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Early Morning Workout?? Opinions??



  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I Workout exclusively in the AM. I get up at 5am and run 3-4 days a week and boot camp 2 days a week.

    1) It is done
    2) It's a stress reliever/manager throughout the day
    3) I do feel more energized during the day
    4) I got to bed earlier at night and feel fine about it.

    The key to success - get your workout clothing ready to go for the moment you wake up. And I typically give myself one snooze cycle to "feel better" about the hour. After a week or two it's routine and I usually wake up before the alarm now - looking forward to my "me time".
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Well, I don't know the science of it and I'm not really a morning person either. But since I seriously hate exercise and sweat of any kind, if I don't do it first thing in the morning before I have time to think much about it and talk myself out of it or find umpteen zillion other things I'd rather be doing (almost anything else!!) and give myself an excuse not to do it, then I'd never do it. So even though mornings are not my fave, since it's something I don't like doing, I'd rather get it out of the way first thing and go on with the enjoyable parts of my day. Works for me. I guess it goes along with what my mother always told me about chores growing up -- do the ones you like the least first, that way it gets easier as you go along. :o) Just my two cents.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I am totally an early morning exerciser. I find if I wait until after I eat I feel sluggish and sloshy. Heh. I gives me more energy throughout the day, if I do it in the afternoon/evening then I just feel tired.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I'm not sure if it's true or not but I can tell you that I enjoy working out in the morning alot more than if I do it after work. I get up at 4:45 go for a run and am at work by 7am.
  • I am not sure on statistics involving working out in the morning, but even though it SUCKS to get up earlier than I have to....I feel much better throughout the day knowing that my workout is done.

    I work 7:30am - 5pm, so I would have to get up at 5am and leave the gym by 6:40am. Sounds terrible, but I feel much better mentally.

    Would your workout only be 30 minutes a day?

    I have heard that doing cardio in the morning can help you burn fat faster because you are on a partly empty stomach, besides your pre-workout meal/snack.

    My actual workout would only be 30 minutes, but I would go for walks and maybe a few jogs in between. It is good to know that I am not alone in this situation. I may just try it to see how it goes. :)
  • veryoutspoken
    veryoutspoken Posts: 8 Member
    Hi , I used to workout in the mornings all the time and I had energy all day. but then by 9pm I would be wanting to go to bed. I work a 6 hour day and by 9 it is time for bed . I used to get up at 5 and work out till 6:30 , then get ready for work.

    I guess it all depends on your body and what you can handle.
    good luck. :smile:
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I actually enjoy my early morning workouts a lot better than working out in the afternoon. It wakes me up, and gets the blood flowing. I have the front room all to myself, and don't have to worry about anyone seeing me sweating and trying to keep up with the DVD. During the summer there is the bonus that it is much easier to work out in the cool, than in the 90+ temps of the afternoon and evening.
    Also it helps because then I know what my actual calories for the day will be, so I can plan my meals better.
  • Thanks everyone for your feedback! I absolutely appreciate it. I think you guys have persuaded me to go through with the morning workouts :) I am glad to hear that some of you have tried it and that it works. I guess every routine has its positives and negatives. So we shall see!!! :D Feel free to add me you guys, I am always looking for new friends!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I am also a morning exerciser. I typically get up between 4:30 and 5:00 every day. 4:30 for sure on Tuesdays and Thursdays because my favorite Spin instructor teaches at 5:15. Her class is packed with a waiting list, so if you don't get there by 5:10, they give your spot to someone on the waiting list. It was very hard to adjust at first, but now I've been doing it for awhile (with a week or two once in awhile when I just don't feel like it). I am like everyone else here: I find that it sets the tone for a more positive day; I don't stress out about trying to fit a workout in; nothing conflicts first thing in the morning (no child care issues, work issues, etc.) I've also heard about the cardio-fast thing, but I've not researched it. Good luck to you. If you give yourself time to adjust, I bet you'll like it. I won't mislead you,though--the first few weeks are awful. I had to tell myself "Fit or Fat" every morning for a long time when that alarm would go off and I was tempted just to roll over and go to bed. Sometimes I still have to do that.
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    Like many of those who have already responded...a morning workout is the only way I can guarentee myself of getting it in. This way if I do tip my calories a bit over...I have already done most of the work and only need to squeeze in a bit more to cover my slip up.
  • I almost always work out in the morning except when my husband's home. Then we will bike ride together in the afternoon. If you really want to lose weight and firm up then you will have to make time even if it means getting up early. I get up 4:30 in the morning to exercise. It gives you energy and makes you feel good all day. If you can't do mornings try walking at lunchtime. You can split the times up also. The recommended time is only 30minutes a day.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    The best time to work out is whenever you have time to do so.

    That being said, up until last year, I trained almost exclusively in the mornings. My schedule with my previouis job was more flexible and had a shorter commute, so I opted to get my workouts done in the morning than deal with the 5PM crowd. But, last year I changed jobs and found myself with a longer commute, so I opted to start my workday earlier so I could also leave eariler and thus beat the traffic. I also lucked out that my new gym location doesnt get too crowded until 5:30 or 6, which is usually when I'm limping out the door.
  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    +1 on early morning workouts. I get up at 5:30 out the door for my run at 5:45. Come home do my stretches and core-strengthening for my back. In the shower by 6:45.

    I tried working out after work. It was very difficult to be consistent. Fatigue and/or late-day "emergencies" at work always seemed to derail my best intentions.

    First thing in the morning, nothing can interfere with my workout except me. The hardest part is resisting the urge to sleep in. But, once my feet hit the floor, there is no stopping me.

    Since I started working out in the morning, I find that I am a lot more focused and productive at work.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I do two mornings a week where I get up and go to Spin class at the gym at 6am (I'm hoping they put Monday morning back on the schedule for the fall). I hate getting up earlier but I feel so good when I'm done and then you don't have to worry about it the rest of the day! I tried to go everyday but by Thursday I would be exhausted. So I go right after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • alphafmlwolf
    alphafmlwolf Posts: 8 Member
    i haven't read all the posts, i don't have time right now. but i just wanted to say exercise however early you want just make sure you GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!! 8 hours recomended, sleep affect weight loss ( or lack there of), and so many other things in your life.
  • I LOVE the early morning workout. I get up at 4 or 4:30, I'm out the door at 5 and walk/run until 6.
    It's a great way to start the day.
    Your mind is cleared and your exercise is completed before there is anything that can prevent you from getting it done.
  • I try to switch it up so I don't feel "guilty" if I don't wake up in time. For instance, this morning I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm (5am) with tons of energy so I headed to the gym. If I miss the morning workout I'll usually go after work but it's never as productive.
    Ideally, I would like to start first thing in the morning EVERYDAY. I would compare it to eating a HUGE breakfast, heavy on starches and sugar, versus eating light, but filling. I feel much better through the day if I workout first. Just my two cents :)
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    I remember reading somewhere (can't remember the reference I'm afraid) that early morning cardio (running) is better for fat burning, eating before doing it is better for fitness. However, I'd say do it whenever suits. Personally I love working out in the morning, just don't have enough time to do my current routine before work.
  • Morning workouts don't work for me during the week. I wake up a 6 and leave at 7 to be to work at 8. I do 20 minutes of hardcore elliptical on my lunchbreak and then a second workout (usually turbofire, taebo, or something of that nature) in the evening. I tried the early am workouts for a week, but I was burning about 20% fewer calories than I would in the evening. Turbo and Taebo are quite intense and I just couldn't go as hard first thing in the am on an empty stomach. I was always a bit behind and I couldn't do some of the tougher moves like the air-jacks, which resulted in a lower calorie burn. I was actually worried I was going to injur myself. On Saturday and Sunday I do my workout an hour after breakfast, which is usually about 7:30/8:30. I really like the morning workouts, but they just were't as effective for me during the week, so I do evenings. I have heard that exercising on an empty stomach is not good for you. This article suggests it results in muscle loss: http://www.rodale.com/eating-exercise
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    i haven't read all the posts, i don't have time right now. but i just wanted to say exercise however early you want just make sure you GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!! 8 hours recomended, sleep affect weight loss ( or lack there of), and so many other things in your life.

    I was wondering about this. What time do all of your really early morning exercisers go to bed? I waiver back and forth between morning workouts and evening workouts. I feel better if I get it done in the morning and would love to make it consistent, but I'm so exhausted & want to be in bed so early when I get up at 4:30 or 5am. My commute is about an hour so I'm home by 6pm, need to get dinner ready, chores, time with my daughter when she's home but I'm pooped out by 8:30 or 9. With all that said, on the weeks I have my daughter my only option is a morning workout which means I typically only get in one or two during the week and then Sat & Sun. On weeks I don't have her, I get my workouts in right after work but then so many excuses pop up so it still only ends up being 1 or 2 days during the workweek. I think if I get in the hang of a morning routine I could be more consistent and get 5-6 days a week instead of 3 or 4 which will make a huge difference in my weightloss I think. Any suggestions??