Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    Oh, I have a lot of these, too. When I was a kid, nearly everyone in my family (except my Mom) would fat shame me. My father used to tell me that if I didn't stop eating so much, I'd become too big to fit through a doorway. My cousins used to insult me with, "At least I'm not fat!" I had disordered eating habits at such a young age because of the comments, and I've always been self conscious about my body.

    The thing is, when I look back at pictures of myself when I was a kid, I get so angry. I see now that I was a healthy looking kid. About ten pounds off from chubby, but not the morbidly obese cow that my family made me feel like I was. If they had said nothing and provided me with healthier meals, that slight baby fat would have disappeared as I grew. Instead, I took their comments to heart, and my disordered eating habits destroyed my metabolism, so I've always had difficulty losing the weight.

    The first time I lost a lot of weight was the last year of college. It started when a girl in my class was doing a photo project on unhealthy eating and came to me because she wanted a fat girl to model for her. I was devastated. I refused to speak to her again. But that prompted me to lose weight the first time. I lost 30 pounds, and unfortunately gained all of it back and more because I had lost it through disordered eating.

    The biggest difficulty is having a husband, who is very fit and lean, and who weighed less than I did. Last year, I was at my heaviest. I was so self conscious that I struggled with intimacy, because I felt ashamed that I weighed a good 40 pounds more than he did. I lost weight over the last year (the HEALTHY way, this time!), and finally we balanced out. I haven't seen him for almost two months now, and since then I finished the 30 Day Shred, and am a week into Ripped in 30 and I can't wait for him to see how much my body has changed in such a short period! :happy:
  • sadira86
    sadira86 Posts: 23 Member
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Similar to others, I've had a guy I had a crush on tell me to my face that he didn't date fat girls and just had them as friends because skinny girls were for banging.

    I've had people ask me when I'm due...

    I think the all-time most embarrassing was when I split my work pants. And not just a little. Oh no. My *kitten* was so huge that you could see my undies. And it was at work so every time I bent over, all the cars driving by could see everything.
  • *bookmarked
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member

    One of mine was in elementary school. I was a very chubby kid (short, weighed 85lbs in 4th grade, 120lbs in 6th grade, so I'm guessing around 100 or so in 5th grade) and always got teased for it. I don't really remember specific things that were said to me from that time, but just a lot of teasing. But the things I list below are ones that have stuck with me and still randomly pop into my head for no reason (*yay* brain >_< :grumble: )

    One girl asked me in the lunch line if I weighed 100lbs. Said thing about it is that I was in 4th grade/85lbs at the time, not too far off and I knew it. When I said, "no," she kept guessing higher amounts. That sucked.

    When I was 11 y/o in 5th grade, the entire class (37 of us) was sitting on the floor for whatever reason. Everyone was smushed together between the first row of desks and the blackboard. I had to get up to use the bathroom and tried to navigate the sea of children. There was no room to walk without stepping on someone's hand and in an effort not to do so, I somehow lost my balance and OF COURSE fell in the lap of the rudest, most annoying boy in the class :grumble: :embarassed: . He made some snide remark, yelling out "in pain" about how I fell on him, I'm so heavy, blah blah blah. That was really embarrassing, especially since I was trying to walk through the kids WITHOUT that happening.....:explode: :sad:

    My mother has been a big woman ever since I can remember. When we would go clothes shopping in elementary school, I would pick things off the rack and her comments would always be along the lines of, "Sorry, baby, that's not the kind of clothing for your body type," or, "You don't have the right body type for that." That stung :ohwell: . I always felt like she could've said it in a different way, especially with her being big (you know, understanding how I felt, or something). She probably DID feel she was saying it nicely, but I was a sensitive kid.

    The summer between 6th and 7th grade I lost 20lbs and actually started getting a lot of attention from the boys--I lost 20lbs, but not my boobs! :laugh: :drinker: I was a C cup at 12 :noway: . Some kid who used to tease me in 6th grade for being fat came up to me and said, "Hey, didn't you used to be fat??" :noway: This was said in a crowded classroom. I took it as a backhanded compliment (he actually meant it as a compliment). It really hurt, but at the same time, he said I "used to be," and not that I "am" anymore. It was bittersweet.
  • Most people avoided calling me fat either because they were afraid of me or they just didn't want to go there, but I did have one guy in high school come up to me and ask, "Are you pregnant?" When I said no, he said, "Well you look like it." That stung.
  • Honestly, I've never really had any ultra embarrassing fat moments. At least none that stick out in my head. I did do something awful once, though; in my 5th grade Halloween party, one of my female classmates dressed up as an Englishman (the top hat and monocle look), and I asked her... OMG... I asked her, "What are you supposed to be? A fat man?" Stupidly, I thought she was wearing stomach padding or something. She glared hard at me, and I realized my mistake and just walked away. Keep in mind, I was only about 10!
  • :love: I know how you feel, I am sorry you are being mistreated, I hope and pray you will continue to LOVE yourself and keep wanting to do this for you and your health not for ______________..:heart:
  • No particularly excrutiating moment, but when I was growing up (have been heavy since I was about 10 years old) I used to get "You would be so pretty if you would just lose the weight" and "You have such a pretty face" comments a lot. At my grandmother's funeral, I gave the eulogy. Right before we got started my Great Aunt came up to me and said, "You look nice, just don't get any bigger." Seriously, at a funeral. What a b!tch.
  • 1. Jr High - a boy said he couldnt be my boyfriend because his friends would laugh at him.
    2. Elementary - found a note a girlfriend of mine wrote said, "hey hey hey, it's fat amanda"
    3. Jr High - same boy from #1 would rate me on the "earthquake richter" scale when i walked by

    the moral here is that this was all when i was younger and i am older and smarter now and i realize that. Those words still hurt at times but knowing that i am a good person and that i can lose the weight - i am ok. people that dont like me.. dont have to.

    i used to be 280+, lost down to 155 at one point and slowly gained up to 170 prior to gettin gmarried. the weight i need to lose now is from being pregnant and i wouldnt change that for the world. Knowing i lost it once before i know i can do it again!

    people that pick on people.. for ANY REASON are only insecure in their own body and are only tryin to make themselves feel better by making someon else feel worse.
  • rickpearce
    rickpearce Posts: 100 Member
    I don't think anything anybody's ever said to me, or any experiences I've had or didn't have because of my size has ever upset me as much as things I think about myself when I am down on myself.
  • Can totally understand this! We are our own worst critic and we need to STOP and remind ourselves that we are beautiful/handsome JUST THE WAY WE ARE!!!
  • I think the most humiliating thing I've ever experienced on account of my weight is being shooed out of a trendy clothing store while vacationing in Italy because it would be bad for business if someone of my size was seen shopping there.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I think the most humiliating thing I've ever experienced on account of my weight is being shooed out of a trendy clothing store while vacationing in Italy because it would be bad for business if someone of my size was seen shopping there.

    How horrihle!

    I had the guy at the DMV give me a look when I told him my weight. He said "Really, you are going to lie about it? I naturally add 15 lbs for girls who lie. Now give me your true weight." The horror is I wasn't telling a lie. I guess I looked even bigger than I was.
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    In high school at a pep assembly in the Gym, with the whole school, K-12 I went to sit on a table where other kids were sitting and it collapsed in front of everyone when I sat on it!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    This one time at band camp I got stuck in my tuba. They had to use the crisco I had in my back pocket to grease me up enough to slip out. I will never live down the name Tubby The Tuba. Years in therapy over that one.

    Seriously though... any time I've taken off my shirt has been bad for me. Hell it still is.

    My wife once got shooed out of a Secret lingerie store when she was pregnant. You mothers out there know that angery spur you get .. yeah toss in some Russian and German blood into the mix and some 90+ degree summer heat. Ohhh boy! I really do wish I was there to see that throw down happen. Heard about it and it was better sounding than any Ali fight!

    *Edited for spelling error
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    I think the most humiliating thing I've ever experienced on account of my weight is being shooed out of a trendy clothing store while vacationing in Italy because it would be bad for business if someone of my size was seen shopping there.

    How horrihle!

    :noway: That is just insane. I can't beleive they would do something like that to you. I'm so sorry :cry: :flowerforyou:

    I had the guy at the DMV give me a look when I told him my weight. He said "Really, you are going to lie about it? I naturally add 15 lbs for girls who lie. Now give me your true weight." The horror is I wasn't telling a lie. I guess I looked even bigger than I was.

    :noway: :huh: Ummm....I would have *loved* to deck that guy in the face. smh
  • I remember going on Seasonique birth control and gaining 12 pounds in 3 weeks. May not sound like alot but when your short with a small frame it definitely shows up.
    My best friend at the time was dating the most sexist man I've even met, and I remember telling her, not realizing she was on the phone with him on speaker-mode, that I wanted to do half-hour walks to lose weight. I heard him laugh and say ,"better make that two-hour jogs..." And she giggled like it was the funniest joke ever while I was still standing there, ugh.
    But I am a believer in karma, ever since then she's been used up by equally piggish men and I'm with a lad that accept me at any body type :3
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I had the guy at the DMV give me a look when I told him my weight. He said "Really, you are going to lie about it? I naturally add 15 lbs for girls who lie. Now give me your true weight." The horror is I wasn't telling a lie. I guess I looked even bigger than I was.

    Oh my god, how rude!
  • I sat on a plastic table in front of my bf trying to look sexy and I broke it. He still laughs about it.