

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I had a really successful July - my first successful month in a really long time. My goals for August:

    Continue walking at least 5 days a week.
    Continue my food and exercise diary.
    Up the water & the vitamins.
    Lose 5 lbs (losing 5 lbs a month will get me to Onederland by the first of the new year)
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hello from Colorado! I'm 53 years old and started MFP two weeks ago. My overall goal is to lose 27 lbs., but my immediate goal is to lose 7.5 lbs. by my daughter's wedding on August 31st. I lost 3.5 lbs. the first week, then gained 1.5 lbs. back the second week. Not sure why, but I'm hoping it was just water weight. I guess I'll find out at next week's weigh-in (scales make me crazy if I weigh every day).

    It's great to have a support group for women of my age. :smile:

    My August goal is to hit 170 lbs. by the wedding. I will stick to my calories and try to exercise along with it (I set a 20 minute at a time goal, since my excuse is usually that I don't have time to exercise for an hour). I know I'll get way off track for a few days, with the rehearsal dinner, wedding dinner, etc., which I plan to enjoy, but will try to get back on track in September with the new goal of spending a lot of time on the beach in Mexico this winter and wanting to fit into my clothes.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi. I am 56 and from WA state too. I've lost 10 #s the last 5 weeks and would like to lose another 10#s in August. I'm already exercising a lot. I want to keep my calories 1200-1400 a day (and I don't count exercise calories unless I've blown it for the day already!)
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    I kind of got off track and stopped posting and tracking food but I plan on doing better for August. July was an exciting month. My boot camp was over so I started personal training with the girl who ran the boot camp. I was thinking it would be easier than boot camp but I was wrong about that. Hubby has joined me and we enjoy going twice a week for an hour. Plus we are trying to get out and run or run/walk every chance we can. July 21st we did the Warrior Dash in Barrie Ontario with my friend and her boyfriend. I texted her in the morning to say "IM SCARED" and she texted back "it's all your fault". She was right! We arrived at the Horseshoe Valley Ski Resort at 11 and were very pleased with the organization of the event. Lots of buses at the parking to take you to the event. Easy pickup for the race kit. Luckily it was warm but not too bad. My brother and sister in law drove 4 hours to come and cheer us on and carry our stuff...such great people. They made a lovely film of the event with really attractive pictures of me trying t get over the top of the cargo net obstacle. :( Several people who ran it last year told us this year was much harder and hillier. Great!!!
    I'm a slow runner and my fastest running time for 5k is 43 minutes which isn't great. I was still hoping I could complete it in an hour but it took me 1 hour 15 minutes. The one big hill I had to stop several times and catch my breath. Even hubby stopped and walked up the last part. I know where I could of shaved at least five minutes off my time by not stopping on the hill and not standing at the obstacles observing how others scaled them. Just do it Nancy!!! Hubby had an awesome time of 37 minutes. He can't wait to go next year so I guess I better keep working out because I want to do it in at least an hour next time.
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    oops forgot my goals for the month.
    run at least 15km's per week
    try to log food everyday.
    Personal training twice a week except for the last week of the month where it's holidays and I will be at a cottage.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Yikes! August goals! Istarted out well with July goals but vacation in the middle and ds deployment really threw me off.

    So for August :
    Get back to basics with logging my food everything, everyday
    mix up the cardio and weight training and continue with the weekly tennis match with my sister
    Try to worry less about ds and put that energy into the first two goals

    Thanks, Barbie for continuing the thread and being such a positive force for us!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: How did I do with my July resolutions????

    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning-:bigsmile: every day except when we boarded the dogs and then I walked alone :bigsmile:
    *100 Warrior III poses a day every day :bigsmile: every day except that toward the end of the month I began to alternate poses one day and squats the next
    *weight training three days a week:noway: :noway: stopped weight training when the weather finally got warm and dry so I could use the time to work on my yard project----I'll start up again in September or October
    *planks every day :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: every day---usually one 3 minute plank each day
    *17,000 steps a day-- averaged over 22,000 a day:bigsmile:
    *Act the way I want to feel:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: successfully avoided some bad times by adhering to this resolution
    *Come from a place of love:heart::heart: great
    *Don’t take things personally :bigsmile: :bigsmile: this was hard but a useful resolution

    August Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally

    :flowerforyou: My resolutions for August look a lot like the ones for July but I've added the goal of finishing the endless rock project in the yard.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: this is the greatest thread on MFP........I have been posting here for over two years and love the support and encouragement and absence of any criticism or malice

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: about water.......I treat drinking water like a prescription from the doctor......I don't think about whether I like it, I just do it.....surprisingly, it has gotten easier over time.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Another thank you to Barbie for starting the August thread.

    And thank you for all the good suggestions about how to get through more water. I rarely drink soda, and cut out coffee and tea in the summer months. I'm only drinking water now. I'll try some of your suggestions and see how I do.

    I'm seeing lots of worthy and realistic August goals. Here are mine:
    Log food and exercise EVERY day
    Check in here at least 5 times a week
    Exercise a minimum of 5 times a week
    Continue to eat healthfully
    Take my vitamins every day
    Drink 8 glasses of water/day
    Lose 5 pounds (I hope!)

    We go to the beach for a week this month, so it will be a challenge, but I'll do my best. I've already made plans to meet up with a friend from work who will be at the beach at the same time. She's working on weight loss too, and we're planning a bike ride. I hope I can do it! She's much further along in her weight loss journey.

    Positive thoughts to all who are struggling with difficulties and health issues.

  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    July was a good month and I look forward to August!

    My goals for the month-

    *Sit in the sun for a few minutes several days a week to boost my vitamin D (not easy for a pale woman)
    *Push myself at the gym
    *Add more exercise at home
  • gvuletic
    gvuletic Posts: 16 Member
    My goals for August:smile:

    Log on every day
    Eat 1200 calories a day
    Encourage one person, every day, to reach their goal!
  • Spookyhooch
    Hi. I'm new, been on and off for awhile...keeping track of stuff is not really my strong suit. I'm just sick and tired of being the way I am. At this age...it's getting a little more difficult to keep weight off. You really have to adjust what you eat: no eating like a kid anymore. So I want to eat better and move more. That's basically it, really. I'm 52, 5'11" and I'm about 199.

    My August goals:
    Be conscious of what I'm eating and where it comes from.
    Eat more fruit and veggies.
    Get to the gym 3-4 times a week to do cardio and swim. On other days, lift, stretch, kettlebell, walk.
    Convince myself that food has no control over me. That's a tough one.
    Remind myself that one bad day does not have to morph into several. Another tough one.

    There's a lot of mind-work involved, I think. Your brain just seems to want to alternately root you on, yet sabotage your best efforts.
  • getninshape56
    getninshape56 Posts: 42 Member
    How exciting to see all the 50 plus'rs and all of your responses! Loving this site more than the others I've tried before, so I'm hoping to see more success. I seem to do well with online support and have used it to ( successfully ) quit a 30 year smoking habit 11 years ago ( yay! ), for moral support and guidance after my marriage of 27 years ( abruptly ) ended last year...and now MFP. With lots of hard work and fingers crossed I hope to:

    * Walk at least 1 mile 3 days per week ( starting slow )
    * Consistantly log my food and activity
    * Post for moral support and encouragement
    * Use positive self talk and get rid of those nasty voices in my head :huh:
  • pennell12
    pennell12 Posts: 190 Member

    What's "plant strong"--vegetarian?


    Mari d
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    muffintopteri - it's not a case of "if you can be part of the 50 plus group", it's more a case of you ARE a part of us! Stick with us thru thick and thin, no matter what we'll be here for ya. This is really the only group I come to on MFP. Like you, I found so many other sites to be full of rude people, people who just don't understand and worse off don't try to understand. You won't find that here, that's for sure.

    juicygurl, getininshape, Jo - welcome

    Did 45 minutes of Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies DVD today. I did find it a bit easier, I'm not sure exactly why. Perhaps it was because I had an idea of what was coming next. Maybe it was because I wasn't so fixed on following the exact routine he was doing, not sure which. Anyway, one of the things I like was the fact that there was a short (very) break between songs, but enough for me to get a drink of water. At one point one of the girls in the DVD went off presumably to get a drink and came back. I liked that. I also liked that some people were doing higher impact than others, so it didn't make me feel uncomfortable when I needed to do something lower impact (like the jumping jacks). Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD.

    Linda Sundance - I'm so happy for you. I remember when my kids were in school, I would exercise during the week but come the summer I had to stop to take care of them and I was really sad. I was happy when they went back to school, for one thing so that I could go back to exercising.

    bluebug - tell me more about Plant Strong. Interesting name.

    Carol - good luck with the move. Will you be moving far away?

    Ariel - a good sign -- your first post was at a great place. Welcome. Where are you going on vacation? Will you be gone long?

    Not sure why, but suddenly my eyes really started burning. I'm sorry if I missed anyone.

    Well, the guys were here today and started getting ready for the pool. Right now there is 90% of a BIIGG hole in my backyard....lol But it's so exciting, I'm just so happy. I've waited 5 years for this, now it's coming true. They're digging the deep end right now and the pool and spa should be delivered Friday. I'm not getting my hopes up just yet, maybe I will once the pool is complete. Just to think -- I'll be able to exercise after dinner next year. Yea!!!!!

    When we had the detached garage built, I baked lots for the workers, so I'll probably do that for these workers, too. But you know something -- as much as I like to cook and bake, I really don't feel like it, I'd much rather be watching them. We do have a cooler and fill it with water bottles for them. That's the least we can do.

    Going to take a shower and then off to bed. Oh, gotta watch Dallas, too. Don't exactly know what to make of this, but my foot feels funny -- like it sort of did when I fractured that bone a few years ago, just not as bad. I'm going to try putting as little weight on it as possible.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Had a great day on the water. We took a tour of the Voyager canoe route taken by French fur traders. 10 of us paddled for two hours while we heard the history of the fur traders. It was interesting and good exercise. We had my MIL with us (she sat out the canoe paddle) and took her through a butterfly house and then on a boat tour on the Saint Lawerence river through the Thousand Islands. It was a long day, but we all had a great time. Tomorrow is another busy day with a doctor's appointment in the morning and a trip to pick up our new (used) camper in the afternoon.

    Welcome to all of the new people. I love getting to know the women here. The encouragement and variety of exercise ideas are awesome!

    Goals for August:
    Walk/run 3 miles at least 5 days a week
    Weight training/ kettlebell 3 days a week
    Keep logging food everyday
    Increase fruits and veggies and decrease processed food
    Lose the last 10 pounds!!
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    What a great bunch of ladies!! :glasses: I love all the support and encouragement that is found here.

    Just got home after a busy day and the first thing I did was log my food and read this thread. I can't believe it is August already.

    This will be my first time to log my monthly goals.

    August goals:
    Continue to log everyday
    Drink more water - I average 6 glasses a day
    Exercise more - have been averaging 20 to 50 mins. of walking 4-5 days depending on work schedule. It's been too hot to walk after work so I have been getting up early and walking before work. I just purchased Leslie Sansone Walk Slim to use on days I don't get my morning walk in or in case of bad weather. I use to have the Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies. I'll have to hunt and see if I still have it.

    Everyone have a great day tomorrow. :wink:
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    Greetings from TN
    I'm 51 and really struggling to lose weight. I need support from other women who understand the loss of metabolism and stress eating. I have been the posts and you all seem to be a positive supportive group.
    My goals for August:
    1. Log food
    2. Work out for 30 minutes a day 5x a week.
    3. check in daily w/how it is going.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Hope everyone's having a good Wednesday.

    @Barbie-- Thank you for helping get this thread start for August. This group is very encouraging.
    @Sundance-- Happy 35th!

    I post my new goals in the last thread so I will repost with a couple add ons

    a. continue logging in everything
    b exercise workouts at least 40/45 minutes 5x a week
    c. eat a salad every dinner
    d drink 10 glasses of water
    e. get more sleep going to bed at midnight or 1 am and than up at 5 am isn't helping me improve my health.
    so goal to be in bed by 11pm.

    That's it :smile: for August. Take care of yourselves

    Thank you all,
  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    HI Ladies! Happy August! In 14 days I will send my daughter off to her senior year of college @ USC.... time flies! It feels like it was just yesterday that she was a freshman, and now here we are 4 years later..... AND, in 20 days, I will be putting my son on an airplane to begin his freshman year @ University of Colorado, Boulder:cry: ..... so, does that mean that my husband and I will finally be empty nesters.?????? Hmmmmm..... NOT:tongue: We will be housing two young ladies from China as international high schools students for the kids old high school..... so, will let you know how that goes..... at least the dog will still be my best buddy!

    my goals for August is to ride my bike on the beach path at least 3x/week,
    drink more water, and watch my calorie intake...... wish me well......
  • petalsandpaws
    August is here already!! 22 days on my program and still doing good.:love:
    August goals are to stay as positive as possible.
    Be the best support to my husband.
    Stay eating healthy and be appreciative of every day my husband and I are given.
    Be supportive of all my MFP friends and their journeys as well.
    Keep the water going.:drinker:
    Keep logging the food and reading the MFP supportive comments.

    Thank you again Barbie for this site. It is a god send!!
    You all are special women and inspire each of us in your own way. Keep up the hard work!! The rewards are worth it.
    Hugs, Dixie:heart: