What is your secret diet food ?



  • sjweld
    sjweld Posts: 14 Member
    I thought the picture looked like rutabaga! Glad I read far enough to see that is what you were talking about. I LOVE rutabaga! I cook them with my roasts. Yum!!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Eggsnbacon (it's one thing to me).
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    I make a cauliflower pizza at least once a week. Just a bag of frozen cauliflower (or fresh if you'd prefer), pop it in the food processor, mix in an egg, some parmesan cheese, and some seasoning, bake it, and use it as a pizza crust :D
    Of course, don't top it with pepperoni and such. I usually do a mixture of greek yogurt and cottage cheese, black bean puree, ground turkey, and some fat free mozzarella.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    At this early point I googled "what are the lowest calorie foods" and what a great list of 25 I highly suggest you do that... I also decided I wanted some punches of flavor and I'm going to hunt for a great cheese that can flavor my salads at just 50 to 100 calories.

    But..so far my favorite diet food is a salad filled with spring lettuce, spinach, romaine, watercress, chopped cucumber, a few cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp or two of feta cheese..one teaspoon of olive oil..lemon juice and vinegar and toss. It is so green and beautiful..so tasty...and I add grilled fish or seafood to it

    I also love love love..the Atkins bars ..on sale at Walgreens this week. they taste great..low in carbs and calories and pack protein. the double chocolate one is to die for.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    A glass of Ice with half seltzer water and half diet cranberry or grapefruit juice. Very refreshing and make me feel like im drinking soda without all the other junk.
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    Spinach, quinoa, lentils, pepitas, nutella
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Fun Dip.

    A packet is 50 calories, and while it may just be dyed sugar, I love it so so so so very much.

    Let the flaming begin.
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    yummmmm turnip! Love roasted root veggies.... my secret..... KALE in any way shape or form!!1 and it is so so so good for you
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Cabbage soup, only 40 cals per serving. You may eat as much as you want in a day. By the time you digest it you have completely burned it off. Very filling too. See diary for Prudy's cabbage soup.
  • English please?:ohwell:

    What do you mean ?

    Waited for the answer to your question too. Oh well. :)
  • 70ygj5.jpg
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    popcorn, baked sweet potatoes, watermelon
  • Metamucil. Not really a food, but I take it generally after breakfast and it staves off hunger like nothing else. Also: wasa crackers and laughing cow wedges.
  • Plain cinnamon tea....has hardly any calories and it keeps me from craving sweets.
  • Celery sticks with lashings of peanut butter! only 110 cals for 1tbsp of peanut butter and practically nothing in the celery. Keeps those hunger pains at bay for aaaaaaaages
  • Hayley189
    Hayley189 Posts: 12 Member
    I might go out tomorrow and get a hot air popcorn maker. We don't really need another gadgets in the kitchen but can't say no to low calories snacking.
    Throw a handful in a paper bag and microwave until it stops popping. Done.
  • BillyPinky
    BillyPinky Posts: 104 Member
    I might go out tomorrow and get a hot air popcorn maker. We don't really need another gadgets in the kitchen but can't say no to low calories snacking.
    Throw a handful in a paper bag and microwave until it stops popping. Done.

    Thats a good idea, do you not need any oil?
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    (but really, applesauce.. i use it for an oil/butter replacement)
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Arctic Zero ice cream, only 148 calories for the whole pint!


    this is the best discovery.. I'm going to have some now!

    nooo.. save your money! A. that stuff is expensive, B. it's kinda-sorta icky, and C. treat yourself to the good ol' stuff (just use moderation!)