About to give up and just accept im fat



  • Tucsonwoman
    Tucsonwoman Posts: 38 Member
    Hang in there girl! It's a slow process but you can do it! You're going to be chasing your little boy soon and you'll need to be in shape! lol! Hang in there!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    So you're good with weighing more?

    Try tracking and eating more fiber. I also agree that more vegetables and fruit would be good.

    Good luck!
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    I accepted my overweight condition for a year past the time I knew I had to do something, and I wasn't a very happy person. Yes, my thyroid is a little sluggish which makes it difficult, but not impossible to lose weight.

    This is a lifestyle change, not something I'll ever go off of. Nothing is going to stop me. From your posted pic, I see you have a little one. Maybe you could consider losing weight and getting healthy for your child. Both of you will be happier and healthier. If you are working your program and your weight doesn't change in 3-4 weeks, please let your doctor know what is going on. I wish you a happy and healthy future. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Another MFP'er asked this question the other day and got a lot of good information...if you want to know HOW to get better results and not just pats on the back....please check it out at:

  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I had the same problem you did. It wasn't until I cut carbs that the weight really started to come off. No more chips and bready sweets (cookies an cakes) and after only a short time you won't crave them. I had weeks where I lost 1lb and weeks with 4 or more. I agree with the protein also, try upping that. Lean meats or eas advantedge protein drinks are great, I like the strawberry. 110cals i think and like 40g protein. lots of water also trust me you'll feel better with working out also.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Okay, well looking at your food choices I am going to recommend that you make an attempt to eat some food that is good for you. I'm seeing Lucky Charms and Fritos for breakfast. Bad food is just going to make stress more acute because you just feel bad all the time.

    And what do you have if you give up? Those days pass anyway. You still have to eat. You might as well eat healthy food, log it correctly and see how it makes you feel. You will feel stronger, sleep better and have more energy to deal with the other changes in your life.
  • OK -- I looked at your diary and there is a lot of inconsistency in there. Processed foods, diet drinks and quick add calories aren't giving you enough nutrients to burn fat and probably don't taste very good either. Do you cook? Are you willing to buy fresh foods and learn how to make them. I have only lost a couple of pounds too in a month but my clothes fit better, the gym is easier, I am much more in control, my skin looks great and I have some energy. These are all good things.

    I get the frustration -- you are young, you want to look like you did before and you want to accomplish this before your wedding I assume. But slow is the way to do this. I think some basic changes to your diet will be a step in the right direction - as weil regular activity. Happy to friend you if you want some guidance. I have been eating clean for awhile and have a pretty good routine now.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Okay, 2 pounds is good! And inch is great, though! You're doing just fine- this is a process, not a switch to be flipped. Don't give up so soon :)
  • JeniSue28
    JeniSue28 Posts: 1,395 Member
    Don't give up. You can do it! It is a slow process, but you don't gain it all at one time, so it's not going to come off all at one time. If you are losing inches, you are losing body fat, but not necessarily pounds because you are strengthening and toning your muscles. Keep it up!
  • kfdunn
    kfdunn Posts: 14
    NO! Do not quit!

    MFP is a great tool to help you make data-driven decisions. Plan-Do-Check---- repeat. There are MANY reasons why your start is slow, but slow is not stopped! Actually, even the occasional slip-up is ok; get back up & start again.

    As for the unexpected results, some ideas:

    - Portion control matters. Guesstimating leaves sometimes too much room for uncertainty. Measuring cups & a food scale can eliminate the possibility of poor portion control.

    - It is possible to add muscle while losing fat. If you're working out a lot, that's a distinct possibility.

    - "Diet Foods" are your mortal enemy. Eat what we evolved to eat. The more something resembles its original form, the better your evolved metabolism is equipped to deal with it (many people have a distinct problem with insulin response to artificially sweetened sodas).

    - You may simply be shedding weight as gradually as most of us add it. The "diet industry" conditions our unrealistic expectations. Basis physiology limits FAT loss to a couple of pounds a week for a very big, rather muscular person - smaller people will shed less than that. 10 lb weight losses in a week are NOT tissue loss - that's IMPOSSIBLE; such losses are water loss & variation in bowel movements (sorry to be so indelicate).

    You are in control of your own life. You are in control of EVERYTHING you chose to eat or to not eat. You are in control of the "time at the edges" where you can squeeze in a little exercise (walk - best exercise there is). Hang in there!
  • DON'T GIVE UP!!!! as long as you are trying you are doing something good and healthy for yoursef...stick to it! WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING!!! NEVER GIVE UP
  • caba7
    caba7 Posts: 11
    hello, no giving up!! 2 lbs is still a good loss. The beginning is always hardest. we are all here to help one another. remember to log in all of your food you take in and dont use quick add calories pick what is closest to the food you ate. Also water, water, water. stay away from sugary products. Always make sure to eat at least 1200 calories a day and no less. I started out here with a weight of 216 and after 3 months down to 194 currently. i set a goal of to lose 20 lbs in 3 months that is what helped me. Set yourself a small goal and focus on that first then work on the next goal. We are friends already on here and you can message me anytime for advice or just for encouragement. We can do this together. Please dont give up!
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I tried for years to lose weight and I've now (as of this morning) lost over 18kg (or 40+lbs). The only difference between all those other times and this time is that this time I haven't given up.
    Please don't give up!! It isn't a quick fix, but in a years time you'll look back and either be so happy you stuck with it or disappointed that you didn't.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    Don't give up! At least you lost something....plus, you didn't fail. What this past month has shown you is that what you've been doing is not what's going to work to get you to your goal. This means you will have to re-vamp some things, your diet and training intensity and frequency.

    As far as diet, I would try to cut out at much processed foods as possible. I noticed in your diary you ate a bag of chili-cheese corn chips, which are yummy, by the way (LOL) but instead you could make some homemade chili with lean beef, kidney beans and some seasonings. Have a cup and take a FEW of the corn chips, smash them up and sprinkle them on as a topping. Have a side salad and a big glass of sparkling water with it.

    Or, I noticed you like sliced turkey breast. Great with some whole wheat bread and a TBS of that olive oil mayo. add a boiled egg and a cup of grapes.

    Instead of the pack of ramen noodles, make some homemade chicken soup in a crockpot. if you really need to have those ramen type noodles in there, use 1/2 of that brick only. You can fit little things you like in here and there.

    Join one of the 30 day shred programs going on at MFP. Then as extra cardio take the little cutie out for a walk in the stroller. The fresh air will do him good and you could push him and walk as fast as you want.

    Clean house extra vigorously. Instead of using swiffer wipes get down on your hands and knees and wash the floor by hand. (yes i'm old so this doesn't bother me haha) but it's still extra cals burned. rake some leaves, do something.

    you can do this. tighten up your diet, track it, and get moving. we're all here to help and good luck girl i know it's hard but just do it.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Sure, you can give up and six months from now you'll still be just as fat if not fatter. Or you can keep plugging away at it, learning as you go, and six months from now you will be thinner than you are now.

    What do you have to lose except the fat?

    Stop stressing over it. Just log everything correctly, follow your numbers, and make them a little better each day. And by logging I mean actually logging, not quick adding stuff which is a cop out. Start being honest with yourself. But most of all, stop stressing over it. Losing weight is as natural a process as gaining weight.

    You learn as you go.

    Or you quit trying and stay fat.

    Up to you, it's your life.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I tried for years to lose weight and I've now (as of this morning) lost over 18kg (or 40+lbs). The only difference between all those other times and this time is that this time I haven't given up.
    Please don't give up!! It isn't a quick fix, but in a years time you'll look back and either be so happy you stuck with it or disappointed that you didn't.

    AMEN! That's what I was trying to say in a nut shell. Losing weight is a life style not a diet or quick fix. It takes some people a year or more to see significant changes and you have to just keep at it or you will be disappointed that you didn't stick with it.
  • OK -- I looked at your diary and there is a lot of inconsistency in there. Processed foods, diet drinks and quick add calories aren't giving you enough nutrients to burn fat and probably don't taste very good either. Do you cook? Are you willing to buy fresh foods and learn how to make them. I have only lost a couple of pounds too in a month but my clothes fit better, the gym is easier, I am much more in control, my skin looks great and I have some energy. These are all good things.

    I get the frustration -- you are young, you want to look like you did before and you want to accomplish this before your wedding I assume. But slow is the way to do this. I think some basic changes to your diet will be a step in the right direction - as weil regular activity. Happy to friend you if you want some guidance. I have been eating clean for awhile and have a pretty good routine now.

    I Like to cook and i eat as clean as i can. I Do not have a bunch of money for food $80 for two weeks but when i get a job i will be able to put $50 more in which that will bring me to $130 but i really do want to eat clean. Maybe you can tell me some foods that are not out my budget.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    Great attitude, give up..
    Accept you are fat, deal with the health issues, the fact that your life will be shorter and you will probably gain more weight and you can add a re-introduction post to the introduction section.

    You could pull up your big girl panties, suck it up accept that its only been a month and you didn't get fat over night so you aren't going to lose it all over night and keep going.

    I think option 2 is the better option. No one ever said losing weight would be fun all the time.
  • Don't give up! At least you lost something....plus, you didn't fail. What this past month has shown you is that what you've been doing is not what's going to work to get you to your goal. This means you will have to re-vamp some things, your diet and training intensity and frequency.

    As far as diet, I would try to cut out at much processed foods as possible. I noticed in your diary you ate a bag of chili-cheese corn chips, which are yummy, by the way (LOL) but instead you could make some homemade chili with lean beef, kidney beans and some seasonings. Have a cup and take a FEW of the corn chips, smash them up and sprinkle them on as a topping. Have a side salad and a big glass of sparkling water with it.

    Or, I noticed you like sliced turkey breast. Great with some whole wheat bread and a TBS of that olive oil mayo. add a boiled egg and a cup of grapes.

    Instead of the pack of ramen noodles, make some homemade chicken soup in a crockpot. if you really need to have those ramen type noodles in there, use 1/2 of that brick only. You can fit little things you like in here and there.

    Join one of the 30 day shred programs going on at MFP. Then as extra cardio take the little cutie out for a walk in the stroller. The fresh air will do him good and you could push him and walk as fast as you want.

    Clean house extra vigorously. Instead of using swiffer wipes get down on your hands and knees and wash the floor by hand. (yes i'm old so this doesn't bother me haha) but it's still extra cals burned. rake some leaves, do something.

    you can do this. tighten up your diet, track it, and get moving. we're all here to help and good luck girl i know it's hard but just do it.

    Those are really great ideas. I Did the 30 day shred for about 6 days and gave up maybe i should try again.
  • Joysign8
    Joysign8 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok, well first off you need to eat all of your calories, being under your calorie goal actually puts you in starvation mode and your body will not release the weight. If your working out every day your body is going to require more calories, so you need to eat them. After each workout make sure your eating some kind of protein, it helps your body to recover. If your not drinking water start drinking it, very cold water hydrates you faster and room temp. water makes you feel fuller. Remember that the scale only measure 's your success by numbers you should also be feeling your cloths fit loser which means you have loss inches. Take it a day at a time, do not get on the scale everyday, once a week is enough. When it comes to food, think out of the box and find cookbooks that will give you low calorie but tasty foods to enjoy. I'm not an expert, but have been on a weight loss journey many time, losing 100 pounds twice, and then had to start some new medications and there went the weight right up again. I woke up before I put all of it back on, and now I'm working to get twenty more off, have done two 5Ks and two 10 K's this season and now training for a half marathon.All this with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and so at the age of 55 I"m doing it, so I know you can too. Dig deep inside and find the strength to move forward, set some goals and go for it. If you need a Cheer leader, friend me and I'll be there for ya!!!!