How do you motivate yourself for early AM workouts?



  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    I'm motivated in the morning because it's so peaceful, and I have the time to myself.

    I'm a runner, so my morning workout is outside. The whole world is so quiet, that I'm motivated just by the idea of being able to be outside and enjoy the peace of it.

    Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to turn it off. Then get up and immediately make yourself some coffee (I make tea) if it motivates you. Open the curtains and look out at the beautiful world and think how good it would feel to get the energy going. Then, once you have the coffee, go to it.

    It does take a while, and I still have mornings that I want to skip... but if you do, just treat it like a cheat day: okay, you've slipped once, and now you'll get back on the wagon. :)

    Have fun with it!
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    A hot shower and some pre workout! I need me some caffeine in the mornings! And then when I'm REALLY having trouble getting up and going I just think about the next day and how I'll be upset that I missed an opportunity to improve myself. Also, I think about why would I stay in bed... I'm already awake so I've already interrupted my REM cycle of sleep and I'll probably just keep waking up every 30 min or not even be able to get back to sleep!
  • RunninSD
    RunninSD Posts: 36
    I never seem in the mood to exercise at night, but struggle to wake up at 5am to get it done for 30 min before work. Any ideas to get myself out of that bed an moving? I just feel like maybe I need to do it in the morning - the whole "do it in the morning or it won't get done" mentality.

    I get motivated because I know that if I don't do it I'll be fat again. I'll feel awful, and have to buy fat clothes. When I go out men will notice my friends that are trim but don't have a pretty face. I have a pretty face and once I'm trim I'll be a knockout. I'm a size 8 now and I'm already noticing a difference.

    My other motivation is that I have improved my health and fitness. I have also motivated some of my friends and family to join MFP or start getting more active. So, I can't quit now, because I am inspiring other people. THAT is an amazing feeling.

    :sad: I got tired of being fat and now when I see my fat photos, when I was 40lbs heavier I think "Damn, that is not attractive at all." There's no glow to my face, no confidence, no shape to my body (other than a ball shape) Now, I have an hourglass shape. :blushing:
  • Asil02
    Asil02 Posts: 261
    I take a LOOOOOOOONG time to get moving in the mornings. So I set my alarm for 5:20 and begin the waking ritual. As long as I hit the road by 6 I can get in my long walk and still have plenty of time to get ready for work. I actually asked my bosses to allow me to come in from 9-6 to allow me time to get a good morning walk in. They were quite agreeable and it's been pretty great so far.
  • RunninSD
    RunninSD Posts: 36
    I never seem in the mood to exercise at night, but struggle to wake up at 5am to get it done for 30 min before work. Any ideas to get myself out of that bed an moving? I just feel like maybe I need to do it in the morning - the whole "do it in the morning or it won't get done" mentality.

    I get motivated because I know that if I don't do it I'll be fat again. I'll feel awful, and have to buy fat clothes. When I go out men will notice my friends that are trim but don't have a pretty face. I have a pretty face and once I'm trim I'll be a knockout. I'm a size 8 now and I'm already noticing a difference.

    My other motivation is that I have improved my health and fitness. I have also motivated some of my friends and family to join MFP or start getting more active. So, I can't quit now, because I am inspiring other people. THAT is an amazing feeling.

    :sad: I got tired of being fat and now when I see my fat photos, when I was 40lbs heavier I think "Damn, that is not attractive at all." There's no glow to my face, no confidence, no shape to my body (other than a ball shape) Now, I have an hourglass shape. :blushing:

    YOU HAVE TO DO IT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO...Find somethign you like. I got into running and eventhough it took me all freakin summer to be able to run more than 2 miles without stopping, I am glad I got up every day to try. I went from doing half a mile in 8 minutes to a 10 minute mile all on hilly terrain.

    :drinker: Now I do three miles every other day and still do insanity long walks and bike riding. It's over a year later and I am only now really starting to see the fruits of my labor. I was a size 14 now I'm a size 8.

    :happy: :happy: MY DOUBLE CHIN IS EXTINCT and the BACK FAT IS NEXT!:happy: :happy:
  • slimkat82
    slimkat82 Posts: 13
    Thank you for that inspiring comment. My 2 cents. I will try that. I am a morning person, but sometimes the bed just feels to doggone good to get out of it.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Lately I have been on a roll at 5A, since the treadmill is in my house.... Set my alarm, throw on my yoga pants, and half asleep march my a** straight onto the treadmill. LOL. Results are my motivation!
  • belle_7
    belle_7 Posts: 18
    think about the after effects =)... i get up at 6:45 every morning at first it was a drag but once I started to see the after effects I happily get up every single morning..
  • smilesalot1969
    Just posted this on another forum:

    Just changed my exercise routine to mornings because of advice from my RD. She says that if you work out on an empty stomach in the morning, then the exercise burns fat because that's the only fuel readily available. If you workout during the day or evening, it will burn sugar for fuel. Do what's right for you.

    agree. sometimes i have to drag myself there but for the most part i love working out :love:
  • weightless143
    Just posted this on another forum:

    Just changed my exercise routine to mornings because of advice from my RD. She says that if you work out on an empty stomach in the morning, then the exercise burns fat because that's the only fuel readily available. If you workout during the day or evening, it will burn sugar for fuel. Do what's right for you.

    I heard that when you workout on an empty stomach your body doesn't have anything to burn so it burns muscle. I think I read it in a Jillian Michaels book but I'm not sure because I read a bunch over the summer. This website has it too:
  • weightless143
    You could try waking up to upbeat music. Something that makes you want to get up and dance. That usually works for me.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I get motivated to get up and get moving in the morning my enjoying my evening with my family and friends. Whatever I get out of the way in the AM gives me extra time to hang out with the people I love in the PM.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    id say do what suits you I couldnt workout in the evening im in the gym by 6.45am thats just me
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Any ideas to get myself out of that bed an moving?

    Find a new alarm clock app...

    I found an Alarm Clock for Android that requires you to GET OUT of bed and bring your phone to your wireless router!.. It uses Wifi signal strength to determine how far away you are. Once you get 'near' your wifi router the dismiss button shows up so you can turn the alarm off., and no the sound is not 'on' the entire time you are walking to your router... the sound disables for a few seconds when the phone is picked up.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I haven't read the posts so maybe repeating some people's opinion but here we go regardless. I take it step by step. I'll get dressed, sit for a minute, make a drink, drink it, sit for a minute, put my shoes on, get my water, set up my workout (music, weights, whatever), then take a few minutes before just doing it. Unless I slept alot the day before it usually takes me half an hour or so to do what I could do in 10 mins later in the day. I'm just not a morning person :laugh:
  • catwoman131
    I'm really terrible in the mornings, but I notice that being active early not only forces me to wake up and get energized, but actually keeps me more focused and energetic throughout the day. I need to start morning workouts regularly too, maybe then work won't be so hard to get through. Sometimes I ride my bike to work too... I is about five miles and just enough to get a nice "just worked out" feeling
  • catwoman131
    Any ideas to get myself out of that bed an moving?

    Find a new alarm clock app...

    I found an Alarm Clock for Android that requires you to GET OUT of bed and bring your phone to your wireless router!.. It uses Wifi signal strength to determine how far away you are. Once you get 'near' your wifi router the dismiss button shows up so you can turn the alarm off., and no the sound is not 'on' the entire time you are walking to your router... the sound disables for a few seconds when the phone is picked up.

    That's too cool!
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    A couple things PPs have said that really help me:

    - Putting the alarm clock far away. Then, you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you are out of bed the hardest part is done!
    - Prepping clothes, lunches, and even my water bottle the night before. The less I have to do in the morning the easier it is for me to start my day.

    It will be hard at first but soon you'll come to love it. I also find I eat better during the day if I've worked out in the morning. I don't like to "undo" the hard work!
  • shmoopsee
    shmoopsee Posts: 7
    I think it starts by getting to bed at a decent hour the night before.

    Amen! I'm still working on that. Morning workouts got to be very trying as I was so wiped out and it was so difficult to get out of bed. Have increased my protein intake and I'm noticeably not as tired. I'd much rather do my workouts in the morning so I have the benefit of the burned calories to start my day with. :smile:
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member