5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • i am 5'3 and i am looking at getting to 125. i am currently 192-195 its been fluctuating but, not big deal. hopefully i can start losing again soon.
  • belle_7
    belle_7 Posts: 18
    Im 5'2 an I want to be 125-130... If I look too sick then I will try to out 135-140
  • _Dara_
    _Dara_ Posts: 19
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is around 115. Currently at 125.
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    I am 35 years old, 5'4" and currently 187 lbs. I was 220 at my heaviest and in the two teens when I started this journey on MFP. I haven't set an exact number but I think some where between 125 and 130. If I like where I am before then I feel healthy and confident I will stop. If I get there and feel the need to go further, I'll reevaluate. This isn't so much about a number or a size for me as it is being healthy. I got busy and let myself go and was running the risk of several family health issues. A heredity heart issue was a wake up call and my husband who started this journey before me my inspiration. He got me started.
  • chelsmccann
    chelsmccann Posts: 37 Member
    My goal is 130 for now, i think i was in grade 7 when i was that tiny. i do have a decent amount of muscle right now and large boobs so i know that i may be happy being above 130, or want to lose more. im open to cganging my goal weight.
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    You can do it! I was a bit heavier than you when I started and close to your height. I've lost down to 187 and feel great. I've been at this around 95 days now. I just wanted to encourage you. I know how easy it is to get discouraged. The day I climbed on the scales and was hundred 200 I nearly cried. Let me know when you get there and I will do a happy dance with you :bigsmile:

    I was trying to respond to Amy H724 not sure what I did wrong. Hmmmm
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Started: 135
    Goal 1: 125 (Hovering around that right now)
    Goal 2: 123
    Ultimate Goal: 120
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    5"3 gw of 130...ok, maybe 125 ;)
  • _Mary_L
    _Mary_L Posts: 18
    I'm 5'3" and my goal is 135lbs... just started so I have a long way to go....
  • kaliso
    kaliso Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'4$" and my GW is 120-125, I'm currently 139. But as some have said, I wanna see how I feel and definitely don't want to lose too much.
  • I'm a touch under 5'5".
    Started 123
    Current 116
    Goal 113

    Aggressive, perhaps, but I'm thin-boned. Always had a runner's physique.

    Hoping that at 113 I may achieve the following:
    - lose belly pooch
    - lose saddlebags
    - lose "crotch biscuits" (anyone read Tina Fey's "Bossypants"? That's her hilarious name for the inner thigh fat-triangles)
    - see my abs. Just 2 of them? Maybe? Please?

    If I achieve those things but add pounds of muscle I'm happy. Low body fat %, strong muscles, strong bones, and cardio fitness matter infinitely more to me than the number on the scale.
  • I'm 5'2 but I have a very small frame. I'd like to get back around 100 or 95. I'm somewhere around 112 right now.
  • 5'3.125, but if I feel confident before then, I'll probably maintain whatever I weigh.
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I am 5'3 and my goal is 145. I have a large frame and I am muscular and plan to get more muscular. I am a long way from my goal weight, and it may change as I am nearer to the goal, depending on how I feel.

    This is me exactly!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    5' 4.5"
    My goal is 118-120#. I would take 125# if it was muscle (and low body fat).

    Currently, I am 127# with 25% body fat. My current exercise focus is strength training to boost my metabolism and lower the body fat percentage.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm 5'6, goal is 125 or 130. I've never been overweight and am not too far away from my goal but mostly I'd like to be toned/muscular so I guess it's more about my measurements than the scale!
  • beckysmithfitness
    beckysmithfitness Posts: 10 Member
    I am 5'4" and 3/4"...

    SW: 149 lb
    CW: 133 lb
    GW: 125 lb

    Hopefully, I'll be a bit closer to my goal after 60 days of 'Insanity'. GULP!
  • MrsKoolaid15
    MrsKoolaid15 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'3". My goal as of right now is to be under 200. I would be sooo happy with 199. I haven't been that in seven years. After that, goal is 150. Right now, I'm about 230. I have huge boobs, a huge butt, and a thyroid that doesn't work. But I'm on my meds, taking it one step at a time, and lost 5lbs in less than two weeks on MFP. :)
  • 5'4''
    HW: 135
    CW: 118
    GW: 108 without muscle mass, 112 with muscle mass

    I have a very small frame.
    Last year I was able to get down to 110 but I did it much too quickly and gained 10 lbs back in a little over half a year. I gained it mostly throughout the winter season and a high stress time at work.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I am 5'4" and originally was thinking 135-140, BUT then my husband I am seperated from who has a girlfriend announced to me that she thinks she's fat because she is at 130 and can't seem to lose weight (boohoo). So I know you're suppose to lose weight for yourself but just out of spite I would like to be 129 ;)

    Don't let someone else's distorted body image affect you. Hopefully you'll be able to see what looks and feels healthy for you and your shape when you get near your goal.

    I know when I was thin before at 143 (5'4 3/4") that I was too thin. I look at those pictures and cringe at how unhealthily thin my face, neck, arms looked. I would like to be around 150, I think. I'm very busty (and stay that way when thin), and have muscular legs that only get so thin and there's no more fat there to lose, so below that I don't look right. At about 150 you can see my ribs!