Packing Lunches for Work



  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Where did you get that awesome lunch box? I, too, am a teacher and always struggled with different things to take besides the usual. I am also trying to avoid eating the extra lunches the kids get completely this year, so that lunch box would help to vary my ideas. I don't want to do Lean Cuisines or other frozen meals either anymore.

    Believe it or not, I got it at Office Depot while I was shopping for post-its and things for my desk! It just looked interesting and I bought a special insulating sleeve that fits over it to keep things cooler longer. Very cool!

    I too as a teacher struggle with this and thank you for bringing the topic up .... what is the lunch box called or the brand ... I looked on the office depot website and CANNOT find it .... :-(

    Try I think that was the brand (I've already taken off the labels -_- ) But I am pretty sure that was it...
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I wish it would. I actually used to keep my lunch in the fridge in a cute little cooler lunch bag thing with my initials on it. Someone actually opened the bag, took my yogurt, and left the open bag in the fridge with my sandwich! Really?!?! Not cool!
  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    Great thread! So many awesome ideas. I haven't seen anyone mention sliced up fully cooked chicken sausage from Trader Joe's as a protein idea.

    Wouldn't work with your lunchbox, but puréed or noodle soups with veggies/protein would make a nice main lunch course (in addition to your snacks).
  • Shawnette97
    Shawnette97 Posts: 29 Member
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    The biggest question is where can we get that spiffy lunch-box?
  • paulsmulski
    paulsmulski Posts: 5 Member
    Sugar snap peas in the produce section and some cut up peppers also celery with peanut butter pre made always seems to fill me up and its all clean living.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm all about leftovers. When I clean up after dinner, I package 3-4 oz. servings of meat in baggies, or divide soups or casseroles into single serving gladware so I can just throw it in my lunch bag. Apple with PB, carrots and hummus, grapes, cherry tomatoes with sliced cucumbers with a bit of white wine vinegar, hard boiled eggs, turkey roll-ups... all would work in your lunch box.

    I'm not much for packing sandwiches because I don't eat bread very often, so I try to stick with lean proteins, fruits and veggies.
  • Where did you purchase the lil container from? I really need something like this.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    If you have time/like to cook on weekends, two recent discoveries are zucchini tots (from and individual lasagna cupcakes (from Both of these are small and packable. I'm also a big fan of leftovers and fruit. Good luck from a fellow teacher!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I pack a sandwich on multigrain bread, trail mix, and yogurt. Some sort of cracker or something for my first break. I work 10 hour days in a warehouse so I gotta have something that holds me all day. I take leftovers too sometimes and heat it up in the microwave for something different. :)
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    One of my favorites is a portabello mushroom sandwich on a ciabiatta bread (did I spell that right?) Anyway, I grill up a portobella the nght before, then I top it with a slice of tomato and a little bit of red onion (got to watch the breath for the kids) and top it with a little sub sauce or italian dressing. It is very good and the lo cal mushroom allows for me to enjoy a thicker, more robust bread. Love it!!
  • lindsay0515
    lindsay0515 Posts: 41 Member
    *Turkey Reuben on Pita: Whole grain pita pocket, deli sliced turkey, 1 slice reduced fat swiss cheese, sauerkraut and fat free thousand isalnd dressing. Zap the whole thing in the microwave until the cheese melts

    *Egg Salad Salad: Homemade Egg Salad (2 eggs, 1 tbsp. dijon, 1 tbsp. mayo w/ olive oil, salad cubes and a dash of cayenne), over shredded lettuce and topped with 1/4 cup of diced roasted red peppers

    *Enchiladas: Fat Free refried beans, reduced fat shredded cheese and diced chiles wrapped in a whole grain tortilla and covered with enchilada sauce, once again, zapped in the microwave until cheese melts

    *Pasta w/ Tomatoes: Skinny Taste Easy Garden Tomato Sauce over 1 cup of whole grain pasta
  • Lessa77
    Lessa77 Posts: 7
    Bump I'm a teacher too and not looking forward to lean cuisines again :)
  • asyrinsgirl
    asyrinsgirl Posts: 55 Member
    I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I love bento-style lunches. I'll pack veggies and hummus, tuna sandwiches, yogurt and fruit, all kinds of things. I think it's really fun to have lots of little portions of things, and it leaves room for snakcs throughout the day when things are arranged in little "pods."
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    imagination required . here is an assorted list of the kind of things i have for lunch
    last week i had a lentil beetroot pecan and goats cheese ( about 350cals) with a snack of hummus on oat cakes ( at 11 or 3pm which ever i needed more) and a portion

    this week i have oriental slaw with turkey and a (homemade) tortilla if i need it ( carrot white & red cabbage, pepper and radish with a bit of EVOO, some sesame oil chili, lime juice, mint and coriander as a dressing) then i have cream cheese and wafer thin ham on oar cake / rice cake as my snack and a piece of fruit

    also yogurt (Greek 0% no added sugar if you can get it) with a bit of maple syrup / vanilla essence some nuts and fruit is a great snack/ pudding ])

    steamed vege salad - cauliflower, asparagus, courgette and sugar snap peas with a portion of protein

    the world is your oyster in terms of what you can throw in that lunch box

    try things like pea prawn and herb salad with lettuce and homemade white wine vinaigrette/ Dijon mustard dressing
    or as a desert figs with natural yogurt, honey and pistachios

    grilled peaches

    chargriilled courgette, fetta and tomato salad.



    pate (e.g smoked salmon, or smoked mackerel ( light made with cream cheese) yum yum and crackers and side salad

    hope this helps and makes sense
    LW x
  • Go to a health food store, they have all kinds of 100 to 150 calorie items, that a organic and healthy.::bigsmile
  • I found a great site for lunchbox ideas:!i=696914291&k=YxmUd

    Also check out Pinterest ...visually seeing all your options is a fast and easy way to find a meal that appeals to you: