Quickie weddings or long engagements?



  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    We met August 2010, moved in together February 2011, got engaged August 2011 and married April 2012.


    Had a very small intimate but meaningful wedding. :love:
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I met my bf in July 2011. We're planning on moving in together sometime next year. I don't know when he'd propose but I'd like to be married within 1-2 years of the engagement so I have plenty of time to plan the wedding. :)
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I'd love to hear from guys on this...just curious...my oldest stepdaughter has been living with her bf for 5 years, together 7 years....both in their mid twenties...she is DYING to get engaged and married....

    Wondering why he doesn't propose already?

    Seems like some guys just wait and wait and drag it out....do they not want to marry the girl, but don't want to break up either?
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 279 Member
    Dated my husband for a little over a year when he proposed. We were engaged for 4 years. We have been married for 11 years. Still very happy to this day.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'd love to hear from guys on this...just curious...my oldest stepdaughter has been living with her bf for 5 years, together 7 years....both in their mid twenties...she is DYING to get engaged and married....

    Wondering why he doesn't propose already?

    Seems like some guys just wait and wait and drag it out....do they not want to marry the girl, but don't want to break up either?

    Maybe he just isn't ready to propose yet? it's not all about what the woman wants! And if they are mid twenties they are still young! I was 28 when I got engaged.

    Me and my husband were together 4 years before we got engaged and we married a year after that. And yesterday was our 1st anniversary.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My husband and I met in August because we worked together. He tried to get me to go out with him for the next several months, but I wasn't interested. During this time we hung out a lot with the folks we worked with. He was 30 and I was 23, and I had been married before and had a 2 1/2 year old son. He had never been married.

    I finally agreed to watch the Superbowl at his apartment and he cooked me dinner (the Superbowl used to be in January). He came home with me on Valentine's night and never left. We got engaged in November of that year and were married the following May. So we've been married for 20 years, together almost 22. We just knew we wanted to be together.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    ok, lets see, My husband and I met in July, started dating in Nov, was with child by Feb, this all happened lets see, my oldest will be 31 in November, so some 32 years ago. We lived together for about 10 years, then officially got married, only because our parents were driving us nuts!!!:laugh: I was 19, he was 17. Don't see us seperating anytime soon.
  • hunderwoman
    hunderwoman Posts: 101 Member
    My Story has a slightly unique twist. My finance and I met when I was a Junior in high school. When I graduated, we got engaged and moved in together. It did not work out. That was 14 years ago.

    About 6 years ago we sparked up a friendship, and actually became really good friends. We have both been married before and we both have children. When we started actually dating again 10 months ago, we already had a very strong foundation for our relationship having been such good friends. We moved in together in May of this year, and we will be getting married on November 16th of this year as well.

    I have no doubt in my mind this is the man I want to spend my life with. Neither one of us are the same people we were 14 years ago. We are both, older and wiser and have experienced life. And now we have a wonderful family together.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    We've been engaged for 1.5 years. If money was flowing, we'd already be married. Unfortunately, quick weddings aren't possible for all.
  • We met in April 2011, got engaged on Christmas day 2011 and are getting married in April 2013 (we're doing a civil ceremony for immigration paperwork in 10 days).
    He lived in Canada, and I lived in NYC the whole time we were dating and for most of our engagement we only just moved in together two weeks ago in Toronto.

    I agree, when you know, you know. and then sometimes you still want to strangle each other. :)
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    I loved loved loved reading all these stories. I'm 21, my boyfriend is 28. We met 3 years ago, it was just a casual relationship. He moved to the UK, we lost touch. Reconnected in January and have been together since. He still lives in the UK but we constantly talk about getting married, kids, basically planning our future.

    The romantic in me is dying to get married, be his wife live happily ever after. But, I know it'll be smarter to wait until I'm sorted out, we're actually living together awhile (to make sure we don't hate each other lol). Plus, he has children so it's not just about us, it's about how this will affect them. I'm giving it 2 years for a proposal and the only reason we'd be engaged for a long time is if we were saving for the wedding.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    Been with my boyfriend almost 1 year. Have looked at rings, talked about marriage, and even started planning a honeymoon. I joke with him about all the stuff we are talking about being great and all but in ten years when he proposes it might be different, lol. We don't live together, we have both been married before, taking it as slow and as fast as it naturally flows. I know I want to marry him, he just has to ask.
  • pag41989
    pag41989 Posts: 39 Member
    I was dating my husband for 2 years and was engaged for almost 2 years and we have been married for 2 years and we just had our daughter 10 months ago :)
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    My husband and i started dating in Sept of 08, Engaged Feb 09, Moved in April 09, Married Sept 09 and pregnant with our child in Oct 09. Our lives hit fast forward, but for the both of us, we don't regret it. I actually knew my husband in high school, where we both had crushes on each other and fooled around a bit, but never dated. He was always more of a friend than anything. That in its self is more foundation than most people get and thats what holds us close, our friendship.

    My brother, who married his wife within 6 months of knowing her, told her "I wouldn't put a ring on your finger today, if i wouldn't marry you tomorrow" And i believe that's really what that symbol means. Not "hey, lets live together a bit, see who this goes, waste time in both or our lives". If people are real with themselves, you can tell within a few months tops if you could spend the rest of your life with someone. The moment I saw my husband again, after years of being apart... I hid behind a pillar and had to catch my breath. I knew right then and there, that he was the man I would spend the rest of my life with.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I always think that the "Long Engagements" are just opportunies for each person to chicken out/change their minds, maybe find someone better in the meantime. Maybe end old business with their EX. I think some guys give a ring, just to satisfy their lady, and NEVER set a actual date... Or they set a date 5 years from then... Why? Ooooh... So they can do all the planning and spend lots of money, and experice the Bridezilla effect. One thing I never wanted to do. Not sure why so many women have to turn all Bridezilla and spoil themselves to the extreme... And wish for many many gifts. Isn't it about LOVE? Isn't the GIFT the other person committing to you? Being there for you until you die?

    We dated for 2 years. He asked on exactly our 2 year anniversary... Made the DATE later that month, and 8 months later, had a small NON-Showy wedding on the beach. With just the immediate family, and without Bridezilla situations... My dress was rented not bought new.. This way I wore a dress that was extra fancy (One that was very expensive to buy new) and we kept it simple... I think its more about the marriage, than spending buttloads of $ for soley one day... We did have a reception later that year with 75 ish people, in a fairly nice place. We were both working, and were lucky to get two days off to get married. And later that year when our work was slow, we had the reception. Aug 23rd this year will be our 4 year wedding anniversary... And Dec this year we will have been together for 7 years. WaaahWow! This is our first and only marriage for both of us. And we are proud parents of two Poms....
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    My husband proposed to me 2 months after our first official date (we had an unofficial date 5 days before that where he met up with me and my friend's ladies night out and we ended up making out at the bar). We had been talking to each other at work for about a month before that.

    We got married 2 days before the 1 year anniversary of that unofficial first date in the bar. We would have gotten married sooner but my sister was getting married in July of the same year and threw a fit we were considering a small legal ceremony before hers so we didn't. We set the date the day after he proposed to me and 2 months later I got my engagement ring with a more public proposal with the ring!!!

    This November will be 11 years, completely faithful and committed to one another and looking forward to another 50 years together!!!
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I always think that the "Long Engagements" are just opportunies for each person to chicken out/change their minds, maybe find someone better in the meantime. Maybe end old business with their EX. I think some guys give a ring, just to satisfy their lady, and NEVER set a actual date... Or they set a date 5 years from then... Why? Ooooh... So they can do all the planning and spend lots of money, and experice the Bridezilla effect. One thing I never wanted to do. Not sure why so many women have to turn all Bridezilla and spoil themselves to the extreme... And wish for many many gifts. Isn't it about LOVE? Isn't the GIFT the other person committing to you? Being there for you until you die?

    This exactly.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I am newly wed...(going on two weeks this Thursday).

    We had been together for 9 years and had lived together for 8 of those years when he finally proposed to me. We were engaged for 1 year and 7 months before we got married.

    It wasn't our intention to be engaged for that long but we had to reschedule the wedding due to a death in the immediate family.

    I don't think Long Engagements are a good idea because it is better to keep the engagement fairly fresh in everyone's minds...so much can change over a year or two or three....

    That being said, I understand that there are financial restraints when it comes to marriages, and some people have to wait for their 'ideal' location (the wait lists are SUPER long these days)....so sometimes the engagement time is longer.

    I didn't want any of these hassles when planning my wedding, that is why I got married in Vegas... :)
  • t_wagner19
    t_wagner19 Posts: 2 Member
    Started dating at 17 (he was 21), engaged at 18married at 19. We will be celebrating 15 years of marraige in October and have 3 beautiful children (13, 11 and 6) to celebrate with us!
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Ha! My husband and I dated for NINE YEARS including living together and buying a house before taking the plunge. This February we will be married for 23 years so.... That makes along time!