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A question for the ladies



  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    My uncle had a mustache like that in the late '90s. He used some kind of mustache wax on it...hillarious!
  • My uncle had a mustache like that in the late '90s. He used some kind of mustache wax on it...hillarious!

    That is hilarious!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    Hahahaha! Love it!
  • ur "idea of casual wear" and use of "blue-collar" make u sound like a douche

    on the off chance that u arent one, you could rub the tips of ur 'stache and say "i mustache you a question" all the time

    Yeah, I can honestly see myself slipping into a role of "rich snob"...

    I'm ok with that.

    A douche, however, I would have to disagree:

    "1. Douche

    a word to describe an individual who has shown themself to be very brainless in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vaginas."

    How does one calling clothing "casual dress" show him to be "brainless"?

    Anyway... back to the thread.

    the fact that u just looked up the definition perhaps?? brainless in the way that if u want to get "beautiful women" you should probably try to have a decent personality.
    also, your casual wear seems quite different than what you claim, judging by your pics, and saying blue collar like they are below you just makes you sound like a jerk.

    I hope you got the rich part of "rich snob" right cuz you're gonna have to pay people to hang out with you unless you get a better attitude.

    I looked up the definition because I wanted an official source to make it clear what the definition is. That way, I would be able to support my argument with more strength. To not look up and post the definition would be foolish, because then you would be able to trample over anything I said. If you like, I could post the URL of the source, to back up my argument even more.

    As for my attitude and wanting to be as attractive as beautiful women? What's wrong with wanting to be attractive? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not what society dictates. Frankly, most women that people consider "beautiful" (i.e. supermodels, runway models, babewatch girls) I don't find attractive at all. It's all a matter of opinion. I just want to be more comfortable in my own skin so I can feel more confident when approaching women I see as beautiful.

    My attitude is fine the way it is. Clearly you have a problem with sophisticated men. I happen to like to dress well, I just don't have access to the clothing I would prefer to be wearing at this time (starving college student). When I am making money, which will be soon, my wardrobe will be getting a significant upgrade. Something my attitude does not require.

    Why do I feel like my attitude doesn't need an upgrade? Because I couldn't give a crap about what one stuck-up b*tch can say to be on a dinky little forum online. You've never met me, so who the heck are you to judge what I am like? Clearly you have some issues of your own, otherwise you would have just written the one post and left it at that. For some bizarre reason, you decided to come back to this thread to try to bust my balls some more. I really have to question your motives.

    If you come back again, you're just proving to me that you have issues yourself. There's no reason why you should feel the need to respond to this post.

    Now, why am I responding to you? This is my thread. I created it, it's focused around me. If I didn't say anything, then everyone else who is reading it would feel like they should judge me negatively in some way. I'm writing this to defend myself in the public light.

    So please, untie the knot in your panties and back off. I don't take any BS from anyone. Oh, and I won't be bothered to write something like this again. If you do respond to this, you're just a small woman with nothing better to do with her time than to troll forums and write *kitten* about other people.

    Now, back to the thread...

    Ok, I had to comment on this. Do what makes you feel happy, no matter what anyone has to say about it, I don't find you a douche, the outfit is hot, and it would be HOT in the summer. Literally. Everyone is different in what they are attracted to. Myself? I find Set Rogan infinitely hot, however I'm the only one I know that does. lol. As long as you are comfortable and confident a woman will find you attractive no matter what you wear or what your mustache looks like. Looks will get their attention, but confidence in yourself and what you want in life and in a woman will win in the end. No one wants to spend time with a hot man who has the brain the size of a bean and the personality of a limp noodle. Go for it, if its truly something you want, no matter what I myself, or anyone, has to say about it.
  • iaemmy
    iaemmy Posts: 13 Member
    A well-educated, well-paid and confidant man doesn't need approval or a poll for conducting his personal affairs, including his fashion and style. Do what you wish.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Don't care for the one you've picked, actually I prefer clean shaven or a bit of scruff but a friend of mine here looks pretty badass with his.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    Yep, that's badass.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Ok, I had to comment on this. Do what makes you feel happy, no matter what anyone has to say about it, I don't find you a douche, the outfit is hot, and it would be HOT in the summer. Literally. Everyone is different in what they are attracted to. Myself? I find Set Rogan infinitely hot, however I'm the only one I know that does. lol. As long as you are comfortable and confident a woman will find you attractive no matter what you wear or what your mustache looks like. Looks will get their attention, but confidence in yourself and what you want in life and in a woman will win in the end. No one wants to spend time with a hot man who has the brain the size of a bean and the personality of a limp noodle. Go for it, if its truly something you want, no matter what I myself, or anyone, has to say about it.

    Thank you. It's not often you find someone with some sense online these days.

    I had pretty much decided I was going to do this some day, long ago. I just felt like posting it on here to create some discussion. Clearly it worked. I don't care if certain people wouldn't like it. Have one or two people approve of it is just a bit of a kick to get me to grow it out sooner, rather than later.

    As for the "who do you think is hot" part, I guess I can repeat myself: I like what I like, and if you don't like it, screw you. Everyone's opinion is different. Mine is very different from what is considered "normal." I just currently feel VERY uncomfortable in my skin. In 2 years, I put on about 60 pounds after having a knee injury from cycling. I had to eat a lot while cycling, to keep my energy levels high enough to keep up with what I used to do (if you circuit train, imagine keeping it up for over 2 hours at a time, 3-4 hours per week. That's what I used to do on my bike). It's really hard to change eat habits when your level of activity suddenly drops to nothing.

    But hey, that's why I'm here. To get myself to the point I was at 3 years ago, and then even further. I want to feel confident in my appearance again, and with how I dress too. You can't date anyone if you feel like crap all the time.
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    Personally, I have never been a fan of mustaches - as they are literally "anti-climatic' for me. It's cute on my father, or my father-in-law, but not my spouse. Unfortunately for me, my man can wield a mean 'stache, and he enjoys the bro-spect it demands. We take turns having our way.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Don't care for the one you've picked, actually I prefer clean shaven or a bit of scruff but a friend of mine here looks pretty badass with his.

    Yeah, that doesn't float my boat. I can't see that guy wearing a suit every day, but hey, that's my opinion.
  • tocara
    tocara Posts: 81 Member
    I didnt read all of the posts...


    if you can wait until november.. you could alway grow it for "mo-vember" in support of prostate health for men.

    You get to trial it for a month, and can decide what to do on Dec 1st with it.

    I generally dont like moustaches, but will 100% put up with it for a set period of time (and for a good cause!).... usually hubby will prolong it until mid-dec... then even he starts to get sick of it.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I always tended to not be a facial hair kind of person - BUT I would hardley not date someone because of facial hair! (My fiance had a goatee when I met him, and often has a beard!) I say try it if you have been wanting to - the beauty of facial hair is if YOU decide YOU do not like it, you can shave. But I agree with those that say it's your face and you should do what makes YOU happy and you should not worry that a female will not like you because of it. I'd have never turned my fiance down for a date just because he had a goatee, just because I preferred clean-shaven guys...it's just hair, and it's awesome you want to express yourself :smile:
  • Haha awesome :P
    I have to sat that i do like facial hair but i would have
    to see you with it to be able to decide if it suits you.
    I say stuff the family and grow a mustache!
    What's the worst that could happen.. It looks bad
    and you shave it off.. It's not like you are getting a
    tattoo or even a piercing (I have my fair share of
    It's your body, if you want a curly mustache then
    grow one!

    :: Aimee ::
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Don't care for the one you've picked, actually I prefer clean shaven or a bit of scruff but a friend of mine here looks pretty badass with his.

    Yeah, that doesn't float my boat. I can't see that guy wearing a suit every day, but hey, that's my opinion.

    He doesn't need to. :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Don't care for the one you've picked, actually I prefer clean shaven or a bit of scruff but a friend of mine here looks pretty badass with his.

    Yeah, that doesn't float my boat. I can't see that guy wearing a suit every day, but hey, that's my opinion.

    He doesn't need to. :)

    He doesn't need to, but I will.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Oh no. No way. Not good.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    UMMMMM....No way in H#ll:)....and mustaches to NOT feel good in tender places!!!:blushing:
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    ur "idea of casual wear" and use of "blue-collar" make u sound like a douche

    on the off chance that u arent one, you could rub the tips of ur 'stache and say "i mustache you a question" all the time

    I don't understand why you think he is a douche. People have to dress for their jobs and this includes facial hair and other things. Where I work I have to be conservative and professional, this means no pink in my hair or any other odd color etc. He didn't put down blue collar workers but stated he could not pull off wearing a mustache that is blue collar looking. Not everything needs to be an argument. :flowerforyou:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    omfg yes. I love it. But then again I'm totally biased because i LOVE beards. And how badass does this guy look??

  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I've known some guys who have been able to pull it off and it really adds to their character. There's no harm in giving it a try. If you grow it out and decide it doesn't suit you, shave it off, but if you like it, keep it. If you're true to yourself and show that confidence, you'll attract someone who likes you for you.