
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    Hi Everyone! My name is Jeane and I am 51. I just joined MFP this last Tuesday. Thank God I found this posting because I was beginning to think everyone on her was in there 20's and 30's and already skinny. lol I will try to keep up with this forum topic as best I can.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    you look great Reb. Do you like mine with my DD and Olivia? Glad you stopped by.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I do Robin, yes I do!! Been thinking about you, and been lurking. So wonderful to see you enjoy being a grandma.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Renny :heart:
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member

    I am 55 years young today. It's my birth-day~ My profile pic was taken about a year ago? I was always mistaken as being much younger for my age--I was carded at 40 and all that changed with THE CHANGE

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I found this info on Web MD. I thought it would be good info to help you all feel more excited about drinking that water! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Drinking water, especially before mealtime, helps fill you up and makes you eat less. One study found that adults who drank two cups of water before each meal lost more weight than those who didn't. Some studies show that drinking water, especially chilled water, can increase metabolism and help burn fat.

    Water also helps you stay hydrated. When your kidneys are moving water through your body, your water weight is lower.

    Now that's a motivating reason to drink that water! Drink up girls!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Tomorrow is weigh in day...Hope the hard work shows! Till tomorrow- Hugs

    Linda aka SundanceB:heart::smile: :smile:
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    you can do it we all can
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    We are supposed to have rain showers and storms today, could use the rain, not so much the storms, the last storm that came through took out 4 of my trees:angry: .
    My sweet baby girl Noel is having tummy troubles AGAIN:sad: , the Vet. told me Bichons are prone to pancreatitis, she was pretty good over the weekend, however she was sick this morning. I guess we will visit the Vet. again today. They will probably do a scan this time, I so dread it for her:cry: !!!!

    Michele:smile: , the only tip I have about staying within my calorie goal when I know I'm going out is to eat a rather light lunch, and if I know where I'm going I usually check out the menu before and decide what I'm going to eat. It was very helpful knowing what the couple was planning for dinner Sat. night, so I just planned around it.

    Meg:smile: what kind of meds. are you giving Benny Beagle? They only give Noel meds. when it flares it up, maybe she should be on something for more than a couple of days. Usually Noel bounces back in a day, and she seemed to be better Friday afternoon after our Vet. visit, and then she decided not to eat on Sat., ate a bit yesterday at lunch but not dinner, had a cracker this morning and then threw it up. One of my friends had to put her Bichon down because she couldn't keep anything down, this scares me.

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: , you've come to the right place for motivation and positive responses!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!!

  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    good morining ladies another week to work on our goals sorry to hear about the pets being sick i hate when my dog get sick everyone drink their water and stay moving slow and steady wins the race ive got the girls at work thinking about their weight now and some of them are changing their eating habits which helps me also they dont bring in the goods and temp me its been raining in ky supoise to today and off and on all week happy logging to all and a good food choice day bye for now carol
  • Hi everyone. Just coming home from a long trip..... My niece just introduced me to this app last night, just in time for me to get home in a couple of days to get back on the wagon. Lost 40 lb, 3 years ago but regained 20-ugh! I am excited to "take control" again and work on being super healthy as I get older. Just started a new career as an artist after being a mom to 5, a social worker, therapist, and special ed teacher (not all at the same time!!). Husband retired 6 months ago...not blaming him but weight loss is difficult with him at home so much!! He's off on an extended assignment right now so this is a good time to reestablish some good eating habits and pursue my weight loss goals. Have been struggling with lots and lots of major life changes and a bit of depression but looking forward to enjoying to all the good that the changes have brought into our lives. Also looking forward to the hope and encouragement here to help keep me on track. Xoxo
  • Hi. I have lost 20lbs but have ten to go and I am stuck! I am 51. This site tells me I need to eat 1,200 calories per day, but I think that's too low for me. I will have to step up the exercise! I joined Curves last week (planning on going today) and I walk on the treadmill and do a Wii Zumba tape. Unfortunately, nothing on a regular basis. I'd love to hear any suggestions about how I can keep on track. Thanks!
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning Ladies! OMG I have 1 lb to go! yay! It was my TOM for last few days and today (!) whoosh (!) I'm almost there!
    It's actually 1.5 lbs but who's counting.

    I mentioned my "rental daughter" in the past.. we have had girl who was BF with one of my twins in HS living with us for the last year and a half. She'd finished her freshman year at BYU and then came back and decided she didn't want to be Mormon anymore. Parents threw her out, said she was a bad influence on her 3 younger brothers :-((( They were unhappy with me for giving her an "out" but heck, she was already 19-- at some point you need to figure out your path. I just choose to not let her sleep in a car. She's such a good girl too, a daughter to be proud of. They moved back to Utah about 6 months ago so we're now her family. She's gotten herself back into State University here and making a Meredith-shaped impression on my (very nice) couch in (what was) my husband's basement man-cave :-) How can people do that to their kids? People, kiss your kids and cherish them while you can-- this one's a keeper and maybe she'll take care of me when I'm an old lady (that mean's hit the Young and 60 Board at MFP??):wink:

    Have a great day!
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!:happy: well we got a good rain storm and I know that we been praying for it, and I am happy we got it, but I was not happy:noway: when my air cond. went out. God came through and my cousin Wayne came over and fixed it in about 30 min. he is such a blessing:heart: : , the house cooled in no time.:happy: I am at work and it is a short day today so , all in all I guess I can say it is a good morning!!

    Be back later must get work done ! have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    amiscci- I always find it hard to understand how any parent could chose not to be supportive of their children no matter what the circumstances. Your "rental daughter" is very fortunate to have you as her family now. So happy for her to have found people to give her a chance to become all she can. It sounds like she is also enriching you lives as well.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    amiscii= Congrats on the weight loss!:drinker: :drinker:

    I am within 10 pounds, but am stuck. Need to get it moving again!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Greetings to all -

    Another week for us to be successful. Here's to us! :drinker:

    Had a busy day yesterday---especially in the early evening when the toilet went crazy and flooded the bathroom. Yepper, that kept me busy for quite a while. The water ran into a heating vent and I have water dripping out onto the basement floor. Hope that didn't hurt anything in my furnace. The water was dripping close to some blue sensors on several heating ducts. I have zone heating in my house so man, if anything is screwed up I see massive $$ flying out the window. Argh. :angry:

    Time to run. Thanks again for being here!!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Good morning lovelies!

    Found the heart monitor! Bought untold years ago and never used. Dusted it off and now trying to figure out how to change the batteries. A lovely relaxing weekend of puttering but alas not enough steps, way too much rich/sweet food, not enough veggies and ZERO fruit yesterday. Did manage to keep the hooch down to 2 drinks max/day for the first time in a looong time.:drinker:

    Tho' a little bored with obsessing over weighing and logging food, I go back to it because it keeps me honest. If I didn't complete the diary by midnight I go back and finish it anyway, good:happy: , bad :devil: or indifferent.:indifferent:

    Very bored:frown: with losing and gaining the same 5 lbs over and over for the past year or more, and totally sick of being mad at myself for same. Today I am thankful I've maintained a 21 lb weight loss for over a year and that's how I'm going to look :glasses: at it from now on.

    Today I am thankful for a good night's rest, a home untouched by wild fire, electricity/air conditioning and :love: the gals in this forum.

    Lin those closet calorie creatures are busy and procreate worse than coat hangers.:wink:
    Jane and all you ladies with Vitamixes, I am sooo jealous. Last week when our 30+ yr old Osterizer was straining to puree yoghurt, frozen bananas, protein powder and icewater, I let Joe know he could get me a Vitamix for Christmas so he'd have time to save up!:bigsmile:
    Gardengail too big clothes to goodwill, and continuing the progress at the Y double feelgood. Congrats!:flowerforyou:
    Lora thanks much for the recipe! Soon as the mercury stays below 90 it will be SOUP for lunch!
    Meg headache,:sick: unaccustomed early rising, :indifferent: and steep learning curve ahead? Good thing you have such a
    great sense of humor! Hope Benny Beagle gets a good report from the vet, and the vet doesn't find out about the bagels and french bread induced carb comas... a dog after my own heart!:laugh:
    Liz tell us more about the new fur baby. Sent you an invite to free line dance class, come and check it out even if your ankle isn't up to it yet, its a great group.:smile:
    RhoRocks "Thank God for MFP and supportive new friends" Amen!:love:
    LindaSundance hope you can get some rest, sleep:yawn: is even more important than posting... barely
    Jane so happy your daughter's procedure was a success. :flowerforyou: Hope hope everyone in your new home is thankful and supportive of each other, gratitude is so crucial in tough times, wish your DIL knew that... :ohwell:
    Jen I just loved the galloping gourmet!:love:
    Robin :heart: love your 3 gen pic! What a bevy of beauties!
    Barbie TWO Weeks? :cry: :sad: :cry: "... longest dog walk starts with a single step" :heart:
    Michelle thanks so much for the hair dryer tip. Bites really "bug":mad: me with swelling :angry: and itching:explode: , will try that next time.
    DeeDee pancreatitis IS scary. :noway: Our Robbie once was so bad he had to spend the weekend at the vets on IV fluids. :cry: Sending Nicole calming, hungry thoughts, hoping Vet has good ideas.
    amiscii:heart: your rental daughter is fortunate to have you, and you are fortunate she is such a keeper. We had to kick our 17 yr old nephew out knowing he'd be sleeping in his car or with his bad-influence friends. :brokenheart: Not over religious choices but over other house rules he couldn't keep (no drugs, no girls in room... and so on)... sometimes it's just the best you can think of at the time. :sad: At the time I thought he would surely die:brokenheart: , the drugs were so bad. Miraculously he straightened himself out and is healthy and relatively happy 13 years later. Not very well employed but alive and out of jail, as are the other two... more than we could have hoped for back then....:ohwell:
    Lin Crazy toilet flooding? YUCK!:tongue:

    Welcome to all newbies and hugs to all I missed, but it's off do the mat now for sure!
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day (Aging Hippie Mother Of Dogs)

    August: EVERY DAY: 2 fruits + 7 veggies, 30 mins of any exercise, some mat work 5 days a week, average
    10K steps, no more than 2 drinks Thurs-Sunday, PERIOD!!! Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 5=0 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=0 ENOUGH. Just DO IT!!!
    steps: 5=6859 4=5008 3=5673 2=8464 1=9848
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello group!

    This is my first post on fitness pal. I hope the motivation and support will help me with the challenges of a healthy lifestyle. I am 51 years young and my body is getting older with menopause and knee pain. I love to bike ride and have a treadmill in the basement so I do not have excuses. My August goals:

    Log into fitness pal everyday
    Exercise at least 20 mins 5 times a week
    No snacking after 8 pm
    Eat more fruits and veggies

    Thanks for this forum. I look forward to the encouragement!
  • Good Morning ladies! This is my first post. I just started on MFP last week. I love the tools and the accountability. I would love to be able to post some of your amazing weight losses as my own! Congratulations to you all for a tremendous job. You must feel so fnatastic to be at this point from 30 or 60 lbs. ago! Wow! How does that feel?

    I didn't log any food on Sunday and after a bridal shower on Saturday, I didn't finish that day either. Being new to this, I'm hoping to find some support and good ideas from all of you who seem to really know what you're doing and obviously made a long-term committment to get healthier.

    Thanks for taking a minute to read my intro and I hope to be sharing good things with all of you in the future! :flowerforyou:
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Good Morning ladies! This is my first post. I just started on MFP last week. I love the tools and the accountability. I would love to be able to post some of your amazing weight losses as my own! Congratulations to you all for a tremendous job. You must feel so fnatastic to be at this point from 30 or 60 lbs. ago! Wow! How does that feel?

    I didn't log any food on Sunday and after a bridal shower on Saturday, I didn't finish that day either. Being new to this, I'm hoping to find some support and good ideas from all of you who seem to really know what you're doing and obviously made a long-term committment to get healthier.

    Thanks for taking a minute to read my intro and I hope to be sharing good things with all of you in the future! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Ruthann! I found that I needed to log every bite as best I could every day-- even the bad days. I do recall skipping a day or two on vacation (didn't bring my computer) but I tried to eat well. There were a few days where I just threw caution to the wind and just ATE (check out my BBQ RIB dinner from a few days ago-- i think over 1000 cal in that meal alone, phew). I enjoyed that but knew my "piper" was gonna come calling and I logged. I find it important to keep the tally, and it gave me motivation to be better the next day and day after. I also bought a cheap scale and measuring cups and I weight/measure most of my food -- i found I really had to learn portion sizes (and how to tie them to calories).
    Donna in NJ
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Hi everyone,
    sorry to say, weekend was a bust,..... again! Saturday not too bad, but Sunday got worse.:explode:
    But it is Monday and I am back on track. Much better choice for breakfast and lunch. Have lots of calories left for dinner and will still be going to the gym after work. :tongue:

    My sons girlfriend bought me a book, how to make cake pops. Now I got to figure out how to make them healthy. :flowerforyou:

    Biggest challenge for me this week is my water intake. Never do good with water, but I am going to give it my best shot.:bigsmile:

    Well got to get back to work.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Today was a really rough day. :cry: Had a phone call from the doctor and he has now assigned hospice to my husbands case. We still are to continue the 6 more treatments of radiation, but then no more. Hospice to take it from here. I have spent the better part of the day crying until my eyes are almost swollen shut. At one point, my husband asked if I had gotten all my food in for the day and I said I just didn't care about that struggle anymore. He told me that it was okay to feel my feelings, but he wants me to understand that food (the wrong choices) will not make the pain any easier to take and only cause me further disappointment if I gave up.
    This from my wonderful husband who has 5-6 months and loves to eat and loves life, his first concern is that I not abuse myself with food because of the pain.
    So stuck with my plan, and will stay the course one day at a time.
    The positive note for the day was a lady I met at the radiation hospital yesterday, who was waiting for her husband, sent fresh blueberries from her farm and a lavender wand that she had made for myself and my husband and myself with a note of prayer. Out of so much sadness, there is a ray of sunshine.
    Like jb said, in the 100's for her and here at the beach is still 87 degrees at 9:15 pm.
    Thanks for listening. Daily life can be harsh, but staying the course does bring self appreciation.
    Your all wonderful awesome woman, old and new to this thread. Let's all hang together and support anyone we can.
    Although, Michelle, I have to say the ole green eye'd envy monster is lurking here when I read about your pool. Enjoy it for me as well.
    Again, wonderful ladies stay the course. Hugs, Dixie:heart:

    Dixie, Only taking a minute to try and catch up from the weekend came upon your Friday post. My heart goes out to you and your hubby:flowerforyou: {{{hugs}}} and prayers for the two of you.
