5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have been playing with the same 5 pounds since last March. I'll lose it and then there is some "event" in our lives and I regain it and then lose it...I am stuck in a loop....

    On a positive note I ordered my Christmas Present last night....a new Nordic Track Treadmill. My favorite exercise is walking, but I hate being cold. Well here in MN that means I stop walking from late November til March. It was a gift that my husband I bought for each other.... he is training for a marathon in June and I want to run my first 5K in June. Here's to a little over a pound a week.:drinker:

    Yeah, a new treadmill that is awesome. The 5K will be fun for you. Are you using the Couch to 5K program or something else to get you ready? I wish you the best of luck for the New Year. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    This looks like this will be a great thread. I need something new to keep me motivated towards my goal. Last year at this time I set a goal to lose 41 pounds and I almost got there. I lost 38, so not too bad. This year I want to lose that extra 3 pounds plus 10 more. I have a wedding to look HOT for. LOL I bought my dress this last weekend and at this time I look awesome in it, but I want to look even better in it. My wedding is August 28. I am so excited, if you could see me I am jumping for joy.

    What I am doing to meet my goal:
    journal my food and exercise
    finish P90X and start Insanity
    train for an 8K in May
    Register for the 8K
    train for a half marathon for later in the year
    eat healthier over the weekends, that is my biggest downfall

    Here is to the best year ever!!! :bigsmile:
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    I did 45 min on the treadmill yesterday after work...hill workout, level 12; 3.2 and 3.0 speed. I had to slow it down cos my legs were sore from Sunday's workout and I didn't feel I could complete the 45 min at 3.2. (plus I've been wearing my new reebok easy tones - don't know if that had anything to do with my legs being sore or just the fact that I haven't done anything in 2 weeks) I'm glad today is an off day for me, I think I need it. I don't want to jump in too hard at first. I know my speed on the treadmill is slow, but it is a random hill workout where the treadmill adjusts from 5% to 9% incline.

    I'm going to the salon tonight for coloring (yay! no more grays showing thru!) , I'll park farther away and at the opposite end of the mall so I have to walk farther just to get in to the shop. - not a real workout, but at least it's more steps.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I did 45 min on the treadmill yesterday after work...hill workout, level 12; 3.2 and 3.0 speed. I had to slow it down cos my legs were sore from Sunday's workout and I didn't feel I could complete the 45 min at 3.2. (plus I've been wearing my new reebok easy tones - don't know if that had anything to do with my legs being sore or just the fact that I haven't done anything in 2 weeks) I'm glad today is an off day for me, I think I need it. I don't want to jump in too hard at first. I know my speed on the treadmill is slow, but it is a random hill workout where the treadmill adjusts from 5% to 9% incline.

    I'm going to the salon tonight for coloring (yay! no more grays showing thru!) , I'll park farther away and at the opposite end of the mall so I have to walk farther just to get in to the shop. - not a real workout, but at least it's more steps.

    How do you like the Easy Tones? They look interesting. Are they comfortable to walk in?

    Hey, parking farther away is always a good idea, good for you. Have fun getting some color tonite. I always love getting that done. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I did Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X last nite. It was a really good workout. I actually was pretty tired when I started and didn't figure I would finish, but I did and I felt great. I burnt 473 calories that is always good.

    I am not a huge fan of pushups, but I am getting better at them. I remember my first round of the X, I could not do them on my toes and now I am doing all of them on my toes, exceprt for a few very difficult ones. I definetly need a good looking back and chest for August. So here is to pushing forward and looking rock solid.

    Have a beautiful day everyone. :bigsmile:
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member

    How do you like the Easy Tones? They look interesting. Are they comfortable to walk in?

    Hey, parking farther away is always a good idea, good for you. Have fun getting some color tonite. I always love getting that done. :bigsmile:

    The foot bed is comfortable, it took about a day to get used to the off balance feel of the sole. They aren't as off balancing as the skechers...I don't think I could wear the skechers on the treadmill. (I don't have both, but did try both in the store) But they definitely look like a sneaker, not something to wear to work with slacks.
  • flrelady
    flrelady Posts: 10 Member
    :flowerforyou: I would like to join in this group. That is my goal as well, to lose 5 pds a month. I am working on 20 pounds is the long term. I know I need to lose more, but I have been trying to lose this weight for over 15 years. So this year I am going to do it.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    How do you like the Easy Tones? They look interesting. Are they comfortable to walk in?

    Hey, parking farther away is always a good idea, good for you. Have fun getting some color tonite. I always love getting that done. :bigsmile:

    The foot bed is comfortable, it took about a day to get used to the off balance feel of the sole. They aren't as off balancing as the skechers...I don't think I could wear the skechers on the treadmill. (I don't have both, but did try both in the store) But they definitely look like a sneaker, not something to wear to work with slacks.

    I hope you enjoy them and they work well for you. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    :flowerforyou: I would like to join in this group. That is my goal as well, to lose 5 pds a month. I am working on 20 pounds is the long term. I know I need to lose more, but I have been trying to lose this weight for over 15 years. So this year I am going to do it.

    Starting off with a smaller goal in mind is better than stressing yourself out with a large goal. 5 pounds a month is definetly doable. Just always remember to journal your food and exercise so you can see how you are doing. Also, come back at least once a week if not once a day to talk to us. We are all here to motivate each other. If you need a swift kick in the toosh, that is what we are here for. LOL You can do this, I wish you the best of luck. :bigsmile:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I have been with MFP for a while, but not the message boards. I wasn't sure how to find the group. I will get better, I promise!

    My weight on 1/1/10 was: 154 lbs.

    My goals are:
    1) Loose 10% of my weight which is 16 lbs and will bring me to 140 lbs. My goal would be to do this in within 90 days.
    2) I want to loose enough to get back into that dress I am wearing in my profile picture. I was on the larger side of a size 10 on my wedding day, June 30, 2006. I want to get in that dress and wear it out on a dinner date with my husband on our 4th Anniversary on June 30, 2010.
    3) My ultimate goal is to loose enough weight to weight 125 - 130 lbs. And then continue a healthy lifestyle to maintain that weight.

    I will reach these goals by: Using MFP as a means to count calaries, carbs, sodium, etc. I am a portion freak. I count EVERYTHING. I have a set of measuring cups/spoons within reach, and a food scale nearby. Portions, portions, portions. I also intend on "moving" 30 minutes five days a week, whether by walking around the neighborhood or spending time on my wii Fitness Puls. I have tried the gym. My schedule, just does not allow for it. I also am committed to the 10,000 Step Challenge. I wear a pedometer and since starting this two weeks ago, have yet to reach 10,000. I have come close since I returned to work (as a paraprofessiona) on my feet all day, moving around. In fact today I am 2000 steps from making it to my daily goal. Oh, well that is coming too!

    I am glad to be a part of this group. Let me know what else I need to do. Oh yea, I am also making a pictorial journal of my progress. My daughter took a picture of me in my dress on 12/30/09, which was exactly six months until The Date. I plan on taking a picture in the dress every month.

    Take care, and best of luck!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Woke up this morning and it was 4 below zero and I thought wow a it warmed up. Its been double digits below for several mornings so 4 below felt great.

    My goal for the morning is to get through Jillian's Boost Metabolism Video. And then bike while the kids are napping.

    Do you have an exercise goal for the day?
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    Woke up this morning and it was 4 below zero and I thought wow a it warmed up. Its been double digits below for several mornings so 4 below felt great.

    My goal for the morning is to get through Jillian's Boost Metabolism Video. And then bike while the kids are napping.

    Do you have an exercise goal for the day?

    Good morning!

    4 below? geesh...:noway: I couldn't do it...brrr...anything below 60 is too cold for me.

    Great exercise goal! Wish I had the time to double up like that. As it is, I'm lucky to get in what I do.

    I'm going to the base gym after work again today... 45 min treadmill hill workout at level 12; speed of 3.2 (hopefully I'll be able to keep that speed today!)

    So far my calories this week haven't been good... Sunday I was over cos I gave in to my pepsi craving... Monday I was over cos my H "made" dinner by ordering a pizza and I had 2 slices instead of just one slice...Tuesday I was on target. I've planned out today and should be able to stay on track - no pepsi or pizza surprises for me today! heh:blushing:

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just finished the workout..50 minutes and 500 calories not bad.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I just finished my workout while ago and burned 500 calories myself. But something is going on with my HRM and it will show way off readings and even 00% for my heartrate when I'm sweating like crazy. So I know the readings are way off.
  • flrelady
    flrelady Posts: 10 Member
    Day 3, still going strong.:happy:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Pbenison- It sounds like you have set some pretty good goals. I know you can do it. If you ever get discouraged come here and talk it out. We will be here to get you through it. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

    Tcasmey- It was about the same for us this morning as well. We have a heat wave today of 17 degrees. Kinda nice. Keep up the great work on your workouts.
    Great job on your workout today.

    Sld63- Don't kcik yourself too hard for Sunday and Monday. You can't change that now. It sounds like you are doing better today. You can do this, just remember to ask your husband not to cook anymore. LOL Maybe eat a salad before the pizza, that way you can pshyc yourself out a little. If you eat a salad, you may not want 2 pieces, only 1. You also can ask if they use a whole wheat crust, I believe Pizza Hut has a whole wheat crust. Also, get more veggies on it. Just a couple suggestions. I love pizza also. :tongue:

    Lisa- I was having the same problem with my HRM last week. Does yours have a strap, if so, make sure you wash it after every 5 workouts. I know that makes a difference. Great job on your workout.

    Firelady- Keep up the awesome work.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Plyometrics for me last nite. It was an awesome workout. I decided to push extra hard and it was amazing. I burned 590 calories. That is a far cry from last weeks 342 calories burned. It just goes to show you when you are really dedicated to the workout or not. I also did it right after the Biggest Loser and I think that helpe me keep motivated while working out. Thinking about those people and how hard Bob and Jillian push them. I kept thinking Jillian was yelling at me. LOL
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I did 1 hour of zumba in the morning, 1 hour of hip hop at night.
    I could have lose more weight if I did not eat whopper jr.. <sigh>
    I have no problem with my work out.. but my eating.. I can not say no to free food.
    I'm trying my food habit in control.

    Friday is my weight in. I hope I will lose some this week.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I did 1 hour of zumba in the morning, 1 hour of hip hop at night.
    I could have lose more weight if I did not eat whopper jr.. <sigh>
    I have no problem with my work out.. but my eating.. I can not say no to free food.
    I'm trying my food habit in control.

    Friday is my weight in. I hope I will lose some this week.

    Same here. I'm so good with exercising! It's the eating well I have a problem with. I love food so much! lol Too bad exercise isn't the portion of weight loss that's 80%. I'd probably have met my goal a long time ago.:laugh:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    You guys have such motivation when it comes to exercise! I have been doing a good job (pat on back) with my food choices this week, but my workout time is horrible. I do not do the gym and I will be asking questions about all these things you guys are talking about which I have never heard of before :) But I try to do my best to keep moving. I have my wii fit plus and I know it is not a true workout, but at least I am mobile. I admire you all so much.

    I will boast though that I hit over 10,000 steps today! It is the first time since I started counting about a week or so ago. I now park farther away from the building (the cold has hampered this a little) talk the longer route to get to classes (at my first job, at the high school) and during the afternoon (at my second job) I walked around the basketball court/playground about a zillion times today. My time is so limited for a real workout schedule :(

    Any suggestions?
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