Quickie weddings or long engagements?



  • I married my best friend. We dated for 9 months, got engaged (were engaged November-January), got married a day after year anniversary, January 14th. And life is still very, very good. And he is still just as amazing as a husband as he was as a best friend. :-)
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    We had a loooong engagement. Been together for 6 years, engaged for 5, and now we're getting married in October. No reason to why the engagement was so long, just waiting until we had money for a nice wedding.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    My husband and I were together for 2 years before he proposed and then we were engaged for 10 months after that, but we knew we wanted to get married within a few weeks of being together. I actually bought my wedding dress before he officially proposed.

    i had my wedding dress before the proposal too!! :) i knew it was coming went looking on a whim with my mom and sister and found the perfect one :)
  • Met in March 2011, we got engaged this June, and we are getting married next June! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Well, we met when I was 12 and he was 14, so yeah, we knew each other for a while before we got married :tongue:

    Engagement was 9 months, but we were waiting for me to graduate high school :laugh: Been married for 17 years this month. I agree, sometimes you just know!
  • MorbidNTT
    MorbidNTT Posts: 43 Member
    Married within 7 months of meeting my wife... We went to the court house, got married, went out to eat, went home, changed and went to work.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    By the time we get married on September 22nd (next month!), we'll have been dating for 7 years, 3 months, and two days, with a loooong engagement - he proposed on Boxing Day, 2010.

    We took things slow, and I'm happy for it. I'm now 24 and he's 28, and we just weren't ready. Now, we're both financially more stable, he has a career and I have my degree. We're much more prepared and mature than we would have been if we had been married 5 or 6 years ago.
  • I am getting married on 2/14/2013. We got engaged on 10/29/2011. So our engagement will have been almost a year and 4 months. I like my long engagement because it has gave me time to chill and make sure I am ready and plan. It has also given me time to lose 20 pounds, and try to work on losing some more before i walk down the isle.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Dated for several months, lived together for five years, engaged for 7 months, have been married now for 2+ years. Still as dorkily sweet to each other as when we first met. :)
  • TrishaMarie13
    TrishaMarie13 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been engaged for 11 months now, with no plans to get married until 2014. For me, I WANT to get married, but I know I can't have the wedding I want on my current budget. My fiance and I are happy just enjoying each other and don't want to get weighed down my finances, kids, etc right now. :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    We moved in together after being together for only 3 months, but then we waited 4 years until he actually proposed, even though we had both decided that this is it for both of us. We were married 8 months later, and that was this past April! :smooched:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Date a year

    Broke up for two years

    Been living together for almost 3 years

    Engaged over a year and a half a go

    No future wedding date
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    We were together 3.5 years before engaged... we will get married after 10mos of being engaged. I say whatever works for you :)
  • londaknight
    londaknight Posts: 24 Member
    Met in April 2008, got preggers in January 2009, engaged that February, baby born in October, married in December. So I guess we officially dated about 6 months, because we moved in together October 2008, year before the baby was born. This year December will mark 3 years. I'm 26, he's 30. Happy and going strong. Young love isn't always true love, but I think it depends on the person, because I believe I have met the man of my dreams.
  • kayfrog
    kayfrog Posts: 109 Member
    I didn't really have a chance to date my husband, seeing as he lived in India (we met on eHarmony). We talked for 2 months, then he came and met my parents, took me to New York after Christmas and proposed as we watched the ball drop on New Year. I went back to India with him and we lived together for 6 months (his parents flipped, of course)... came back to the US and had a lovely outdoor wedding. We then went back to India and proceeded to wait a year and a half for his green card and we are now happily living (*with electricity 24/7!) in NC.

    *We lived in the "Cyber City" but had power outages lasting for up to 8 hours at a time in 120+ heat. Not fun.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Long enough to understand the basic dynamics of his/her family function. I found out too late that he was a total momma's boy, on his own accord.

    He was in the military and I met him in San Diego. His service was up and we moved to GA to be closer to his family (i have no real family) we divorced about 3 years later. It was kids, his job, his family and then me.

    I remarried 10 years ago, and we dated 4 years and had a 10 month engagement. combined, our family is less than 20, so we didn't need to deal with a lot of planning because I wanted a simple afternoon wedding.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I've been with my boyfriend and best friend for ten months. We've been good friends for almost two years. We've lived together since we started dating and this man is the one I want to spend every waking second with. People went on and on, "It's too early to move in together, it's too early to start thinking about marriage, etc."

    We moved in together because we couldn't be away from each other. Ten months later we still can't. We live in our three bedroom country home with our dog and two cats. We talk about marriage openly. It's almost as if we're already engaged and just waiting for the wedding. We talk about our future children. We're like the old married couple.

    I would love to get engaged around our one year anniversary, so we'll see what happens. I'd love a gorgeous wedding someday, then maybe a kid.

    But right now, we're happy :)
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    We dated for 6.5 years and had planned to get married within the next 2 years when I got pregnant. We then got engaged and married 3 months later! We have now been married for 3.5 years and are trying for our second!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    IMO, as long as you realize there's more to love than the emotions, the engagement length doesn't matter. It's not about the quantity, but the quality of time in your relationship. Too many people get caught up in the infatuation and forget that love is a verb--a commitment and devotion to the betterment of themselves, their spouse, and the relationship. Then they 'fall out of love' when one or both parties fails to keep actively loving each other. Some people can be married right away and have great success, and others have a long engagement and divorce 10 years down the road.

    Personally, my boyfriend and I take love and marriage *very* seriously. We've discussed both at great length and have the same ideas about both. I don't know when we'll say we love each other or if we'll ever decide to get married, but I can say that we will definitely take our time and express our devotion to each other on a daily basis until we mutually decide that it's time to share a bank account and a house. Then we'll get engaged and have a simple marriage shortly thereafter.
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    Such wonderful stories!

    I always had a personal rule of a guy has to date me for around 8 months before he means my parents. Since usually it takes less than 4 for them to run away screaming. My parents always laughed at this but it was my way of saying "when I bring someone home- take note- its serious."

    I wouldn't move in with anyone until after a year or more of dating (again weeding out the boys from the men)

    As to engagements- ehhh I would be open to serious discussion on the topic after 2 yrs of dating. By then the gent and I would have survived a year living together which would speak volumes. However, if the topic never comes up after 4yrs of dating...ummm...I would become a bit concerned.

    Actual wedding- I'm lazy and practical. Say vows at a potluck picnic with family. I can make nearly anything so I'd make the decor etc, store it all and then whenever it happens it happens. Granted, I would rather have my student loans paid off first. I'd hate to take a man's name and bring debt to it. So...I vote long engagement.The rest will happen when it happens.

    Its something my 77yr old Dad said, "There is more to a marriage than a wedding, so don't waste time planning a party. Make sure you can say "I Do" and mean it until death parts you both."