Looking for more friends with open diaries ( :



  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Friend me :))
  • ChangeYourPace
    ChangeYourPace Posts: 127 Member
    Feel free to add!
  • Mines open so everyone should add me. I want more friends who have open diaries. It definitely helps to motivate one another.
  • Mine is open, and would be happy to share ideas!
  • I am currently trying to lose weight for a holiday, and I need some friends on here to help motivate me! My diary is open, so anyone add me please?
  • MIne is open and I log even the reaaaaly bad days. Anyone can add me as well :)
  • everhard
    everhard Posts: 16
    you can add me if you want : my diary is open to friends :)
  • Mine's open for friends, add if you want :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Meamo
    Meamo Posts: 89 Member
    I have an open diary to friends.feel free to add me.
    Most of my pals are open and it is a great way to get ideas and encourage one another.
  • all of my stuff is open. i post whatever i eat, (excluding the past two days) whether it's healthy or not. we're all human! it's nice to see what other's are doing :)
  • Hazzie7543
    Hazzie7543 Posts: 4 Member
    Mine is open. I feel that is the only way to really get an idea of how other people eat and are loosing it. Sure it might be embarrassing some times when the bad food is logged. But it is what it is. I know I was doing very well up until the end of May. Summer came and here goes six months of no alcohol and also not smoking. Then the pressure of summer fun came in to play and I started being bad. I was even being bad eating healthy food. lol I was trying to justify it was OK to over eat just as long as it was a low calorie food. That's not how it works. lol The good thing is I have maintained my weight but I should be much lower in pounds right now if I wouldn't of screwed up! lol But **** happens and I am starting fresh all over again. I will have to still keep the rum into play at least until the kids go back to school.That's when it becomes crunch time again and there is no time for fun stuff all of the time. So you are welcome to take a look or add me!
  • My diary is open and always welcome new friends!
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    Mines open to friends, can't say it's very inspiring though, lol!
  • feel free to add me :)
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    Hello there. Awesome only 10 more pounds to go for you....yay!!! My diary is always open!!!
  • I love skinnytaste!!!
  • im open! i'm finally back on here for the 2nd time. i hit the point where i was finally doing it for me! And its awesome seeing how far everyone has come on here. its a great motivation. so feel free to add :)
  • I have an open diary. Looking for open diary friends too. My eating habits aren't the greatest but I'm still working at it. Feel free to add me!
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    My diary is open and I am careful with my tracking feel free to add me
  • tokens101
    tokens101 Posts: 23 Member
    I do, and I track everything, do feel free to add :)