!!Everyone!! State Your Goals HERE.



  • PrettyGirlPayton
    PrettyGirlPayton Posts: 93 Member
    Get to 170 and actually maintain it! :) I weigh 244.. SW: 275
  • nbeaty64
    nbeaty64 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to get to 240 by June 2013 for my wedding. I really let myself go after I finished playing college football. It would be a plus to be healthy and in shape again as well.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I want to get below 20% body fat through a combination of losing some more fat and gaining some muscle. (am at ~25%)
    I want to be able to run 10 miles without stopping. (can do 5-6 miles currently)
    I want to decrease the appearance of cellulite on my thighs. (just needs a lot of work)
  • My goal is to be between 115-113lbs by the end of October and at most a size 2.Almost my pre pregnancy body :)
  • My goal is to get down to 165, I have lost 45 lbs since Jan. I want to be able to wear a beautiful dress and swimsuit on the beach.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    It's really interesting about goals and whether people should talk about them. There is an excellent TED talk in which the speaker discusses how you should NOT talk about your goals. People who talk about them are actually less likely to achieve them than those who keep their goals to themselves. It has something to do with talking about achieving goals makes people feel like they have already accomplished something and then they are deluded. I'll have to find the link, but it was a very interesting talk.

    I love TED talks. If you've never been to the site, check it out. TEDtalks.com
  • msdvynediva
    msdvynediva Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is to lose my last 30 lbs by November, gain muscle, tighten my abs and strengthen my legs which is kinda hard to do since I have osteoarthritis in both knees and no cartilage and cant do squats.
  • I always said I didnt really have a weight goal... I have a goal to be in a size 12 comfortably (not stretch jeans). I am currently a 16-18 depending on the brand... BUT, over time my goal has changed to incorporate a weight of 200 pounds....
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    To weigh 130 again...I have 47 lbs to lose. I just started this week so maybe in 6 to 8 months I will be there. Then i will treat myself to a trip to St. John, Virgin Islands!!!!! :love:
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    My goal weight is 130 lbs
    But will be happy at 140 lbs.

    Interim goals
    1) Able to stand for more than 20 mins at a time.
    2) Able to do 10 laps of the pool without stopping in between each 2nd one.
    3) Lose 10 pounds by Christmas. (Hoping for 20)
  • fitmum2be
    fitmum2be Posts: 49 Member
    Main long term goal is to get down to 60kg then decide if I want to go lower so 17kg's to go to get to that point.

    Short term goals:
    -Get to 70kg.
    -Push harder each time I do insanity.
    -Motivate my partner

    Eventually I want to do C25K and build up to running. I suppose another long term goal.
  • I want to be in better shape all around. My weight is (now 238 lbs) and my goal is 215. I have started the P90X and love it all ready. I also would like to be a better long distance runner.
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member
    1.To get rid of the... not sure what to call it... the nasty business going on above my c-section incision.
    2.To look good in summer clothing styles and beach wear.
    3. Do some mud runs with my husband.
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    To lose this "bubble butt".....
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I want to lose 30 lbs by the end of the year. Ultimate goal is to get to 180, then I want to get down to 140 but taking small steps. I think I finally got a good workout regime down and have hubby's support to eat clean.

    I want to be at a weight that my husband has never seen me. Smallest I was ever is 180, so once I get there it will be the home stretch!
  • nbeaty64
    nbeaty64 Posts: 4 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    n<10% bodyfat by 12/31/12
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    My goals:

    To be a healthy weight and size for my frame.

    To be down to 20% body fat.

    To be surprised by how amazing I look every time I look in the mirror.

    To eat healthy every day.

    To exercise a minimum of 30 minutes every day.

    To run a mile without feeling winded...in 10 steps. :-)

    To learn to live without processed foods entirely or at least 90%.

    To learn that I can live a happy and full life without tons of sugar and other treats.

    To learn to turn to healthy foods as a source of stress relief.

    To love myself inside and out.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    It's really interesting about goals and whether people should talk about them. There is an excellent TED talk in which the speaker discusses how you should NOT talk about your goals. People who talk about them are actually less likely to achieve them than those who keep their goals to themselves. It has something to do with talking about achieving goals makes people feel like they have already accomplished something and then they are deluded. I'll have to find the link, but it was a very interesting talk.

    I love TED talks. If you've never been to the site, check it out. TEDtalks.com

    Sherry, actually that's very interesting. My husband and I go to a marriage counselor--not because there's anything wrong with our marriage but because we're young and we want to do things right from the start...go when there isn't a serious problem to learn how to deal with serious problems with they happen!-- and he says exactly the opposite. When we have a goal we want to accomplish we are supposed to write it down and post it where the whole household can see it. We write them on a mirror. And we recite them to each other every day. Our counselor says that if you do this for 30 days, it will become so engrained in your mind that you won't fail because it becomes your mind's reality. It's very interesting. I actually have had it work for me. For example. I wanted to get to below 150 lbs. So I wrote it on the mirror and told myself every day that this month I would get below 160 lbs. And then even when i was getting stressed and wanted to reach for a sugary snack to calm my stress down, something in my mind would trigger and I would stop and grab water instead. It wasn't a conscious thing. I am well on my way to achieving 150 lbs. This next 30 days, which starts tomorrow, I will be focusing on getting myself to exercise. I will write "exercise 30 minutes per day on the mirror" and then tell my husband every day that it's my goal. By the counselor's method, at the end of 30 days of this recitation I will just start doing it like it's a natural thing to do. In fact, about a week ago I started setting the alarm back an hour to start prepping myself for this and already I'm remembering that there's a reason I need to get up that early...so we'll see if by 30 days I start doing the exercise thing. It's pretty amazing. I love knowing that just by being open about things I can change myself for the better.

    I also don't like hiding my goals because I think it creates more accountability. The people in my life will ask me if I'm staying on target. They will encourage me. They will tell me to "get back to it" if I'm failing. They'll be there for me when I need a helping hand to get back on track. I used to keep my goals a secret but I don't anymore.
  • Mommyjenlynn
    Mommyjenlynn Posts: 42 Member