Considering rehoming a husband.



  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Has he started licking himself?

  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    OMG thank you for the laugh this afternoon!
    You know you made a lifetime commitment to this husband, right? It's going to be difficult to rehome him with these behavior problems. How would you feel if the next person to take him had to put him down?

    I say work with him. You could get one that poops on the bed.

  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member
    Maybe if you get him another companion to play with he three of you would get a long better. It worth a shot before re homing him. You might have to try several different companions before you put him out, sounds like he just needs a couple of playmates, hopefully the female version
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Rehoming ads can sometimes state "rehoming fee"... depending on the desperation for rehoming you might want to waive the fee.. i can't imagine a rehoming fee does anything to help find him a better home anyway...

    (this is such a great thread hehe)
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    I considered the issues and have some "husband-whisperer" solutions for you since parting with him is possibly sad and/or financially difficult.

    1) He never puts his things away - - SO - - put things away for him...for example, the dirty clothes on the floor are easily folded and replaced in his drawer. Eventually he will notice they are not getting washed unless they make it to the laundry basket.

    2) He is very lax in doing his chores. He will leave the dishes in the sink for days - - SO - - serve him dinner on last night's dirty plate. As he scoops up lasagna and finds last night's broiled haddock in his mouth, he will eventually either do dishes or be hospitalized for food poisoning.

    3) He talks while I am trying to work at home - - SO - - focus your attention on him intently. Follow him around and ask him to explain each thing he is doing. After 2 minutes and 14 seconds, he will tell you he needs to go to the bathroom, then he will slip quietly to the couch to watch tv if you pretend to look the other way. If he speaks again, repeat the focused attention on him. No husband can withstand focused attention for more than 8 minutes before he goes into shock.

    4) He constantly forgets to close doors - - SO - - install cylindrical springs on all doors so that every door slams shut loudly as he walks through. Perhaps he will decide closing the door is better than hearing the slamming. He should be the one to uninstall the springs.

    5) He yells at the screen while playing video games - - SO - - play along with the fantasy he is engaging in and yell, yelp, shout, grunt, whistle, or moan loudly after each of his vocalizations. He will immediately look at you and lose his game status which is troublesome to him. Eventually he will go mute so that you will too or he will turn off the game to focus on you if your moans were more interesting than the game. :blushing:

    Best wishes with the ongoing training. Please don't be surprised if new behaviors surface once these are corrected. I am always available for consultation.
  • angiejo666
    I too have a rescue and I found that the breeder didn't cause as many of the behavioral problems as the previous owner did. Very hard to re-train, but kindness and treats do go a long way in helping to reinforce good behaviors. I figure in 20 or 30 more years he'll be well trained!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Did you read the return policy before Adopting him? There are some no kill shelters that might help....
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    Oh my gosh..this thread is toooo funny!!! I needed a good laugh. :laugh:
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    A good belly rub goes a long way to getting what you want :) you tell me...I've been rubbin' the wrong thing all this time...
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    -This behaviour sounds very familiar. If he hasn't been coming home at night, I'm afraid that I owe you an apology...
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    I considered the issues and have some "husband-whisperer" solutions for you since parting with him is possibly sad and/or financially difficult.

    1) He never puts his things away - - SO - - put things away for him...for example, the dirty clothes on the floor are easily folded and replaced in his drawer. Eventually he will notice they are not getting washed unless they make it to the laundry basket.

    2) He is very lax in doing his chores. He will leave the dishes in the sink for days - - SO - - serve him dinner on last night's dirty plate. As he scoops up lasagna and finds last night's broiled haddock in his mouth, he will eventually either do dishes or be hospitalized for food poisoning.

    3) He talks while I am trying to work at home - - SO - - focus your attention on him intently. Follow him around and ask him to explain each thing he is doing. After 2 minutes and 14 seconds, he will tell you he needs to go to the bathroom, then he will slip quietly to the couch to watch tv if you pretend to look the other way. If he speaks again, repeat the focused attention on him. No husband can withstand focused attention for more than 8 minutes before he goes into shock.

    4) He constantly forgets to close doors - - SO - - install cylindrical springs on all doors so that every door slams shut loudly as he walks through. Perhaps he will decide closing the door is better than hearing the slamming. He should be the one to uninstall the springs.

    5) He yells at the screen while playing video games - - SO - - play along with the fantasy he is engaging in and yell, yelp, shout, grunt, whistle, or moan loudly after each of his vocalizations. He will immediately look at you and lose his game status which is troublesome to him. Eventually he will go mute so that you will too or he will turn off the game to focus on you if your moans were more interesting than the game. :blushing:

    Best wishes with the ongoing training. Please don't be surprised if new behaviors surface once these are corrected. I am always available for consultation.

  • Rangarth
    Rangarth Posts: 121
    Yelling at the TV is natural in any environment. It is the the laser light of that breed.

    You should try some stimulus worked for pavlov.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Clearly your pet has worm and possible a few other parasite.
    An ideal treatment is to do an intestinal purge, fig and pumkin seed pie and wormwood tea. He'll never see it coming but it will get him off his butt. And running.
    And other than an initial restricted diet, which will likely lead your pet to eat from outside garbage cans, it is a good idea to block him from eating out, hanging out with other mutts and bringing back worms and other parasites. The solution? Take the car keys and go max out the credit card on shoes.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225

    this thread is awesome and you should all feel good about yourselves.

    teh poor menz. they can't catch a break. ;o)
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Do *not* contact the breeder. They are very territorial. Although they are likely aware of the issues you discuss, they will blame you for them.

    I find that small rewards work best. Rewarding good behavior as opposed to punishing the bad is the best way to go.

    I find husbands like beer, pizza, and cookies.

    ^^ this.

    Mine responds well to positive reinforcement, but we don't do food treats. He gets extra "attention" for his good behavior. :blushing:
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I considered the issues and have some "husband-whisperer" solutions for you since parting with him is possibly sad and/or financially difficult.

    1) He never puts his things away - - SO - - put things away for him...for example, the dirty clothes on the floor are easily folded and replaced in his drawer. Eventually he will notice they are not getting washed unless they make it to the laundry basket.

    2) He is very lax in doing his chores. He will leave the dishes in the sink for days - - SO - - serve him dinner on last night's dirty plate. As he scoops up lasagna and finds last night's broiled haddock in his mouth, he will eventually either do dishes or be hospitalized for food poisoning.

    3) He talks while I am trying to work at home - - SO - - focus your attention on him intently. Follow him around and ask him to explain each thing he is doing. After 2 minutes and 14 seconds, he will tell you he needs to go to the bathroom, then he will slip quietly to the couch to watch tv if you pretend to look the other way. If he speaks again, repeat the focused attention on him. No husband can withstand focused attention for more than 8 minutes before he goes into shock.

    4) He constantly forgets to close doors - - SO - - install cylindrical springs on all doors so that every door slams shut loudly as he walks through. Perhaps he will decide closing the door is better than hearing the slamming. He should be the one to uninstall the springs.

    5) He yells at the screen while playing video games - - SO - - play along with the fantasy he is engaging in and yell, yelp, shout, grunt, whistle, or moan loudly after each of his vocalizations. He will immediately look at you and lose his game status which is troublesome to him. Eventually he will go mute so that you will too or he will turn off the game to focus on you if your moans were more interesting than the game. :blushing:

    Best wishes with the ongoing training. Please don't be surprised if new behaviors surface once these are corrected. I am always available for consultation.

    Fccking Genius !!!!
  • RiotMTB
    RiotMTB Posts: 91 Member
    Perhaps if you had him bred he would settle in somewhat...
  • DarrellHodge
    You could trade him in on a new one. I know a guy down in Georgia who is well trained. The only place you won't be able to control him is in the bedroom.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    glad i'm single.

    although, a man that is a gamer would be perfect for me. i'd be yelling at the screen with him.