Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • mzill2012
    We all have to reach our point at some time but please please please don't let some small minded jack *kitten* make you feel anything less than the great person you are!!! The world is getting ruder and ruder and we don't need to pay those @#$es any mind!
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I was taking a walk around my neighborhood, and a guy driving past yelled out the window "Go on a f***ing diet fatso" at me

    wow....some nerve.

    I also think it is the guys issue, jack *kitten*. My younger brother r.i.p. Used to yell at out the car window at couples "f*** her/him I did!!!" I would be driving, he embaressed the crap out of me. Having absolutly, nothing to do with weight, he was just an *kitten*. Like the guy who yelled at you. hmmm maybe same guy?
  • vbrent07
    vbrent07 Posts: 115
    Ripping the *kitten* of my pants because they were too tight on me and not realizing it until after I left the store!
  • georgie_lou
    georgie_lou Posts: 224 Member
    I had a drink of coke thrown at me on a night out with a yell of "Watch out for the whale". I was 97kg and so upset. That started it all. I dont understand why people who carry extra weight are open game
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    My most embaressing "fat" moment. I had been up to 200 lbs. I was about 26, dating my now husband (yes I looked past it) He saw some pictures of me at nearly 200lbs. and I told him, yes i have a weight problem. He said "umm yea I dont think I could have sex with you at that weight", Now married to him 20+ yrs, we both are over 200 lbs. He has no issues with sex. ha.!
  • treimnitz
    treimnitz Posts: 51 Member
    I felt so bad for my sister once. . . . she sat in a plastic chair and the legs came down and broke the chair. :(
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Im sorry, most of my fat moments were when i was younger, (except husbands coment mentioned earlier) The comments from earlier in my life led to my ed. Like having my grand mothers live in bf. measure the width of my *kitten* with an axe handle, while I was semi nappping on the sofa,,,,, yup 6 axe handles wide, just what I thought..... I think I weighed 95lbs then? At that point, I was deep into my ed.
  • quietcold
    quietcold Posts: 3 Member
    i have one that i gave to my mother as an innocent child and a few of my own...

    i distinctly remember when i was maybe 5 or 6, telling my mom she looked like rosie o'donnell. she got really upset and i didnt figure out why until i was 12 or 13.

    i was really tall for a child, and also chubby. in 4th grade i was really excited to answer a question in school, so i was raising my hand while half standing up. then a classmate screamed "SIT DOWN FATTY" at me. after that i lost all my confidence and became a quiet, sad girl. it's only been recently that i've learned to stop hating myself honestly.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Omg!! I can't stop reading these. I have a ton myself but I am only on page 4. I think the cart one hurts the most because I used to use then automatic carts all the time and was always sooo self conscious,
  • liss125
    liss125 Posts: 77
    i have one that i gave to my mother as an innocent child and a few of my own...

    i distinctly remember when i was maybe 5 or 6, telling my mom she looked like rosie o'donnell. she got really upset and i didnt figure out why until i was 12 or 13.

    i was really tall for a child, and also chubby. in 4th grade i was really excited to answer a question in school, so i was raising my hand while half standing up. then a classmate screamed "SIT DOWN FATTY" at me. after that i lost all my confidence and became a quiet, sad girl. it's only been recently that i've learned to stop hating myself honestly.

    It is amazing how one comment can turn your whole perception of yourself around; particularly when you are a child. Something that a random kid said affected you so deeply, and that classmate probably doesn't have a clue. I can certainly identify with this! Sad that we can give people that kind of power over us.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I've had several, but I think the worst, and the one that prompted me to join MFP, was the horseback riding incident. My daughter LOVES horses, but has only been able to ride them a couple of times. I always loved to ride horses, but hadn't been on one in years. I was so excited to take her horseback riding, along with my sister, and nephews and niece. Well, everyone else is on the horse and waiting, and its my turn to get on my horse. They have a step stool for me, but its still way short, and I just could NOT pull myself up onto the horse. Everyone is sitting there watching. The ranch hands ask if I want them to push me up. YEAH, that's just what I want, is you to get behind me and push my fat *kitten* into the saddle while everyone is watching! I had tears in my eyes, and said no thanks, and watched while everyone else rode without me. I joined MFP right after that!

    The only reason I haven't had the roller coaster incident is because I wouldn't even try. I knew I wouldn't fit, and didn't want that embarrassment, so I just skipped out on the theme parks and let my sister take her. Not this year! I was thrilled when my Mom bought us season passes for Six Flags. I've gone 3 times now and rode whatever I wanted to!
  • jewels68
    jewels68 Posts: 89
    Picking my son up from daycare when he was about 3 and a little kid asking me when my baby was coming.
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    As a child, and even now really my most embarrassing "fat" moment was on the 4th of July. I was probably in the 5th grade. This woman in our neighborhood HATED us....I still don't know why she was so hateful. parents and I were out in front of our house doing our fireworks, and this "parent" loads her daughter and her daughters friends in the back of her husbands truck and drives by our house screaming "OINK OINK OINK"....the MOTHER was leading these kids. It was humiliating.

    Eventually the father came and apologized for his wife and what she did. I think he was horrified that she would do something like that. She was and still is just pure evil.
  • backonbandwagon
    yep, would have to be the "when are you due" question which is fine if I'm by myself. I'll even run with it a little and make the person feel really bad :huh: One time we were at an airport and my husband was standing right there when a classless person asked. I felt bad for my hubby - you could tell he was visibly shocked that someone would be so rude in a public place. I work at the admitting desk at a hospital and I don't even go there with assuming someone is preggers - they have to come right out and tell me.
    Generally I get asked if I'm pregnant at least twice per year but late fall last year I got asked 4 times in 3 weeks! Freaked me out, almost went and bought a pregnancy test :tongue:
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    Ohhh, I forgot one.

    Right out of college I interviewed for a sales position at a new Lifetime Fitness that was opening in our area. I interviewed 7 times...yes, 7 times!!! I was a bit heavier than I am now, but I worked out a lot, and the person I interviewed with said that they wanted everyone to feel secure in that gym. They didn't want people to feel ashamed there, so they were looking to hire all body types. I thought that was so cool, that a gym was open to everyone, not just the "pretty people."

    The last interview was with the top manager, and it went pretty well. He told me to call him the next day to set up a training time. I called and his exact words were "well, I am sorry but we have decided that Lifetime Fitness is not really for people like you."

    So..Lifetime Fitness is not for heavy people. That is ok..I gladly gave my money to another gym that was open for the right help people!
  • ChristineFredrick1
    My son, 5, asked if he would keep growing, I said yes. Then he asked if I stopped growing and I said yes. His response was then why do you keep getting fat? :(
  • hannahchipmunk
    In physics class my junior year we were doing an class project about energy. First we had to weigh ourselves and then be timed as we ran up and down a flight of stairs. The results were recorded on the board so everyone got to see that not only was I the heaviest girl, but also the slowest runner out of everyone.
  • d4wn66
    d4wn66 Posts: 48
    I was shopping in Target with my hubby and went to try a dress on size 14 which I had been for years, any way got the dress on , but couldn't get it off!!!!!

    Try as I might Just couldn't get out of it , couldn't budge over my boobs and of my hips. I must having been trying to get out of it a good 20 mins, I very nearly decided to ask for help but my vanity would not allow me, so in the end , and this is a awful admission, but I had to tear the dress to get out of it.

    By this time I was in a right state with my self, my hubby was waiting patiently out side , as I fled out of the cubicle I left the dress with the attendant omitting the crime I had committed , I flew past my husband who chased me out f the shop wandering what the hell had happened !

    Not one of my proudest moments l:blushing:
  • campjodie
    campjodie Posts: 16 Member
    My best friend's little brother would call me "fatso" and "Fat Jodie" Every time I would come over to their house. EVERY time.
  • RenaHewitt
    RenaHewitt Posts: 47 Member
    In eight grade, I had the nick name "Miss Piggy" and "Tree Trunk Legs"......