If you saw a ten year old girl with an iPhone....

Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
Would you b*tch her out for it? Assume it wasn't her phone?

Would you think her parents were too permissive?

Would you say anything or make any judgements at all?

My daughter just texted me to let me know that someone just gave her hell for "playing with her parents iPhone" when she told them it was HER phone, they then, IN FRONT OF HER, made some rather derogatory comments about my parenting choices and how permissive parents make bad children.

I almost wish I was there so I could give that person a piece of my mind.



  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I think that is too young to have a phone, but I wouldn't say anything about it. I sure as heck wouldn't berate the child for it. Simply uncalled for.
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    AlotOfSweatAndPain Posts: 234 Member
    I wouldnt say anything. None of my business.
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    I say forget 'em. If you as a parent feel your child is mature enough for a phone then so be it.

    I would suggest certain limits or restrictions though as friendly advice.

    Restricted calling times

    Restricted internet maybe

    Really depends how she handles the responsibility really.

    I do not believe in ever overstepping my boundaries on another person's children unless they are out of control or it is an emergency situation.

    This is not one of those times so I find it uncalled for.
  • lyricalLies13
    i think its a bit much for a 10 year old to have an iphone but i would keep comments to myself. no need to say anything to the kid, thats stupid.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think that is too young to have a phone, but I wouldn't say anything about it. I sure as heck wouldn't berate the child for it. Simply uncalled for.

  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    I think 10 is a little young for a phone. When I was 10, I didn't have a phone. But your child, your choice. I don't see the point in saying anything to someone else. It's not my place.
  • jencooks
    jencooks Posts: 62 Member
    I think that is too young to have a phone, but I wouldn't say anything about it. I sure as heck wouldn't berate the child for it. Simply uncalled for.


    Second this.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Way way too young to have a phone in my opinion.. but I agree, the people who want to bless the child out for it are misguided and jealous. No one should speak to a kid that way, regardless of your opinion.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294
    I think anyone with an iPhone is stupid, but I wouldn't yell at a kid for that.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think it's a bit ridiculous that a 10 year old even has a phone.. let alone an Iphone. Would I say anything to them about it though or berate them in front of others? No.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    My 12 year old doesn't have a cell phone... much less an iPhone.
    She isn't responsible enough to even bring homework home most days, or bring her clothes back from staying the night at a friends house lol ... therefore she doesn't get one.
    BUT that is my choice. With MY child...
    I would NEVER say anything to someone else, or their child about THEIR choices...
    I think that is rude.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I think it is perfectly acceptable for a 10 year old to have a phone. I know mine will.

    I would have given that person a mouthful if it was my child and I was there. The nerve of some people.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I would think to myself that I can't find a reason for a child that young to have a phone, but I would not assume she stole it and I would definitely not speak to her derogatory comments about her / her parents!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    our son is 12 and was using my husband's old iphone with wi-fi only. We had texting and now a free calling app.

    it's also YOUR money.

    sorry that someone was unkind to your daughter. i have a friend who is divorced and shares custody. her girls are 12 and 9 and have phones so that if something happens when they are away there is peace of mind.
  • modgirlrachel
    modgirlrachel Posts: 44 Member
    I would leave her the hell alone because who picks on a 10 year old girl?
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Kind of unfair to yell at the kid about it. It depends on the maturity of the child; how well do they behave? do they take good care of their possessions? do they earn the right to have expensive devices from grades/chores/etc, or are they just given anything they want with no actual reason?

    An yway, I'm 30 and i've never had an iphone; I prefer androids ...
  • 23Missy
    23Missy Posts: 13 Member
    I remember last year I was getting a pedicure. This little girl sat down beside me probably about 10 as well. She had her own Iphone too. She was getting a mani and pedi too!! I cant afford an Iphone and I can only afford mani/pedi's occasionally. I was about to say something to the lady next to me about how ridiculous it was what the kids get these days. RIght when I was about to say something to her, she told the manicurist that she wanted to pay for the little girl because it was her niece. WHEW!! It really made me stop and think about "who am I to judge?" NO ONE is in a place to judge : rich/poor fat/thin attractive/not attractive. God made us all unique and gave us what we have or what we dont have. Not saying anything to that lady would have shown a bad character about me...not about the child. :)
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I don't think there's a problem with her having an iPhone. It is 2012, technology is not the enemy it is the reality of our world. In my opinion good parenting is about preparing your child for the world, not preotecting them from it. As long as she is taught about appropriate use of the phone and can't purchase random apps, go for it :) I swear some people would have us living in the dark ages...
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    if i had children i feel 10 is too young to have unlimited internet access and texting. Maybe i'd be a bad parent, but i came from a time when the only kids in school who had pagers were drug dealers. But it's not the childs fault, that's a parenting decision i wouldn't have said anything about except that you asked what people opinions are.
  • hannahamay
    hannahamay Posts: 77 Member
    It's not my business whether she has a phone or not. When I was ten the last thing on my mind was whether I had a phone or not, because I was out doing other things. I'm eighteen, I still don't have a phone, and my life is perfectly fine. I personally think technology is ruining this generation's youth, but it doesn't make you a bad parent for allowing your child to have a nice phone. They're good to have for emergencies. I don't think you should worry about what other people are saying about your parenting choices.