200-250# women starting out on mfp...



  • Khalannah
    Khalannah Posts: 4
    Hi, I've just started out on MFP a week ago, but already, this place is sooo inspiring, and easy to use. I love reading the posts, though I dont post often myself. I'm 5'4' and started this journey at 131 KGs (289lbs) so I'm heavier than the 200-250#. I've lost about 2KGs (4.4lbs) so far!

    I love reading all your trials and triumphs, and mostly silently cheer you all on! Please feel free to add me.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Hi, I'm new..well back. Its been a long time. I am 5'4 and I weighed in just now at 234.2. Last year I had a health scare and had to do a special diet that had me lose down to 218. I've gained it all back in a year. Obviously I didn't learn anything. Last night i decided I'm so tired of being fat. I feel like crap. I was on a mini vacation with my husband about a month ago and needed a dress. We hit every store and couldn't find anything flattering for me.
    SO here I am.
    Whats the problem though with me. I have decided I'm done. Fixed me a healthy breakfast that was super yummy even. Now all I can think about is living in the fridge and eating all day.
    So I haven't started to exercise yet. I have a pretty bad back problem right now and my Dr has me on some 24 hr extended release pain meds that make me feel great, so I don't realize I'm hurting, so I don't want to do more harm to my body. I'm thinking of starting out walking and I might look into joining a Zumba class in the next month or so after school starts. If I can get over the fact that I'll likely be the ONLY big girl there. Ugh ugh.
    Please excuse my depressed mood, It's day one! I need support and friends going through similar trials!

    I hope that you will consider Zumba! I take Zumba and have for many years. There are people of all shapes, sizes and ages!! Don't let that stop ya!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I am 5'2". I am currently 243 lbs. My high weight was 335 lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 145 lbs for a total loss of 198. I will get there one step at a time.

    I walk, swim (seasonally) and do a cardio kickboxing class on Mondays.
  • MisChef
    MisChef Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5'3, started at 211, now hovering at 200.5 (dammit get OFF me, you stupid half-a-pound!)

    My goal weight is 135.

    I'm eating 1500 or less each day, exercising (HARD) for about 30 mins 3x/week, and following keto.

    Anyone reading, peek at my diary to see what a chef does with low-carb on 1500 calories, and feel free to add me if you are also following keto/paleo!
  • KristelAF
    KristelAF Posts: 1
    If you have a Curves near by you could see if they have a Zumba class through there. The nice thing about Curves is not only the encouragement, but they have all shapes and sizes as well as all ages in their classes so the Zumba may be modified at certain times to make it easier. Don't give up you can do it!
  • 5'6" 243 (hw 279)
  • thoma74
    thoma74 Posts: 187 Member
    I am 4'11. I started MFP July 2011 at 276lbs. I am now 223lbs. My goal is 145lbs. I paused with my exercise for alittle while and I didn't lose hardly anything. I'm back on it and doing well again.
    I wish you luck!!
  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    I am 5'4" and 253 right now- down from 269 which is my highest weight. I started platueing and took a break, gained 4 pounds back (was at 249) and now am back on it. I have been walking my dog for a mile - mile and a half each night. Also going to add Zumba 2-3 times a week (2 times at home and 1 time at the YMCA). My goal is to get to 175 lb as I think that would be a good healthy weight. I am diabetic so I want to get rid of this excess weight.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hey there!
    I found MFP in late Sept of 2011 but got serious about my weight loss on Jan 3rd of this year at 5'5" tall and 260lbs. My goal weight is 150lbs, although for my height and age, all the info I am finding says 125 - 145lbs. When I get to 150, I will re-evaluate and set a new goal if I think its needed.

    My husband started with me and we got into C25K (Couch to 5K) by February. That really jump started my weight loss and I easily lost 30lbs by early May. At that time, I had a set back - I needed to have surgery and was unable to exercise for several weeks and then still had a weight restriction for a few more weeks after that. So my weight loss stalled for a bit.

    Hubby and I started walking as soon as I was able and thats kept things going, however slowly.

    I have restarted C25K and want to get back into some lifting - I had just started getting into New Rules of Lifting for Women about a month before the surgery. I also incorporate 30 Day Shred (although not consistent), some Billy Banks cardio boot camp workouts and Biggest Loser workout videos.

    I would be happy to be friends with any other ladies out there that are similar build and workouts, lets keep each other going and motivated to get this weight off!
  • MiLOsborn
    MiLOsborn Posts: 1
    Hi! Today is my first day, I'm starting at 205lbs and I'm 5'5". I started drinking diet soda on July 1st, and have lost 7lbs just from this. I hope to get down to at least 140, but would be really happy with 150. I had my oldest in Feb of 10, and then my youngest in Aug of 11, so I didnt really have time to lose weight between the two. Right now, I am a stay at home mom, so I don't really do anything (exercise wise) but today since I started MFP I started off with jumping jacks, situps, and crunches during commercials while watching TV. And after dinner, my husband, 2 kids and I took a 30min fast paced walk. So I burnt 447 calories!!! Excited to find this community, and app! I have the app for my phone and my kindle fire.
  • tammytam241
    tammytam241 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'6 and currently at 211. I started using mfp on my phone 16 days ago and have lost 6 lbs! My short term goal is to kiss 200 GOODBYE! And then to jump for joy at every 10 lbs I lose until I reach 140! :D
  • sheltx_23
    sheltx_23 Posts: 4
    I am 4'10", 38 yrs old, 4 kids (16,15, 3 1/2, 1 1/2) started out 7 weeks ago at 207lbs now at 196lbs. I joined a Boot Camp. We do a lot of circuit training type of exercises. On MFP at 1200 calories a day. Eating clean (fresh veggies, fruits, staying away from the processed microwave dinner diet meals) My daughter just did the lean cuisine type meals and she is 16 and 241 and only lost 1lb and 6 inches the first six weeks. I lost 10.6 lbs and 8 1/2 inches and 2 pants sizes the first six weeks of training. Just started my second six weeks today. I pay 300.00 for each six weeks for myself and my daughter but it is money well spent. I am able to jog now which I haven't done in 22 yrs. LOL. We do alot of push ups, suicides, jogging, squats, dragging our body weight across the gym floor with our arms, burpees, and other forms of torture. I hate doing it but love walking out of there knowing I did it :) I have to have the accountability. I originally joined for my daughters sake but now I am doing it because it makes me feel better. I wish I had started it two years ago when the program first started out. It is really becoming a community thing. I live in a town population of 2500 and there are about 150 members doing it. I still can't do a good sit up but I am getting there. My goal weight 125lb
  • ThickMadame11
    ThickMadame11 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'3" and 290 lbs. I want to be back to 200 one day. I just started about one week ago, so my weight loss hasn't progressed far yet. As of right now, I'm focusing on portion control. Just eating a reasonable amount of calories a day makes a big difference.

    I am also using techniques to drink more water, and walking more. Please feel free to add me as a friend <3

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I started at 250, and I am around 205 at the moment. I'm 5'4.5." Shooting for around 160, but the # isn't too important, I am shooting more for a goal body fat percentage, and measurements/clothing size. If I need adjust my goal I will.

    I am hypothyroid, which can make it harder to lose weight.

    I have been eating 1600-1700 calories and exercising about 4 days a week for 45-60 minutes. I do strength training, intervals, circuit training, the elliptical machine, the rowing machine and walking.

    I am in a holding pattern now, so I need to figure out what to do next. I have been trying to get out of the 200s since May. I was definitely in striking range at the beginning of May, at about 212 or so. But not much has happened scale wise since then. :( (a few inches around my belly have some off, and a little bit around my waist. Other wise a whole lot of nada)
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I started at 232, currently at 171 and my goal is 145. I'm 5'2. I do 3 days of cross fit style workouts and 3 days of weights and a day of pick up sports every week. Give or take a workout or 2 depending on life interference. I eat about 1300 calories a day, around 110 grams of protein, 110 carbs and 40 grams of fat. If I eat a little more or a little less I try not to stress it. I consistently lose 1.5-2 lbs each week. Also, I try my best to avoid all processed sugars and most processed carbs.
  • jusrite78
    jusrite78 Posts: 1
    GOOD FOR U WAY TO GO:smile:
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I'm 5'2" - i started at 262, I'm now at 241. Just losing 20 lbs has made a big difference in how i look and feel... I cant wait to lose another 40 and get down under 200. Feel free to add me ( that goes for anyone in this thread).
  • iaut2laff
    iaut2laff Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 213 at my last weigh in. Hoping to break the 200# barrier as my first goal. Then break through the 180# barrier as my next goal. Cheers!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I'm 5'4", starting weight was 213lbs, now at 192lbs four months in (though that includes the 5-6 weeks I hovered at 200lbs). I've hoped to be 185(ish) by my birthday, which is Aug 28th, but I'll be happy at 188lbs or lower. I want to be around 160 by Christmas :drinker:

    Exercise-wise I walk, swim, do BL on Kinect, do DVD's every now any again, and just try to keep active. I switch up my routine and times I work out, though I prefer to get sweaty in the mornings :wink: :laugh:
  • DanceInTheRain77
    DanceInTheRain77 Posts: 30 Member