
  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    Happy to have found this place. MFP is a great tool. There's no excuse for me not logging my food - EVERYTHING is in the database, and it's so easy on my iPhone.

    Wednesday wishes - I wish I could go back in time and convince myself to change my lifestyle earlier. Not an advocate of living in the past, but it sure would be nice to have caught myself sooner.

    I'm committed to this goal, and I'm excited for the new "me" that's ahead. Thanks all for your support.

    That's a good one
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I don't know about you guys but sometimes i feel like all I do is talk about my weight loss and journey and focus on every piece of food I put in my mouth. And sometimes I feel like maybe people take me the wrong way and think I'm trying to get them to live the way I do or whatever. But my Dad gave me this line today it was great:::::

    "I'm sorry if your mistaking my enthusiasm for pressure"

    I just love it!

    Sorry just had to share.

    I love this - your dad sounds great! :love:
    I am dealing with my hunger at meals by really slowing them down. I drink a big glass of water first, then prepare my veggies. I eat them, putting the fork down between bites. I will take sips of water. When done with veggies, I make myself wait 10 -20 minutes before I eat my small supper - little chicken, pasta, just a handful of veggies - usually my dinner is just a heated up Healthy Choice meal. Again I do the fork down routine. I always have calories for a snack bar and a glass of warm skim milk (with sweetener added) in the later evening.

    I've learned, by not bolting my food down, I get fuller this way. It's more time-consuming, but the food is savored and enjoyed more.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish that my boyfriend would also try and lose weight with me. I love him very much and plan on spending the rest of my life with him (if he'll put up with me for that long) but I am afraid he won't be around as long because he is so unhealthy.
  • Hi All!
    I am new to MFP nd for what I have read so far, that this seems to be the right path that I have chosen. I need to lose a substanial amount of weight, nd I hope with this thread nd listening to everyone I can achieve that. I haven't been that active of a person, I am a school bus driver here in Florida. Just this week my husband nd children have been walking with me after dinner, (in between all the rain we have been getting)
    I am eager to make new friends nd learn new ways of eating nd recipes....
    I am very excited to be a part of this wonderful group
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Wednesday Wish: I wish that my boyfriend would also try and lose weight with me. I love him very much and plan on spending the rest of my life with him (if he'll put up with me for that long) but I am afraid he won't be around as long because he is so unhealthy.

    I know what you mean there. My boyfriend isn't big big(well he's tall) but has gotten a belly and almost always eats mcdonalds for lunch at work and pretty much only drinks dr. pepper and super sweet tea. I know he doesn't like veggies too much but I don't think he's really sat down and tried them. The only time there is anything fruit or veggie related in his apartment is when I'm there... You'd think working in the TLE at walmart would help him to stay fit.. Nope his belly has just gotten bigger and if he keeps it up it will only get bigger.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Do I get to stay?

    It's official today, I no longer have 100 lbs to lose. I'm 99lbs from my final goal. :love::smooched:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Do I get to stay?

    It's official today, I no longer have 100 lbs to lose. I'm 99lbs from my final goal. :love::smooched:

    Congratulations!!! Can't wait until I get to that point.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I can't believe its after 5PM and I am just now getting on. Have had a busy day and am tired. I caught up on the posts, but am too pooped to respond to them all. Loved reading them though.

    Robin, I wish you would have sent some of that rain southeast to us in Kansas City.

    My wish for today is that it RAIN, RAIN and Rain some more. They were talking on TV the other night that its been so dry and hot the pumpkins aren't growing and neither is much else.

    My eating for today is good, just have to walk Belle when it cools off. Everyone have a good evening.

  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    Do I get to stay?

    It's official today, I no longer have 100 lbs to lose. I'm 99lbs from my final goal. :love::smooched:

    Way to go!!!!
  • Unfortunately I'm allergic to nuts. I've tried eating fruit, but that gets expensive. But with no appetite, no food is appealing in any form. Thanks for the thoughts though.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Wednesday Wish :flowerforyou:

    My only wish is that my mother's surgery goes well tomorrow and she gets moved to rehab soon. I'm physically exhausted from all the running back and forth. Caring for two adults that don't live with you is very draining. I guess I could wish for my brother to pitch in and help me but that will NEVER HAPPEN :grumble: .

    Thank you everyone for your well wishes. It means a lot to me :heart: :heart: .
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Wednesday Wishes:

    ~ I wish for my homeroom to be full so super sweet kids (it was)
    ~ I wish to be able to do my C25K workout without my knees killing me ( I did)
    ~ I wish to be in bed by 8pm (Still waiting to see how that turns out!)

    I hope everyone has a GREAT day! And @ all of you out there who have lost more weight and are meeting the goals you set for yourself...KUDOS to YOU! I don't think you all realize how inspiring you are to me. :)
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Do I get to stay?

    It's official today, I no longer have 100 lbs to lose. I'm 99lbs from my final goal. :love::smooched:

  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish that my boyfriend would also try and lose weight with me. I love him very much and plan on spending the rest of my life with him (if he'll put up with me for that long) but I am afraid he won't be around as long because he is so unhealthy.

    I know what you mean there. My boyfriend isn't big big(well he's tall) but has gotten a belly and almost always eats mcdonalds for lunch at work and pretty much only drinks dr. pepper and super sweet tea. I know he doesn't like veggies too much but I don't think he's really sat down and tried them. The only time there is anything fruit or veggie related in his apartment is when I'm there... You'd think working in the TLE at walmart would help him to stay fit.. Nope his belly has just gotten bigger and if he keeps it up it will only get bigger.

    Yeah, he works with me in the call center, so I can make sure he doesn't eat McDonald's and stuff. We live together and I buy the lunch stuff when we go grocery shopping. He is willing to try the food I will be making, so far nothing out of the ordinary, but he is a picky eater. He did say he wanted to try doing the breakfast smoothie thing with me though... so maybe if he sees results from me changing my life he will be more motivated to do so as well.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Bella -- thinking of you and your mother; hope all goes well.

    @lady_song -- Upping your exercise should up your appetite (though I find that I have less appetite immediately after exercising, but it comes back later in the day). Try to get a little more active. Otherwise, eat little and often, and keep around nutritious but hi-cal snacks (nuts, dates, olives, avocado…). You need to eat enough to keep going! Or your metabolism goes all loopy and you have no energy for anything. Good luck!

    @Robin -- a big thanks for all you do as moderator! If you're trying to tackle the size of the thread, you might want to discourage newlings who have way less than 100lb to lose? There are probably other groups that would work better for them.

    @CelticHippo -- we'll be at Cropredy too! Leon's is pretty healthy, but once again we are taking most of our food with us. We generally eat one meal a day from food vans, cook breakfast (mmm love those low-fat egg & bacon butties…) , and have a picnic lunch. I'll be trying to log, but all those pints of Wadworth's wreak havoc with my targets! I also need to get my cardio in; hopefully trekking from the campsite to the field with all our clobber will do the trick.

    To everyone who's trying to start exercise, even if it's only a few minutes -- well done. It's so much harder to begin than to carry on.

    Wednesday wish: that my family would join in with this...
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Congrats!!!! I cannot wait to post that I've got under 100 to lose. You're doing an AWESOME job. Keep it up!! You're going to do it!!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wed wish- that i could get the hang of staying within calories while i cannot exercise....
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    I found the new thread =) I thought I lost you all!!

    I've been insanely busy and only logging, no time for posting, but yesterday started my actual vacation (meaning I am no longer at the summer job and have the month of August to myself and Kenny Chesney) so I should be back soon.

    Update on me - I fear the scale as I think I gained a few pounds but by the end of this week I will have gotten on. Log it? Probably not!! Im stubborn. But I will do it!

    I made the appointment today for the first consult with the bariatric surgeon. WHile I don't know if this is the way I will be going I did say that I would explore all options and be open minded. It took me a while and I had a lot of help from people on this site, but I recognize that this isn't a solo journey and if theres a tool at my disposal that I can use it may be foolish to turn my back on it. We shall see.

    XOXOX missed you all!

    Glad you found us again, and that you'll get some real vacation for a bit!
    I was just trying to figure out how to make sure you found us... because breadcrumbs would have just been WRONG.:laugh:
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    @smithy - at least you're trying. The more stuff you try, the more chances you have for a healthy week. When we change what we eat, our palate changes with it, so continue to go back to things you "didn't like" and test your tastes for it as you progress on your journey.

    @gigi - take a look in your frozen food aisle for veggies and fruits. They tend to be less expensive. Also, look for what fruits are in season right now. Berries should be pretty cheap along with stone fruits (plums, apricots, peaches, etc.). Eating in season tends to take the pain out of the purchase.

    @kickingthesca, @coming4u - welcome

    @datenshi - I'm sorry for your loss.

    @MyM0wM0w - congratulations!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Do I get to stay?

    It's official today, I no longer have 100 lbs to lose. I'm 99lbs from my final goal. :love::smooched:


    OMG - of course you get to stay... you're one of the gang now!