Anyone NOT eat all of there exercise calories??



  • blkanmld
    blkanmld Posts: 18 Member
    i dont eat them back!! For me it doesn't help in weight loss.

    <a href=""><img src="; border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Eating back your calories is really relative to what you have your goal set to. When I had more to lose, I definitely tried to have more than a 500 calorie deficit (which would mean not eating back all of my exercise calories if I had it set to 1 lb per week lost). But now that I don't have much to lose, I try to get a smaller deficit. :smile:
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
  • masrite
    masrite Posts: 8 Member
    I will sometimes go over my calories by maybe 100 but only if I have the extra from exercise. When I did weight watchers, I never would use my exercise points. I kind of feel it defeats the whole purpose.
  • XxSarahKatexX
    I look at it like this-

    The number of calories you have a day is already the 500 deficit. So even if you eat back your exercise calories you are still at the -500. You are just also building muscles.
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    There are days I must eat some of my calories back. Example, I ran ten miles today and hit the gym for 45 min lifting weights....that’s about 1500 calories burned. If I only eat the 1500 allotted for the day I would be at a zero calorie sum for the body needs calories to function so I must eat back exercise calories....just not all. If not it would be like not eating all day.......
  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    I eat them all back, and I eat to my daily goal most days.

    The way I think it works, feel free to correct, is:

    ((Maintenance calories - Net calories = Deficit) = Weight loss @ 1lb per 3500 calories) as long as Net Calories > 1200~ starvation.

    Then If you exercise, your basically increasing your deficit if you don't eat them back, MFP works it out so you lose weight anyway. you just need to make sure your not pushing it too far so your Metabolism suffers.

    I eat them all back because I am happy with the muscle gain on its own.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I tend to fill in my food diary early in the day and if I am over, I exercise OFF the extra calories. I like the control that option gives me.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?
    Because some people don't have the extra money to buy one right now. :wink:

    Me thinks tis' why they invented ebay. Tis' where I picked mine up, many moons ago.

    (for 50% off the retail price)

    :wink: :wink:

    As soon as I have extra money, I will buy a new one at K-mart. But no extra money means just that. We are scraping pennies together until the middle of September.

    Just trying to figure out if you are trying to imply that my HRM wasn't new? (For the record, it was UNUSED and Sealed in it's original package)

    If I was scraping pennies together, I really wouldn't turn my nose up at Ebay...Just a thought. :)

    I have an HRM....but its not waterproof so cant use in in the pool. And waterproof ones are VERY expensive. So I do the best I can with the guesstimates.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?
    Because some people don't have the extra money to buy one right now. :wink:

    Me thinks tis' why they invented ebay. Tis' where I picked mine up, many moons ago.

    (for 50% off the retail price)

    :wink: :wink:

    As soon as I have extra money, I will buy a new one at K-mart. But no extra money means just that. We are scraping pennies together until the middle of September.

    Just trying to figure out if you are trying to imply that my HRM wasn't new? (For the record, it was UNUSED and Sealed in it's original package)

    If I was scraping pennies together, I really wouldn't turn my nose up at Ebay...Just a thought. :)

    Seriously? What part of broke don't people understand. yipppeee you could afford one, good for you. But others can't. Please be respectful. When your broke even Ebay is expensive. SMDH
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I don't eat them back, mostly because I don't have a heart rate monitor and I'm not interested in getting one. I tried eating them back once, didn't lose a pound... gained a pound and was done after 3 weeks of it...
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I rarely eat them back just because I am not hungry. I'll have a post-workout shake and that's it, most of the time (I work out in the evening). If I'm hungry then I'll eat, but I usually don't eat them all back.
  • jshort152
    You don't have to worry about your exercise calories, if your goal is to lose weight then not eating them would be perfectly fine and help you on with your goals. :)
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I burn over 800 cals on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there's NO WAY I can eat all of those back. Some, maybe, but if I'm not hungry I won't force myself to eat. And I'm losing just fine, on pace with where I should be.
  • susanstar88
    susanstar88 Posts: 14 Member
    I am not an exercise-aholic but with this program (for once in my life) - I am trying to get on the stationary bike & count the times I go up & down the stairs to my home office (or at least count 10x a day) ... it is way more than that! I'm set at 1200 calories & my problem often not eating enough regular meals & this keeps me on track better than other things I've tried in the past. So it goes! Or so I try & try again - I have a couple of neighbors/friends on the program now -- which is extremely helpful & I try to read the community posts. My husband is on WW at work and he is the most supportive of all ... he is whipping up our dinner after work while I post my food (if I've not already figured it out). I love that man for all his worth ...

    So - do I eat all my exercise points ... depending on my mood & what's for dinner .... NOPE... I'm normally under but as many of you have pointed out --- I don't stress about it & if I'm a bit hungry, I might have a snack but = IF I BITE IT, I WRITE IT and for right now, it's all very slow going and I'm hoping to be with you for a very long time! One day at a time! :flowerforyou:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?
    Because some people don't have the extra money to buy one right now. :wink:

    Me thinks tis' why they invented ebay. Tis' where I picked mine up, many moons ago.

    (for 50% off the retail price)

    :wink: :wink:

    As soon as I have extra money, I will buy a new one at K-mart. But no extra money means just that. We are scraping pennies together until the middle of September.

    Just trying to figure out if you are trying to imply that my HRM wasn't new? (For the record, it was UNUSED and Sealed in it's original package)

    If I was scraping pennies together, I really wouldn't turn my nose up at Ebay...Just a thought. :)

    I appreciate your advice, but it is unwarranted. I don't have the money for an HRM right now, PERIOD! That is *SO* NOT a priority.

    I love ebay. I love K-mart. I love to get good deals. When I'm in the market for an HRM, I will check ebay and Amazon and everywhere else. I always do my homework before buying something. I don't even have bathroom scales right now, so I can't weigh myself for a long time. Being broke means you do NOT buy things that aren't necessary!

    I have a family to provide for. I can't even buy my kids school clothes right now, so why the hell would I make a purchase of a fancy piece of electronic equipment when I can't even get my daughter a pair of pants?
  • StormyGal8
    StormyGal8 Posts: 184 Member

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?
    Because some people don't have the extra money to buy one right now. :wink:

    Me thinks tis' why they invented Ebay. Tis' where I picked mine up, many moons ago.

    (for 50% off the retail price)

    :wink: :wink:

    Even 50% off is too much for some people. Some people are breaking the bank just to try and eat healthy and get exercise in. A HRM is great if you can get one...if not, well people have been losing weight for far longer than HRM have been around.

    Also, I don't really think it's helpful to make people explain HOW broke they are. If a person says they can't afford it, THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH! Geez!
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    I've been exercising by going walking after dinner at this point, and I'll come home and drink some water but I don't find myself very hungry that late in the day, so I don't eat them back.
    Also, at this point it's not like I'm burning off a ton of calories.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I look at it like this-

    The number of calories you have a day is already the 500 deficit. So even if you eat back your exercise calories you are still at the -500. You are just also building muscles.

    good comment!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Not while I was losing weight, but now that I am maintaining, I do eat them all back and a little more.

    So far I have stabilized at 112lbs for 3 weeks.