

  • lnoso
    lnoso Posts: 12 Member
    This sounds like a great group. @LAMyPie - awesome job getting below 300. My magical number is 200 and "when" I get under that intend to jump up and down and tell everyone. Still have a ways to go though. In 2005 my weight was 276. Started MFP when I weight 239, lost another 17, but now have crept back up to 243. So once again getting back on track.

    My goals for the week are to login to MFP and record my food everyday. Keep up on the water (I keep a jug of water under my desk now and that helps). Take the Omega-3 supplement that seems to help with my mood (so then why do I stop taking it every now and then?). And try to figure out how to better manage evening eating - generally do fine during the day and then just ruin it between 6 and 12.

    Not sure I know how to find this group later, but will try to figure it out.
  • JayLee5005
    JayLee5005 Posts: 12 Member
    @heather I have a heavy duty Kitchenaid and make breakfast smoothies almost daily...1.5 c almond milk, fill rest of pitcher with baby spinach...I don't use ice but frozen fruit/veggies instead and on the "chop ice" setting it never has any trouble. smooth, smooth.

    @toots The year he was born President's Day was on the 20th. And the truth was that my husband and I absolutely could NOT agree on a name...we had just thrown everything out to start over when I was at about the halfway point of labor. It was the anesthesiologist who said, off-hand, "Well, you know it is President's Day, maybe that will inspire something." My husband made a few comments about names that were decidedly OFF the table and we settled on the Great Emancipator. Funny how well it fits his personality. When people forget his name they usually offer "Franklin" or "Truman" instead. Funny how the brain works. :)
    Just found this website within the past hour ~ my goal is to use the website effectively!
  • lnoso
    lnoso Posts: 12 Member
    Ok so I need some advice, my blender burned out on me today, and I use it daily to make my breakfast smoothies since I don't have time to cook before work. Anyone have a suggestion on a good, hardy, but inexpensive (Less than $150) blender?

    I picked up a blender that works great at the Good Will for $4. You might try that. Good luck.
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    Tuesdays goals: I promised myself yesterday that I would hit the gym today..and I did! I'm trying really hard to get back on the wagon so here goes nothing! oh and my goal for tomorrow will be to go once again to the gym :)
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    Tuesday Goal - Still trying to get enough protein. Also going to ge to the the gym 5 times this week.

    @nana - I struggle with getting enough protein, too. I always thought my diet was high in protein until I started logging my food.

    @Artemis - congrats on getting started when you're young. I wish I had known how to change my eating habits when I was in my 20's. I never thought what I was eating was so bad.

    @LAMypie - congrats on being out of the 300's!

    @lovedoco - I love my gym memberships. The variety keeps me from getting bored and I just get lazy when I try to work out at home.

    @Christine - way to go on the exercise with Belle! Just remember you don't need to do a lot at the beginning. Every little bit helps.

    @vinsonh - hydrocortisone cream helps as well if you're not allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • christine5791
    christine5791 Posts: 46 Member
    HeatheraRyan: We have a 'magicbullet' at work, it's pretty cheap, I believe around $50....:smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So glad to see the new topic up!

    Wow, so many posts already - I'm not going to try and catch up.

    Tuesday goals~Well, I signed on for this 90-Challenge at my gym so longer term goal is for my trainer and I to win this thing! :smile: In the meantime, I am officially on vacation - leaving for Alaska early Thursday - so my shorter term goal is for me to stay the course and make the right food choices while vacationing. I plan to get exercise every day, so that should help. I saw my trainer as I was walking into the gym this afternoon, we talked briefly and he's worried about me gaining while gone - he's really good about looking out for my best interests and he knows how much I want to lose the rest of this weight, so I feel like I need to prove myself to him by working hard and being one of the few that can lose weight while on a cruise.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    So started the dreaded exercising. I just took a 10 min walk with my dog. I just have to remember it is about what i can do, not my husband or kids. That is always my downfall, i feel if I cant do as much as them it isn't worth doing. I am my own worst enemy most of the times, lol.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Tuesday Goal :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to make it through this week and then take it week by week. My mother was sent to the ER last night with a fractured femur in her right leg. She had been having problems with this leg for a month and tried to get help from her doctor but was sent to an NP instead who sent her to get an ultrasound but no follow up was done when no clotting was found. It turns out she has bone cancer and the cancer ate away at the bone which caused the fracture (according to one doctor). She also has a urinary track infection so they will not do surgery until this is cleared up. She's 84 years old so all the doctors are preceding with caution.

    Looks like my life has been put on hold for now. All my time will be spent on making sure my sister who has MS is cared for and my mother's house is taken care of until we get her through surgery and back on her feet. One surgeon says it could take a year to get her walking again and the surgeon that saw her this afternoon said they would try to get her to walk the day after her surgery :noway: .

    @RobinsEgg - Good luck with the new thread . . . hope tweaking the title will slow it down a bit :wink: .
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Tuesday Goal :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to make it through this week and then take it week by week. My mother was sent to the ER last night with a fractured femur in her right leg. She had been having problems with this leg for a month and tried to get help from her doctor but was sent to an NP instead who sent her to get an ultrasound but no follow up was done when no clotting was found. It turns out she has bone cancer and the cancer ate away at the bone which caused the fracture (according to one doctor). She also has a urinary track infection so they will not do surgery until this is cleared up. She's 84 years old so all the doctors are preceding with caution.

    Looks like my life has been put on hold for now. All my time will be spent on making sure my sister who has MS is cared for and my mother's house is taken care of until we get her through surgery and back on her feet. One surgeon says it could take a year to get her walking again and the surgeon that saw her this afternoon said they would try to get her to walk the day after her surgery :noway: .

    I am so sorry. I can understand how this can shake up your life. I've been looking after my dad and his business for just over 4 years now. It is a serious responsibility. Wishing you well, do what you can to take care of yourself.

  • Abk2bhealthy
    Abk2bhealthy Posts: 55 Member
    Wow, I had a crazy day at school. My principal is out with a death in the family. On top of the 12 teachers we had already lost 3 more have announced not coming back. I am now the department head of a group of completely new people. I hated being the one to tell a couple of the newbies that we don't have teacher desks, if they don't have a SmartBoard they won't be getting one, andthat many of the books have not come in yet.
    On a positive, I am 95% finished decorating my room and after all the loading, climbing on chairs, etc. I came home and did Zumba. Yay me!!
    Have a great evening everyone!
    Have a drink on me!:drinker: Water of course!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Ok so I need some advice, my blender burned out on me today, and I use it daily to make my breakfast smoothies since I don't have time to cook before work. Anyone have a suggestion on a good, hardy, but inexpensive (Less than $150) blender?

    Search eBay or Craig's list for a Vitamix. Or get something right now and save up longer term for one. They are SUPER machines. I totally rely on it now.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots The year he was born President's Day was on the 20th. And the truth was that my husband and I absolutely could NOT agree on a name...we had just thrown everything out to start over when I was at about the halfway point of labor. It was the anesthesiologist who said, off-hand, "Well, you know it is President's Day, maybe that will inspire something." My husband made a few comments about names that were decidedly OFF the table and we settled on the Great Emancipator. Funny how well it fits his personality. When people forget his name they usually offer "Franklin" or "Truman" instead. Funny how the brain works. :)

    my husband and i have serious issues with naming. gillian is the baby, six and nine years younger than her siblings, and they named her. my husband and i couldn't agree and we were back and forth. and she was in the NICU for ten days and the nurses were always asking us when we were going to name her. my husband reminded them you have a year to name them before the government starts to complain :laugh:
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    can I join in too?:smile:

    Tuesday Goals:

    1. Increase the intensity of my exercise routine, switch it up.
    2. Drink more water, eat more in the morning less at night
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @jtconst - I hated exercise too - until my therapist explained I needed to think about it as my PLAY time, and not as a DUTY. It triggers a different place in your brain that way, actually. Try thinking about your walk as your play time and it will get easier, I hope.

    @bella - my heart goes out to your mother and to you :flowerforyou: You deserve a hug {{{BELLA}}}} for taking on the mantel of responsibility. I've been there. I cared for my mom for a year and a half before she passed away from bowel cancer, and I did not have to be responsible for another adult at the same time. You are going to need some help some time ..... I hope you can find someone to lean on......It is also amazing that 2 doctors give 2 different projections on when your mom will be walking. It would be wonderful if the second doctor is the correct one! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    I've been good today. Kept my Goals of eating veggies and exercising. Went for a 25 minute swim and it was great.
  • TipsyT
    TipsyT Posts: 128 Member
    Woo hooo! Glad to see such a great active thread.

    Tues Goals

    Eating: DH and I are running away for the weekend. I want to stick to our nutritarian diet even when away at a hotel for 2 nights. It won't be easy but it's got to be doable.

    Exercise: 3 yoga sessions this week (I've got limited mobility right now so this is all I'm allowed)

    Eat your veggies, Everyone!
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    OMG!!!!!! It started today and we're already on the 4th page. I went to the old thread, did my post and then read Robins directions to get here. Hi all. Its my birthday today so I am just stopping in for a quick visit. I've had a great day today. I got on the scale today and I'm down 4 pounds of the 8 I gained when I was recovering. Yahoooooo!!!
    So, I've stayed under calories but I ate whatever I wanted today. Tonight I went to the movies and saw 3D Step Up Revolution. Wow, awesome movie if you really like Dance movies. I love, love, love, dance movies. Any kind of dance, doesn't matter. I must have been a dance in my other life cause I can't keep my feet still when I hear the music. After the movie, I went for a long walk on the beach. Worked up a real sweat walking barefoot on really deep loose sand. Awesome workout for my thighs and calfs. Don't know why I don't do it more often cause I only live about 15 minutes from the lake and it was fabulous. Going to have to find the time to do it more often. Anyway, I'm off to do some other stuff before my b.d. is over. Hope everyone has a great week. I'll try to catch up on my reading this week. I started my holidays yesterday and have lots of plans. Night all. Charlotte
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello I made it here;-) Like many places it is hot hit 105 today. Very hot. Drinking lots of water.
    @Charlotte Happy Birthday!!!

    Sorry this will be short using my cell phone and I am not very good using this. So its hard to respond as I would like too. My laptop is dead saving up for a new one. My daughter has a laptop but its hard to find a time she doesn't use it. So I will do my best.
    Tuesday goals to keep going. Find time each day to go for a walk
    To keep entering all food.
    I too need to start doing better on my sodium.

    I so look forward to coming and being a part of this group. Very encouraging group of people. I learn a lot too.

    I have read every one posts take care all. Drinking my bottle of water right now.
    Thank you