guys: what do you find more attractive



  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Much like the answer to the old "what rep range should I lift in yo?" question, who says you have to limit to just one?
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    So tired of seeing these threads. Its a stupid question but if you´re truly interested post it in chit chat or what ever its called.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Much like the answer to the old "what rep range should I lift in yo?" question, who says you have to limit to just one?
    The reality of ALL the posts that start with " you think "xxx" is attractive" might as well just be...."do you find ME attractive the way I am right now?", because it seems to be what most people want to hear on these posts.

    I dont' understand the constant need for validation by posting these long as you're happy and confident, there will always be someone who finds you attractive for who you are.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Actually, curvy/voluptuous/healthily thick is more my speed. But intelligence and personality can change my preferences.

    Oh....breathing and a pulse are nice as well :)

    LOL! You rock! :laugh:
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Much like the answer to the old "what rep range should I lift in yo?" question, who says you have to limit to just one?
    The reality of ALL the posts that start with " you think "xxx" is attractive" might as well just be...."do you find ME attractive the way I am right now?", because it seems to be what most people want to hear on these posts.

    I dont' understand the constant need for validation by posting these long as you're happy and confident, there will always be someone who finds you attractive for who you are.

    I guess I hadn't considered that exactly. Just in case, OP, I like the pic with your *kitten* cheeks showing, so feel good about yourself mmkay? (Srs)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Much like the answer to the old "what rep range should I lift in yo?" question, who says you have to limit to just one?
    The reality of ALL the posts that start with " you think "xxx" is attractive" might as well just be...."do you find ME attractive the way I am right now?", because it seems to be what most people want to hear on these posts.

    I dont' understand the constant need for validation by posting these long as you're happy and confident, there will always be someone who finds you attractive for who you are.

    I guess I hadn't considered that exactly. Just in case, OP, I like the pic with your *kitten* cheeks showing, so feel good about yourself mmkay? (Srs)
    I'm really not faulting people for being insecure about it (and don't mean it to insult the OP of this particular thread)...but there's a constant stream of fit vs. skinny?, do you like curves?, are freckles cute?, are fake boobs hot or gross?, type gets old and just makes people sound a little desperate for some type of validation about their current appearance.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Its nice to see that so many men like us curvey girls, not the super skinny kind, you know like models with there size 0 bodies. I would never want to be that thin, a little thinner than now would be good but thats it, a good shape is what looks good to me.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    The first one to get naked wins.
  • gtfitpal
    gtfitpal Posts: 10 Member
    Amen to that.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    The reason why I say not realistic for all women is because I know with whatever exercise I do I'm not genetically like that...I can lean out but my hips are wider and that shape just isnt realistic for . The girl in the pic doesn't seem as petite as the girl in the pic.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    For those who think option 'b' isn't realistic - how about this:

    Anna Meares.

    Multiple World Champion and World Record holder for many track cycling disciplines.

    I would still pick her over option A.

    This lady is very lean but she isn't the same as the option b girl. Obviously her sporting discipline has defined her body shape. Cycling...lean strong muscular legs.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    At 5'7 my weight has ranged between 114 to 165 over the last few years and I've had guys show interest in me at all different weights. I know seeing other girls who are thin or have particularly fit bodies can seem intimidating from the female perspective. But there are guys who like all body types. Don't strive for something just because you think it's what a guy wants.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Fit. I prefer tone and a healthy look. One of the best quotes I'd seen about this said something like "skinny women look great in clothes, fit women look great naked". I think it was the MMA chick in ESPN the body mag come to think of it.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    The first one to get naked wins.

    Winner winner chicken dinner!
  • Sonya139
    Sonya139 Posts: 21 Member
    Fit and it's not even close. But what difference does my opinion make. Be the woman you want to be, not the woman you think some guy wants you to be. Be you, and the right guy will appreciate you, no matter what form you take.

    Well said!!!
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    I'll ask my wife and get back to you. For the last 19 years she's been telling me what I like.:tongue:
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    The first one to get naked wins.

    I think the crux has been reached
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm not a guy but I definitely think fit is more attractive. I love seeing women that are fit and have nice muscle definition. I see that and I'm like :love: But I also think women in general are beautiful any way they come. I support diversity.
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    Fit and it's not even close. But what difference does my opinion make. Be the woman you want to be, not the woman you think some guy wants you to be. Be you, and the right guy will appreciate you, no matter what form you take.

    Winner winner chicken dinner!! you just got brownie points my man
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    Im fortunate my boyfriend likes my body the way it is BUT because of these answers is the reason why im so self conscious...regardless of how skinny I am I will always have a bit of cellulite and never a "toned and fit" body type (something I can never get no matter how hard I try) when you say be confident with your own self and body shape...easier said than done when everyone wants a tone and fit girlfriend.

    Well, to put things in perspective for you, if a girl were to approach me, EVERYTHING about her physical features go out the window. Men (and women) are biologically significantly more attracted to people who are attracted to them.

    As for that option A or B thing, option B is definitely my choice. To be honest, the "option A" girl wouldn't make me look twice. Although, I'm not too attracted to the second option B (wow I feel like a total d*ck referring to girls like this).