why obsess over carbs?

...I dont understand why some people obsess over carbs...these are needed by our bodies to function?!its not about the amount of daily carbs but the type of carb as far as i am concerned...in past year i have lost over 10kg(around 1.5 stone)...and I have not done any dieting.I eat everything in moderation and exercise a little everyday. since joining MFP i almost fell into the dieting thing as i kept on reading that carbs are bad, or this and that...and i stopped losing and always felt hungry.so i am back to eating variety of foods and everything I like just in moderation. or do ppl think I am missing a point?and actually shud be limiting carbs?!
I am 23, 5ft 8 and 138lb...I just feel that cutting certain foods conpletely will just lead to relapse one day as if you like it you will crave it...


  • carolg225
    Thanks for asking that question. I've been wondering about that also and was amazed at how many carbs I was allowed each day. I've tried low carb diets before and although I lost weight relatively quickly it always came back. Today.....I am doing what you are and the weight is coming off slower but I actually have hope that I can finally do this. Portion control and riding my bike every day seems to be working.....I'm even thinking about joining a Fitness Center to start increasing my exercise!!!! I say do whatever works and keep moving forward!!!!
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    I agree its the right attitude for a lifetime change.diets work short time but can u really say u will never eat a chocolate or have a take away bing...I know I cant...through this whole journey I always allowed myself a treat day or 2 thats when I eat less healthy and have alcohol and it works it really does and main thing I am happy that way.I stopped doing treat days when I joined MFP and was always stressed bout food,but my partner just suggested to ignore MFP on a treat day or do extra exercise that way its a win win..I found jillian michaels work out dvds work for me and i am currently doing 6 week 6 pack one as I got bored of my exercise bike ;)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.

    well i would say given you are 41 and I am 23 the attitude you speak with to a young female stinks!!! whole point of thos post is that if u exercise (which bosts ur metabolism) and eat in moderation everything is ok...regardless of you age or gender.also to make an assumption or try to imply that I am uneducated by making a magazine comment is very narrow minded and says more for you than me...
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.

    well i would say given you are 41 and I am 23 the attitude you speak with to a young female stinks!!! whole point of thos post is that if u exercise (which bosts ur metabolism) and eat in moderation everything is ok...regardless of you age or gender.also to make an assumption or try to imply that I am uneducated by making a magazine comment is very narrow minded and says more for you than me...

    LOL he wasnt being mean.

    Maybe you belong at www.hellokitty.com?

    Hes answering your forum post and IMO had a great deal to say.

    I'm in a different boat.
    I'm 38 and can eat whatever I want to lose weight.
    I dont have any type of insulin sensitivities and dont put on weight very easily.

    That said.....

    It all comes down to preference and or food type allergies.

    If you have allergies to carbs then dont eat them.

    If not then go to town!
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    perhaps i mis read it then lol
  • BeantownSooner
    I think you're right that it really doesn't matter all that much as it is calories in vs. out. However that said, one could certainly make the case that certain types of carbohydrates and amounts "could" have a negative impact on many people. Carbs are the 1st energy source that is burned and if you have too many of them they're stored. So if you can moderate them to a point where you deplete what you take in then your body will naturally go to the next energy source which is fat and if you don't have a lot of that then protein (which you don't want).

    So my belief is that you can absolutely eat whatever as I said it's calories in vs. out but if you desire to lose a lot of weight (i.e. fat) the carbohydrates in moderation can be a good thing for many people. You just have the find the right balance for you to achieve your long-term goals.
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    I found out last year that I was gluten intolerant. So cutting those carbs out of my diet definitely helped me lose weight. However I still eat corn pasta once a week. And potatoes maybe twice a week. I eat rice crackers and rice cakes as the occasional snack when I need to grab something in a hurry. But I mainly get my carbs from fruit.
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.

    well i would say given you are 41 and I am 23 the attitude you speak with to a young female stinks!!! whole point of thos post is that if u exercise (which bosts ur metabolism) and eat in moderation everything is ok...regardless of you age or gender.also to make an assumption or try to imply that I am uneducated by making a magazine comment is very narrow minded and says more for you than me...

    LOL he wasnt being mean.

    Maybe you belong at www.hellokitty.com?

    Hes answering your forum post and IMO had a great deal to say.

    I'm in a different boat.
    I'm 38 and can eat whatever I want to lose weight.
    I dont have any type of insulin sensitivities and dont put on weight very easily.

    That said.....

    It all comes down to preference and or food type allergies.

    If you have allergies to carbs then dont eat them.

    If not then go to town!

    Actually he was being rude, not mean.

    I am of the OP's mind. Cutting out one food or another seems ridiculous. Though I have tried cutting carbs and I felt great, lost weight and didn't crave....at first..........I would never be able to give up my breads or pastas forever and I think trying to diet, instead of changing my way of thinking and eating, is pretty naive.

    Eat well and in moderation. Feed your body what it needs. If you have a reason to cut carbs, ie... a medical reason that is healthy for you...then by all means. But I can't stand all this, "Cut out your carbs, they are evil!" junk.
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    Im a 48 year old female and for me, I made significant changes when I ate much less (not none) wheat and sugar!! I do believe we must have carbs especially when you work out!! I just happen to chose oats and brown rice and those types of carbs!! I don't say "never" to any food but I sure do say "very rarely"! It does change as you get older like it or not!!! Good luck and eat healthy!!!!
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 33 and have spent the last decade overweight, on one diet or another, with very poor eating habits, and the ketogenic diet (<20 carbs a day, mostly from green vegetables) is the only one that has consistently helped me lose weight without suffering. I've been diagnosed with insulin resistance, which is exacerbated if you eat a diet high in carbohydrates. I find that when I cut out the breads, the pasta, the root vegetables, and most importantly, the SUGAR I have more energy, I feel better, my mind is clearer.

    When I go to a party and get talked into cake or something, it's like giving an abstaining alcoholic "just one shot." It sets off this crazy feedback loop where I begin to crave carbs, my mind gets fuzzy, the fatigue sets in, and then I get into terrible habits like 2 breakfast tacos and biscuits and gravy for breakfast every single morning because it feels good (in my brain, not my body) and I don't feel full unless I seriously overeat. Emotional eating is a b**** and I'm completely guilty of it. Regulating my intake, writing everything down, and seeing the progress on the scale has helped me a lot.

    So, different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.

    well i would say given you are 41 and I am 23 the attitude you speak with to a young female stinks!!! whole point of thos post is that if u exercise (which bosts ur metabolism) and eat in moderation everything is ok...regardless of you age or gender.also to make an assumption or try to imply that I am uneducated by making a magazine comment is very narrow minded and says more for you than me...

    LOL he wasnt being mean.

    Maybe you belong at www.hellokitty.com?

    Hes answering your forum post and IMO had a great deal to say.

    I'm in a different boat.
    I'm 38 and can eat whatever I want to lose weight.
    I dont have any type of insulin sensitivities and dont put on weight very easily.

    That said.....

    It all comes down to preference and or food type allergies.

    If you have allergies to carbs then dont eat them.

    If not then go to town!

    His last comment was condescending and not nice, just as you are as well to her. He assumed since she was 23 that she doesn't know what she is talking about. That is way different then trying to explain why low carb works or doesn't work. I'm 30 and not into the low carb scene either. I've experimented with all sorts of diets and so far for me nothing beats the old fashion way of just eating balance, your carbs, proteins and fats and counting your calories. If low carb works for you then fine but there are plenty of people who don't need a low carb diet, just stay within your calorie range.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    perhaps i mis read it then lol
    He wasn't rude or dismissive in the slightest. He simply answered your question. You asked a question that challenged many people's thinking. He answered it.
    (btw, is he a he?)

    btw: I'm 47, and female. What worked for me in my 20s, doesn't work anymore.
    I find that I have to be careful with simple carbs.
  • HerbT51
    HerbT51 Posts: 36
    ...I dont understand why some people obsess over carbs...these are needed by our bodies to function?!its not about the amount of daily carbs but the type of carb as far as i am concerned...in past year i have lost over 10kg(around 1.5 stone)...and I have not done any dieting.I eat everything in moderation and exercise a little everyday. since joining MFP i almost fell into the dieting thing as i kept on reading that carbs are bad, or this and that...and i stopped losing and always felt hungry.so i am back to eating variety of foods and everything I like just in moderation. or do ppl think I am missing a point?and actually shud be limiting carbs?!
    I am 23, 5ft 8 and 138lb...I just feel that cutting certain foods conpletely will just lead to relapse one day as if you like it you will crave it...

    It sounds like you have found a method that works for you. Great! However, I have diabetes and my carb intake is extremely important. You are correct, the type of carbohydrate matters but so does the total amount. For body builders, they cycle through periods of weight gain and then muscle building. Their carb intake is important in both phases. Runners tend to need more carbohydrates than someone who sits at a desk all day. Bottom line, it is a matter of your goals and needs. As I said, you have found a formula that works for YOU.
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.

    well i would say given you are 41 and I am 23 the attitude you speak with to a young female stinks!!! whole point of thos post is that if u exercise (which bosts ur metabolism) and eat in moderation everything is ok...regardless of you age or gender.also to make an assumption or try to imply that I am uneducated by making a magazine comment is very narrow minded and says more for you than me...

    LOL he wasnt being mean.

    Maybe you belong at www.hellokitty.com?

    Hes answering your forum post and IMO had a great deal to say.

    I'm in a different boat.
    I'm 38 and can eat whatever I want to lose weight.
    I dont have any type of insulin sensitivities and dont put on weight very easily.

    That said.....

    It all comes down to preference and or food type allergies.

    If you have allergies to carbs then dont eat them.

    If not then go to town!

    Actually he was being rude, not mean.

    I am of the OP's mind. Cutting out one food or another seems ridiculous. Though I have tried cutting carbs and I felt great, lost weight and didn't crave....at first..........I would never be able to give up my breads or pastas forever and I think trying to diet, instead of changing my way of thinking and eating, is pretty naive.

    Eat well and in moderation. Feed your body what it needs. If you have a reason to cut carbs, ie... a medical reason that is healthy for you...then by all means. But I can't stand all this, "Cut out your carbs, they are evil!" junk.

    thats what i was trying to say with my thread...if u have no medical reason to cut foods out why do people do it? lol
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Some people do much better on a reduced carbohydrate diet, especially diabetics.
    Many people also pick up books-- like stuff by Taubes-- and then develop a completely misinformed view of carbs because while he's wrong on a few key things, he's also very convincing. They then think it's "science" when it's actually a selection of studies that support his claim while ignoring the majority of studies that suggest otherwise.

    The ultimate problem with this is that carbs get demonized by people who don't need to avoid them.

    All that being said though, low carb dieting has it's place and is a great tool for those that it fits.
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    I defo agree that for medical reasons it makes sense sorry i didnt make that clear with my post.i was referring to healthy ppl who do these things of not eating pasta or bread and only steamed veg...i just dont understand why lol
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You are 23, maybe you would consider other dietary options if you were, say, 41 and had a metabolism that had been knocked-about by the progress of time and a diet too heavy in carbohydrate.

    When I was 23 I had way more latitude for my diet and I'd be rabbiting 'a calorie is a calorie' and 'we need carbs for energy'. Hey, just eat less and exercise more lardy!

    Given I am 41 and prone to reading up about the science, not magazine articles, I don't rabbit anymore.

    well i would say given you are 41 and I am 23 the attitude you speak with to a young female stinks!!! whole point of thos post is that if u exercise (which bosts ur metabolism) and eat in moderation everything is ok...regardless of you age or gender.also to make an assumption or try to imply that I am uneducated by making a magazine comment is very narrow minded and says more for you than me...

    LOL he wasnt being mean.

    Maybe you belong at www.hellokitty.com?

    Hes answering your forum post and IMO had a great deal to say.

    I'm in a different boat.
    I'm 38 and can eat whatever I want to lose weight.
    I dont have any type of insulin sensitivities and dont put on weight very easily.

    That said.....

    It all comes down to preference and or food type allergies.

    If you have allergies to carbs then dont eat them.

    If not then go to town!

    Actually he was being rude, not mean.

    I am of the OP's mind. Cutting out one food or another seems ridiculous. Though I have tried cutting carbs and I felt great, lost weight and didn't crave....at first..........I would never be able to give up my breads or pastas forever and I think trying to diet, instead of changing my way of thinking and eating, is pretty naive.

    Eat well and in moderation. Feed your body what it needs. If you have a reason to cut carbs, ie... a medical reason that is healthy for you...then by all means. But I can't stand all this, "Cut out your carbs, they are evil!" junk.

    thats what i was trying to say with my thread...if u have no medical reason to cut foods out why do people do it? lol
    Because they are trying to lose weight. Because they've read it will be a better way. Are they right? I don't know. Are you right? I don't know.
    Will they "crave it"? I don't know. I certainly don't "crave" white bread.
    Does it really matter to you how they try to lose weight?
    Your thread sorta smacks of "silly people who cut carbs". Why does it matter that much to you how someone else attempts this?
  • BenderFitness
    Your body does need carbs to function optimally. That said some people are more sensitive to certain foods, and different bodies respond differently to certain types of diets.

    Personally, I do not believe all calories are created equally. I eat plenty of carbs, but I get mine from whole wheat/grains and fruits. I find that keeping variety in my diet makes me feel healthiest and happiest. Also, it's important to find a diet that is sustainable as a lifestyle.
  • HerbT51
    HerbT51 Posts: 36
    ....i was referring to healthy ppl who do these things of not eating pasta or bread and only steamed veg...

    Steamed vegetables are carbohydrates. Steaming them is usually to reduce the fat (not carbs) that you get in a stir fry or smothered in butter.