

  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    bump to find later. :smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - "strategy is stronger than willpower"...what book is that from? Is it The Thin Commandments?

    Welcome everyone who is new. You'll love it here.

    Actually, exercising in the pool is WORK. It just doesn't feel that way, that's all. But you are really WORKING. I'm always amazed at how much water I drink because I'm sweating in the pool (yes, sweating in the pool)

    Linda Sundance - well, today was a pretty spectacular day. We got a fiberglass pool (what you are referring to, I think, is a gunite pool where the walls are basically blown in). The pool was manufactured in Lakeland FL and transported here yesterday. It arrived at our house at 20 to 8 this morning. The crane didn't get here until around 10:30. The gc (general contractor) put the gravel in the bottom of the hole, and then we waited for the crane. He also had to make the access road less of an incline.

    What they did was they put the crane in our driveway then the flatbed with the pool on its side drove onto the driveway in front of the crane. The crane then lifted the pool off the truck and put it down (face down) on our front lawn. Then the crane lifted the pool and turned it right side up.

    then the crane lifted the pool over the house, and put it in the back of the detached garage we have next to the house. the crane then went on the access road (for the power company, we own some of the property, but they have an easement) and lifted the pool from behind the garage and placed it into the hole. It'll sit there for a few days, the general contractor says he likes to let it sit and just "rest" after the road trip. Then the crane came back up and took the spa off the truck, lifted it over the house and set it down in the backyard near our deck (close to where it'll be installed). It won't be installed for a few days, but we won't need the crane to do that.

    Gunite pools will, over time, break down and upset the chemical balance. It just needs to be rebalanced, that's all. That doesn't happen with fiberglass.

    Before they left, we talked to the general contractor. He said the Mon will basically be "moving the dirt" around day and cutting holes for the drain, the skimmer, the lights. They need to have access to the pool. Right now there are big mounds of dirt around the pool, basically so that if it rains the water won't gush into the pool, sort of like a berm.

    A lot of the pool supplies were also delivered today like the salt, the lights, the handrails, etc. etc. Everything is in our garage. The gc told them to take back the heat pump. Why they put it on a truck without a liftgate is beyond me. How did they expect to get this 400lb pump off the truck? So he just told them to turn around and deliver it when they put it on a truck with a liftgate.

    A lady I know wanted me to tell her when they were putting the pool in. However, she had her dog with her. She doesn't like to leave her dog longer than 2 hours because it gets destructive. It didn't like the cats, I think she was afraid it would poop in the house. It would have been so nice to just sit and relax, but they left with the dog. I gave them some of the spaghetti sauce that I'd made, honestly, I didn't want left overs. I'm thinking that it's a bit on the acidy side, may need some baking soda to neutralize that acid. How much do you ladies put in your spaghetti sauce. What I like about this sauce is that the meatballs are turkey meatballs, but quite soft, not at all dry.

    Nancy - speed isn't my thing either. It's a bit frustrating when we have relay races in the pool because I always feel like I'm letting the team down, yet I know that I'm working my hardest.

    Lin - wish I could check out exercise DVD's for 3 weeks at a time. I can only check them out for one week at a time. And if I want to renew it, I have to physically bring the DVD into the library. Books I can renew over the internet. I asked them to get a few DVD's into the branch of the library by me so they're there when I want to check them out. I don't think there's a real high demand for them.

    Laura - I wish you well with your house. I just found out that friends of ours are moving but not very far from where they are now. I'm in a way a bit surprised. When they first built their house, it's in a REAL nice location. Since then she's had eyesight problems and her husband has to drive her everywhere. I know that this bothers her, although he's said that he doesn't mind. She has mentioned a few times that she wished she lived in the city so that she could walk to places. It seems that her daughter bought a house a few miles from her because the SIL was going to be working in Hickory. That job fell thru and my friend and her husband have been taking care of their home and hers for some years. They decided they didn't want to take care of two houses any more, so they put that house and theirs on the market with the understanding that they'd live in the house that didn't sell. Well, her house sold first so she's moving. My understanding is that she's moving into a larger house than she has now, and right now she has a pretty big house. Sill on grandbaby watch, huh? Keeping you in my thoughts

    You know one of the things I've noticed on this thread? We don't use "shorthand", like CYL (cee ya later) or w/o (without). guess that's just one of the quirky things about us, we like to spell out what we really mean. But that's good - reduces the amount of miscommunications.

    Didn't exercise today, but tomorrow I'm planning to get to the farmers market early (want to especially get cantaloupes and corn) then yoga. Will get back to normal routine tomorrow. Today was a bit out of the ordinary.

    Meg - how scary it must have been to find Benny Beagle in such a state (not to mention place)

    Jane - I agree with Meg, I'd scream, too. Vent all you need

    One of my ways to resist foods that I shouldn't eat is to only bring into the house foods that Vince likes but I don't, like Doritos. I don't care at all for them, but he likes them. So that's something I buy. Or peanutbutter. when the Girl scouts are selling their cookies, I buy the Peanut Butter patties. Vince likes them, but I don't. If I could buy just one package of the thin mints I would. One (1/2 box) would be enough.

    Polly - lots of times before exercising, I need to have something in my stomach or I'll feel sick but I don't want something heavy or I'll feel sick. On those days I'll have a piece of fruit before I exercise and then my cereal (or whatever) sometime afterward. Sometimes I'll have a container of yogurt with fruit in it, depends on how much time I have. Like before water aerobics I'll usually have yogurt. but if I'm doing something at home or just working out on my own, I might have just an apple or some cherries (depends a lot on what's in the refrig). Maybe have your shake before you exercise and the cereal afterwards. Guess a lot also depends on how heavy the shake is. But if it's not real heavy, give that a try.

    Thanks for the reminders, everyone, to drink my water. I'm sitting here at the computer with a big glass of water next to me. I've found that those insulated glasses are so nice because (not b/c) they don't sweat.

    Alwaysnancy - go for it! Coming in last is better than not coming in at all. Plus...this'll give you something to work towards. Next year the goal can be to be the next-to-last and so on.

    Rose - I think we all fall off the wagon once in a while. All, that is, except for barbie....

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Hello everyone, I am 50. Can use good motivation, support and conversation while on this journey for better living. Thanks for being here.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am so happy today is Friday !!! Today I sort of hit a wall physically and mentally exhausted. Looking forward to using this weekend as a time to recharge,

    Tomorrow besides the normal catchup on cleaning and laundry I am taking my daughter to the humane society. She is hoping to find a new furry friend. Our beloved Miss Kitty (14 year pound puppy passed away this pass Christmas) She is ready for a new dog and so am I. I was so sad after loosing her I just couldn't picture replacing her. I know we aren't replacing her but It seem like it. So here we go again. So hoping we will find just the right care dog for our family and for her.

    I have read everyone's post hoping any one who down or not feeling will be on the mend soon. Sorry this is short like I said my brain is shut down but I guess what's new.:wink:

    Take care and Thank you.
  • petalsandpaws
    Today was a really rough day. :cry: Had a phone call from the doctor and he has now assigned hospice to my husbands case. We still are to continue the 6 more treatments of radiation, but then no more. Hospice to take it from here. I have spent the better part of the day crying until my eyes are almost swollen shut. At one point, my husband asked if I had gotten all my food in for the day and I said I just didn't care about that struggle anymore. He told me that it was okay to feel my feelings, but he wants me to understand that food (the wrong choices) will not make the pain any easier to take and only cause me further disappointment if I gave up.
    This from my wonderful husband who has 5-6 months and loves to eat and loves life, his first concern is that I not abuse myself with food because of the pain.
    So stuck with my plan, and will stay the course one day at a time.
    The positive note for the day was a lady I met at the radiation hospital yesterday, who was waiting for her husband, sent fresh blueberries from her farm and a lavender wand that she had made for myself and my husband and myself with a note of prayer. Out of so much sadness, there is a ray of sunshine.
    Like jb said, in the 100's for her and here at the beach is still 87 degrees at 9:15 pm.
    Thanks for listening. Daily life can be harsh, but staying the course does bring self appreciation.
    Your all wonderful awesome woman, old and new to this thread. Let's all hang together and support anyone we can.
    Although, Michelle, I have to say the ole green eye'd envy monster is lurking here when I read about your pool. Enjoy it for me as well.
    Again, wonderful ladies stay the course. Hugs, Dixie:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Dixie - I just want to give you the biggest hug. I will light a candle for you and your darling husband today.

    Amanda x
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :noway: What happened it's August and already so many pages to catch up on. What a chatty bunch we are :bigsmile:

    :ohwell: Sorry I've got behind again, went back to work on Wednesday 1st and was a bit stressed about having to facilitate a meeting on the Friday (I hate these type of things!) been worrying about it for weeks. Anyway it is over now, but then got the news that my dad was going into hospital for tests. We thought he was going to stay in overnight but turned out not to be the case, they sent him home around 7pm with tablets.

    :flowerforyou: Here we are 4th August already so hello everyone :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm going shopping now, so I WILL catch up with you all later - promise.

    Have a good day.

    Viv xx
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Today was a really rough day.

    Dixie, I'm sorry for your pain. My prayers are with you and your beloved husband.
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning everyone! Todays the day my daughter finally comes home from summer school at college... For two whole weeks!
    Starting today I have THREE 20 year old ladies at my house for the next two weeks, along with associated boyfriends and lounge snacking. Not me, I have found Doritos are delicious but not my friend! Love having everyone back home again but my husband has already circled the "empty nest" date on our kitchen calendar!

    Speaking of dates.. One more week for my hubby on his daily radiation and chemo backpack pump. August 10 is the last of 28 treatments and we won't be longing to visit Philadelphia for a little while. Those daily trips are getting old at 6am. We hear 8-10 weeks off to recoup befor surgery in the fall.

    I'm day dreaming about the beach and swimming.. Now that this is almost done we can plan a beach day. I'm only half our from the beach and have yet to dip a toe! Perhaps I should buy a new suit.. I was putting on my PJs next to a mirror last night and I saw... A little hint of ABs???? OMG they still have a little pudge covering them but I saw them!
  • bmwrjs
    bmwrjs Posts: 1
    Hi All. Reading through these posts is very inspiring and sometimes sad.

    I am new to this plan and am in the learning process. I lost my husband in May and went through a series of emotions to finally get to the point of feeling motivated to take better care of myself and live a healthy active lifestyle.
    My goals for Aug are to start strength training on Monday, establish a day and schedule to return to work, vacations in Tampa FL to celebrate would would have been my husband's and my anniversary.
    I look so forward to the companionship and supposrt oon this site.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Dixie:flowerforyou: , sending you a big hug! You and your husband are in my prayers always.:heart:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: . You`ve come to the right place for motivation and support!!!!

    Tonight is the dinner out I`m dreading, sounds like everything is going to be fried:angry: , I even asked if I could bring something,like fruit or a salad, I was told no I wasn`t to bring anything:grumble: , this is an apperciation dinner and we are to come relax and just enjoy:ohwell: , so I will try my best to eat as good as I can. Tomorow is weigh in day and I really am worried about the sodium in tonights meal, I can retain a pound of water if I consume too much sodium:sad: :ohwell: .

    Hope all of you lovely ladies have a fabulous day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!!

  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Hi All!

    not sure how this all works with these threads. rather new to MFP started 6.6.12. I'm 53 and have lost 18.2 lbs.

    My August goal is to find a trainer rof weights and core exercise. Wishing you all a great month!

  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    just joining your thread 50+women.I have been off and on fitness pal for over a month but i need to get serious about making the commentment
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Dixie- So sorry for all you are going through. Sending you and your husband hugs and prayers.
    Deb A
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Dixie - I just want to give you the biggest hug. I will light a candle for you and your darling husband today.

    Amanda x

    My thoughts exactly. I am so sorry Dixie.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Dixie-I'm keeping you and your husband in my prayers! What a wonderful man you have there to be so concerned about your journey at this time! We are all here for you!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy Saturday!

    Welcome to all the newcomers on here! Can't say enough good things about this thread and barbiecat who always gets it up and running! Everyone on here is so motivating, upbeat and inspirational! Ever since I found this thread I've realized this is a great support system and focus less on "No, I can't" and more on "Yes, I can!:smile:

    Unfortunately, in alot of pain with my foot, recovery from this surgery won't be quite as breezy as I thought. Going stir crazy just sitting around but I'm going to al least try to get some sitting streteches in today! It's only day 2 since the surgery and ready for it to be at the 4 week point to get the pin out! Oh well, on the upside maybe this will give my knee flare up a chance to finally settle down.

    Don't have time right now to respond to individual posts, but believe me, I read them all! Enjoy the weekend!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    They say it may rain here today---well just a tiny bit but anything would be appreciated. Promising clouds in the sky....

    @Kathy - sorry the surgery is tougher than anticipated. Hoping and praying you'll be up and around as soon as possible.

    @DeeDee - argh, good luck with the unhealthy food tonight. I always have an excellent reason to not eat these things---I'm celiac so I can rightfully say, sorry, can't eat that.

    @Michele - wow, your pool project is amazing. I've never heard the details behind an installation. Hope it turns out to be just exactly the way you want it.

    Zip, better post quick, I hate this internet stuff.

    Hugs to all----best wishes----drink lots of water.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Dixie -- I can't even imagine the pain and stress you are under. Your husband is a wise and amazing man! Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, and I'm sending you strength to get through this time.

    Michele -- Congrats on having the pool almost in. It sounds like quite a process, but will be well worth it. We had a crane life our hot tub over our house, and it was an amazing sight -- I can only imagine what a pool would look like!
  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    Wow you don't look like your in your 60's!:happy: