cardio indoors - why?



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If I lived in upstate NY I would be outside.
    I live in Texas, it's 110 not including the heat index. As much as I'd enjoy a side of heat stroke with my cardio I don't like hospital bills.

    I'm assuming the original post was more or less geared to people that live in places that are not hot as hell right now.

    Are you outside when it's not 110? Say in Feb/March?
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    Because it is 97 degrees outside right now and *kitten* running in that heat.

    Oh and it's Florida during summer, so it thunderstorms every late afternoon which equals even more humidity.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I would much prefer to be outside, however, while my husband is away doing his Air Force thing, I'm home alone with my daughter. Since she refuses to get in a stroller while I run, I have to work out after she goes to sleep at night. Also, the heat index is around 100 degrees where I live at all hours of the day, so...I'd rather not die of heat stroke.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    the sun not only burns my very pale skin, but it gets in my very light eyes and gives me a headache. the heat gives me sunstroke.

    i walk on my treadmill because i get an accurate mph, incline and time.

    not everyone is an outdoorsy type person. i have two big fans in my doors and windows, my house has plenty of fresh air.

    judge not lest ye be judged and all that.
  • OAvalos
    OAvalos Posts: 39 Member
    I'm a mom of a 5 year old and 1 year old, that works full time monday - friday from 7am-6pm... So i do my workout after 9pm when the kids have gone to bed and dinner has been cooked and house has been cleaned... Its not an excuse, because I love to run, but that is just what will have to do for now... :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    the sun not only burns my very pale skin, but it gets in my very light eyes and gives me a headache. the heat gives me sunstroke.

    i walk on my treadmill because i get an accurate mph, incline and time.

    not everyone is an outdoorsy type person. i have two big fans in my doors and windows, my house has plenty of fresh air.

    judge not lest ye be judged and all that.

    First, I'm not judging, I was just curious why people would rather be indoors (I feel like I've said that already).

    Second, judge away... what the hell do I care?
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Pretty sure it's not 110 at 5AM in Texas. Just saying. I lived in the South, I was up as early as I needed to be to be able to run outside without suffering from heat illness.

    I'm very fit and I finish all my runs in the summer dripping with sweat (yes my skirt needs to be wrung out). No it's not for everyone, but own that sweat. You worked hard for it. Don't be afraid of what people will think of you if you're drenched in sweat from head to toe.

    Put me on a treadmill and it is instant dread. For all of you that run inside, I dare you to run outside this weekend. It is so much easier mentally, though I can't say the same for the physical aspect of it.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Pretty sure it's not 110 at 5AM in Texas.

    A friend of mine lives in houston and is up early every weekend to get in his bike ride. 100miles done by 10:30 almost every Saturday.
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    If it is a beautiful Sunday morning, I am outside.

    On the other 6 days of the week, construction workers in large trucks are speeding by because are doing a lot of construction in our neighborhood. Then there are the new teenage drivers that think they can text and drive at the same time that race past you.

    Also, try living in Houston in the summer with humidity, heat, and carbon monoxide from cars that makes you feel like you can't breathe. But if it is a beautiful morning and all of the bad drivers are still asleep because of their hangover from the night before, I am outside enjoying it!
  • SVallatini
    Ok for all the people that live in Texas and are complaining about the heat index and such, this girl is from Texas and can exercise in hotter than heck any time of the day. Like I said in my previous post, I keep myself hydrated throughout the day and I think that helps. Come on my fellow Texans, I can't be the only one that can handle the heat and humidity.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I see all these posts about people doing various at home cardio DVDs (Jillian, insanity, whatever), or spending all this time on machines at the gym. I work at a gym and watch people line up for the cardio equipment on days when if FREAKING BEAUTIFUL outside.


    If you're one of those people, why would you rather be inside in front of a TV or on an eliptical rather than being outside, getting some sun and fresh air? Why would you rather be on a treadmill than out running? Why would you rather be on an eliptical or a stepper rather than hiking? Why would you rather be on an exercise bike rather than an actual bike?

    I'm not criticizing, just something I have never understood. I live in upstate NY where we have a pretty cold/snowy winter (yes, not as cold and snowy as some of you, but...) and I'd rather be outside running or biking in February than be inside on a treadmill or my trainer.

    In winter here it's -40 (that's the same C and F, FYI), and sometimes colder. People need special respirators to keep their lungs from burning.

    Summer it's insanely hot and sweaty, and we're known for having mosquitos that could carry you away.

    It's flat as a pancake here with short trees, therefore minimal hiking opportunities.

    Some people are at a place where they want to work out in private.

    Some people WORK all day, therefore work out at night = inside is safer, especially for females.

    Some people don't like outside.

    I could go on, but honestly this is just off the top of my head - why can't you think outside your own tiny little world and come up with some?
  • Kirsty178
    Kirsty178 Posts: 7 Member
    Kids are in bed husbands at work. So can't just go out running at 8pm and leave the kids home alone (16mths &4) So It works well for me!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Because with a child I have no other choice. I figure I'm better off doing that than nothing at all. :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I see all these posts about people doing various at home cardio DVDs (Jillian, insanity, whatever), or spending all this time on machines at the gym. I work at a gym and watch people line up for the cardio equipment on days when if FREAKING BEAUTIFUL outside.


    If you're one of those people, why would you rather be inside in front of a TV or on an eliptical rather than being outside, getting some sun and fresh air? Why would you rather be on a treadmill than out running? Why would you rather be on an eliptical or a stepper rather than hiking? Why would you rather be on an exercise bike rather than an actual bike?

    I'm not criticizing, just something I have never understood. I live in upstate NY where we have a pretty cold/snowy winter (yes, not as cold and snowy as some of you, but...) and I'd rather be outside running or biking in February than be inside on a treadmill or my trainer.

    In winter here it's -40 (that's the same C and F, FYI), and sometimes colder. People need special respirators to keep their lungs from burning.

    Summer it's insanely hot and sweaty, and we're known for having mosquitos that could carry you away.

    It's flat as a pancake here with short trees, therefore minimal hiking opportunities.

    Some people are at a place where they want to work out in private.

    Some people WORK all day, therefore work out at night = inside is safer, especially for females.

    Some people don't like outside.

    I could go on, but honestly this is just off the top of my head - why can't you think outside your own tiny little world and come up with some?

    Where the hell do you live that it's -40 in the winter but still insanely hot and sweaty during the summer? Good god... I want to move just thinking about it!

    And I can come up with some ideas... but I never would have imagined some of the reasons people have mentioned. I was curious, I asked, and for the most part I've enjoyed the thread.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    If I lived in upstate NY I would be outside.
    I live in Texas, it's 110 not including the heat index. As much as I'd enjoy a side of heat stroke with my cardio I don't like hospital bills.

    I'm assuming the original post was more or less geared to people that live in places that are not hot as hell right now.

    This! I would love to ride my bike after work, but when you have asthma and it's 110 at 7 pm, you play inside. When it cools off, you play outside. North Texas (or most anywhere in Texas) sucks in July and August.
  • amandaxh
    amandaxh Posts: 38 Member
    The humidity in PA in the US is horrendous. It is enough to gag you. Unless you're running at 5am (and sometimes even then it is wretched), there's no use. I mean of course you CAN run in it, and people do. But I prefer not too because the heat and humidity makes my sinuses swell and creates more problems breathing.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I live in a dangerous area. Running outside isn't an option.

    My usual excuse to family and friends, though, is that the horseflies are large enough to eat a baby...hehe.

    Oh, and did I forget to mention that it gets between -25C and -50C where I am for eight months out of the year? That too. Then for four months, it's +30. You can't with with the outdoors, so in order to keep up a regular routine, better just get used to the indoors.
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    AC probably.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member

    In winter here it's -40 (that's the same C and F, FYI), and sometimes colder. People need special respirators to keep their lungs from burning.

    Summer it's insanely hot and sweaty, and we're known for having mosquitos that could carry you away.

    It's flat as a pancake here with short trees, therefore minimal hiking opportunities.

    Some people are at a place where they want to work out in private.

    Some people WORK all day, therefore work out at night = inside is safer, especially for females.

    Some people don't like outside.

    I could go on, but honestly this is just off the top of my head - why can't you think outside your own tiny little world and come up with some?

    Where the hell do you live that it's -40 in the winter but still insanely hot and sweaty during the summer? Good god... I want to move just thinking about it!

    And I can come up with some ideas... but I never would have imagined some of the reasons people have mentioned. I was curious, I asked, and for the most part I've enjoyed the thread.

    I have to say, your original post and some of your responses HAVE come across as pretty judgemental (whether that's your intention or not - it's clear many people felt that way). Felt a few times like you were arguing with people's reasons, which isn't fair - if they give an answer, that's their reason - if it's just for info it's not about talking them into your way of life, right? :)

    Was previously living in the far Canadian north (and yes, it gets hot and sweaty in the summer!); it's fairly unsafe to go out alone in the summer as well, due to wildlife and err, local "social problems". Currently living in the Canadian prairies - less insanely cold in winter but more ice storms, and way more heat and humidity in the summer. Plus lightening storms several times a week, which aren't outdoor-play friendly.

    (And I'm a girl from the active west coast, used to hiking and biking in the mountains in torrential downpours)
  • Jesi0725
    Jesi0725 Posts: 92 Member

    I laughed so hard I spit out my water when I saw this! Hahahahaha! Random and weird, yet totally appropriate! Thanks for making my day more interesting.