NOt enough fruit, vegetables, or excersise.
  • lalaCNSbFS
    lalaCNSbFS Posts: 83
    I used to be skinny(110 lbs) in high school, pretty active and was able to eat anything i wanted and not worry about gaining weight. Then i started university and stopped exercising at all but i still ate a lot(3500-4500cal a day), even more during exam weeks and so i ended up gaining a lot of weight in a relative short amount of time.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    That is a really good question.
    Of course, you don't gain weight without eating too much and exercising too little. I started to gain weight in college probably because my lifestyle had changed to a life of going to classes, partying, going out late and "pigging out" at a diner and not sleeping.
    I didn't know what exercise was so I gained 30lbs. Then in my early adulthood I found the outdoors. I became very active but yet still held on to about 15-20 lbs give or take. Yes, I accomplished lots, with rock climbing, hiking, biking and trail running and there were times in my life when I was thin and then I would gain it back so quick. As I look back, I think I did have a weird relationship with food. It was my comfort and my friend growing up but now it doesn't have a hold on me. I have been asking myself recently, why do I seem to throw up roadblocks and excuses now when it is so easily attainable for me. Am I afraid of it? Am I afraid of having the true body that represents who I am inside....HUM?? Am I the only one that thinks like this?? Is it fear? I am curious.......

    I've wondered about this myself. It's not as painful to be rejected because you're fat as it is to be rejected for who you are inside. Maybe the extra weight I've carried for most of my years has (in part) been my neurotic way of protecting my fragile ego.

    I'm determined to drastically change my patterns of thinking. I've been reading "Wishes Fulfilled" by Dr. Wayne Dyer, and am beginning to put some of his techniques to work. I've rewritten pages of his book to give it a Christian orientation that will be more useful to me. Sooo - I'm assuming the feeling of a wish fulfilled. In my spiritual and emotional reality, I am thin, strong, and confident. The physical manifestation of this will come in Divine time!
  • emilysem
    emilysem Posts: 25
    I was diagnosed with anorexia last year and started to binge during recovery. I am now back where I was before the anorexia (my highest). Although I am not really sure how much I weigh; I avoid the scale. However, I am in the best shape I have been in ever because I exercise more!
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    Well I've always been the "bigger" girl...but this last year I gained a ton of weight. I think it was a combination of eating out a lot more, drinking alcohol (I started gaining weight right after my 21st :ohwell: ) and also being way more comfortable in my relationship. My boyfriend is so good at making me feel beautiful that I think I stopped caring about my physical appearance.
  • enduranc3
    enduranc3 Posts: 8
    I've never been "overweight" or anything close to that in my life. (112 lbs was my heaviest weight. :p)
    But I think I gained weight because I hated what I saw in the mirror so much, I used food as comfort. I would eat and eat, and barely exercise. =//
  • Leila8530
    Leila8530 Posts: 11 Member
    I started to gain weight when I stopped playing sports after highschool. I went to college started partying and next thing you know, I was out of college and not only did I gain a degree but 70 lbs too! Oh my goodness! I lost 60 of it to only gain 30 back during a recent move. So, I have 40 to lose again! Don't ever stop eating healthy and working out! I promise it's harder to get back into a 2nd time around more than it is the first time around!

    Also, add me as a friend! I need motivation and I love to give it too! :)
  • kpierce7188
    kpierce7188 Posts: 41 Member
    I had alot of problems with my 2nd child he was in the NICU for being preemie (3 months early- 2lbs 6 ozs) I developed depression and severe anxiety and OCD over food. I couldnt eat and wouldnt allow myself because of the crazy things going in my head.
    I finally overcame it and over ate fearing for the day that I would develop that anxiety again.
    Then because PG with #3 and gained more weight.

    Now I'm fully recovered from my illness and on the right track to getting healthy -25lbs now, quit smoking, and motivated with life =D
  • shybebe
    shybebe Posts: 7
    i gained weight because i have no friends no where to go ,i am a comfort eater and i eat to comfort myself. i have never been athletic ,i didnt exerscise enough .i stayed in my bed for days ,uhealthy eating,eating late at night before i went to sleep, smoking ,watching tv ,sleeping too much ,loving pizza ,staying online to much . staying inside my house too much.i sat around and cry about being overweight but knowing, i have to try harder to lose and not finding the will power to do so.
  • Joethebull
    Joethebull Posts: 54
    I actually used to be very interested in fitness and becoming stronger when I was really young. But addiction to soda, misconceptions of fruit juices and Gatorade, being a picky eater, depression, anxiety, no reason to live, being picked on at and home, injuries, and stubbornness towards friends who try help by nagging and telling me what to do. All those at various times in my life definitely contribute to some of my weight gain.

    Being a gamer and a geek could also be to blame by some people, but I have seen many geeks and gamers who are in shape or just plain skinny. So I don't really see why a geek/gamer couldn't be healthy or built.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    for me nothing really happened. maybe the fact that i've always been super confident with myself made me not realize how big i was getting. i didn't even notice it until this past month actually. haha.but i guess i've always been big, it just never bothered me before. i started noticing when i couldnt walk up two flights of stairs withoutgetting out of breath
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Cause I loved fattening food and was lazy. :)
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I am a compulsive overeater/food addict. Many people think that diagnosis is a crock of crap, but trust me, it's not. I struggle with it everyday. Food can be very powerful IF I let it..
  • catiekry
    catiekry Posts: 7
    college: drinking alch, stress, comfort foods from being away from home, bad coffee drinks to study for finals, eating bad foods after drinking alch....needless to say im going to be much more aware of my habits when school starts back up
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    I've always been heavy. Even as a kid. And I was an active kid to boot.
    I never weighed myself as a kid...but I know by HS I was in size 26.
    I'm not an over-eater or an emotional eater.
    I'm just me...weight and all.

    I want to be healthy.
    I want to start a family...and have a round belly instead of the over-weight women I knew who just looked heavier insead of pregnant.
    I want to like as good as my husband thinks I do.
  • coopersmom2006
    I ate out all the time, sat on my *kitten* (as new parents tend to do) and just forgot about my own health!
  • jwuchef87
    jwuchef87 Posts: 110 Member
    moved to PA to live with my boyfriend at 19...worst mistake ever!! homesickness and low-self esteem caused a 50lb weight gain. Then a baby added another 20 on...needless to say i'm finally on track and thinking of ME and being a healthy role model for my daughter.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    I battled low self esteem in my life and I also had a lot of stress to deal with, so I found comfort in food and drowned myself in the internet.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    I gained weight out of a severe depression and food became my friend. I started date "J" at 145lbs (and I looked and felt fantastic)...I stayed with him 8 years and when I left him I weighed 265lbs. He was very controlling, I feared leaving him because i though he would try to kill me. He would not let me have friends or work and the only thing I had was the kitchen...I learned to cook gourmet style, thai food, you name it and I can make it.

    Then I woke up one day and realized.. I deserved better. I deserved someone who though I was the most amazing, smart, and beautiful woman ever. All he did was tell me that noone would want me, I was lucky he even did, and worse as well....

    I was right though...he went ballistic when I left and he got violent..but I didn't care. I was leaving the house or this earth but was not going to be with him one more minute.

    2 years ago I lost 50 of those lbs and have maintained that weight loss. Now, I want to lose the rest. I have found who I am now i want the outside to look as good as my inside feels... I know my self worth and will not let anyone take that away again.

    The only way someone can have that power over you is if you let them...so I will keep it. I know my worth now...it was a hard road but I managed to stay on it.