
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Laura - I hope everything goes well for you and your parent's house and all that other stuff you have to do. There is certainly a lot to do.

    (Should have written down the name) I do not understand throwing a child out for religious reasons. You are very kind for taking a child in and she is very lucky to have you. My cousin did the same thing 15-20 years ago. She was a manager at a grocery store and one of the cashiers was living in her car in the parking lot. Her parents moved and left her behind because she did not want to change High Schools in her senior year. My cousin took her in and turned their garage into a bedroom. Doesn't sound like much, but it was what they could do. For her 21st birthday they asked her what she wanted and she said she wanted them to adopt her, so they did.

    I am standing firm with both my son and my husband on what I want and what I need. They are so use to me being so easy going and compromising it is a big shock to them. But, I will not be rushed and I will not let things important to me be gotten rid of.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!
    Been so busy packing and bringing stuff to new home.Construction is under way for our room.If it`s not done,we`re moving this week-end,if we have to sleep on the floor.The stress here is getting to me.
    So I will be here when I can cheering you all on.
    Have a great day!!
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Happy Wednesday ladies!!

    I talked to my trainer at the gym this morning about my back. He has me using that lower back muscle machine and I end up all achy for the day when I use it. He's changing me to using free weights which I adore anyway. I'll give an update after a few sets of that..

    Weight is steady today, energy level high, house a wreck so I'll log in more exercise with housecleaning today LOL

    Love seeing all the supportive and encouraging posts on here.

    9 days smoke free! Go me!
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    "9 days smoke free! Go me!
    Jan "

    @Jan - :flowerforyou:
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, that was "me" (Donna = amiscci). I think this girls parents were quite unhappy for two reasons: a) she was having a closer relationship with her boyfriend than what was allowed (altho she was 20 years old) and they demanded that she give up her BF. Golly I've known that kid too since he was about 5 years old and he's a REALLY good kid. But the premarital sex thing from what I understand is a biggie no-no for her religion. b) the religious coherance of their home was a huge deal, she couldn't come back unless she re-embraced the church. These folks seem to have taught their kids to be pretty self reliant starting at age 18-- not a lot of money nor financial help from parents-- that's not a bad thing but they just totally "left her behind" in so many ways.

    The part that irks me is that they moved without telling US, and they know where she lives. I have no idea how to contact them if I wanted to. Also, they made her come and load their moving van when they moved :-) and her dad is occasionally in our area for his work, and hardly sees her. I made a huge effort at trying to get her (rental kid) to see them when they were in living here-- go to dinner, spend Christmas there, etc, hoping it would help soften the tension but it was never good. Dad wouldn't even (this past week) share his tax info until very last minute so she missed the date to apply for financial aide for college.. hopefully it will work out as she finally got it this week but.. she may not be able to go back to school here in a few weeks. It seems intentional for sure-- just making life hard.

    Lastly, she's my friend on facebook. I occasionally see the "isn't my dad the best dad in the world" and I shudder a bit. I do wish
    they all could get together and have a good family unit, but inside of me screams "not so much" more than I'd like about them being good people. I think it has less to do with religion as just being careless parents and trying to use power to coerce her into living the life they want for her. As parents we all want our kids to be happy, tolerant, and self-sufficent-- I just can't see ever turning my back (unless, as another poster noted about her nephew, there are major drugs and life issues you can't manage.) This is a GOOD kid. I joke about "rental daughter" b/c I now see her as one of my own to a great extent. It's not perfect but she has a family again :-)
    have a super day!
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    Went to dear Dr today - A1c = 5.6 (good), Cholesterol = 219 (high - with Simvistatin), CRP = 6.4 (high)

    So I guess my body does not like Simvistatin - going to try generic of Lipitor next.... what can you do :>/
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Morning everyone, I got in my walking this morning even though I got up late. I have stayed on play so far and have lost 4.5 lbs. My goal is 5 lbs a month, knowing that the first month will probably be greater (well at least I hope so) I have been increasing my walking a little each day, working toward my 5 to 10 miles a day. I enjoy walking outside, now I just have to add some strength training.
    Jane- I know moving into a new place is exciting, don't let it stress you out.
    Laura- any babies yet?
    Hope everyone has a great day. Tigress
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump day Wednesday (that much closer to the weekend)

    Sandhill- on your hands and knees doing the weed pulling, yep that would be a good workout. It's a good thing you are already planning on how you will get your eating right during the school year...it's all in the planning:drinker:
    ~ Kathyszoo-glad you are healing and have made it into your bed off the couch. Good for you on doing those chair exercises to keep you in shape while your foot heals:flowerforyou:
    Carolyn- you are right it's all in the planning, when you plan for it it really does help keep you on track:happy:
    ~ Deb A- My DIL married to son #1 lives in Las Vegas and works for a private school and her new job is to learn all that she can about the new high tech (i pads etc) things and how to incorporate them into the classroom, her job is to teach the teachers how to use them...she loves her new job:love: . I eat pretty low carb and high protein, you can check out my food diary if you want to and I will answer any questions you may have.:flowerforyou:
    Meg- hoping your hubbys surgery goes well:flowerforyou: ICU nurses truly ROCK, when my parents had been in ICU the nurses were always so nice, helpful and compassionate:love:
    ~Polly- Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: Hope it was a good one.
    Brenda- All day I will be thinking about what am I proud of today for what accomplishment....hummmm....:ohwell:
    ~Janehadj- :noway: 17" waist...yep I remember that from Gone with the Wind....I don't think I've every had that:noway:
    Dixie-good for you planning and packing your food for your trips for hubbys treatments. Glad he's having good days and feeling happy:flowerforyou:
    ~Liz-sorry you are having computer issues but glad you have a phone that you can still access MFP on:flowerforyou:
    AZDee- I will head over to Atkins and vote:happy:
    ~cj-have a safe journey with your son, enjoy that time with him:happy:
    Sundance-even a short fall is painful, makes me hurt just thinking about it:happy:
    lentigogirl- ahhh that empty nest:cry: in 2002 all three of my sons moved out in a 6 month period, boy was it hard:sad:
    Yesterday once again we thought (that will teach us to think) that Gradson #3 was coming, DIL #2 saw the midwife and she did some procedure that we thought would make it a happen...NOT:grumble: I even left the dog at home and had brought my camera to work with me so I could go straight to the hospital....then last night after our bike ride we hurried home to shower and clean up so we'd be ready....this little one is just liking his warm cosy cooker and doesn't want to arrive:grumble: so we continue to wait.

    I had a .4 loss from last week:happy: I'm really glad for that, of course I'd like a larger loss but I do know that these last few pounds will only come off kicking and screaming as they just seem to love me:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies, this is a great place:flowerforyou:

    Everyone have a good day, eat it and log it, drink it and log it and then get up and move it and log it...that's how we will win at this journey:drinker:

  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    To answer how I lost the weight....well I started out in Jan 2010 found this group of women over 50 made friends (to whom most are gone...:( hope you are all doing well) anyway a friend said mfp really helped her so I joined. That's about all I did, tried working out, tired dieting but if someone brought in something unexpected that would be cause to go off the diet....Each day I started out fresh and really tried until around 4:00p somehow by bedtime I would have killed any hopes of losing that day. Each morning brought another day of being mad at my self and me saying to myself another day to live fat.....I was so depressed and just felt like at 57 my life was doomed to be lived as a old fat lady...
    Then last summer at my grand babies 1st birthday party I saw pictures of my backside, (not my best view) and something snapped, they were so gross I could not continue that was 9/24/2011
    I started eating what I call a motivated Atkins plan, I did not go crazy with unlimited fats, but ate mostly lean proteins, vegetables, and berries and Greek yogurt, eggs...nothing in a box or can....wow all real foods!
    With in a few days the sugar was out of the system and so was the hunger, the weight finally started to come off and that was a great moderator.
    so here are the things that made this time so different. #1 is How bad to you want it #2 the decision to be on a diet has already been made (so when these dough nuts show up at work, you already know the answer) #3 The scale was my new best friend (for me I weighed daily) it kept me motivated #4 Log into MFP daily it will keep you honest, and the support is wonderful...
    I truly believe I am a sugar addict and it took getting all the sugar out of my system for me to get a clear head, one that would allow me to stay faithful to this program....

    So as far as the question did I do this with Atkins, yes but like I said, I still watched how many calories and kept the fats low, but followed the rest as far as no carbs and sugars....it works for me...so if anyone would like to support me go to facebook and enter in the search box on top, atkins all star competiton, I am on page 2.....I am only trying to win in my age group, the prize is $1,000 wooohooo that could help in some skin reduction....
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    first time here... will make the attempt to check in frequently.... I am a THYCA survivor....my metabolism is way off.... but slow and steady wins the race.... 10 years ago I was 350lb ++ I lost 200 and stayed there for 3 years.... Fell in love, started cooking more and working out less and gained 38 lbs! yikes! Joined MFP in May and have made conscious efforts to up my workouts and improve my choices in food.......My goals for august

    hit the gym AT LEAST 5 times a week

    eat more fiber rich food

    drink AT LEAST 10 cups of water

    add strength training
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning,

    I had to fast last night for lab tests today and hypoglycemics do not fast well (blood sugar levels plummet). So between the lab and the bone density test I grabbed breakfast in the the little tea shop. Since it was located in the Health and Wellness Center I figured it had to 'healthy'. Well, it certainly was delicious, I had a 'muffin-sized' spinach omelet and a barey,zucchini and cranberry muffin. When I tried to calculate the nutritional values using recipes I found online, I found I had used up almost twice my normal breakfast calories, wow!. Too delicious to regret, I now know that I will behave a little better the rest of today thanks to the 'calculator!

    While putting a recipe on the calculator takes a little longer, it certainly is a reality check and well worth the effort. I feel a little more confident that this time I will break through the 200 lb. barrier with the technology of this website and the support of people who understand. I really feel it is important to regain my health and enjoy my years as yet another friend has been smacked with the big "C", lymphoma. It makes my heart ache.

    Love yourself first my friends and all else will come a little easier,
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Today is still dreary but not raining. A friend asked me to go bike riding and before we knew it we had ridden 14 miles. It may not be much to some but it sure gave me a workout. Plus a day off from the boring treadmill. Eating sensibly and recording everything.

    For all you with health issues I am sending out my admiration for taking this journey for yourself and your health. Every day is a day closer to being off the BP and diabetic medications. Stay strong!

    Laura- Hoping that Grandbaby # 3 arrives safely and healthy!! I enjoy reading the posts and find great encouragement, so thanks!

    Jan- Yay for no smoking!!!

    Everyone else- Way to go!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Started the day out good-reading all your posts and eating a good breakfast and then even did my chair exercises. Unfortunately, I should have limited myself to upper body ones and did not. Needless to say, my toe is throbbing so back to elevation and ice I go.:grumble:

    “Whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you set this goal in the first place.”


    Thought this was a good quote for the day-hope everyone has a productive one!

  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Hello ladies!!!!!.......Day 2 for me on MFP ....I think my family thinks that means I ...need to Exercise every minute....this morning my 37 yr old son went on a bike ride with me...( I was going to take a break..I kind of abused my back yesterday).....He started a page as well. His goal is to lose 75# !!!...mine is less then that...but as he said this morning.....and I quote " Geez, Mom!!, if you can do this with all your injuries.....then count me in!!....how do I do this now???!!".......I am so proud of him......For finally taking control!......Ladies keep those motivating stories coming....They make me feel good and make me want to work even harder to reach my daily goal.....My back is killing me but I will not let the pain win!!.....I will do what I can and worry about the consequences when they happen....until then...my bike will be used daily....
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Good afternoon lovely ladies!

    Had a nice birthday yesterday. DH bought me more time with my trainer at the gym so I can keep working toward my 50# goal. That was a nice present. My 16-year-old son made me a workout playlist on my i-pod with his favorite electronic dance music. I used it on the treadmill this morning and it worked great! It's not music I would ordinarily listen to, but it definitely upped my energy and it gave me a little insight into what he listens to, since he's always wearing headphones.

    Michele -- I have to measure my food too, because I have trouble knowing how much 1/4 cup of something is, or how much is 1 ounce of lettuce. I finally broke down last week and bought a $5 scale at Walmart. It came with a removable measuring cup on top which makes it easy to weigh/measure stuff. It's keeping me honest and helping me develop a better eye for small amounts which I'm hoping will carry over into my cooking when school starts in a few weeks. How's the pool construction going? And I like your trick of having tea while others are having dessert. Gives you something to consume while others are indulging.

    PS2CR --Welcome. You mentioned you like skating as your exercise. What kind of skating do you like to do?

    Amanda -- Hope you're feeling better today. I think of you everytime I catch a few minutes of the Olympics on TV and send you a little "hello!" thought.

    LindaSundance B -- Your post about how your thinking has evolved about diet and feeding yourself healthy things was helpful to me. For years I ate things that I wanted because they tasted good, and I ended up fat and not feeling good -- physically AND emotionally. Now I'm feeling like I can say, "I did that. And now for something completely different!" I'm ready to feel good physically AND emotionally, and changing what I put into my body is an important part of that.

    Laura -- You mentioned that you are trying to give up wheat to see whether it will help you feel better. Me too. I've cut out wheat since the beginning of July, and although I don't have a diagnosis for Celiac's disease, I'm feeling more myself than I can remember. Let us know how it's going for you.

    JuneKaatz -- Congrats on 4# lost despite the good food at the family reunion. Way to go!

    Lin -- sounds like you and your friend had a great outing despite the heat.

    Jeannie -- Sorry July was a difficult month for you. Glad you are here. Here's hoping that August will be a little better. Planning and packing a healthy lunch whenever you can is a great start!

    Supermoo2 -- Wow -- 42# lost in 6 mos is great! It sounds like planning a running program soon might be a good next step. I'm not even close to that step yet, but I'm starting to dream of it. My trainer had me run for 20 seconds and then walk for 40 seconds on the treadmill yesterday. I'm imagining myself running a 5K everytime I'm in my 20-second jog. LOL

    Lou3753 -- I was in a food rut too. I bought two new cookbooks (one gluten free) to give me some new ideas and to help me replace old standby recipes that weren't very healthy.

    Laura 8011 -- Hope that Grandson #3 comes before the weekend. Watch for a big change in barometric pressure -- sometimes that brings on labor. Worked for me 17 years ago...

    SandhillsMom -- Planning make-ahead lunches and snacks before school starts up again is smart. I'm taking my 2 new cookbooks with me to the beach on Friday so I can do that planning too. I'm switching from elementary to middle school this year and so I'll have a chance to establish my eating habits with a new group of colleagues. I'll be teaching back-to-back blocks right through the lunch schedule, however, so I'm not sure how I'll manage my 5 mini meals on that schedule. Planning the snacks will be key, I think.

    Kathyszoo -- Glad you're able to get into your bed again. How are you doing with the chair exercises? Are there any you can do with a resistance band, just to keep things interesting?

    DebA -- You asked for ideas for other forms of protein besides chicken and turkey. How about eggs -- quiche, or omlettes are quick, and you can add veggies for an easy one-dish supper. Go Mexican with tomatoes, fresh cilantro and avocado and a sprinkle of chili powder. Another one I like is to throw in some left-over asparagus. Hardboiled eggs are easy to pack for lunch, or you can dice them onto a pile of mixed greens. Beans and lentils are another great source of protein. I use them in soups a lot, or add a 1/4 cup of chickpeas or kidney beans to my salad. A friend of mine uses bean curd, too. I haven't found any ways to prepare it that will work for my family, but it might work for you. I'm interested in what you figure out about using the ipads for your math classes, too. I'll be teaching middle school math full-time this year after being in elementary school for the past 6 years. I teach kids who are learning English, and I'll be co-teaching with the Math Dept. Chair. Wish me luck!

    Brenda -- thanks for the reminder about being proud of every step we take to accomplish our goals. For so long I've been evaluating myself on all the things I don't do or can't do anymore because of my weight or lack of energy or will. I need to re-adjust how I think about everything. Thinking of what I do each day to move towards this new lifestyle will help me gain momentum.

    Dixie -- Good for you for packing your breakfast and lunch for your days on the road! I'm glad that's helping. I hope your DH continues to feel happy and has more good days ahead. Keeping you both in my prayers.

    cjspensley -- lunch meeting at work can be deadly. My last principal would always just order a pizza when we had lunch meetings and that was a nightmare. If you are eating out, try looking up the menu online ahead of time so you can figure out what you'll order. If you're ordering in, you can always just bring your own lunch and join everyone with a smile. I think planning is key.

    Dyetcoke1 -- Saw a similar picture of body fat when I was looking for inspiration pictures to post for myself. It's hard for me to imagine that's what's under my skin, but now that I've seen it, I want it out of my body. I didn't end up keeping that picture. Instead, I found a headless photo of a woman with a large middle, and a photo of a 40-something Olympic swimmer Dara Torres who is as lean as you can imagine. Those two photos are hanging on my shower door. "This? Or This?" I might never look like that photo of Dara Torres, but those pictures are a frequent reminder of what I'm trying to accomplish.

    Jane -- Hope all goes well with your move this weekend. It will be good to sleep in your own space, even if everything isn't ready. When we moved into our house 8 years ago we had bare lightbulbs hanging from wires, no doorknobs, missing trim, and only one working bathroom, but I slept like a rock that first night, just happy to finally be "in." All in good time.

    Jan -- 9 days smoke free? Good for you! Keep it up. Your body will thank you, and so will your family.

    Welcome to all the other newbies I missed. Keep posting and coming back. Keep drinking your water (I'm up to 7 glasses a day now, ugh), and keep logging your food. Breathe. Then smile! You're doing something good and important. It's worth being happy about!

    Thanks again for all the birthday wishes. Turning 55 isn't so bad! :drinker:

  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    My goals for August is to eat right, exercise, lose weight, & bring my blood pressure down. And have more energy to enjoy my grandkids & keep up with them.
  • HellySuccess
    HellySuccess Posts: 39 Member
    Greetings and encouragement to all! Success over excess! We can do it!

    Jumping in here on August 8th, better a bit late than never! I'm so happy to see this topic, as I wandered through the "looking for a twin" thread and couldn't see any other "oldies but goodies". I'm 56 years young, lol.

    My goals for August: log all my food; stick to my calorie goal *almost* every day; increase my excercise; enjoy life! Oh yes, and don't beat myself up if I have a bad day, just get back to it the following day!

    “Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.” ~ Rumi
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Just checking in before taking my lunch hour. Don't have time to make replies, but wanted to say thanks Sundance and others. Yes, we can persevere! My foot problem is much improved this week thanks to the inserts from the podiatrist. Slow and steady wins the race. Have managed to stay almost under my goal this week. Only 19 calories over on the one day I wasn't under goal. If I can get through August with no weight gain and start to get comfortable again (get my mojo back) with the whole diet-exercise-logging regimen, that will be a win for me!
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    @ Walker that is going to be my issue. I teach back to back classes (6) until lunch at 1:38. I will definitely be snacking it during the day somehow. A brutal schedule but I love having planning at the end of the school day.
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Hi all! I've been lurking on this thread for a few days trying to get my motivation in gear. You are all so inspiring! My story - overweight childhood, did WW first time at 16. I am finally back down to my starting weight back then. I had weight loss surgery 10 years ago (BPD-DS) and have more or less maintained a 100lbs loss. Never really hit my goal weight however and that's what I'm trying to do now. I only have about 10lbs to go. Been playing back and forth and know that I definitely feel better with a low carb plan. I managed to get off sugar and get my carbs under control, but let it all slide while on vacation. Also had to take a break from Zumba, both bad moves. So anyhow, here I am, logging my food to keep my eye on my carbs and sugars. My new FitBit should be arriving tomorrow and I am motivated to get back to a routine. Looking forward to getting to know you and being able to offer support wherever I can.
