

  • aag1030
    aag1030 Posts: 25
    What is factory air

    LOL it's the air between your legs, you know when they no longer meet in the middle. Or so it's been explained to me!

    I was wondering the same thing!! LOL that's great! :smile:

    Thanks for the running tips! I'll give it a go... went to the gym yesterday and did about 45 mins on the treadmill started at a 3.0 ended at a 3.5 and did the varying workout where the "terrain" changes - went from a 2 incline up to a 6 at one point. I was tired at the end but I did it :bigsmile:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    What is factory air

    LOL it's the air between your legs, you know when they no longer meet in the middle. Or so it's been explained to me!

    I was wondering the same thing!! LOL that's great! :smile:

    Thanks for the running tips! I'll give it a go... went to the gym yesterday and did about 45 mins on the treadmill started at a 3.0 ended at a 3.5 and did the varying workout where the "terrain" changes - went from a 2 incline up to a 6 at one point. I was tired at the end but I did it :bigsmile:

    Way to go!! I cant do the incline when running,it is murder on my knees!!
  • aag1030
    aag1030 Posts: 25
    What is factory air

    LOL it's the air between your legs, you know when they no longer meet in the middle. Or so it's been explained to me!

    I was wondering the same thing!! LOL that's great! :smile:

    Thanks for the running tips! I'll give it a go... went to the gym yesterday and did about 45 mins on the treadmill started at a 3.0 ended at a 3.5 and did the varying workout where the "terrain" changes - went from a 2 incline up to a 6 at one point. I was tired at the end but I did it :bigsmile:

    Way to go!! I cant do the incline when running,it is murder on my knees!!

    Oh I wasn't running.... only walking... lol :smile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, the running I've only done 5 times on a treadmill in the past two weeks because I usually do classes. But I'm going away for a couple of days and they have a gym with a treadmill, so I've been running more at my gym so that I can make myself enjoy exercising on a treadmill without someone yelling at me to "kick higher". A couple months of running could mean thinner thighs? I'm in. I don't have boobs, so my thighs make me look a tad bit disproportioned since I'm missing curves on the top. But I'm solidly planted, if nothing else (think tree trunks) :)
  • Sexy Legs! I'm in. My legs are okay but I have no definition in my calves. My thighs are another story, a cellulite story. I heard lunges are good for the thighs so I will be trying those. Any other ideas for the thighs?
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Jog and run, that will make a differance fast. Wall sits are also great! add some small weights and you are getting more muscle groups at once!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    What is factory air
    More specifically,,, "Factory Air" is when the thighs are trim enough, especially at the top extreme, that when the lady stands upright with the ankles together her - um,,, "lady place"? is well ventilated. A breeze from behind might blow right through there and give her a little chill, or a little thrill, whatever.

    Men don't get "factory air" BTW,,, we just get chicken legs.

    Last fall my foster son and a couple pals were driving home and they came up our hilly driveway right behind me as I was finishing my bicycle ride. When we got to the top they said "Wow, dad,,, your calf muscles are massive!" :happy:

    Not sure if that's sexy,,, but it's something.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    What is factory air
    More specifically,,, "Factory Air" is when the thighs are trim enough, especially at the top extreme, that when the lady stands upright with the ankles together her - um,,, "lady place"? is well ventilated. A breeze from behind might blow right through there and give her a little chill, or a little thrill, whatever.

    Men don't get "factory air" BTW,,, we just get chicken legs.

    Last fall my foster son and a couple pals were driving home and they came up our hilly driveway right behind me as I was finishing my bicycle ride. When we got to the top they said "Wow, dad,,, your calf muscles are massive!" :happy:

    Not sure if that's sexy,,, but it's something.

    Nic description! LOL
    Hey as long as he said MUCLES it's pretty sexy :tongue:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    What is factory air
    More specifically,,, "Factory Air" is when the thighs are trim enough, especially at the top extreme, that when the lady stands upright with the ankles together her - um,,, "lady place"? is well ventilated. A breeze from behind might blow right through there and give her a little chill, or a little thrill, whatever.

    Men don't get "factory air" BTW,,, we just get chicken legs.

    Last fall my foster son and a couple pals were driving home and they came up our hilly driveway right behind me as I was finishing my bicycle ride. When we got to the top they said "Wow, dad,,, your calf muscles are massive!" :happy:

    Not sure if that's sexy,,, but it's something.

    I picked the "cleanest" definition from the urban dictionary. lol... Also one of the cleaner pictures.
  • Jog and run, that will make a differance fast. Wall sits are also great! add some small weights and you are getting more muscle groups at once!

    Thanks for the advice. One question. What are wall sits and how are they done?
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Jog and run, that will make a differance fast. Wall sits are also great! add some small weights and you are getting more muscle groups at once!

    Thanks for the advice. One question. What are wall sits and how are they done?

    They are just liek the sound, stand up againt a wall and then sink down like you are getting into a chair. Keep you legs together and go as low as you can. Try to stay for 30-60sec to start. If you want to add weights, hold them out in front @ eye level or up over your head. They will burn but they are very effective!!!
  • I have not lost a lot of weight but I am exercing and I see a difference is my legs and thighs. My knees hurt when I do lunges but I am enjoying seeing the cellulite leave my thighs. I hope everyone else is sticking to having sexy legs for the summer. Good luck to everyone.
  • Did you see Dr. Oz today? He had an old woman on there who was a dance instructor all her life and her legs were BEAUTIFUL! She did some type of tap dance with Oz.
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