Have any of you been asked when the baby was due.



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I personally have never been asked that.

    But one of the best stories I ever heard was this:

    I worked at a grocery store that hired a lot of "special" employees. One of them, who has Down syndrome but is a highly functional savant was bagging for a heavy woman. He asked her when she was due. She said "I'm NOT pregnant!" He looked at her and said "Then you must put a lot of food in your mouth!"
  • Yes. I was 19 - smaller than i am now. I worked at a grocery store as a cashier - and the aprons + bad posture = potential "are you pregnant?"

    So in the middle of checking out this woman, she asked. I simply said, "No, I'm not."

    She turned flush red, bought her groceries and left.


    This would happen pretty consistently to all the female checkers. So, i'll continue to fault the aprons.
  • Callean321
    Callean321 Posts: 44 Member
    I have a friend who is thin everywhere except her tummy......I must admit that when I first met her(4 years ago) I thought she was pregnant BUT I know better than to ask.....when we are out people are constantly asking me when she is due. I'm just happy that they asked me instead of her! She came to my birthday party and we were all drinking. My mom got really upset and left...I called her to find out what was wrong and she said that she couldn't believe that I'd let a preganant lady drink like that! OMG...my mom is a retired nurse and should know better.....I feel so bad for my friend because this happens to her DAILY and I see how much it hurts her....basically..if you don't KNOW the person IS pregnant....don't ask.!!!!!
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    I was 16, and working at a retail store when a customer asked me when I was due. This wasnt even my heaviest weight.
    When I started losing with MFP, I had lost about 15lbs when i was working in the mall and a lady who worked at a store across from me said I looked like Im pregnant with 4 kids... she said this loud enough for me to hear.
  • On my way home from college once. I got on my usual bus which was absolutely packed. There were only standing places left and since my bus ride is really not that long I didn't mind standing, when some guy asked if I wanted his seat. I said 'No thank you' but he insisted that a pregnant girl like me should not be standing on a bus because it is dangerous for the baby and me. He said this loud enough for the entire bus to hear and another person then agreed out loud with him and an elderly lady gave me a disaproving look.
    I have never been more embarrased in my life.
  • CourtneyJ1981
    CourtneyJ1981 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes that has happened to me!! I ran into one of my son's friends mom at the store and when she saw me she said "I didn't know you were pregnant again". I don't think I will ever forget the look on her face when I told her I wasn't. She felt so bad that I felt bad for her!!
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    Yup, about a year ago. I weighed about 135 at the time and I was so embarrassed. I was shopping with my 8 year old daughter and some stupid old man said "oh I see you have another baby on the way!". Ummmm NO, you jerk I dont! But thanks for making me feel like a big fat piece of crap! :(
  • kikyoumiko
    kikyoumiko Posts: 14 Member
    This lady didn't ask if I was pregnant, but automatically ASSUMED that I was pregnant and had to nerve to put her hand on my stomach and rub it (I hate it when people touch me!). This happened when I was waiting 4 hours to get into this store and I was already in a not so good mood. Then when we got closer to the door, the b*tch screamed loudly out of excitement and then her friends were telling her that she was scaring people and then she turned around to me and said "aww I scared her little baby" and turned back around. I said I wasn't pregnant but she didn't hear me. I seriously wanted to slap her.