World of Warcraft



  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Meh, gave it up when SWTOR announced its release and haven't looked back. Got bored with the fantasy MMO scene and much prefer my lightsabers.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    3 85s here.


    I have a rogue, hunter and mage.
    I've been in raiding guilds as well.

    I've been playing off and on for the past year though.

    Would love to have some other WoW friends.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Oh and Area 52.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Yes resto druid was SUPER gimp in season 1, However I played with a rogue that was Straight intense! The dude could 2v1 most ppl as long as I could stay alive long enough to run, the Healers OOM. Pallys he tore apart. Dont know how he did it, he would get them to bubble within 30 seconds. Sunken was his name Bad *kitten* cat outta Philly

    Rogue+rdruid was godmode. Serennia got multi-rank1's with that comp. And that before warglaives. A good druid and a good rogue could just plain NOT let your move.

    In TBC the worst comp (in terms of boredom) to play was rdruid + lock and thats the comp I used to play on my lock and my rdruid. Super OP comp but god I cannot even count how many hour long games we had :(
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member a reformed gamer *runs away screaming*

    : p
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Yes resto druid was SUPER gimp in season 1, However I played with a rogue that was Straight intense! The dude could 2v1 most ppl as long as I could stay alive long enough to run, the Healers OOM. Pallys he tore apart. Dont know how he did it, he would get them to bubble within 30 seconds. Sunken was his name Bad *kitten* cat outta Philly

    Rogue+rdruid was godmode. Serennia got multi-rank1's with that comp. And that before warglaives. A good druid and a good rogue could just plain NOT let your move.

    In TBC the worst comp to play was rdruid + lock and thats the comp I used to play on my lock and my rdruid. I cannot even count how many hour long games we had :(

    For reals... Me and my rogue partner come s3 HAHAHAH was SOOOOOOOOO funny. we started rolling 3v3 with a warrior before the whole cleave team was cool, WRECKED ppl. Thier healer would be dead within seconds. Was like Cyclone root, Sap Owned DONE CALL THE BANK IM DEPOSITING MY CHECK....

    Sooo my heart rate is elevating thinking about my past awesome pvp days.... Should i count this as cardio?!?!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member it bad that when y'all are posting your toon names, I've been going to the armory to look them up?


    Yeah this thread is trigger my addiction BIG time. I'm currently watching my old partners arena streams.

    I guess I'm a WoW addict for life

    It's like alcoholism, you're never not an addict. One day at a time, man. :P

    My screenname here is my original toon, a Tauren Druid on Spirestone that I played since late 2005. Used to do some pretty hardcore raiding with her until BC came out (still miss the class calls in the Nef fight; and facerolling ZG with drunk guildies). With the exception of a break a little over a year ago (started again last month when hubby and I couldn't find any good RPG games that we could play together and not get bored of), I've played a number of toons since then.

    We're now on Sentinels, where I have a not-quite-85 Tauren Druid (Aulfa; 80+ thanks to a Scroll of Resurrection, it's kind of humorous to get all the noob achievements while running Cata dungeons, since I picked up one of my random level 1 Druids as the toons I remotely cared about were 80+ already), an 83 Undead Warlock (Lucinick, which I keep transferring since I left Spirestone and he's miraculously been able to keep his original name every time; he's nearly as old as Dragonwolf), and I'm leveling a Tauren Shaman with my hubby (Aso, currently 77).

    I also have an 85 Druid on Cho'gall(? I don't remember anymore) from the last time we rerolled, and an 80 Draenai Paladin on Dark Iron from our short stint as Alliance in BC to play with coworkers (which fell through for a number of reasons).

    Yeah, it consumed our lives for a while, but with the advent of cross-server dungeons, then raids (and the reduction of raid sizes from 25-40 to 10-25), the incentive for investing that much time, all the time into the game kind of went away (especially when we rerolled and cut our ties, and thus obligations, with our old server, where we kind of built names for ourselves). It's not like that for us anymore, for a number of reasons, so it's not a job like it used to feel like.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Yes resto druid was SUPER gimp in season 1, However I played with a rogue that was Straight intense! The dude could 2v1 most ppl as long as I could stay alive long enough to run, the Healers OOM. Pallys he tore apart. Dont know how he did it, he would get them to bubble within 30 seconds. Sunken was his name Bad *kitten* cat outta Philly

    Rogue+rdruid was godmode. Serennia got multi-rank1's with that comp. And that before warglaives. A good druid and a good rogue could just plain NOT let your move.

    In TBC the worst comp to play was rdruid + lock and thats the comp I used to play on my lock and my rdruid. I cannot even count how many hour long games we had :(

    For reals... Me and my rogue partner come s3 HAHAHAH was SOOOOOOOOO funny. we started rolling 3v3 with a warrior before the whole cleave team was cool, WRECKED ppl. Thier healer would be dead within seconds. Was like Cyclone root, Sap Owned DONE CALL THE BANK IM DEPOSITING MY CHECK....

    Sooo my heart rate is elevating thinking about my past awesome pvp days.... Should i count this as cardio?!?!

    I used to play rogue/rdruid/rogue. Somehow that comp made every opposing team wanna sleep with my dead mom >.<
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I used to play rogue/rdruid/rogue. Somehow that comp made every opposing team wanna sleep with my dead mom >.<

    I have nothing to add to your stuff about PvP, but I just wanted to say that every time I see your profile pic, my first through is an Undead Rogue. :)
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    ^^^^ LMAO That was quite an Annoying comp... ive come across that quite a bit! Worst tho for War/Rogue/Rdruid i think were Spell cleave.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I used to play rogue/rdruid/rogue. Somehow that comp made every opposing team wanna sleep with my dead mom >.<

    I have nothing to add to your stuff about PvP, but I just wanted to say that every time I see your profile pic, my first through is an Undead Rogue. :)

    He's Richard. Undead warlock. if you wanna read the comic
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ^^^^ LMAO That was quite an Annoying comp... ive come across that quite a bit! Worst tho for War/Rogue/Rdruid i think were Spell cleave.

    Spellcleaves used to murder any warrior teams thats why we used to play rogue/rogue/druid. We have the mobility + the survival which helped us alot more than being with warrior.

    With warriors I used to love playing WLD. between fear, clone and mace stuns it was fairly OP.

    My most fun comp to play I think was warrior/spriest/hpally in s8. To this day I have no idea how the hell I got glad on this terrible terrible comp but damnet it was fun to play with hoodrych and ds. Our spriest would say the most retarded things and he's one of the few people who used to make ME laugh. I definitely miss playing with chill people
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I used to play rogue/rdruid/rogue. Somehow that comp made every opposing team wanna sleep with my dead mom >.<

    I have nothing to add to your stuff about PvP, but I just wanted to say that every time I see your profile pic, my first through is an Undead Rogue. :)

    He's Richard. Undead warlock. if you wanna read the comic

    *Reads through a couple pages.* Hah, that sounds like Lucinick's (my Undead Warlock) personality (ah, the days flirting with male Nelfs outside the Scarlet Monastary portals, just to see how they'd react).

    I still say that looks like stylized rogue T2 (Bloodfang), though.
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    Icecrown :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I definitely miss playing with chill people

    THIS is one of the reasons I miss playing WoW. I am not disappointed that I quit when I did, but trying to find an alternative, newer MMORPG that has similar mechanics is almost impossible and I'm not about to devote as much time as necessary to get 'up to par' with the power-gamers on WoW again right now. :<
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I used to play rogue/rdruid/rogue. Somehow that comp made every opposing team wanna sleep with my dead mom >.<

    I have nothing to add to your stuff about PvP, but I just wanted to say that every time I see your profile pic, my first through is an Undead Rogue. :)

    He's Richard. Undead warlock. if you wanna read the comic

    *Reads through a couple pages.* Hah, that sounds like Lucinick's (my Undead Warlock) personality (ah, the days flirting with male Nelfs outside the Scarlet Monastary portals, just to see how they'd react).

    I still say that looks like stylized rogue T2 (Bloodfang), though.

    I can see that. Though it reminds me more of s2 warlock gear.

    BTW, if you wanna read some funny lock stories, there was like an entire e-novel based on a locks life which was funny. I don't remember the name but I remember chuckling alot to it
  • BenDyer
    BenDyer Posts: 13
    I played wow for 5 years on Sargeras (US server) as a dk, druid, hunter and warrior, and undead mage, and now doing the old republic thing on a aussie server (master da'narla) Toon name Mortus (sith inquisitor)
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    I definitely miss playing with chill people

    THIS is one of the reasons I miss playing WoW. I am not disappointed that I quit when I did, but trying to find an alternative, newer MMORPG that has similar mechanics is almost impossible and I'm not about to devote as much time as necessary to get 'up to par' with the power-gamers on WoW again right now. :<
    That being said... it's NEVER been easier to gear up in this game as it is now. Considering you don't even need to raid to get top of the line gear, you can still easily squeeze yourself into a raid group after a few days.
  • stellyna
    stellyna Posts: 4 Member
    I used to play all the time.... Now, not so much.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Yep...I'll admit to being a WoW geek. Haven't played in over a year, but ironically I just spoke with my bff and I'm thinking about starting again. Anyway my MFP name has nothing to do w/ WoW. My maini n Vanilla was Shaeded, my hunter and well that's my PSN name and then it was LunaShae my druid who became my main during BC. I'm currently on Silvermoon but thinking about having my friend toss me a scroll and transferring to his realm.

    I'm on Silvermoon too, lol, but it's a little slow there.