

  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    I am 51 years old and would like to join this post. I would like to loose 6 pounds by Sept. 1st. I am going to Matzalan to help my sister celebrate her 50th birthday. This is a big trip for me, and I would love to be down 20 pounds since I last saw her. I am amazed at how many posts there are, and it's only the 4th. It's nice to be with a group that is experiencing similar age-related challenges. I'm not 20 anymore :smile: My goals to help me achieve this during the month of August are:

    Visit this post at least 3 days per week
    Walk a minimum of 12 miles a week
    Complete either a P90x or Insanity session x 4 days/week
    Eat breakfast at least 5 days/week
    Investigate restaruant calories so I can stay within my calorie range when eating out
    Track my calories 6 days/week (I know everyday is best, but I want achievable goals)
    Drink only 1 soda/week
    Loose at least 6 pounds in August
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks to everyone that asked about my foot surgery! I had a little scare today-had to go for an ultrasound since my leg was so swollen just to make sure there wasn't a blood clot. It turned out ok though. I just have continue to keep it elevated. By the way, it actually was hammertoe surgery and I have a pin in for 4 weeks. I'm trying to keep my dogs from stepping on it but they know somethings up and are being more cuddly.:smile: I'll use my leisure time to catch up on reading some good books and hopefully get some chair exercise in after the first week. I know that I'll really have to watch what I eat since I won't be active!

    “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”

    - Lance Armstrong

    This is a fitting quote for me at the moment!

    Have a great evening!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: 8 pages in August already??!! omg. this is going to take me a while to catch up. I am having a wonderful summer. Good weather, lil grandson visits, gardening (actually DH is the gardener, I just get to pick from his labors!). I love where we live. I have been riding my bike to and from work when I can (20 km one way). Not always successful, but at least I am doing something!

    :heart: :heart: Love to all of you lovely ladies!! :heart: :heart:

    P.S. you like the new pic of grandson and me?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Welcome everyone new. You've come to a great place for motivation and support.

    Dixie - prayers and more prayers for you and your family. My heart is breaking for you all. You can be sure that when we initiate this pool with probably champaigne, I'll certainly be lifting a toast to you. When my friend with the brain cancer was put on hospice because she was only expected to live another few months, she lived almost a year. Enjoy every single breath you two have together.

    Randy - my deepest condolences on your loss

    DeeDee - I feel for ya, not even being able to bring something to the dinner. I remember a while ago one of the Newcomers had a social at their house. I passed up on the salad waiting to see if the entree would be something good. But it wasn't. However, by the time I went back for salad, she had already put it away. I think I just had a little bit of the lasagna she made, but I really didn't want as much as she was giving people. I would much rather have had a nice big salad. But this too shall pass.

    jane - they ESTIMATE that the total pool installation (raised deck for the spa, decking, equipment hookup, etc. etc) will take about 6 weeks. But we all know that mother nature has the final word. As a matter of fact, the original estimate was that they'd start working on our pool earlier. However, we had some real hot days and they had to let their workers go early, they just couldn't work in the heat. So, that pushed our installation back. Well, as long as I get it. When they took the spa over the house, Vince commented "I'm surprised no one has called the Newton (our town) police to report a UFO".

    skinniwoman - the best suggestion I can give you on how to stay notivated is to check in here frequently. You'll get lots of inspiration and motivation.

    meg - sometimes the best thing we can do for our children is to keep quiet and let them figure it out for themselves. congrats to you!

    ctumbarelo (hope I spelled that right) - have a great time Looking forward to hearing all about it

    Did a hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do an hour of hulahoop on the Wii. Haven't done that in a while.

    Going to work on the bookmark a bit, then watch some TV, then get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening lovelies!

    8 pages? Yikes! 2 hrs later and there goes the max 30 minutes sitting still resolution.

    Finished reading Jillian Michaels' Mastering Your Metabolism last week. Scary stuff, but not so applicable to 2 decades post-menopausal me... still think I'll go back to limited amounts of real sugar or honey and put away all the Splenda... :cry: and not replace the processed foods as I use them up... and eat more beans... but I cannot seem to stop eating 3 hrs before sleep.

    Breakfast at Denny's with DH, was sorely tempted by the banana caramel french toast skillet... but stuck with the planned fruit, eng muffin, ham, and a few hash browns. Amazing. Still no mat work yet this month, steps way short too... but kept the beer down below 2, and had lots of fun puttering around the house and garden today ...fun counts for something too!:laugh:

    :wink: "To accept that I can change myself but not others" Wish me luck on this part of my journey " Me2, good luck to us both, Janice!
    :love: Donna "rental daughter" Love it, we had a Rent-a-son for many years, our dog needed a boy.
    :drinker: Jackiebo join the "problems having only one glass" club! Don't know about you but glass number 2 ALWAYS leads to more snacks and frequently glass number 3 and so on...
    :heart: Pam I am so glad you found Zumba! I feel the same way, I'm almost always the oldest or the heaviest and sometimes both, but no matter. Full Speed AHEAD!!! and to answer your question about where I line dance, yes I practice to music on CDs and YouTube, Tuesdays is at teacher's home but will go back to the saloon in the fall, Wednesdays is at the Eagle's lodge where our teacher holds Saturday workshops every few months. There is another teacher who teaches 3 hours almost every day at the Senior Center, but alas, it's during my work hours so no can do!
    :noway: Laura "and spending the day inside at the office is not my idea of how to spend a summer day" amen!
    :ohwell: Meg thanks for letting me know I wasn't the only one who missed the "L"
    :frown: Kate stabbed by a deer antler in the calf???
    :bigsmile: beestev consistent baby steps is the way. You WILL feel better, breathe better and chair exercises are a great place to start.
    :heart: Misty you CAN do it in 3 months. Made the same deal with my Dr. last year about BP meds. Upped the activity, added more fruits and veggies, less processed food and BP down went to 80/50! Lousy cholesterol is still a little over but total is (barely) below 200 for the first time in 15 yrs.
    :mad: trustyone "actually say in my mind " I don't care" then I eat it. " sounds like me lately. Let's both make a pact that when we hear that "I don't care" voice, :devil: we tell it "shut up darling, I DO care!":tongue:
    :sick: Lora for sinus infection, heard standing in a hot shower for 10 minutes at least 4 times a day can reduce the swelling and inflammation, so allow the infection to drain out. Yucky but worth a try. :bigsmile: How about sharing the Spicy Thai Chicken Soup recipe?
    :love: Liz can't wait to hear about your new furbaby.
    :tongue: Michelle you're right about "the more you don't want non-healthy foods" Saw some brownies and lemon bars at a new bakery and the icing looked so solid it just screamed trans fats and chemicals. So unappetizing. :sick: Can't believe I said that about ANY baked good! :noway: I've never put baking soda in spaghetti sauce, but if its too acid, a grated carrot might help.
    :sick: DeeDee and Meg hope Noel and Benny are feeling better. Pancreatitis is soo scary. Our vet says "tiny portions frequently" now we can add "Shut pantry door!"... good advice for us all... :laugh:
    JipsyJudy "rebellion against ... record keeping" me too. Don't seem to be able to complete my diary by the end of the day,:angry: usually cuz I'm still eating. :explode:
    Polly, loved:love: the way you handled the food police. Hope Jane's DH takes it as well.
    Sue "... for benign results" Amen!:flowerforyou:
    Lin, Was anything changed or added (digital or HD boxes, new tvs) around the time your internet service went bad? Do you have multiple cable connections? Our Cable modem had to be put in the "first" cable in the house "in front" of all the tvs. Maybe its time to insist on a service call :cry:
    jb diet pills at 11?:noway: Work of art? Yessss! Beautiful way to look at it, not just a work in progress, but a work of art!:smooched:
    jo3y20 conVERYgratulations on the 46# victory. Think of that and your leaden legs must surely feel lighter!
    Barbie emergency house, poodle and horse sitter! Your Jake is sure versatile and a good friend!:smile:
    Dixie:brokenheart: So thankful you found this wonderful man, and that he has you by his side on this hard journey.
    Sending you both white light and hugs.
    Renny:love: LOVE the pic! He has your smile!

    Welcome to all the newbies, and regrets to all I didn't reply to but I've been sitting ENOUGH. Time for bed and a fresh start tomorrow. Joe and I are going to do a 4am Walmart shopping spree. .. maybe a few laps around the store will get my step count back up.:laugh:

    Hugs to all,

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day (Ageing Hippie Mother of Dogs)

    August: EVERY DAY: 2 fruits + 7 veggies, 30 mins of any exercise, some mat work 5 days a week, average
    10K steps, no more than 2 drinks Thurs-Sunday, PERIOD!!! Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=0 :grumble: Boy does that look bad!
    steps: 4=4799 3=5673 2=8464 1=9848
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member

    I am 55 years young today. It's my birth-day~ My profile pic was taken about a year ago? I was always mistaken as being much younger for my age--I was carded at 40 and all that changed with THE CHANGE

    Menopause 2 years ago kicked my derriere--I am now borderline obese and have taken to wearing long baggy black skirts
    black shapeless tops--my legs look like an elephants---my ankles swell--I creak when I walk- I gave up working out
    some how I gave up on myself---

    there were two men--three years ago----each one felt like the ONE----and after each one broke up with me--

    I guess I retreated --into Judge Judy--late night sugar-salty feeding and late night television--falling asleep with all the lights on
    waking up--sometimes with all my street or work clothes on shoes and all, startled and frightened. and loathing the cycle that repeated itself. Promising the next day would be different.

    I stopped feeling like a girl or a woman or feminine. And I hid. Then after grieving those relationships I came out of hiding
    but---now-- I do not recognize myself as woman who fell in love. But yay for me that I stopped hiding even if it meant revealing myself --weight and all --and I am outing the denial.

    Medically - I am at risk and in danger--with large fibroids and breast disease aggravated and feeding on the sugary-bready- salty- carby junk I have been eating.

    But I had two dreams a year ago--- and in dream number one---I was obese---content ot watch tv and eat until oblivion

    I woke up scared--I could never be obese-I thought--but that's NOW what the website says.

    But dream 2--in dream 2 --the fibroids were dissolving at the touch and I was healthy.


    I am planning a birthday party for myself on Dec 15

    (instead of August cas mos of my friends are away for the summer)

    I am growing my hair long. I wear my hair in Whoopie Goldberg braids for almost a year and a half without blow drying it straight to boost the length--so that has also helped me ---not look like me.

    My goal is to be close 115-120 on Dec 15th and have the reveal at my party--long hair, slim -trim and all.
    So much to be grateful for.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my lovely ladies

    I'm not going to reply to everyone individually today as I'm raring to go and don't want to sit too long.

    It's a wet day in London town but I'm heading out to the river for a walk and then to meet my son and his ex girlfriend for coffee. She's married and pregnant now, but still one of our family. She's moving back to Sri Lanka to have her baby, so I want to see he before she goes.

    I'd better go and get my wellies on - it's pouring now!

    Be good to yourselves and each other today. Eat well (and mindfully), drink your water and move as much as you can .... you know it makes sense.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm a 52 year old mum of 3 and grandma of 2 from Australia, born in N. Ireland. I have to try really hard this month to lose as much as I can. I have my sons wedding coming up later this year. Waiting on buying my dress until I lose more weight. I've lost 12lbs so far since May. I wish you all well with your weight loss journey. :)
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I did it:happy: :happy: :happy: !!!! I survived the fried food, even stayed with in my calorie goal and had peach cobbler for dessert, and a glass of wine:happy: :happy: :happy: !!!! The very best part.....I lost 2 pounds this week despite all the eating out:bigsmile: ! Hopefully now my life will get back to at least semi-normal.

    heroyalslimness:smile: Happy Birthday to you:flowerforyou: . Sounds like you`ve done a lot thinking, and it`s time for you to put yourself first, congratulations!!!!! Count every pound lost as a success, every day you log your food and meet your water intake is a success, everyday you take one more step is a success!!!! Stay with the course and your beautiful body will congratulate you on all your hard work!!!! Come back often and post your success, we will all cheer you on!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: the women here are amazing, lots of motivation and good advice for all!!!

    I would like to respond to more, however this is my day to meet my friends at the coffee shop for our weekly chat fest, I always look forward to it. The odd thing is, they are all men:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ,they call me the Queen, I like it:bigsmile: .

    Hope everyone has a most fabulous day!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!

  • mjswarthout
    mjswarthout Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up!!! You can do it!:smile:
  • mjswarthout
    mjswarthout Posts: 2 Member
    Weekends are always tough for me too! Make sure you log every single thing you eat (even if you overeat). It helps! :smile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hello all -

    We actually had RAIN here yesterday. It was about 8/10ths of an inch and was the largest total in a day since May 6th. Wish there was more in the forecast. We are still mandated to conserve water and I'm sorry but I get so steamed when I see two of my neighbors watering their lawns. Okay, whatever......I am not my neighbor's keeper.

    Gotta run to the grocery store quickly today and then have a lot of paperwork and bills etc. to sort through. They have to be in the mail tomorrow morning. Once again most are for my 88 year old father. The man went from living alone and running two businesses to a man struggling to remember what day it is in a flash just over 4 years ago. They say it was likely 2 strokes. He is fortunate to be able to walk, dress, feed himself, and talk (although with his severe aphasia I cannot understand him most of the time). So, he hasn't been able to make out a check and is doing well to be in an Assisted Living facility.

    Moving on to something which just totally made me laugh yesterday. (Yes, I'm easily amused.)

    Calories (noun)
    Tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter each night.

    Hugs to all and a big mug of water!! :drinker:

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    bump for august...so busy...so tired....so hungry! but hangin in there...:laugh:
  • donnanhrn
    donnanhrn Posts: 3 Member
    Just started MFP about a week ago and liking it already. I have lost and gained the same weight a million times over it seems doing a vast array of diets in my life. At 52 it is so much harder to do and I want to get healthy once and for all. Looking at all of your posts is very encouraging. It can be done I just have to get to it and make my expectations within reason.
    Goals for August. Drink lots of water. Log my calories every day Get some form of exercise at least 4 days a week( my work day is 12.5 hours with 2 hours of travel time so those 3 days are difficult to find time) One pound per week would be awesome. I have about 70 pounds to lose.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Birthday, Heroyals!!!!!!!!!!! And good luck on your journey...you CAN do it:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Everyone else: Have a wonderful day too! Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • Debche1960
    Debche1960 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have been on and off this several times in the last 2 years. But, I am determined to do it this time. Just found this group for ladies 50+. This is perfect for me as I am 52 and just want to feel good and be fit again. I have many pounds to lose but will take it day by day.

    I have a question for you ladies who have lost several pounds: I worry about not toning up as I lose; but I am determined to exercise every day. Has your skin toned up as you lose, with exercise?

    My goal for August:
    1) Make sure I log in every day so that I can stay motivated.
    2) Exercise 6 days per week at least 30 min each time.
    3) No sugar (makes me feel bad)
    4) Eat as many fruits and veggies as I can
    5) 9+ glasses of water per day.

    Thank you for starting this group:smile:

    Love to all
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Hey Deb, I think older skin tone is a cross we bear... but it definitely improves with healthier eating, moisturizer, and sun care. I'm not aware of any effect of exercise but I'm sure wiser minds will let us know!

    My skin tone nemesis is sun worship -- but I know too many women with leathery skin (never mind bits being cut off) so I'm trying to change my evil ways.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Deb -- drinking lots of water helps skin tone a lot too.
  • CSO200
    CSO200 Posts: 19 Member
    I started this journey last November when my weight got too close to the "obese" category. I was very successful at first, but the weight loss has slowed/plateaued. I have only 7 pounds to reach my goal, but have been stuck there for a while.
    My goals for August are to lose those last 7 pounds by:
    8 cups of water per day
    cardio - 1 hour per day, 7 days per week (minimum 10,000+ steps per day)
    weights - 3 - 4 times per week (every other day, at least 1/2 hour)
    avoid wheat, sugar, artificial sweeteners, empty carbs (I have fibro)
    sleep minimum 8 hours per night
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Learn to use the Vitamix blender my DH just gave me for my birthday -- so many of the recipes sound great! Homemade soup in 15 minutes? Thrilled!

    I bought a Vitamix several years ago -- you're going to love it!