
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Yesterday's posts about closet-cleaning got me motivated. In the Goodwill pile: 2 suits, 3 jackets, 3 blouses, 3 skirts and 8 pairs of slacks that are too big. Hooray! Fortunately I have 5-6 pairs of slacks the next size down that lingered in the closet and can be worn again as I want to wait to shop. I also weighed and measured as counterpoint to being 'smaller', which also motivated me to go to the Y this afternoon, too, to continue the progress.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Well, my husband finished the 180-mile ride at 11:30 am today--ended at the end of the Cape. Hot weekend! He raised the $8000+ for Dana Farber Cancer Center in Boston! Yipee! The family of the woman he rode for showed up from NJ. Her parents, siblings, teen aged daughters and nieces. Made him feel it was worth the ride to honor his ride in her name for her family.

    I keep looking at my screen saver, which is my goals:
    my REALISTIC goals for August:
    1- stick to my goals
    2- log in and log my calories. Stick to the 1500
    3- Exercise more
    4- take my vitamins
    5- keep cut up fruit and lettuce/veggies for salad
    6- actually lose weight!
    7- Stop being satisfied with doing nothing!!!
    8- evening snack-fruit and/or pop corn
    Oh ya, and to be more positive and get out more : )

    Trying hard. All of you have a nice Sunday
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Sunday to everyone. It is beautiful here so there may be a walk in order! I woke up with another headache, so DH took the kids to church and I slept. I am thinking it may be allergies; everything is happening about a month sooner than usual here because of the weather, so that might be it.

    I’m hoping for a quiet day and getting a lot done on my book. I’m not looking forward to the next several days; Monday and Tuesday I have to go to the ICU at one of the local hospitals to orient because I will have students there starting the end of the month. I have not taught at this hospital before nor have I had clinical in any ICU, so I will have a steep learning curve. AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means getting up at 5. BLEH! :explode: Then Wednesday is DH’s surgery and Friday Benny Beagle goes back to the vet specialist once again. I’m hoping everything is totally normal and we can get rid of some of these medications.

    My older daughter’s job is getting frustrating for me. :grumble: She is supposed to have a set schedule but for the last several weeks it has been different each time. I quit buying enough food for her to eat dinner on the nights she is supposed to work because when we saved her leftovers, she didn’t eat them and I was throwing away a ton of food. So then last night we had salmon and she didn’t work (first Saturday she hasn’t worked except for vacation the whole time) and so we had to figure something else out. Fortunately DH and I had leftovers from the last 2 nights, so that worked out ok, but it’s annoying anyway. :frown:

    Now I feel guilty complaining because so many of you have much bigger concerns than how much salmon to buy! I guess I’m just venting! Not a good thing to do on such a glorious day, so I’ll shut up now! :happy:

    Kathy: glad your scare was only a scare! I loved your quotation from Lance Armstrong and your cuddly doggies put a smile on my face :smile:

    Reblerenny: where do you live? It does sound beautiful.

    Michele: hula hoop! Boy that does sound fun. I’ll be toasting your new pool too! :drinker:

    Barbara: good for you to stick to your plan when you ate out. I love the aging hippie mother of dogs nic…I have a great mental image now that looks so fun! :happy:

    Amanda: your river walk sounds lovely.

    DeeDee AKA the coffee queen: You did GREAT! Congrats!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Lin: poor dad. That must be tough on both of you. You are a great daughter to help him out so much. Now can you please take your calories back from out of my closet??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ConnieHV: great goals and very do-able!

    All the newbies: welcome. It is so exciting to see new people wanting to join our not-so-little-anymore group! This is a great bunch of ladies who will give you more support than you can realize!

    Well I’m off to get some work done. I am planning a walk a little later since the weather is so great. Stay strong today and if I missed someone, I’m still sending you good thoughts. Take care, Meg :flowerforyou:
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    Hello Kathy here 51 and total lost of 17. I want to lose about 10-12 more lbs. I am really enjoying this new lifestyle. Healthy eating and going to the gym. My goal is to just be a better me in life, as a person, and to continue this healthy lifestyle.:smile:
  • gryph62
    gryph62 Posts: 3
    Hello everyone! So nice to have found this group. I have lost about 115 pounds so far. I joined myfitnesspal.com to help me lose the rest. Would love to chat at you all. I am from Canada. Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend. :smile:
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    This is the recipe requested. I thought it was awesome, and different.

    Spicy Thai Coconut Chicken Soup

    Coconut milk tames the heat and combines deliciously with shredded chicken breast in Spicy Thai Coconut Chicken Soup.

    Yield: Serves 4 (serving size: about 1 1/3 cups)
    Total: 32 Minutes
    Recipe from Cooking Light

    Recipe Time
    Hands On: 25 Minutes
    Total: 32 Minutes
    Nutritional Information
    Amount per serving

    Calories: 224
    Fat: 9g
    Saturated fat: 4.5g
    Monounsaturated fat: 2.4g
    Polyunsaturated fat: 1.3g
    Protein: 22.7g
    Carbohydrate: 15g
    Fiber: 1.1g
    Cholesterol: 58mg
    Iron: 1.1mg
    Sodium: 463mg
    Calcium: 35mg


    2 teaspoons canola oil $
    1 cup sliced mushrooms $
    1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper $
    4 teaspoons minced peeled fresh ginger
    4 garlic cloves, minced
    1 (3-inch) stalk lemongrass, halved lengthwise
    2 teaspoons sambal oelek (ground fresh chile paste)
    3 cups Chicken Stock or fat-free, lower-sodium chicken broth
    1 1/4 cups light coconut milk
    4 teaspoons fish sauce
    1 tablespoon sugar $
    2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast (about 8 ounces) $
    1/2 cup green onion strips
    3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
    2 tablespoons fresh lime juice


    1. Heat a Dutch oven over medium heat. Add oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add mushrooms and the next 4 ingredients (through lemongrass); cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add chile paste; cook 1 minute. Add Chicken Stock, coconut milk, fish sauce, and sugar; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low; simmer for 10 minutes. Add chicken to pan; cook 1 minute or until thoroughly heated. Discard lemongrass. Top with onions, cilantro, and juice.

    I really enjoyed it and look forward to reheating some for lunch tomorrow. :wink:
  • hiawathaperez
    hiawathaperez Posts: 71 Member
    Hi y'all,

    I would love to enter this forum....yesterday I was on
    my lil tablet and I couldn't locate the buttons. Today I
    so I thought. I would drop a line.

    Thank you for sending the link to me. I appreciate the
    time that you took to send it to me.

    More laters,
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hell Lovely Ladies,

    It is a nice Sunday here so far in Idaho. The heat is going up suppose to a week of 100 degress and high 90's this week. So gearing up with that. My ankle is feeling better today I sort of over did a walk yesterday (not for most but for me it was) so today outside of walking our new fur baby no other workouts.

    @Lin your dad is very lucky to have you help him and be there for him.
    @megblair1 -- I can sort of relate to your feelings about your daughters job. Everytime I think I have things in place transportation work out my work related hours etc my daughter programs change and I am left struggling.

    Wishing everyone a nice Sunday. Take care,
    Thanks Liz
  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    Checking in for today. It's a beautiful Sunday- about 90 degrees with a slight breeze. I just finished my walk; I completed 4.25 miles :bigsmile: I am going to watch the Olympics, as these young athletes motivate me to get out there an move. My husband and I went to a graduation party last night and I stayed within my calorie range without feeling deprived. I even had a glass of wine! I am planning my food, as I will be out of town and staying in a hotel for 3 nights this week. Planning = success.
  • RhoRocks
    RhoRocks Posts: 28 Member
    Goals now and for however long it takes for me to "get it":

    :happy: sign in every single day

    :bigsmile: Log my food

    :wink: Thank God for MFP and for supportive new friends
  • I have been logging to MFP for almost a year but have not spent time reading message boards or blogs. I found this wonderful board for Women Ages 50+! Yay!!!!! . I am nearing my goal (set over a year ago) and have 8 more pounds to lose. My August goals are to stay on top of my game plan and work hard to reach my final goal within the next few months (it is getting tougher to shed these last few pounds but I can do it!) I want to enjoy the size of clothing I wear now and not worry so much over "what size the tag" says inside my clothing....I'm not 25 years old anymore! I want to remember each day that nothing feels as good as being this healthy and happy! Happy logging and losing to everyone! :happy:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I haven't posted for a few days. I am just too exhausted after work these days. When I sit down to read the posts it is close to midnight. I am doing well.other than not getting out for walks. I need to get to the library, and check out some exercise videos.

    Michele - that is a great idea ,about checking out exercise video's from the library. i am going to do that this week!:bigsmile:

    Dixie, Thinking of you today, Hugs and strength for you.:heart::heart:

    Meg- sounds like you had a awesome walk today. I need to get off the couch before I start work in 2 hours, and go for a 30 min walk! :drinker: :drinker:

    Barbiecat- guess you having a heat wave! Hope your line dancing venue is air conditioned! :devil: :devil:

    Liz, take care of your ankles, elevation above heart level, and ice pack(with cloth barrier against you skin-then ice pack), ice for 20 mins and you can do this 4 times a day.:wink::wink:

    Amanda- only a few more days until the Olympics are over,,,,soon things will be back to normal. I loved the deer story and how it is related to life, Thanks for sharing!:wink::wink:

    Welcome to all the new ladies. :drinker: :drinker:

    Come here everyday and read the posts,vent and let everyone know your struggles, successes . We can all do this together, one step, one day at a time!

    I am going to change my weigh in day to Mondays, and tomorrow do my measurements again. :drinker: :drinker:

    So I am going to stop for now, get off the couch and go for a walk,!!! T:drinker: thanks for motivating me.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I will be back tonight, to talk to the rest of you----, have an awesome day to become the best YOU, that you can become!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Hugs,Linda SundanceB
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sun.been spending the last 2 days,cleaning and priming our new place.Next week the carpet comes in,hoping to move by next week-end.
    So grateful for our friend for giving us a new start in life.More room and daughter can stay in her same school.Tired but glad there is a light at the end of tunnel.
    Hope everyone had a good week-end.
    Thanks for your love and support.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Booo the weekend has gone much too fast. I had a somewhat productive day yesterday and then we headed to the lake when dh came home from work. It was stormy up there this am so we did not go kayaking. Lots of reading and laziness but great for recharging. We took the long and much prettier ride home and stopped for a late lunch/early dinner on the way.

    This was not a very calories controlled week, but I just saw a 60 minutes segment about the evils of sugar...lot of research still being done but the info is very compelling...I am going to try in August to focus on my sugar consumption and see what changes I can make to limit or at least reduce it...a tall order for a baker with a sweet tooth...time for new hobbies I guess!

    Michelle - I use baking powder (about a teaspoon) in a pot of spaghetti sauce...it reduces the acid and brings out the sweetness of the tomatoes (a tip I learned in a Graham Kerr cookbook) ...your pool sounds fabulous..the wait to have it completed would make me crazy but will be worth it!

    My kindle battery is dying...so have a good evening..hugs and high fives
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    :flowerforyou: 8 pages in August already??!! omg. this is going to take me a while to catch up. I am having a wonderful summer. Good weather, lil grandson visits, gardening (actually DH is the gardener, I just get to pick from his labors!). I love where we live. I have been riding my bike to and from work when I can (20 km one way). Not always successful, but at least I am doing something!

    :heart: :heart: Love to all of you lovely ladies!! :heart: :heart:

    P.S. you like the new pic of grandson and me?

    you look great Reb. Do you like mine with my DD and Olivia? Glad you stopped by.

    Ladies, I don't mean to whine but I am HOT. The PNW is awesome because it rarely gets hot but today is hot. (very humid) too hot to work in the yard. at least we got the paving done in the dog run and started puttng together the dog house before we had to give up.

    I will catch up with you all later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    Jake is sort of gone for two weeks being the emergency fill in house sitter for a friend who had a crisis and needed someone to fill in to watch their four black standard poodles and two horses.....he'll be home on and off but sleeping over there. It is over 90 degrees there and he decided to call his friend and ask if it was OK to turn on the air conditioner.....they are so grateful to have him there that they said keep it running as much as he needs to.

    :flowerforyou: Today is our Isagenix cleanse day.....it feels different because I'm at home and Jake's at the other house.

    :flowerforyou: I watched watching the women's marathon at the Olympics. I have over 17,000 steps on my pedometer but compared to the marathon runners, I feel like a couch potato. The dogs keep asking to go out but it's over 80 degrees here so after a few minutes, they want to come in again. I've worked on my rock project today but after about 30 minutes, I'm too warm and come back in to the air conditioned house.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, yes, "Strategy is stronger than willpower" comes from "The Thin Commandments Diet".....what a great book.....if I lived closer, I'd come watch your pool installation....it sounds like great entertainment

    :flowerforyou: Dixie, through all the pain, I hope you will be able to stay in moment and relish all the good things

    :flowerforyou: rpphillip, three years ago when I started my weight loss journey, I walked the dogs one at a time for about 10 minutes and never walked them together.......little by little I've added time and now my walks are really long....the longest dog walk starts with a single step.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, don't allow yourself to get to the computer until you've walked for 10 minutes and had a glass of water....then don't stay at the computer for more than 15 minutes.....start with small goals.

    :bigsmile: Meg, glad Benny Beagle is OK......we had a golden retriever who swiped food off the kitchen counter or the table if we left things unsupervised.

    :bigsmile: Jane, sounds like good progress on your move......thanks for your inspiring positive outlook on life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    August Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally
  • cloutcj
    cloutcj Posts: 1
    Add me to your friends! Turned 59 this year and have the post menopause belly fat, and high cholesterol to boot. Have diabetes in my family also. I need to get the weight down, watch the fat and sugar, and maybe exercise a bit more. (Have IBS which makes exercise an issue.) I spent 1-1/2 years looking for work and gained 10 pounds doing the web search employment bit. Just got a job in June, a contract running until Dec. 28. A new co-worker told me about myfitnesspal, so just joined today. I start my new diet - excuse me - new way of eating with a brand new week. Here we go!:bigsmile:
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    I'm almost 50, January... Wanted to lose all of this weight by then (don't we all!). Have been doing this since Nov 11 and have lost 34 lbs. Thought I would have lost a lot more by now, but have not put as much effort as I could have, however, I haven't gained any and managed to stay around that loss for a while now. Am struggling this week with sending my son off to college, very difficult for someone who has been a single mom for 15 years! Will need lots of support in the coming days!!! I would like to lose 5 lbs this month and eat a salad a day and drink all of my water. I am visiting my aunt for Thanksgiving and haven't seen her in a few years, would really like to be 210 (I'm 245 now), that is stretching it a bit :-). Thanks for the thread and the encouragement!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm new to this forum too. I'm 64. I lost about 35 pounds after I started doing zumba 3 hours a week at Curves. Then my weight loss stalled. In June I did Medifast for 2 weeks, but I could not stand to keep that up. Then I found this site and am really happy to be here. Even with going on vacation for a week, I've lost about 3 pounds. I'd like to lose about 15 more.

    My August goals would be to start strength training...buy some weights and use them. And continue to log in so I stay on track with eating the proper amount of food.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    hero.... - happy birthday! I swear, August is the worst month for me. No matter what I do, it seems that I retain water like crazy. My ankles will swell up by the end of the night. Right now I'm wearing (talk about old lady) support hose. That's interesting that you are at risk with your fiberoids. I'd never heard that they feed off carbs. That's the understanding I took, anyway. I have a history of fiberadinomas. Best of luck on your goal. You CAN do this, just log in here every day and we'll all help you.

    A real big welcome to everyone who is new. I just know you'll love it here.

    DeeDee - that's wonderful that you stayed in your goal. How did you do it, any special hints?

    Lin - loved your definition of a calorie. Thanks for the smile.

    Deb - my skin has toned up somewhat from my loss. However, there is still the skin that was stretched out from being overweight, and nothing I do seems to get rid of that. Oh, I can have surgery, but I'm not that bad. A friend of mine lost a lot of weight thru balanced eating, she did have the surgery to remove the extra skin.

    I made some butterscotch cookies to give to the pool workers this month, I'll just put them in the freezer until I need them. Made cheese sausage balls in case we go to Mexican train this Tues. If we go, I can just reheat them. If we don't, I can freeze them. Realized that Jessica will be here Thurs night. I want to made Magic Cookie Bars for the workers so I'm going to do it so that she can take any leftovers home with her.

    lorarock - those recipes sound so good, but I don't dare have coconut in the house. Jessica is severly allergic to it, if it's just in the air she has a reactioni to it. I wouldn't take the chance. But those recipes sound amazing

    Did I tell you that while we've been cutting the weeds, there's some bug that has been reall biting. Not a mosquito but worse. It iches and iches. Anyway, Vince read on the Internet that to temporarily relive the itching, put a blow dryer on the itch until you can't stand the heat any longer. Seems that the heat will kill off the histamines that cause the itching. It really does work! I was skeptical at first, but figured "what can I lose", and was I amazed. I would guess it works for 4 or 5 hours.

    Jen - use baking powder, not baking soda? Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought of that. Thanks

    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Off to take a shower and then give Loki his med
